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新思维综合英语(1)Unit 10(6672),Unit10 Learning objectives,How to talk about the size of an apartment 如何谈论公寓大小How to ask about apartments 如何询问公寓情况How to talk about transportation如何谈论交通,Lesson 66Is it still available?,Debbie is looking for an apartment. Her friend Hiro is helping her.,Focus Questions,A 1. What is the apartment, which Hiro finds in the newspaper, like? 2. Why doesnt Debbie want the apartment? 3. Where is the one-bedroom for $650 a month?,B 1. Whats more about the one-bedroom apartment for $650 a month? 2. How is the public transportation? 3. Will Debbie accept the studio apartment? Why or why not?,Language points in the dialogue,How does this sound? 1. “这个听起来怎样?”一般来说这句话是个引子,好让对方注意自己接下来要说的话。人们有时也会说Listen作为开场白。 2. sound在这里是一个半系动词,后面接表语,如:It sounds great to me. 对表语提问的时候要用how。如:How are you feeling now? I feel better.,Sunny one-bedroom near transportation, centrally located 1. Sunny, 晴朗的,能晒到太阳,朝阳的 2. one-bedroom一居室(一间卧室加一间客厅,有厕所和厨房) 3. near transportation 交通方便 4. centrally “中心地”,这里表示市中心。 Its just what Im looking for. 句中what Im looking for做表语,相当于the one that Im looking for,这里的关系代词that可以省略。 to look for“寻找”,区别于find“找到”。,Its $850 a month including utilities. Including utilities means that the cost of services such as water and electricity are included in the amount charged for the rent. 水电等设施的费用已包含在房租内了。 Does it say how much it is? 这个句型是第十单元的语法重点,叫做embedded questions,嵌入式问句。这个句子中,特殊疑问句how much is it被嵌在另一个疑问句does it say中。这个时候被嵌入的问句需要用陈述句形式表达出来,也就是说how much is it放在does it say后面应该变为how much it is。,本课的两段对话中还出现了下列嵌入式疑问句: (In Dialogue A) (1) Does it say how much it is? (2) Do you have any idea where that is? (In Dialogue B) (3) Do you happen to know how often it runs during rush hour? (rush hour = peak hour高峰期) 学习一个常用句型:Do you know + 嵌入式疑问句。以上三句话可变成: (1) Do you know how much it is? (2) Do you know where that is? (3) Do you know how often it runs during rush hour? I cant afford to pay that much. 1. to afford to do something 有经济能力去做某事 2. that much意思是such a large sum of money。,Maybe you should look for a roommate. 1. 给他人提建议,经常会用should,you should do something这样的结构,如果前面加上maybe听起来会更委婉一些。如:Maybe you should find someone who can help. 也许你应该找个人帮忙。 2. roommate 室友。后缀mate 表示“同伴”。如:schoolmate 同学 classmate 同班同学。 No, Id rather have my own place. Id rather do something, 宁愿做某事 Id = I would 表达自己的喜好;宁可不做某事 Id rather not do something。对话中用到would rather 的句子有: (In Dialogue A) - Maybe you should look for a roommate. - No, Id rather have my own place.,(In Dialogue B) (1) - Do you have a car? - Yes, but Id rather not drive to work. (drive to work 开车上班) (2) Id rather not live on the first floor. Now here is a one-bedroom for $650 a month on Oak Street. Do you have any idea where that is? 在具体的某某街道用介词on,泛指在街上用介词in,即in the street。 Its off Washington, near the park. off = near,指不在华盛顿,而是在华盛顿附近,如:Were staying in a hotel off the airport expressway. 我们住在离机场高速公路很近的一个宾馆里。,Answers to the Focus Questions,A: 1. What is the apartment, which Hiro finds in the newspaper, like? It is a sunny one-bedroom near transportation, centrally located. 2. Why doesnt Debbie want the apartment? Its $850 a month and Debbie cant afford to pay that much. 3. Where is the one-bedroom for $650 a month? Its off Washington, near the park.,B:1. Whats more about the one-bedroom apartment for $650 a month?There are three rooms and a bath. The living rooms pretty large about eighteen by twenty-three feet. The bedroom and kitchen are smaller. Theres parking available.2. How is the public transportation? The Number 1 bus stops a block away.3. Will Debbie accept the studio apartment? Why or why not? No, because it is not available until November 1st and Debbie cant wait that long.,B Im calling about the apartment you advertised. Is it still available? 1. call, 打电话, 可以作及物动词, 也可以作不及物动词。I called you yesterday. 昨天我给你打了电话。 Ill call again later. 稍后再给你打电话。to call + about something 打电话询问某事。 2. available: (1) that can be used or obtained 可用的,可以得到的;(2) free to be seen, talked to, etc. 有空的,可会见的,可与之交谈的。如:Im available in the afternoon. 我下午有空。 Could you tell me more about it? 用could you tell me来询问信息,口头交流和书面文中都很常见。用could不用can,很委婉的说法。tell somebody about something, 告诉某人某事。 sure回答请求,表示没问题。,The living rooms pretty large about eighteen by twenty-three feet. 1. there be 句型表示“存在”,与have有区别。have表示拥有,归属。如:(1) There is a wood bridge over the river. 河面上有一座木桥。(2) I have a brother who works in Finland. 我有一个哥哥,在芬兰工作。There be中be动词根据后面名词的单复数而变化。 2. Bath 浴室,洗澡。如:I took a bath after doing exercise. 锻炼后我洗个了澡。,3. living room 起居室。 4. pretty: adv. fairly, moderately, 相当,颇为。pretty much, almost, 几乎,差不多。如:The car is pretty much new. 这辆车几乎是全新的。 5. eighteen by twenty-three, 18 X 23, 注意介词by来表示长乘以宽。 6. Foot,“英尺”,复数是feet。 1英尺 = 30.48厘米。,How close is it to public transportation? The Number 1 bus stops a block away. 1. public transportation 公共交通 2. Stop 停站,靠站 3. a block away 一街区以外(说明交通比较方便)。 完整地说,这句话是: The Number 1 bus stops a block away from your apartment.,Do you happen to know how often it runs during rush hour? 1. Do you happen to know是一种委婉的询问方式。 2. happen to “偶然,碰巧”,如:I happened to find a love letter in the novel he lent to me. 我偶然在他借我的小说里找到一封情书。 3. to lend something to somebody 把借给某人 4. how often表示频率,即“多久一次”。 5. rush hour高峰期 6. or so 大约,左右,It sounds perfect. What floor is it on? 1. Perfect, “完美”,这里表示令人满意,没什么可挑剔的。 2. The first floor, (英式英语)第二层;(美式英语)第一层。英国与美国对first floor的概念不一样。美国的first floor相当于英国的ground floor,地面层。英国的first floor其实是在第二层,相当于美国的second floor。我们国家的用法跟美国是一致的。“在几层楼” 用介词on。,本课里学习了几个 “how + adj 或adv” 提问的句子: How much is the apartment? How close is the building to public transportation? How often the bus runs during rush hour? How soon will the apartment be available? 注意区别这些以 How 开始的疑问句的含义。 在请求别人帮忙但别人最终没能帮上忙的时候,为了表示你的感激之情,可以说thanks anyway,无论如何还是要谢谢你。,小结66课:,1. How does this sound? 2. Its just what Im looking for. 3. Does it say how much it is? 4. I cant afford to pay that much. 5. Id rather have my own place. 6. Could you tell me more about it? 7. How close is it to public transportation? 8. Do you happen to know how often it runs during rush hour? 9. How soon will it be available? 10. Thanks anyway.,Lesson 70Its not Quite What I Had in Mind.,Doug is talking with Dan and Gloria at Glorias going-away party. He is telling them about his new apartment.,Focus Questions,1. Whats Dougs new apartment like? 2. What kind of place would Doug rather live in?,Answers to the Focus Questions,1. Whats Dougs new apartment like? Its a studio one big room with a kitchenette. 2. What kind of place would Doug rather live in? Hed rather live in a less modern building.,Language points in the dialogue,As a matter of fact 事实上,实际上 A friend of hers = one of her friends, 前者用名词性物主代词,后者用形容词性物主代词。后者稍有强调“一位”的意思。 Its a studio one big room with a kitchenette. 它是一间单间公寓,带小厨房。Kitchenette, 小厨房,Id rather have a one-bedroom, but at the prices theyre asking, I cant afford it, at least not for the time being. 1. would rather do something, 宁可做某事,表示喜好。 2. at the price, 以什么样的价格提供,注意介词用 at。 3. to afford to do something,有能力做某事,afford还能加something,也表示有能力做某事。如:I can try on the fur, but I definitely cant afford it. 我能试一下这件毛皮大衣,但我肯定买不起。 4. for the time being = at this time, 暂时,此刻。,Apartments cost an arm and a leg these days. cost an arm and a leg形象地形容某个东西非常昂贵,代价过高。如:Renting a car will cost me an arm and a leg. 租辆汽车得花我好多钱。 in pretty good shape, 处于良好状态。如:My team is in good shape. 我队竞技状态良好。pretty = fairly, 较为,颇为。In bad shape,状态不佳。at least, 至少。其反义词 at most 至多。,Actually, its not quite what I had in mind. to have something in mind, 意思是早有打算,认定某事物。如:Who do you have in mind for the job? 你认为谁是这个工作的合适人选? have it in mind to do something = plan to do something, 打算做某事。如:I have it in mind to ask her advice when I see her. 我打算好,见到她时向她征求意见。,Id rather have something less modern, but Im lucky to have found this. 1. would rather do something 宁可做某事 2. something modern,形容词修饰不定代词时,置于不定代词后面。如:Lets do something interesting. 让我们做点有趣的事情。 3. Im lucky to have found this. 句中用现在完成时,表示已经做过的事情。 Are you all moved in and settled? For the most part. 1. move in搬入 move out 搬出 2. to be settled “安顿下来”,也可以说to settle down。 3. for the most part 基本上,大体上。注意介词用for 。,The walls are kind of bare, though. kind of = slightly, to some extent, sort of 稍微,有点儿。如:Im not sure why, but I feel kind of crush on him. Does either of you know where I can get some posters around here? Not offhand. 1. either of “两者中的一个”。either单独使用表示“也”。either or 或者或者 ,两者之中的任意一个。在Unit 1 和 Unit 5 里学习过这个用法。 2. offhand可以作形容词或副词,意为“即兴,随意,不假思索,未经准备”。如:Offhand, I can think of three examples. 让我当场随口说,我能想到三个例子。,Listen in 1. How soon will Gloria leave for New York? (Leave for somewhere动身前往) 2. Has John found a job yet?Be going to do something 打算,计划做某事,将要发生某事 Dont worry.别担心。 Plan to do something 计划做某事 Get settled.安定下来,Lesson 72Homelessness What Can Be Done?,这个单元的话题与住所有关,Debbie打电话问租房中心,却没能租到合适的房子。Doug把租金形容成cost an arm and a leg。事实上,在美国乃至全世界各地,都有许多无家可归、流浪街头的人,也许他们连想都没想过要花上一大笔钱去拥有一个家。家到底是什么?美国著名诗人Robert Frost是这样说的: Home is the place where, when you have to go there, They have to take you in.家就是,当你不得不去那儿的时候,不得不收留你的地方。,Focus Questions,1. Why is it difficult to ignore the homeless today? 2. What are some of the causes of homelessness discussed in the article? 3. What are some suggested solutions to the problem of homelessness?,Answers to the Focus Questions,1. Why is it difficult to ignore the homeless today? Because today homeless people are everywhere in large and small cities, all over the world. 2. What are some of the causes of homelessness discussed in the article? A lack of affordable housing, unemployment, problems with drugs or alcohol, mentally illness, etc. 3. What are some suggested solutions to the problem of homelessness?Building low-cost housing, special places for the mentally ill to live in and for people with addictions, job training, etc.,Language points in the dialogue,At one time there was a romantic vision of homeless wonderers who lived carefree lives and answered to no one. 1. at one time = at some period in the past, “从前,一度”。这里是说,曾经人们对无家可归的流浪者抱以浪漫的想象。在这里暗示人们现在不再那么想了。,2. to answer to somebody = to be responsible to somebody,“听候某人差遣,向某人负责”。如:Who do you answer to in your new job? 你的新工作要向谁负责?(谁负责监督你的新工作?) to answer to something与to answer to somebody 的意思不一样。to answer to something = to be controlled by something “被什么东西控制住”,如:The plane answered smoothly to the controls. 这架飞机的操纵很平稳。注意用主动态,不用被动态。 They are everywhere in large and small cities, all over the world. 学习几个不定副词:everywhere到处,nowhere到处都没有,somewhere某个地方。 all over the world全世界,世界各地。,试比较一下两句话: (1) In places like abandoned buildings, shelters, bus and train stations, subways, and city streets. (2) Large cities such as New York, London and Bombay can barely cope with the large numbers of people living on the streets. 在这两句话中,like和such as后面一般引出例子(名词),表示“比如说”的意思。如:Next term I will have several subjects like English, math, history, music and P.E.,Large cities such as New York, London and Bombay can barely cope with the large numbers of people living on the streets. 1. barely, 几乎不,是一个表示否定的副词,类似于hardly。 2. to cope with = to deal with something difficult,应付麻烦。to cope with problems, difficulties, or misfortune, “应对问题、困难或不幸”。 3. the large numbers of 大量的,不胜其数的 4. people living on the streets = people who live on the streets 街道上生活的人们,It is impossible to do something, “做某事是不可能的”。如:It is impossible to recognize the voice. 要听出这是谁的声音,几乎是不可能的。如果要说某人做某事不可能,可以加一个for somebody,变为:It is impossible for somebody to do something. 类似的表达还有:it is important (for somebody) to do something, 做某事很重要,it is difficult (for somebody) to do something,做某事很困难,it is not easy (for somebody) to do something,做某事不容易。,It is not easy to count them. Nor is it easy to describe a typical homeless person nor表示也不,当nor放在句首的时候,后面主谓要倒装。e.g. You are either mad or drunk. I am not mad. Nor am I drunk. For some, it is simply a lack of affordable housing. 1. affordable是afford的形容词,表示有支付能力的。 2. (a) lack of 缺乏,短缺,lack这个词或者当一个不可数名词,或者用作单数前面加a,没有复数形式。,Others are mentally ill, discharged from hospitals with nowhere to go. 1. discharge,“放出,释放,准许离开”,如:He was discharged from hospital last week. 他上星期出院了。 2. nowhere to go,无处可去,不定副词或不定代词后接动词不定式,类似的表达法有:something to say 有话要说;nobody to care for 谁也不关心。,The most promising suggestions are those that will attack the problems that made people homeless in the first place. 1. to attack a problem, “着手解决一个问题”。如:How would you attack the unemployment problem? 你将如何大力解决失业问题呢? 2. to make people homeless, “使人无家可归”。to make somebody/something + adj.,“使某人或某事物变得如何”。如:Ill make you happy. 我会让你幸福。,英语里连字符可以帮助生成一些复合词语,如:low-cost, white-collar, blue-collar, high-efficiency, etc。 But all of these suggestions cost money, which cities are hard pressed to come up with as they try to cope with new waves of homelessness. 1. to be hard pressed处境窘迫的,为难 2. to come up with 提供,拿出 3. to try to do sth 尽力做某事 4. to cope with 应付(困难),处理,Is there an end to this problem in sight? Not anytime soon. 1. an end to something 某事情的结局 2. in sight 在视线里,看得到,期望得到,Warp-up tips,1. Learning ObjectivesHow to talk about the size of an apartment;如何谈论公寓大小 How to ask about apartments;如何询问公寓情况 How to talk about transportation;如何谈论交通 How to talk about location;如何谈论方位,2. Phrases and Expressions,to look for;寻找 $850 a month;每月850美圆 to afford to do sth;没有金钱、时间或精力做某事 rush hour;(交通)高峰期 on the first floor;第一层(美国);第二层(英国),for the time being;暂时,目前 at the price;以某种价格 to move inout;搬迁入(出) either of;两者之一 to plan to do sth;计划做某事 to get settled;安顿下来,all over the world;遍及世界各地 to cope with;处理,应付 because of;因为 on the street;在街道上 to have problems with;某方面有问题 to discharge from;释放;解除;使出(院),to turn to sb;向某人寻求帮助 to be hard pressed;处境窘迫的,为难 to come up with;提供,拿出 an end to the problem;某事情的结局 in sight;在视线里,看得到,期望得到,


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