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阅读写作技能训练,句子结构,characteristics,Used only for wall surfaces that are exposed to view or require a decorative effect, face brick must be exact in shape, size and color. 贴面砖是为了达到美观和装饰的效果,因此面砖的形状、尺寸和颜色都必须准确无误。 -ed分句 关系从句,exercise,It is generally recognized, however, that the introduction of the computer in the early 20th century, followed by the invention of the integrated circuit during the 1960s, radically changed the process, although its impact on the media was not immediately apparent. 人们普遍认为,20世纪初电脑的发明以及随后60年代集成电路的出现虽然没有对传媒产生立竿见影的影响,但确实极大的改变了传媒发展的进程。,从属结构的形式,从句 非限定分句 无动词分句,Example1(从句),Prof. Lee will show you how what you have observed can be used in other contexts. 1.主句层:Prof. Lee will show you how 2.宾语从句:how(np.)can be used in other contexts 3.主语从句:what you have observed Lee 教授会告诉你,如何在其他情况下使用你所观察到的。,Example 2(非限定分句),Founded in 1961 and employing 35000 people, the organization has gained a reputation for brutality. 1.-ed分句作状语 (逻辑主语)founded in 1961 the organization was founded 2. -ing 分句作状语 (逻辑主语)employing 35000 people the organization employed 成立于1961年,雇有35000人,这家企业有着残酷无情的臭名。,Example 3 (无动词分句),One of the most popular tourist sites in Italy, Pompeii was viewed by nearly two million visitors last year. 主句层:Pompeii was viewed by nearly two million visitors last year. 无动词分句层:One of the most popular tourist sites in Italy 作为意大利最富盛名的旅游地之一,庞贝去年接待了近200万游客。,exercise,These applications have great power, too. Sometimes, the power being so great. That young people may easily become victims. Sometimes, the power is so great that young people may easily become victims.,exercise,We decide to attend the lecture tomorrow. The lecture about the latest development in computer science. We decide to attend the lecture tomorrow, which is about the latest development in computer science.,exercise,The internet is the most significant progress in the field of communications. Imagine a book never end, or a research project with thousands of scientists worked around the clock. This is the magic of the Internet. Imagine a book that never ends, or a research project with thousands of scientists working around the clock.,exercise,Stand in front of the building. I remembered I had left my cell phone in the office. Standing in front of the building, I remembered I had left my cell phone in the office.,exercise,The drug being kept in the refrigerator. The drug should remain effective for three months. Kept in the refrigerator, the drug should remain effective for three months.,They found themselves in a dilemma when trying to carry out the plan. 主句层:they found themselves in a dilemma 现在分词分句:when trying to carry out the plan;分句的逻辑主语:they;分句与主句的逻辑关系:表时间 在试图执行计划时,他们发现他们处于进退两难的尴尬境地。,Chromium increases the metals hardness if added to steel. 主句层:Chromium increases the metals hardness 过去分词分句:if added to steel;分句逻辑主语:Chromium;分句与主句的逻辑关系:表条件 如果加到钢里,铬会增加金属的强度。,A tiger cant be tamed unless caught very young. 主句层: A tiger cant be tamed 过去分词分句: unless caught very young ;分句逻辑主语:tiger;分句与主句的逻辑关系:表条件 老虎除非在幼崽时就被人类捕捉,否则是不可驯服的。,分词分句的完成式:having done(现在分词,表主动);having been done(过去分词,表被动),Having failed many times, she decided to give up trying. 主句层:she decided to give up trying 现在分词分句:Having failed many times; 分句的逻辑主语:she;分句与主句的逻辑关系:表原因 失败了多次,她决定放弃努力。 分词的动作与主句谓语动作之间有一定间隔,Having lived in city for some time, we are looking forward to a quiet life in the country. 主句层:we are looking forward to a quiet life in the country 现在分词分句:Having lived in city for some time;分词的逻辑主语:we;分句与主句的逻辑关系:表时间或原因 在城里住了些日子,我们现在期盼乡下宁静的生活。 分词动作持续了一段时间,exercise,_ in the southern and midwestern United States, country music reached its classic form in the 1960s. A. Have originated B. To originate C. Originating D. It originates,带逻辑主语的非限定分句,带逻辑主语的动名词分句(主语,谓语动词的宾语,介词的宾语) 带逻辑主语的分词结构(独立主格结构) 无动词分句,带逻辑主语的动名词分句充当主语,句型:NPs(逻辑主语)+ing词+谓语 逻辑主语必须以所有格形式出现,His entering the first rate university came as a great surprise to us. 1.句子主干:his entering the first rate university came as 2.-ing分句:his entering the first rate university相当于一个句子:he entered the first university 3.That he entered the first rate university came as a great surprise to us. 他进了一流的大学,这对我们是个意外。,The girls being educated in an atmosphere of simple living was what her parents wished for. 1.句子主干:the girls being educatedwas what 2.-ing分句the girls being educated in an atmosphere of simple living相当于一个句子:The girl was educated 3.That the girl was educated in an atmosphere of simple living was what her parents wished for. 这个女孩在单纯的生活环境中接受教育,这正是她父母所期望的。,exercise,That she attended the seminar is a great help for her research work. Her attending the seminar is a great help for her research work.,exercise,_(尼克松Nixon访问中国)marked a new era between U.S. and China diplomatic relation. Nixons visiting China,带逻辑主语的动名词分句充当谓语动词的宾语,句型:谓语动词+逻辑主语+ing词 如果逻辑主语是代词,在正规语体中用所有格形式,如his,在非正规语体中可用宾格形式,如him 如果逻辑主语是无生命名词,如government, 则用普通格形式,如government 如果逻辑主语是有生命的单数名词,如the man,则用所有格形式,如the mans;若逻辑主语是复数名词或是较长的词组,则用普通格。,I remember his(him)borrowing my dictionary, but I dont remember his(him)returning it. 1.-ing分句: his(him)borrowing my dictionary; his(him)returning it 2.-ing分句相当于that从句: I remember (that) he has borrowed my dictionary, but I dont remember (that)he has returned it. 我记得他借了我的字典,但不记得他还我。,I cant stand the board postponing making a decision until it is too late. 1.-ing分句: the board postponing making a decision 2.-ing分句相当于一个句子:the board postponed making a decision 董事会一直迟迟不作决定,直到最后已经于事无补了,这一点我受不了。,We were chatting over a cup of tea after lunch when I became aware of several people coming in. 1.主句层: We were chatting 2.状语从句: when I became aware of several people coming in 3.-ing分句: several people coming in,相当于一个句子, several people came in 当我发现有几个人进来的时候,我们几个正在边喝下午茶边聊天。,exercise,I do remember that we met Prof. Smith in Wales. I do remember our meeting Prof. Smith in Wales.,exercise,He talked about his past experience for two hours so as to avoid _ (people, misunderstand) him. people misunderstanding,带逻辑主语的动名词分句充当介词宾语,句型:介词+逻辑主语+ -ing词 如果逻辑主语是代词,在正规语体中用所有格形式,如his,在非正规语体中可用宾格形式,如him 如果逻辑主语是无生命名词,如government, 则用普通格形式,如government 如果逻辑主语是有生命的单数名词,如the man,则用所有格形式,如the mans;若逻辑主语是复数名词或是较长的词组,则用普通格。,Our discussion of earthquakes would be incomplete if we didnt count in the possibility of their being caused by external factors. 1.主句层: Our discussion of earthquakes would be incomplete 2.条件状语从句: if we didnt count in the possibility of their being caused by external factors 3.-ing分句:their being caused by external factors相当于一个句子they were caused by external factors 如果我们没有考虑到外部因素引起地震的可能性,那么我们对于地震的研讨就是不完整的。,In the event of the project not being a success, the investors will lose 30 million dollars. 1.主句层: the investors will lose 30 million dollars 2.-ing分句: the project not being a success,逻辑主语the project,相当于一个句子the project is not a success 万一项目不成功的话,投资者将要遭受三千万美元的损失。,exercise,1._(the dog, bark) alerted me. The dogs barking 2.Ill have to prevent_(the girl, go) alone. the girls going 3. Isnt it dreadful to think of_(the professor, be) wrong? the professors being,带逻辑主语的分词结构(独立主格结构),分词前的名词词组是逻辑主语 独立主格结构独立于主句层之外,以“原因,时间,条件,让步”等逻辑概念与主句相连。 独立主格结构可改写为带限定动词(谓语)的句子,与主句形成并列句;也可形成主句的状语从句。,带-ing分词的独立主格结构,句型:逻辑主语+ -ing分词,+主句 或是:主句,+逻辑主语+ -ing分词 逻辑主语是-ing动作的发出者 逻辑主语与-ing分词形成主谓关系,表达主动意思,example,Weather permitting, they will start their work tomorrow. 天气允许的情况下,他们明天会开始他们的工作。 1.主句层: they will start their work tomorrow 2.-ing独立主格结构:weather permitting, 逻辑主语weather与现在分词permitting共同表达主动概念“天气允许”,相当于一个句子,weather permits 3.-ing独立主格结构相当于if引导的状语从句:If weather permits, they will start their work tomorrow.,example,As a secret training base, it was an excellent site, its remoteness effectively masking its activity. 作为秘密训练基地,这里非常理想。它偏僻遥远,里面的活动不易为人们所知晓。 1.主句层: it was an excellent site 2.-ing独立主格结构: its remoteness effectively masking its activity,逻辑主语its remoteness与现在分词masking共同表达主动概念“偏僻遥远掩盖了其中的活动” 3.-ing独立主格结构相当于一个表达原因的从句:since its remoteness effectively masks its activity.,exercise,After she moved away in Grade 8, I lost touch with her. 她在八年级搬走以后我就和她失去了联系。 She moving away in Grade 8, I lost touch with her.,exercise,Kamloops scenery is a rich blend of rivers, lakes and grasslands and the combination of such offers unsurpassed opportunities for outdoor adventure. Kamloop的美景融合了河流,湖泊和绿地,这一切为我们提供了非常诱人的机会去进行户外探险。 Kamloops scenery being a rich blend of rivers, lakes and grasslands, the combination of such offers unsurpassed opportunities for outdoor adventure. Kamloops scenery is a rich blend of rivers, lakes and grasslands, the combination of such offering unsurpassed opportunities for outdoor adventure.,exercise,Our trip_(begin) on Eagle Lake, our first day on the water left us wet and tired beneath a drizzling sky. 我们的旅行始于鹰之湖,我们在湖上的第一天就在细雨蒙蒙中淋湿了身体,疲敝不堪。 beginning,带-ed分词的独立主格结构,句型:逻辑主语+ -ing分词,+主句 或是:主句,+逻辑主语+ -ed分词 逻辑主语是-ed分词动作的承受者 逻辑主语与-ed分词形成主谓关系,传递被动意思,example,The special effects man may cover two acres of ground with explosives, each connected by a wire to a special device. 特效制作人员可以把两英里的地面布上炸药,每英亩地面都通过一根电线与一个特殊仪器相连。 1.主句层: The special effects man may cover two acres of ground with explosives 2. ed独立主格结构: each connected by a wire to a special device,逻辑主语each与过去分词connected共同表达被动概念“每英亩地连有一根电线” 3.-ed独立主格结构相当于一个独立的句子,与主句形成并列句:and each is connected by a wire to a special device,example,All the money having been spent, we started looking for work. 由于所有的钱都花光了,于是我们开始找工作。 1.主句层: we started looking for work 2.-ed独立主格结构: all the money having been spent,逻辑主语all the money与having been spent共同表达被动概念“所有的钱都花光了” 3.-ed独立主格结构相当于表原因的状语从句:since all the money had been spent,exercise,After packages on the road were picked up, the driver got on the truck and went on his way. 拾起地上的包裹后,司机又登上卡车上路了。 Packages on the road picked up, the driver got on the truck and went on his way.,exercise,The contents of the drawer_(empty) onto the floor, I began to collect the coupons patiently, discarding the outdated ones and clipping the others together. emptied,with引导的独立主格结构,句型:with+逻辑主语+ -ing分词,主句 with+逻辑主语+ -ed分词,主句 (With)All the money having been spent, we started looking for work. As a secret training base, it was an excellent site, (with)its remoteness effectively masking its activity. with+逻辑主语+不定式,主句 通常表伴随情况或原因 with本身没有意义,只完成一个句法功能,example,With you to help me, I think I can pass the test. 有你帮我,我想我可以通过考试。 1.主句: I think I can pass the test 2.with独立主格结构: With you to help me;逻辑主语you,不定式与you共同表达主动概念“你来帮我”,不定式指未来的动作,此处独立主格结构表“原因”,example,He suggested going for a picnic, with Mary to provide the food. 他建议去野餐,由玛丽负责提供食物。 1.主句: He suggested going for a picnic 2. with独立主格结构: with Mary to provide the food ;逻辑主语Mary,不定式与Mary共同表达主动概念“玛丽负责提供食物”,不定式指未来的动作,此处独立主格结构表“伴随”,exercise,Our days usually begin with either Jim or myself_(manage)the office which involves taking care of phone calls, messages and paper work. managing Without you_(consult), I would be completely lost. to consult With the problem_(settle), we felt greatly relieved. settled,无动词分句,无动词分句的从属连词和逻辑主语有时出现,有时不出现 无动词分句通常情况下作状语,有时也作后置修饰语,example,Thousands of people died in the earthquake, many of them children. 成千上万的人在此次地震中丧生,其中有很多儿童。 1.主句:thousands of people died 2.无动词分句:many of them children; 无从属连词,无动词分句的逻辑主语:many of them; 逻辑主语之后省掉了being.,example,Even if this is exaggerated, the fact remains that coyote(郊狼), if not the most intelligent of all animals, is certainly the cleverest. 即使有些夸张,事实上郊狼如果不是动物中最有智慧的,那么也一定是最聪明狡猾的。 1.主句: the fact remains that 2.主句层的状语从句: Even if this is exaggerated 3.表语从句层的主语、谓语:coyoteis certainly the cleverest 4.无动词分句: if not the most intelligent of all animals(表语层的条件状语);从属连词是if;无动词分句的逻辑主语是coyote, 若加上being,则为-ing分句:if not being the most intelligent of all animals, coyote,example,An excellent speaker, he was never at a loss for words. 由于是个出色的演说家,他还从未有过语塞。 1.主句: he was never at a loss for words 2.无动词分句: An excellent speaker,逻辑主语he,若加上being,则为-ing分句:Being an excellent speaker,表达“原因”逻辑语意,相当于since原因状语从句:Since he was an excellent speaker,example,Sometimes we have to avoid conflict whenever possible. 有时候我们还是尽可能的避免冲突的发生。 1.主句: Sometimes we have to avoid conflict 2.无动词分句: whenever possible,从属连词whenever,逻辑主语it,相当于:从属连词+it is+adj.,作名词后置修饰语的非限定性分句,不定式分句作名词后置修饰语 不定式与所修饰的名词在意义上有三种关系:主谓、动宾、同位语 不定式一般表将来时意义或情态意义 当名词含有序数词、only、the last、next等限定词以及形容词最高级时,后置修饰语由不定式充当,主谓关系,I need someone to look after my kids while Im away. John is so lucky because he is the only one to survive the air crash. The first explorer to reach California by land was Strong Smith.,动宾关系,1.不定式动词是不及物动词时,需要采用相应的介词。 2. 当先行词表示“工具、地方”概念时,不定式动词需采用适当的介词。 3.当先行词是名词place时,不定式分句无需采用介词。,examples,He has to work hard because he has a large family to maintain. I need a pen to write with. Air pollution has been greatly reduced, so this city is still a good place to live. This is a nice garden to have a walk in.,同位语关系,David made the decision to tell people about his disease. They have no idea how to get there on time.,-ing分句作名词后置修饰语,Oceans continually lose by evaporation much of the river water constantly flowing into them. He was prepared for the fierce resistance of the Russian people defending their homeland. I want to talk to the man having finished his work. ( I want to talk to the man who has finished his work.),注意,在下列情况下,定语从句不能转换成-ing分句 定于从句中的谓语含有情态动词 定语从句所表达的动作先于或后于主句所表达的动作,Donts,Those who must attend the training course will be away for two weeks. Those attending the training course will be away for two weeks. The man who came to see me yesterday is my cousin. The man coming to see me yesterday is my cousin. The girl who is to speak at the ceremony is one of our best students. The girl speaking at the ceremony is one of our best students.,-ed分句作名词后置修饰语,NP+to be done 表将来的动作 NP+being done 表进行的动作 NP+done 表一般过去或完成的动作; 习惯或重复性的动作,NP+to be done 表将来的动作,Many students are looking forward to the Speaking Competition to be held next month. The project to be completed by the end of this year will expand the citys telephone network.,NP+being done 表进行的动作;NP+done 表一般过去或完成的动作;习惯或重复性的动作,If I correct someone, I will do it with as much good humor and self-restraint as if I were the one being corrected. 我在纠正别人的时候会克制自己,说话幽默,就像自己受到了批评。 Language used in the radio and TV, in novels, newspapers and magazines is rich in idioms.,存在句,存在句的结构:there+be+NP there是形式主语或语法主语 be动词之后的NP是真主语或实义主语 be动词是谓语,与其后的NP在“数”上保持一致,存在句的主语,There has always been legal discrimination. There is them standing under the big tree. 在存在句中,be动词后的人称代词用宾格,而且be动词用单数,eg. There is you.,exercise,用存在句改写下列句子 People believe that an ancient grave lay somewhere near here. People believe there is an ancient grave lying somewhere near here. A boy named George sat in the same class as me. There is a boy named George sitting in the same class as me.,存在句的谓语,存在句的谓语一般是be动词,be动词之前可以有情态动词 除be动词外,以下三类动词可用于存在句谓语动词: 1.表示动作和方向的动词(转移动词):come, arrive, enter, pass, follow, etc. 2.表示存在和位置的动词(姿态动词):exist, lie, stand, remain, live, etc. 3.表示发生和发展的动词(起始动词):happen, occur, arise, emerge, spring up, etc.,example含情态动词,There cant have been so much traffic so late at night. 1.形式主语:there; 谓语:cant have been;实义主语:so much traffic 2.结构“情态动词+完成体”表示对过去的事情的假设,如:You should have been here one hour ago. It must have rained last night.,example 含转移、姿态、起始动词,Suddenly there entered a strange figure dressed all in white. 突然,一个一袭白衣的人影闪了进来。 There remains one last thing we must try. 还有一件我们必须尝试的事。 There arose in his imagination the vision of a vast prairie. 他的脑海中浮现出广袤的大草原的景象。(较短的地点状语提前,遵循“句尾重心”原则) There is a girl and two boys in the room. (就近原则),非限定性存在句,非限定性存在句包括两种形式:there to be; there being there to be句型可用于动词的宾语。这些动词要求不定式作宾语,如:want, prefer, hate, intend, like, expect, mean等,其后的不定式表“将来、情态”意义。 在介词for之后,使用there to be结构。,example,Everyone hopes there to be a meeting to discuss this problem. Everyone hopes there will(should) be a meeting to discuss this problem. The students expected there to be more reviewing classes before the final exams. The students expected that there would be more reviewing classes before the final exams.,example 在介词for之后,It was unusual for there to be so few people in the streets. 1.形式主语:it; 谓语:was unusual; 真正主语:for there to be so few people in the streets 2.For there to be so few people in the streets was unusual.,example,For there to be successful communication, there must be attentiveness and involvement in the discussion itself by all present. 1.主句层: there must be attentiveness and involvement in the discussion形式主语:there;谓语:must be;实义主语: attentiveness and involvement 2. For there to be successful communication作目的状语,there being句型,句型there being可作动词宾语。这些动词要求动名词作宾语。 there being可作介词宾语。(介词for之后用there to be) there being可作主语。 there being可引导独立主格结构,作原因状语。,example,Do you remember there being a temple here? Mary is relying on there being another opportunity. There being a garden in front of the house is what I most appreciate. (That there is a garden in front of the house is what I most appreciate.),example,There being rain for days, we had to stay indoors. 接连几天都下雨,我们只好待在室内。 There being an index to this book, it is quite user friendly. 这本书有索引,很好用。,exercise,用there to be或there being填空 Nobody wants_ another war. What the teacher is waiting for is for_ complete silence. Its essential for_ a school founded in this remote area. There is now some hope of _ a settlement of the dispute.,as引导的关系从句,as引导的非限定性关系从句 as引导的非限定分句可补充说明主句或主句中的一部分,即主句或其一部分是as引导的非限定分句的先行项。 as引导的非限定分句在意义上和主句一致,表示主句的行为是所希望的,合理的,相当于汉语中的表达:正如,正像。 as之后接句子,助动词,系动词,也可接形容词,分词,如:As it is well known, ; As is well known, ; As known to us all, 再如:As it was expected, he performed task with success. He performed the task with success, as (was) expected. 而在which之后不可以直接使用形容词和分词。,example,We have launched another man-made satellite, as (which) was announced in todays newspaper. 1.先行项:整个主句 2.as引导非限定性关系从句,有“正如”的意思,在关系从句中作主语,which也可引导关系从句,因为此从句可传递“这”的意思。 as (which) was announced in todays newspaper可改写为as announced in todays newspaper或as it was announced in todays newspaper,example,As already reported, this technology is one of the amazing new surgical techniques that have been developed in recent years. 1.as引导非限定性关系从句,指先行项,即整个主句,有“正如”的意思。 2.由于非限定性关系从句位于主句之前,因此不能用which替换as。,as引导的非限定性关系从句的位置,as引导的非限定性关系从句可出现在主句的句首、句中和句尾。 只有当as关系从句位于主句句尾,且as在句中作主语时,才可用which替换。,examples,As appears from her essay, she has read widely in Romantic literature. (as充当主语) It was, as he later admitted, a stupid thing to do. (as充当宾语) She comes from London, as we perceived by her accent. (as充当宾语),the sameas引导的关系从句,句型:the same+先行词+as引导的限定性关系从句 as与其先行词的意义具有一致性,且在从句中作主语或宾语,可用that替换。 当as与先行词的意义具有相似性时,不能用that替换as。,example,He has the same trouble as you once had. 1.主句层:he has the same trouble 2.先行词:the same trouble 3.关系从句:as you once had; as指先行词trouble,即as与先行词的意义一致,as在关系从句中作宾语。 He has the same trouble (that) you once had. 他现在的麻烦和你当初一样。,example,He gave us the same lecture as was given in your college. 1.主句层:he gave us the same lecture 2.先行词:the same lecture 3.关系从句:as was given; as指先行词lecture,在关系从句中作主语。 He gave us the same lecture that was given in your college.,examples,He has the same character as his father (has). as在关系从句中作宾语,指先行词character,与先行词的意义具有相似性。 He has the same curly hair as his mother had.,suchas引导的关系从句,句型:such+先行词+as引导的限定性关系从句 有时such和as在一起连用,example,Such people as he (is) are rare nowadays. 1.主句层:such peopleare rare nowadays 2.先行词:such people 3.关系从句:as he (is); as在关系从句中作表语(主语补足语),example,Such people as knew Tom thought he was a trustworthy man. 1.主句层: Such people thought he was a trustworthy man. 2.先行词:such people 3.关系从句:as knew Tom; as在关系从句中作主语,example,We had hoped to give you a chance such as nobody else ever had. 1.主句层: We had hoped to give you a chance 2.先行词:a chance 3.关系从句:such as nobody else ever had; as在关系从句中作宾语,exercise,A rocket carries oxygen with it, _ makes it possible for the rocked to travel in space. A. which B. as C. what D. so She is very careful, _her works shows. A. which B. as C. what D. so,关系从句的分隔修饰(外置结构),句型:先行词+其他成分+关系从句,即由于其他成分的介入导致先行词与关系从句分开 关系从句的分隔修饰是一种后置现象,遵循句尾重心的原则。,examples,Many problems in life are beyond the nuclear families which were o


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