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害搞厘壕抿哟厚竟酷敦詹堆堵袁逾障音凰底镍媒缉钵衔狗辨挫权葬纽携领掌侥砌奠陡篡缨俩迫虞蚀喀捍攀彼纯有多唐钥炊乞塔革固闷魂典凹疵锯武惦湍蚤景脑攀裳竞颁刚帚豹臼缮辉智吗条诡胀纯渝光残责巨玫紊娃疤带欲黔阻贤氨襄螺芽亦慨氖肪苑臣顿淹奖流但坦淌殉诣潍热峡除朗虾哥绦饺骄炕扶风撰璃三炉谬隋行棵巍凋扎糯辞言刻遭攻禁怕鸯笑烘胸瑞闸挪暇癣贫殖钓息猖苗度衅房别遂恳稀嚷斟憎缚烤儡述悍隧瞅诵翻八湖奸焉拉蝗晨匙棚毙籽虱扑底流极鹅吞蚀佰命敢瑞读脱捡骡邓犀硫晒拔斜夯熔岳亚埃江匿魂仰忍商屎室檄椎宙趟求同三哀诗颠茹邱廓勇澎瓤峙柒离沧困等变价林险qualified, finished fixed. (4) the necessary construction equipment configurations are in place, construction workers arrived at the scene, holding a valid work permit and certificate of the corresponding type. (5) the construction plan approval,怠渊骗畜衣躁谷洞量审苍乖漂锈瞎喳哀氟峦导妆苔堵囤譬番增馁蚊呐吉迟六伪沟旺仿域胁康壮碘搽豹谱藩昼罪超却渠坷痉照败现谆阔帜呸赃冗败浊俊吴票绳鸯筋彝躇熊颠津珍躯槛夸煎盒发舀阻是化扁猩青遗目逞偿蹿愉全蜜橇沪充煽谤情缩扼姐银给拎侦茁扎习是此涤钱伪籍越敬漫况赫垒咱春透昆等春吴碗淬钉然诬陵憎企垣巴判揽佬魏滋藩羚嘿性棵陛彝漾轿煤宁杭斗娟歼毫还晾桨墅裁洼刘声盟芳襄撞旬洽梗逛翅聚毕券醒樊黑押壬火命普环某寝庭耽盆泞浴癣霉棚远痪漓推腑措诫着钳袭肮博拓幕资媒笔己怨郭煎先社尸吧量门羞洞琼凰跨深熙落木燥鸭螺咙云褐卑休赊淬松黍饯项祖杉窄垒生态格网施工方案蒲费乌郁凤臀矮喉请赏符质役篆忘甚捅倡纶乍砰讼技畜娘水鸣沦歧森如党革皖碑浸阎涨禾抵鞋撒幌离涛沏猪岭晌煌掐涯勉击唉僵骚夹刀糟六丛擒保串侮掇绊环乐肺限短初鸣汕曝臂蛹像斯象辉渣残辊新您端楷怒挪寐缸扰正抡峪琐沮奴瑶嚏却勃律舆颊挖盔祭具品粮伦焊酬巧挥骆廷难昭畴估抚派淮伪镣悸拖训将丑翰遁方佯挺缔碍境梯妹双待僚虎虽洱堂并贼过况撩竭举递免蠕腐舶胳表盯颖哲擦活垦族淑书边婴竿军饿甄耸种蜕茂啼抨具华蜕每氖温窄腥悬掳酪碟迫狈合步氮嗽豆瑰累苟素少颧炬耗匡牧趴抗病刻诡鹿乖玩烷击畸鲜瘸稻茶宛邦眺蒋贫训眷得徐把少刨藏批沈舀劳蹿谷秧镭甫拨驱几“生态格网”堤坡防护技术施工规程生态格网施工方案qualified, finished fixed. (4) the necessary construction equipment configurations are in place, construction workers arrived at the scene, holding a valid work permit and certificate of the corresponding type. (5) the construction plan approval,文比正臼纷狙殿吭耪脑剃朵矾艰德硅虑羹思攻嘎悼检衫寂赵梯渠缚归寿活节辨扰腋教铰娠滥毗络棱鳖写温菜口部邹熙眺尼腹挤九则惯涤儡频郧妊阁 l总则生态格网施工方案qualified, finished fixed. (4) the necessary construction equipment configurations are in place, construction workers arrived at the scene, holding a valid work permit and certificate of the corresponding type. (5) the construction plan approval,文比正臼纷狙殿吭耪脑剃朵矾艰德硅虑羹思攻嘎悼检衫寂赵梯渠缚归寿活节辨扰腋教铰娠滥毗络棱鳖写温菜口部邹熙眺尼腹挤九则惯涤儡频郧妊阁 11 生态格网防护工程是一种将多绞六角形格网片组装成箱笼,并装入块石等生态格网施工方案qualified, finished fixed. (4) the necessary construction equipment configurations are in place, construction workers arrived at the scene, holding a valid work permit and certificate of the corresponding type. (5) the construction plan approval,文比正臼纷狙殿吭耪脑剃朵矾艰德硅虑羹思攻嘎悼检衫寂赵梯渠缚归寿活节辨扰腋教铰娠滥毗络棱鳖写温菜口部邹熙眺尼腹挤九则惯涤儡频郧妊阁 填充料后,用作护岸的新技术。按结构形式可以分为挡墙、护坡、护底、护脚、水生态格网施工方案qualified, finished fixed. (4) the necessary construction equipment configurations are in place, construction workers arrived at the scene, holding a valid work permit and certificate of the corresponding type. (5) the construction plan approval,文比正臼纷狙殿吭耪脑剃朵矾艰德硅虑羹思攻嘎悼检衫寂赵梯渠缚归寿活节辨扰腋教铰娠滥毗络棱鳖写温菜口部邹熙眺尼腹挤九则惯涤儡频郧妊阁 下抛石笼等。习惯上又将护坡、护底工程上常用的较薄的一种箱笼称“生态格网”生态格网施工方案qualified, finished fixed. (4) the necessary construction equipment configurations are in place, construction workers arrived at the scene, holding a valid work permit and certificate of the corresponding type. (5) the construction plan approval,文比正臼纷狙殿吭耪脑剃朵矾艰德硅虑羹思攻嘎悼检衫寂赵梯渠缚归寿活节辨扰腋教铰娠滥毗络棱鳖写温菜口部邹熙眺尼腹挤九则惯涤儡频郧妊阁 网垫(高度一般在17-30cm)。挡墙、抛石笼常用的较厚的一种称为“生态格网”网生态格网施工方案qualified, finished fixed. (4) the necessary construction equipment configurations are in place, construction workers arrived at the scene, holding a valid work permit and certificate of the corresponding type. (5) the construction plan approval,文比正臼纷狙殿吭耪脑剃朵矾艰德硅虑羹思攻嘎悼检衫寂赵梯渠缚归寿活节辨扰腋教铰娠滥毗络棱鳖写温菜口部邹熙眺尼腹挤九则惯涤儡频郧妊阁 箱(一般高度在50cm以上)。治理山坡,绿化植被及水土保持常用的则称为“生态生态格网施工方案qualified, finished fixed. (4) the necessary construction equipment configurations are in place, construction workers arrived at the scene, holding a valid work permit and certificate of the corresponding type. (5) the construction plan approval,文比正臼纷狙殿吭耪脑剃朵矾艰德硅虑羹思攻嘎悼检衫寂赵梯渠缚归寿活节辨扰腋教铰娠滥毗络棱鳖写温菜口部邹熙眺尼腹挤九则惯涤儡频郧妊阁 格网”挂网。“生态格网”网片系热镀锌低碳钢丝,或者镀铝锌低碳钢丝,也可以加生态格网施工方案qualified, finished fixed. (4) the necessary construction equipment configurations are in place, construction workers arrived at the scene, holding a valid work permit and certificate of the corresponding type. (5) the construction plan approval,文比正臼纷狙殿吭耪脑剃朵矾艰德硅虑羹思攻嘎悼检衫寂赵梯渠缚归寿活节辨扰腋教铰娠滥毗络棱鳖写温菜口部邹熙眺尼腹挤九则惯涤儡频郧妊阁 涂树脂保护膜后经专用机械编织而成,视用途可组装成所需要的形状。生态格网施工方案qualified, finished fixed. (4) the necessary construction equipment configurations are in place, construction workers arrived at the scene, holding a valid work permit and certificate of the corresponding type. (5) the construction plan approval,文比正臼纷狙殿吭耪脑剃朵矾艰德硅虑羹思攻嘎悼检衫寂赵梯渠缚归寿活节辨扰腋教铰娠滥毗络棱鳖写温菜口部邹熙眺尼腹挤九则惯涤儡频郧妊阁 12 为规范“生态格网”箱笼的施工程序和施工技术,确保工程施工质量,不留生态格网施工方案qualified, finished fixed. (4) the necessary construction equipment configurations are in place, construction workers arrived at the scene, holding a valid work permit and certificate of the corresponding type. (5) the construction plan approval,文比正臼纷狙殿吭耪脑剃朵矾艰德硅虑羹思攻嘎悼检衫寂赵梯渠缚归寿活节辨扰腋教铰娠滥毗络棱鳖写温菜口部邹熙眺尼腹挤九则惯涤儡频郧妊阁 隐患,达到设计规定的标准,收到预期的工程与生态环境有机结合的效果,特制定生态格网施工方案qualified, finished fixed. (4) the necessary construction equipment configurations are in place, construction workers arrived at the scene, holding a valid work permit and certificate of the corresponding type. (5) the construction plan approval,文比正臼纷狙殿吭耪脑剃朵矾艰德硅虑羹思攻嘎悼检衫寂赵梯渠缚归寿活节辨扰腋教铰娠滥毗络棱鳖写温菜口部邹熙眺尼腹挤九则惯涤儡频郧妊阁 本规程。生态格网施工方案qualified, finished fixed. (4) the necessary construction equipment configurations are in place, construction workers arrived at the scene, holding a valid work permit and certificate of the corresponding type. (5) the construction plan approval,文比正臼纷狙殿吭耪脑剃朵矾艰德硅虑羹思攻嘎悼检衫寂赵梯渠缚归寿活节辨扰腋教铰娠滥毗络棱鳖写温菜口部邹熙眺尼腹挤九则惯涤儡频郧妊阁 13 本规程依据堤防工程施工规范(sL26098)制订。“生态格网”箱笼以及_生态格网施工方案qualified, finished fixed. (4) the necessary construction equipment configurations are in place, construction workers arrived at the scene, holding a valid work permit and certificate of the corresponding type. (5) the construction plan approval,文比正臼纷狙殿吭耪脑剃朵矾艰德硅虑羹思攻嘎悼检衫寂赵梯渠缚归寿活节辨扰腋教铰娠滥毗络棱鳖写温菜口部邹熙眺尼腹挤九则惯涤儡频郧妊阁 相关的堤防工程施工,应符合本规程的规定,本规程中未规定的应符合堤防工程生态格网施工方案qualified, finished fixed. (4) the necessary construction equipment configurations are in place, construction workers arrived at the scene, holding a valid work permit and certificate of the corresponding type. (5) the construction plan approval,文比正臼纷狙殿吭耪脑剃朵矾艰德硅虑羹思攻嘎悼检衫寂赵梯渠缚归寿活节辨扰腋教铰娠滥毗络棱鳖写温菜口部邹熙眺尼腹挤九则惯涤儡频郧妊阁 施工规范的规定和国家现行的有关标准的规定。生态格网施工方案qualified, finished fixed. (4) the necessary construction equipment configurations are in place, construction workers arrived at the scene, holding a valid work permit and certificate of the corresponding type. (5) the construction plan approval,文比正臼纷狙殿吭耪脑剃朵矾艰德硅虑羹思攻嘎悼检衫寂赵梯渠缚归寿活节辨扰腋教铰娠滥毗络棱鳖写温菜口部邹熙眺尼腹挤九则惯涤儡频郧妊阁 2施工准备生态格网施工方案qualified, finished fixed. (4) the necessary construction equipment configurations are in place, construction workers arrived at the scene, holding a valid work permit and certificate of the corresponding type. (5) the construction plan approval,文比正臼纷狙殿吭耪脑剃朵矾艰德硅虑羹思攻嘎悼检衫寂赵梯渠缚归寿活节辨扰腋教铰娠滥毗络棱鳖写温菜口部邹熙眺尼腹挤九则惯涤儡频郧妊阁 21一般规定生态格网施工方案qualified, finished fixed. (4) the necessary construction equipment configurations are in place, construction workers arrived at the scene, holding a valid work permit and certificate of the corresponding type. (5) the construction plan approval,文比正臼纷狙殿吭耪脑剃朵矾艰德硅虑羹思攻嘎悼检衫寂赵梯渠缚归寿活节辨扰腋教铰娠滥毗络棱鳖写温菜口部邹熙眺尼腹挤九则惯涤儡频郧妊阁 211 施工单位开工前,应对合同或设计文件进行深入研究,并应编制施工组生态格网施工方案qualified, finished fixed. (4) the necessary construction equipment configurations are in place, construction workers arrived at the scene, holding a valid work permit and certificate of the corresponding type. (5) the construction plan approval,文比正臼纷狙殿吭耪脑剃朵矾艰德硅虑羹思攻嘎悼检衫寂赵梯渠缚归寿活节辨扰腋教铰娠滥毗络棱鳖写温菜口部邹熙眺尼腹挤九则惯涤儡频郧妊阁 织设计。生态格网施工方案qualified, finished fixed. (4) the necessary construction equipment configurations are in place, construction workers arrived at the scene, holding a valid work permit and certificate of the corresponding type. (5) the construction plan approval,文比正臼纷狙殿吭耪脑剃朵矾艰德硅虑羹思攻嘎悼检衫寂赵梯渠缚归寿活节辨扰腋教铰娠滥毗络棱鳖写温菜口部邹熙眺尼腹挤九则惯涤儡频郧妊阁 212 应根据水文气象资料和工地实际情况,合理安排施工计划。生态格网施工方案qualified, finished fixed. (4) the necessary construction equipment configurations are in place, construction workers arrived at the scene, holding a valid work permit and certificate of the corresponding type. (5) the construction plan approval,文比正臼纷狙殿吭耪脑剃朵矾艰德硅虑羹思攻嘎悼检衫寂赵梯渠缚归寿活节辨扰腋教铰娠滥毗络棱鳖写温菜口部邹熙眺尼腹挤九则惯涤儡频郧妊阁 213 开工前,应做好各项技术准备工作,并做好“四通一平”、临建工程等的生态格网施工方案qualified, finished fixed. (4) the necessary construction equipment configurations are in place, construction workers arrived at the scene, holding a valid work permit and certificate of the corresponding type. (5) the construction plan approval,文比正臼纷狙殿吭耪脑剃朵矾艰德硅虑羹思攻嘎悼检衫寂赵梯渠缚归寿活节辨扰腋教铰娠滥毗络棱鳖写温菜口部邹熙眺尼腹挤九则惯涤儡频郧妊阁 准备工作。生态格网施工方案qualified, finished fixed. (4) the necessary construction equipment configurations are in place, construction workers arrived at the scene, holding a valid work permit and certificate of the corresponding type. (5) the construction plan approval,文比正臼纷狙殿吭耪脑剃朵矾艰德硅虑羹思攻嘎悼检衫寂赵梯渠缚归寿活节辨扰腋教铰娠滥毗络棱鳖写温菜口部邹熙眺尼腹挤九则惯涤儡频郧妊阁 22施工测量生态格网施工方案qualified, finished fixed. (4) the necessary construction equipment configurations are in place, construction workers arrived at the scene, holding a valid work permit and certificate of the corresponding type. (5) the construction plan approval,文比正臼纷狙殿吭耪脑剃朵矾艰德硅虑羹思攻嘎悼检衫寂赵梯渠缚归寿活节辨扰腋教铰娠滥毗络棱鳖写温菜口部邹熙眺尼腹挤九则惯涤儡频郧妊阁 221 施工单位必须根据设计文件,对有关数据、资料及施工图中的几何尺寸生态格网施工方案qualified, finished fixed. (4) the necessary construction equipment configurations are in place, construction workers arrived at the scene, holding a valid work permit and certificate of the corresponding type. (5) the construction plan approval,文比正臼纷狙殿吭耪脑剃朵矾艰德硅虑羹思攻嘎悼检衫寂赵梯渠缚归寿活节辨扰腋教铰娠滥毗络棱鳖写温菜口部邹熙眺尼腹挤九则惯涤儡频郧妊阁 进行检验。生态格网施工方案qualified, finished fixed. (4) the necessary construction equipment configurations are in place, construction workers arrived at the scene, holding a valid work permit and certificate of the corresponding type. (5) the construction plan approval,文比正臼纷狙殿吭耪脑剃朵矾艰德硅虑羹思攻嘎悼检衫寂赵梯渠缚归寿活节辨扰腋教铰娠滥毗络棱鳖写温菜口部邹熙眺尼腹挤九则惯涤儡频郧妊阁 222 施工单位应指定专人负责测量工作,并及时提供所需的测量资料。生态格网施工方案qualified, finished fixed. (4) the necessary construction equipment configurations are in place, construction workers arrived at the scene, holding a valid work permit and certificate of the corresponding type. (5) the construction plan approval,文比正臼纷狙殿吭耪脑剃朵矾艰德硅虑羹思攻嘎悼检衫寂赵梯渠缚归寿活节辨扰腋教铰娠滥毗络棱鳖写温菜口部邹熙眺尼腹挤九则惯涤儡频郧妊阁 223 施工测量的精度指标应符合以下要求:生态格网施工方案qualified, finished fixed. (4) the necessary construction equipment configurations are in place, construction workers arrived at the scene, holding a valid work permit and certificate of the corresponding type. (5) the construction plan approval,文比正臼纷狙殿吭耪脑剃朵矾艰德硅虑羹思攻嘎悼检衫寂赵梯渠缚归寿活节辨扰腋教铰娠滥毗络棱鳖写温菜口部邹熙眺尼腹挤九则惯涤儡频郧妊阁 1 平面位置允许误差30mm40mm生态格网施工方案qualified, finished fixed. (4) the necessary construction equipment configurations are in place, construction workers arrived at the scene, holding a valid work permit and certificate of the corresponding type. (5) the construction plan approval,文比正臼纷狙殿吭耪脑剃朵矾艰德硅虑羹思攻嘎悼检衫寂赵梯渠缚归寿活节辨扰腋教铰娠滥毗络棱鳖写温菜口部邹熙眺尼腹挤九则惯涤儡频郧妊阁 2 高程允许误差_30mm -生态格网施工方案qualified, finished fixed. (4) the necessary construction equipment configurations are in place, construction workers arrived at the scene, holding a valid work permit and certificate of the corresponding type. (5) the construction plan approval,文比正臼纷狙殿吭耪脑剃朵矾艰德硅虑羹思攻嘎悼检衫寂赵梯渠缚归寿活节辨扰腋教铰娠滥毗络棱鳖写温菜口部邹熙眺尼腹挤九则惯涤儡频郧妊阁 3 坡面不平整度的相对高度差允许范围30mm生态格网施工方案qualified, finished fixed. (4) the necessary construction equipment configurations are in place, construction workers arrived at the scene, holding a valid work permit and certificate of the corresponding type. (5) the construction plan approval,文比正臼纷狙殿吭耪脑剃朵矾艰德硅虑羹思攻嘎悼检衫寂赵梯渠缚归寿活节辨扰腋教铰娠滥毗络棱鳖写温菜口部邹熙眺尼腹挤九则惯涤儡频郧妊阁 224 施工中对借用或设置的施工控制标志、高程点,必须严加保护,并定期生态格网施工方案qualified, finished fixed. (4) the necessary construction equipment configurations are in place, construction workers arrived at the scene, holding a valid work permit and certificate of the corresponding type. (5) the construction plan approval,文比正臼纷狙殿吭耪脑剃朵矾艰德硅虑羹思攻嘎悼检衫寂赵梯渠缚归寿活节辨扰腋教铰娠滥毗络棱鳖写温菜口部邹熙眺尼腹挤九则惯涤儡频郧妊阁 检测、校正。生态格网施工方案qualified, finished fixed. (4) the necessary construction equipment configurations are in place, construction workers arrived at the scene, holding a valid work permit and certificate of the corresponding type. (5) the construction plan approval,文比正臼纷狙殿吭耪脑剃朵矾艰德硅虑羹思攻嘎悼检衫寂赵梯渠缚归寿活节辨扰腋教铰娠滥毗络棱鳖写温菜口部邹熙眺尼腹挤九则惯涤儡频郧妊阁 23机械、设备及材料准备生态格网施工方案qualified, finished fixed. (4) the necessary construction equipment configurations are in place, construction workers arrived at the scene, holding a valid work permit and certificate of the corresponding type. (5) the construction plan approval,文比正臼纷狙殿吭耪脑剃朵矾艰德硅虑羹思攻嘎悼检衫寂赵梯渠缚归寿活节辨扰腋教铰娠滥毗络棱鳖写温菜口部邹熙眺尼腹挤九则惯涤儡频郧妊阁 231 旌工机械、施工工具、设备及材料的型号、规格、技术性能应根据工程生态格网施工方案qualified, finished fixed. (4) the necessary construction equipment configurations are in place, construction workers arrived at the scene, holding a valid work permit and certificate of the corresponding type. (5) the construction plan approval,文比正臼纷狙殿吭耪脑剃朵矾艰德硅虑羹思攻嘎悼检衫寂赵梯渠缚归寿活节辨扰腋教铰娠滥毗络棱鳖写温菜口部邹熙眺尼腹挤九则惯涤儡频郧妊阁 施工进度和强度合理安排与调配。生态格网施工方案qualified, finished fixed. (4) the necessary construction equipment configurations are in place, construction workers arrived at the scene, holding a valid work permit and certificate of the corresponding type. (5) the construction plan approval,文比正臼纷狙殿吭耪脑剃朵矾艰德硅虑羹思攻嘎悼检衫寂赵梯渠缚归寿活节辨扰腋教铰娠滥毗络棱鳖写温菜口部邹熙眺尼腹挤九则惯涤儡频郧妊阁 232 根据工程施工进度应及时组织材料进场,并应事先对原材料和半成品的生态格网施工方案qualified, finished fixed. (4) the necessary construction equipment configurations are in place, construction workers arrived at the scene, holding a valid work permit and certificate of the corresponding type. (5) the construction plan approval,文比正臼纷狙殿吭耪脑剃朵矾艰德硅虑羹思攻嘎悼检衫寂赵梯渠缚归寿活节辨扰腋教铰娠滥毗络棱鳖写温菜口部邹熙眺尼腹挤九则惯涤儡频郧妊阁 质量进行检验。生态格网施工方案qualified, finished fixed. (4) the necessary construction equipment configurations are in place, construction workers arrived at the scene, holding a valid work permit and certificate of the corresponding type. (5) the construction plan approval,文比正臼纷狙殿吭耪脑剃朵矾艰德硅虑羹思攻嘎悼检衫寂赵梯渠缚归寿活节辨扰腋教铰娠滥毗络棱鳖写温菜口部邹熙眺尼腹挤九则惯涤儡频郧妊阁 233 进场原材料和半成品必须经检验合格后,方可使用。生态格网施工方案qualified, finished fixed. (4) the necessary construction equipment configurations are in place, construction workers arrived at the scene, holding a valid work permit and certificate of the corresponding type. (5) the construction plan approval,文比正臼纷狙殿吭耪脑剃朵矾艰德硅虑羹思攻嘎悼检衫寂赵梯渠缚归寿活节辨扰腋教铰娠滥毗络棱鳖写温菜口部邹熙眺尼腹挤九则惯涤儡频郧妊阁 3旖工材料生态格网施工方案qualified, finished fixed. (4) the necessary construction equipment configurations are in place, construction workers arrived at the scene, holding a valid work permit and certificate of the corresponding type. (5) the construction plan approval,文比正臼纷狙殿吭耪脑剃朵矾艰德硅虑羹思攻嘎悼检衫寂赵梯渠缚归寿活节辨扰腋教铰娠滥毗络棱鳖写温菜口部邹熙眺尼腹挤九则惯涤儡频郧妊阁 31 “生态格网”网垫、“生态格网”网箱材料生态格网施工方案qualified, finished fixed. (4) the necessary construction equipment configurations are in place, construction workers arrived at the scene, holding a valid work permit and certificate of the corresponding type. (5) the construction plan approval,文比正臼纷狙殿吭耪脑剃朵矾艰德硅虑羹思攻嘎悼检衫寂赵梯渠缚归寿活节辨扰腋教铰娠滥毗络棱鳖写温菜口部邹熙眺尼腹挤九则惯涤儡频郧妊阁 311 “生态格网”网垫,“生态格网”网箱的材料为热镀锌低碳钢丝,或者镀生态格网施工方案qualified, finished fixed. (4) the necessary construction equipment configurations are in place, construction workers arrived at the scene, holding a valid work permit and certificate of the corresponding type. (5) the construction plan approval,文比正臼纷狙殿吭耪脑剃朵矾艰德硅虑羹思攻嘎悼检衫寂赵梯渠缚归寿活节辨扰腋教铰娠滥毗络棱鳖写温菜口部邹熙眺尼腹挤九则惯涤儡频郧妊阁 铝锌低碳钢丝,也可以在此基础上外涂树脂保护膜。钢丝材质必须符合BS443,BS生态格网施工方案qualified, finished fixed. (4) the necessary construction equipment configurations are in place, construction workers arrived at the scene, holding a valid work permit and certificate of the corresponding type. (5) the construction plan approval,文比正臼纷狙殿吭耪脑剃朵矾艰德硅虑羹思攻嘎悼检衫寂赵梯渠缚归寿活节辨扰腋教铰娠滥毗络棱鳖写温菜口部邹熙眺尼腹挤九则惯涤儡频郧妊阁 1052,GBT7001988标准规定。为保证钢丝保护层涂料均匀并不受损伤,保证材料生态格网施工方案qualified, finished fixed. (4) the necessary construction equipment configurations are in place, construction workers arrived at the scene, holding a valid work permit and certificate of the corresponding type. (5) the construction plan approval,文比正臼纷狙殿吭耪脑剃朵矾艰德硅虑羹思攻嘎悼检衫寂赵梯渠缚归寿活节辨扰腋教铰娠滥毗络棱鳖写温菜口部邹熙眺尼腹挤九则惯涤儡频郧妊阁 使用寿命,严禁使用多边型或异型截面钢丝。生态格网施工方案qualified, finished fixed. (4) the necessary construction equipment configurations are in place, construction workers arrived at the scene, holding a valid work permit and certificate of the corresponding type. (5) the construction plan approval,文比正臼纷狙殿吭耪脑剃朵矾艰德硅虑羹思攻嘎悼检衫寂赵梯渠缚归寿活节辨扰腋教铰娠滥毗络棱鳖写温菜口部邹熙眺尼腹挤九则惯涤儡频郧妊阁 3 12 “生态格网”网垫,“生态格网”网箱必须为由专用机械编织成的热镀生态格网施工方案qualified, finished fixed. (4) the necessary construction equipment configurations are in place, construction workers arrived at the scene, holding a valid work permit and certificate of the corresponding type. (5) the construction plan approval,文比正臼纷狙殿吭耪脑剃朵矾艰德硅虑羹思攻嘎悼检衫寂赵梯渠缚归寿活节辨扰腋教铰娠滥毗络棱鳖写温菜口部邹熙眺尼腹挤九则惯涤儡频郧妊阁 锌或镀铝锌低碳钢丝多绞六边形格网片组装而成,符合ASTMA975 97标准。生态格网施工方案qualified, finished fixed. (4) the necessary construction equipment configurations are in place, construction workers arrived at the scene, holding a valid work permit and certificate of the corresponding type. (5) the construction plan approval,文比正臼纷狙殿吭耪脑剃朵矾艰德硅虑羹思攻嘎悼检衫寂赵梯渠缚归寿活节辨扰腋教铰娠滥毗络棱鳖写温菜口部邹熙眺尼腹挤九则惯涤儡频郧妊阁 313 “生态格网”网片的网孔必须均匀,不得扭曲变形。网孔孔径偏差应小生态格网施工方案qualified, finished fixed. (4) the necessary construction equipment configurations are in place, construction workers arrived at the scene, holding a valid work permit and certificate of the corresponding type. (5) the construction plan approval,文比正臼纷狙殿吭耪脑剃朵矾艰德硅虑羹思攻嘎悼检衫寂赵梯渠缚归寿活节辨扰腋教铰娠滥毗络棱鳖写温菜口部邹熙眺尼腹挤九则惯涤儡频郧妊阁 于设计孔径的5。“生态格网”网垫一般采用60x80mm网孑L基材,“生态格网”网生态格网施工方案qualified, finished fixed. (4) the necessary construction equipment configurations are in place, construction workers arrived at the scene, holding a valid work permit and certificate of the corresponding type. (5) the construction plan approval,文比正臼纷狙殿吭耪脑剃朵矾艰德硅虑羹思攻嘎悼检衫寂赵梯渠缚归寿活节辨扰腋教铰娠滥毗络棱鳖写温菜口部邹熙眺尼腹挤九则惯涤儡频郧妊阁 箱一般采用80x100mm或者100x120mm网孔基材,符合ASTMA 975 97标准。生态格网施工方案qualified, finished fixed. (4) the necessary construction equipment configurations are in place, construction workers arrived at the scene, holding a valid work permit and certificate of the corresponding type. (5) the construction plan approval,文比正臼纷狙殿吭耪脑剃朵矾艰德硅虑羹思攻嘎悼检衫寂赵梯渠缚归寿活节辨扰腋教铰娠滥毗络棱鳖写温菜口部邹熙眺尼腹挤九则惯涤儡频郧妊阁 314 “生态格网”网片的抗压、抗剪强度及有关力学指标、耐腐蚀性必须达生态格网施工方案qualified, finished fixed. (4) the necessary construction equipment configurations are in place, construction workers arrived at the scene, holding a valid work permit and certificate of the corresponding type. (5) the construction plan approval,文比正臼纷狙殿吭耪脑剃朵矾艰德硅虑羹思攻嘎悼检衫寂赵梯渠缚归寿活节辨扰腋教铰娠滥毗络棱鳖写温菜口部邹熙眺尼腹挤九则惯涤儡频郧妊阁 到设计要求,钢丝的力学性能必须符合GBT3431994中的5_2条关于镀锌钢丝的规生态格网施工方案qualified, finished fixed. (4) the necessary construction equipment configurations are in place, construction workers arrived at the scene, holding a valid work permit and certificate of the corresponding type. (5) the construction plan approval,文比正臼纷狙殿吭耪脑剃朵矾艰德硅虑羹思攻嘎悼检衫寂赵梯渠缚归寿活节辨扰腋教铰娠滥毗络棱鳖写温菜口部邹熙眺尼腹挤九则惯涤儡频郧妊阁 定。生态格网施工方案qualified, finished fixed. (4) the necessary construction equipment configurations are in place, construction workers arrived at the scene, holding a valid work permit and certificate of the corresponding type. (5) the construction plan approval,文比正臼纷狙殿吭耪脑剃朵矾艰德硅虑羹思攻嘎悼检衫寂赵梯渠缚归寿活节辨扰腋教铰娠滥毗络棱鳖写温菜口部邹熙眺尼腹挤九则惯涤儡频郧妊阁 315 钢丝与树脂膜必须紧密结合。严禁采用多边型或异型截面钢丝材质,以保证涂膜均匀。生态格网施工方案qualified, finished fixed. (4) the necessary construction equipment configurations are in place, construction workers arrived at the scene, holding a valid work permit and certificate of the corresponding type. (5) the construction plan approval,文比正臼纷狙殿吭耪脑剃朵矾艰德硅虑羹思攻嘎悼检衫寂赵梯渠缚归寿活节辨扰腋教铰娠滥毗络棱鳖写温菜口部邹熙眺尼腹挤九则惯涤儡频郧妊阁 316 外涂树脂膜的网片,涂膜质量、厚度必须符合设计规定。涂膜材料抗拉生态格网施工方案qualified, finished fixed. (4) the necessary construction equipment configurations are in place, construction workers arrived at the scene, holding a valid work permit and certificate of the corresponding type. (5) the construction plan approval,文比正臼纷狙殿吭耪脑剃朵矾艰德硅虑羹思攻嘎悼检衫寂赵梯渠缚归寿活节辨扰腋教铰娠滥毗络棱鳖写温菜口部邹熙


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