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Who is your hero / heroine? why? 2. What qualities make a great person?,Free talk,former President of African National Congress,former President of South Africa,receiving Nobel Peace Prize in 1993,UN announced his birthday, July18, is to be known as “Mandela Day” to mark his contribution to world freedom.,The Glorious Years By Beyond,Glorious days 光辉岁月 The bell ring calls for home 钟声响起归家的讯号 In his life 在他的生命里 Likely with a few sighs 仿佛带些唏嘘 What black skin gives him 黑色肌肤给他的意义 Is to devote himself 是一生的奉献,In the process of fighting for equality 肤色斗争中 Time turns possession into losses 年月把拥有变作失去 But there is still hope in his tired eyes 疲倦的双眼带有期望 Today only empty body left 今天只有残留的躯壳 To welcome glorious days 迎接光辉岁月,Hold on to the freedom in the rain 风雨中抱紧自由 Hesitated and struggled for all his life 一生经过彷徨挣扎 He still believes he can change the future 自信可改变未来 Who can do as he did 问谁又能做到,Can we forget the color of each other 可否不分肤色的界限 I hope on the land 愿这土地里 There is no inequality 不分你我高低 The beauty of rainbow shines 缤纷色彩闪出的美丽 Because it is not separated 是因为它没有分开每种色彩,Fast reading,1.Whats the relationship between Mandela and Elias?,A. Strangers B. Friends C. Father and son D. Teacher and student,the life of Mandela how Mandela helped black people the poor life of black people in South Africa how Elias met Mandela,2. Elias story is mainly about_,1.What was Elias change?,2. Why did Elias change?,3. How did Mandela help black people?,1.Which civil rights did King want black people to get?,2. King fight for the freedom of blacks through peaceful ways instead of violence? Give 3 examples.,3. If we move para.1 to another place in the passage. Where would it best fit in?,What rights do freedom fighters struggle for in each age? Draw a time line.,Retell the passage.,Before meeting Mandela,born began school had to leave got a job worried about out of work,After meeting Mandela,correct papers I became joined blow up put in prison happy realize the dream,


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