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Unit 1 Greetings第一单元 一般问候用语1.Hello, Tom.你好!汤姆。Hello, Sally.你好!莎莉。2. Hi, Paul.你好!保尔。Hi, Betty.你好!贝蒂。3.How are you?你好吗?Im fine, thank you. And you?我很好,谢谢。你好吗?Im fine, too。我也挺好的。4.Good morning./Good afternoon.早安/午安。Good morning./Good afternoon.早安/午安。5. Whats up?有什么变化吗?Not much.没什么。6.Whats new?有什么新鲜事吗?/有什么新情况吗?Not much. How about you?没什么。你呢?Not much.没什么。7.Hows it going?你好吗?All right./Im great./Fine/OK./Not great.还好。/很好。/挺好。/还行。/不怎么样。8.How are you doing?你好吗?OK, thanks. How about you?还好,谢谢。你也好吗?Just fine.挺好的。Unit 2 Classroom English第二单元 课堂用语1. Its time for class. Stand up!上课了。起立!2. Sit down.坐下。3. Look at the board.看黑板。4. Quiet. / Be quiet.别讲话!/安静!5. Open your books.打开课本。6. Close your books.合上课本。7. Come here.到这里来。8. Go back to your seat.回到你的座位上去。9. Please raise your hands.请举手。10. Put your hands down.放下手。11. Clean the board, please.请擦黑板。12. Shut the door.关门。13. Open the door.开门。14. Line up.排队。15. Straighten your desks.对齐课桌。16. Put your things away.收拾好你(们)的东西。Unit 3 Introductions第三单元 介绍Part 1 Introducing Yourself第一部分 自我介绍1. May I introduce myself?My name is John Smith. 我可以自我介绍吗?我叫约翰史密斯。2. My name is Liz Lemon.我叫莉芝列蒙。3. Let me introduce myself. I am David Grant, your new classmate.请让我介绍我自己:我叫大卫格兰特,是你们的新同学。Part 2 Introducing Somebody(Informal Introduction)第二部分 介绍别人(非正式介绍)1. Tom, Id like you to meet my classmate, Robby.汤姆,请你过来见见我的同班同学罗比。2. Meet my brother Jody.来见见我的弟弟朱蒂吧。3. David, meet John.大卫,来见见约翰。4. Look, heres John! JohnTom. TomJohn.瞧,约翰来了!约翰,这是汤姆。汤姆,这是约翰。5. This is Sally, my classmate.这是我的同班同学莎莉。Part 3 Responding to an Introduction第三部分 对介绍的应答用语1. Pleased to meet you.很高兴见到你。2. Its a pleasure to meet you.很高兴见到你。3. Glad to meet you.很高兴见到你。4. Nice to meet you.见到你真好。Unit 4 Saying Good-bye第四单元 道别Part 1 Taking leave第一部分 告辞1. Sorry, but I have to go now.对不起,我该走了。2. Im leaving now.我要走了。3. Im going to go now.我准备走了。4. Well, I must be going now.Ive got a meeting. 噢,我该走了。我要开会。Part 2 Saying Good-bye第二部分 道别1. Good-bye. /Bye-bye. /Bye!再见!2. Bye, see you later.再见!3. See you (soon/later/tomorrow)!再见!/再见!/再见!/明天见!4. Have a nice day!再见。祝快乐!5. Keep in touch!请保持联系。6. Take care. Bye!多保重。再见!Unit 5 Compliments,Congratulations & Good Wishes第五单元 称赞、祝贺及祝福Part 1 Compliments第一部分 称赞1. Nice work.你真棒!2. Well done.干得好!/做得好!/答得好!/任务完成很出色!3. Good job! /Great job!(某事)做得很好!好样的!Part 2 Congratulations & Responses第二部分 祝贺及其答语1.Congratulations.祝贺你!/恭喜!Thank you.谢谢你!2.Congratulations on your test!祝贺你考得好成绩!Thank you very much!谢谢你!Part 3 Good Wishes & Responses第三部分 祝愿及其答语1.Good luck in the examination.祝你考试顺利!Thanks.多谢!2.Have a nice weekend.周末快乐!Thanks. You too!谢谢,也祝你周末愉快!3.Have a nice trip.祝旅途愉快!Thank you very much.谢谢。Part 4 Special Greetings and Responses第四部分 特别问候语/祝福语及其答语1.Happy Birthday!生日快乐!Thanks.谢谢!2.Happy New Year!新年快乐!Thank you. And a happy New Year to you, too!谢谢你,也祝你新年快乐!3.Merry Christmas!圣诞快乐!Thank you. The same to you!谢谢,你也一样!4.Happy Spring Festival!春节快乐!Thank you very much. Same to you!非常感谢,你也一样!Unit 6 Thanks & Apologies第六单元 感谢与道歉Part 1 Expressing Thanks第一部分 表示感谢1. Thank you. /Thank you very much.谢谢你。/非常感谢。2. Thanks. / Thanks a lot.谢谢。/十分谢谢。3. Its very kind of you.你太好了。4. I really appreciate your help.我的确很感激你的帮助。Part 2 Responding to Thanks第二部分 对感谢的答语1. Youre welcome.不用谢。2. Thats all right. Thats OK.这没什么。3. No problem.没关系。4. Dont mention it.别客气。5. Its OK.不客气。Part 3 Apologies第三部分 道歉1. Expressing Regret致歉。(1)Sorry! Im sorry!对不起!(2)Excuse me.对不起!/请原谅!(3)Let me apologize for being late.我迟到了,很抱歉!(4)Please forgive me.请原谅我。(5)Im sorry Im late.对不起我迟到了。(6)I am so sorry for bumping into you.撞着你了,真对不起。(7)Sorry. I stepped on your foot.踩到你的脚了,真对不起。2. Responding to Apologies对别人道歉的答语(1)Thats all right.没关系。(2)Its OK.没关系。(3)No problem.没关系的。(4)No big deal.没事的。Unit 7 Repuests第七单元 请求1.May I use your phone?能借用你的电话吗?Sure。Go ahead.可以。请。Thanks.谢谢2.May I use your pen?能借用你的笔吗?Of course. Here you are.当然可以。拿去用吧。3.Can you lend me your bike?/ May I borrow your bike?能借用你的自行车吗?Sorry. Im using it all day today.对不起。今天一整天我都要用它。4.Would you help me?你可以帮我吗?Yes, of course.好,当然。5.Would you help me with my homework?你能帮我做作业吗?Yes. /Not now. /Maybe later. /Wait a minute.好的。/现在没空。/迟一点好吗?/等一会吧。6.Could you do me a favor?能请你帮个忙吗?Sure. What is it?可以。什么事?Unit8 Weather第八单元 天气Part 1 Commenting on the Weather第一部分 谈论天气1.Good morning. Beautiful day, isnt it?你好!天气好极了,是吗?Yes, it is.是的,好极了。2.Hello. Awful weather, isnt it?你好!天气糟透了,是吗?Yes, it is.是的,糟透了。3.(Its a)lovely day, isnt it?天气真好,是吗?Yes, it is.是的,天气真好。Part 2 Asking about the Weather第二部分 询问天气1.Whats the weather like outside/today?外面/今天天气怎么样?Its warm and nice.天气很好,很暖和。/Its very cold.天气很冷。/Its very hot and humid.天气又湿又热。/Its rather windy. 风很大。/Its sunny and hot. 阳关灿烂,天气很热。/2.Hows the weather today?今天天气怎么样?The weather is nice today.今天天气很好。3.What was the weather like yesterday?昨天天气怎么样?It was raining all day yesterday.昨天下了一天雨。4.What will the weather be like tomorrow?明天可能是什么天气?Its quite cold today. Tomorrow it might snow.今天天气很冷。明天可能会下雪。5.Whats the temperature?你知道今天气温是多少度吗?Its 35.35摄氏度。/Its seven below Celsius.零下7摄氏度。/Its two degrees Fahrenheit.2华氏度。Unit9 Dates & Time第九单元 日期与时间Part 1 Asking Dates & Responses第一部分 询问日期及其回答1.What is the date today?今天是几号?Its May first./Its the first of May.是5月1日。2.Whats the date tomorrow?明天是几号?Its the sixteenth tomorrow.是16号。3.What was the date yesterday?昨天是几号?It was the third of April./It was April third.是4月3号。4.Its July twenty-second, isnt it?今天是7月22号,是吗?Yes, it is.对。Part 2 Asking Days & Responses第二部分 询问星期几及其回答1.What day is it today/tomorrow?今天/明天是星期几?Its Friday.是星期五。2.What day was it yesterday?昨天是星期几?It was Tuesday.是星期二。3.Is today Saturday?今天是星期六吗?Yes, it is./No, it isnt. /No. Today is Sunday.是的。/不是的。/不是的,今天是星期天。Part 3 Asking the Time第三部分 询问时间1.What time is it now?现在几点钟?Its ten fifteen/a quarter past ten.现在是10:15。2.What time is it by your watch?你的表几点了?Its half past eleven.现在是11:30.3.Excuse me. Can you tell me the time, please?请问现在几点?Sure. Its 1:15 by my watch.我的表是1:15.4.Could you give me the time?你能告诉我现在几点吗?Its three oclock sharp.现在正好3:00。Unit 10 Daily Activities第十单元 日常活动1.When do you usually get up?你通常几点起床?I usually get up at 6:30.我通常6:30起床。2.What time do you have breakfast?你几点吃早餐?I have breakfast at 7:00.我7:00吃早餐。3.When do you leave for school?你什么时候离家上学?I usually leave school at 7:30.我通常7:30出门。4.How do you go to school?你怎么去上学?I usually walk to school.我通常走路上学。/I usually ride my bike.我通常骑自行车上学。/I usually take the bus.我通常乘公共汽车上学。5.Do you go home for lunch?你回家吃午饭吗?Yes, I do./No. Most of the time I have lunch at school.是的,我回家吃午饭。/不,大多数时候我都在学校食堂吃午饭。6.Do you watch TV very often.你常看电视吗?I sometimes watch it in the evening.我有时晚上看。7.What do you usually at recess?你课间做什么?I skip/play games/play catch/play hopscotch.我跳绳/玩游戏/丢沙包/玩跳格子。8.What do you usually do after school?你放学后常做什么?I play football/basketball/volleyball.我踢足球/打篮球/打排球。9.What time do you go to bed?你几点睡觉?I go to bed at ten most of the time.我通常10点睡觉。10.Did you see BEN 10 last night?昨晚你看了BEN 10吗?Yes, it was interesting/funny/nice.是的,很有趣。/很好看。11.Do you want to join us for a drink?你要和我们一起去喝点什么吗?Sure.当然。12.Have you heard about swine flu?你听到猪流感的消息吗?Yes, I have. Its too bad.是的,太糟了。Unit 11 Asking Directions第十一单元 问路1.Excuse me. Can you tell me where Class Two, Grade Three is?请问三年级二班在哪里?Its on the second floor.在二楼。Thank you.谢谢。2.Excuse me,how can I get to the library?请问,到图书馆怎么走?Go upstairs, then turn right. The library is next to the Reading Room. You cant miss it.上楼,然后向右拐。图书馆就在阅览室隔壁。你一定能找到的。Thank you very much.谢谢你。3.Excuse me, could you tell me the way to the Principals Office?请问到校长室怎么走?Go straight ahead. The Principals Office is opposite from the Teaching Affairs Office.一直往前走。校长办公室就在教务处对面。Thanks.谢谢。Unit 12 Talking on the Telephone第十二单元 打电话Part 1 Making a Telephone Call第一部分 给人打电话1.Hello. May I speak to John?你好,请找约翰听电话。Yes, this is John./Speaking.我就是约翰2.Hello, is Sheila home?你好,希拉在家吗?Sorry. Shes not home. May I take a message?她不在家。你要留个口信吗?3.Is Wendy there?温迪在家吗?Theres nobody here by the name of Wendy. Im afraid youve got the wrong number.这里没有叫温迪的。恐怕你拨错了号码?4.Good morning, is this Linda Fan?早哇!是琳达范吗?Yes, its me. Whos calling?我就是。你是哪位?5.May I speak to Marry, please?请玛丽听电话好吗?Hold on./Just a moment. /Wait a minute, please. Ill get her.请稍等。请稍等一会,我去叫她来听电话。Part 2 When theres a phone call for somebody, you may say:第二部分 当有电话找人时,你可以这样说:1. Mike, theres a phone call for you. / Mike, pick up the phone.麦克,有电话找你。2. Mike, Tom wants to speak to you.麦克,汤姆打电话找你。3. Mike, get the telephone.麦克,你有电话.Part 3 When you cant hear clearly the person youre speaking with, you may say:第三部分 当你听不清电话对方的话时,你可以这样说:1. Pardon (me). /I beg your pardon. Whats that again?刚才你说什么?请再说一遍。2. Sorry. I didnt hear you. Could you say it again?对不起,我听不清楚。你能再讲一遍吗?


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