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青铜峡市三小学案导学备课模板课题Module7 课题:unit1 I dont belive课型新授(第1课时)导学目标1、 能够听、说、读、写本单元的单词和基本句型。2、 能听懂会说;I like .Do you like .?的句型。3、用一般现在时描述动物及其习性。4、能正确、流利地朗读对话。导学分析学生在会运用I like .Do you like .?的基础上,老师引导学生用一般现在时描述动物及其习性。重点难点用一般现在时描述动物及其习性。会使用I like.Do you like.?的使用。导学媒体录音机、卡片磁主体板书 What is it ?Do snakes like music?导 案学 案二次修注一、Warmming upStep1:Sing a song Step 2: listen to the tape about SB Unit1 and call some Ss to show the dialogue and do actionsStep 3 : Together finish SB Unit2活动3Step 4 : What is it ? Do snakes like music?Step5: Listen to the tape and read it 二、将学生分组,请他们在小组内就自己喜欢的动物进行交流。选择一个代表读给全班听。 三、practice 1、T :Show the pictures 熊猫;Love bamboo 蛇;Love the son 熊;Sleep in the winter大象;Like water猫 ;Like fish 2、 Ss look at the SB Unit2活动1 carefully and according to the picture to make sentences,then listen to the tape 。根据录音内容找到对应图Listen to the tape again and again two groups ask and answer3 、 Finish AB Unit2练习1 Listen to the tape 4、 Finish the crossword 5、 Give Ss two munites to read AB Unit2练习4四、Ss do exercices1.Teacher guide and explain五、Summary六、Homework1、Copy words five times2、Read text 一、热身活动Sing a song Show the dialogue and do actionsFinish SB Unit3练习3Answer the question Listen to the tape二、小组交流讨论 Read it and recite itFinish the Unit 2活动1Listen to the tapeAsk and answerFinish SB Unit2四、Ss do exercices 五、 Summary学生试着总结本课知识点。青铜峡市三小学案导学备课模板课题Module7:unit2 Pandas love bamboo课型新授(第2课时)导学目标1、 能够听、说、读、写本单元的单词和基本句型。2、 能听懂会说;I like .Do you like .?的句型。3、用一般现在时描述动物及其习性。4、能正确、流利地朗读对话。导学分析用一般现在时描述动物及其习性。会使用I like.Do you like.?的使用。重点难点1、准确理解对话中的,They love . Do . like .?的使用2、用一般现在时描述动物及其习性。会使用I like.Do you like.?的使用导学媒体录音机、卡片磁主体板书Unit2 Pandas love bamboo What is it ?Do snakes like music?导 案学 案二次修注一、 Warmming upStep1:Sing a song 二、presentation1. listen to the tape about SB Unit1 and call some Ss to show the dialogue and do actions2. Together finish SB Unit2活动33. What is it ? Do snakes like music?4. Listen to the tape and read it 。将学生分组,请他们在小组内就自己喜欢的动物进行交流。选择一个代表读给全班听。 5. T ;Show the picture 熊猫;Love bamboo 蛇;Love the son 熊;Sleep in the winter大象;Like water猫 ;Like fish 三、Practice Ss look at the SB Unit2活动1 carefully and according to the picture to make sentences,then listen to the tape 。根据录音内容找到对应图Listen to the tape again and again two groups ask and answer四、拓展练习 Finish AB Unit2练习1 Listen to the tape Finish the crossword Give Ss two munites to read AB Unit2练习4五、Summary 六、Homework for todayRecite AB Unit2 练习3Sing a song Show the dialogue and do actionsFinish SB Unit3练习3Answer the question Listen to the tape小组交流讨论 、Read it and recite itFinish the Unit 2活动1Listen to the tapeAsk and answerFinish SB Unit2青铜峡市三小学案导学备课模板课题七模块的练习课型练习(第3课时)导学目标通过练习让学生掌握七模块知识点导学分析学生在学习七模块两个单元的基础上,巩固掌握七模块知识点重点难点1、能听懂会说;I like .Do you like .?的句型。2、用一般现在时描述动物及其习性。3、能正确、流利地朗读对话。导学媒体录音机、卡片主体板书I dont believe it . Pandas eat for twelve hours a day . 导 案学 案二次修注一、Warmming up1、sing a song2、Greeting二、presentation教师呈现本模块的重点句型。三.Practice1.Teacher guide Ss to do exercises.四拓展练习Teacher guide and explain五Summary六Homework1、Copy words five times2、Read text 一、Ss sing a song 二、分组朗读句型三、做练习翻译下列词组或短句1、我不相信! 2、幸运的夫人 3、一张有趣的图片 4、不客气 5、看这张明信片 四、拓展练习:1、选词填写,并将代号填入句首括号内: ( )1、Do you like rice? A、Yes ,I do B、Yes ,I dontC、Yes ,I like ( )2、What is it ?A、 Its a panda B、Its likes eatint fish .C. Its not a snake. ( )3、Why is he late?A、 Of course . B、I dont know C、Certainly . ( )4、What do you like?A、 Yes ,I like. B、They like swimming. C、I like swimming. ( )5、What does panda like eating?A、Bamboo. B、Fish . C、Noodles. 2、介绍一种你喜欢的小动物。描述一下它的外貌。五、指名学生总结本课知识点六、抄写家庭作业青铜峡市三小学案导学备课模板课题七模块的练习课型练习(第4课时)导学目标通过练习让学生掌握七模块知识点导学分析学生在学习七模块两个单元的基础上,巩固掌握七模块知识点重点难点1、能听懂会说;I like .Do you like .?的句型。2、用一般现在时描述动物及其习性。3、能正确、流利地朗读对话。导学媒体录音机、卡片主体板书I dont believe it . Pandas eat for twelve hours a day . 导 案学 案二次修注一、Warmming up1、sing a song2、Greeting二、presentation教师提问本模块的重点句型。三.Practice1.Teacher guide Ss to do exercises.四拓展练习Teacher guide and explain五Summary六Homework1、Copy words five times2、Read text 一、Ss sing a song 二、学生回答句型三、做练习(一)、听力训练:( )1.Who gives Daming a CD-ROM?A. Grandpa . B.Grandma. C.Parents.( )2.Do snakes like music?A. Yes,they do . B.No, they dont . C.Yes,it does.( )3.What do pandas like to eat?A. Banana. B.Flower. C.Bamboo.( )4.Do Pandas eat for twelve hours a day?B. A. Yes,they do . B.No, they dont . C.Thank you.( )5.What is it?A.Its a smake. B.Its a pandaC.Its a dog.(二)笔试:写出下列单词的第三人称单数形式。1.say 2.go 3.like 4.do 5.love 6.think 7.study 四、拓展练习:给单词排队,组成句子,并回答。1.music, snakes, Do, like(?) 2.it, I, believe, dont(.) 3.present,is,fantastic,a,it(.) 五、指名学生总结本课知识点六、抄写家庭作业导学后悟:青铜峡市三小学案导学备课模板课题Module 8 Unit 1 Looking at Photos课型新授(第1课时)导学目标1、能够会听、会说、会读、会写本课的基本单词和基本句型。2、能会说并会用重点句型:Do you often /like.?谈论并询问别人的行为习惯和爱好,并利用Not really /Yes,of course./Not very often/No,I dont.做出相应的回答。导学分析学生在了解基本句型的基础上运用句型,教师运用翻译法、TPR法指导学生重点难点能够正确理解课文语句,并掌握基本的单词和句型导学媒体录音机、卡片磁、卡片主体板书A:Do you often play with dolls? B:Not really导 案学 案二次修注一、Warmerl.、Have the students look at activity 1. They should number the pictures1, 2,and 3 respectively. 2、 Now tell the students that you are you are going to say things about the story and they have to say which pictures you are talking about.二、 Listen, point and find often”.l Have the students close their books.1、Tell the students that you are going to play the tape and stop after each utterance. 2、Now play the tape a second time and tell the students to call out stop each time they hear the word often.三. Ask and answer.1、Get two pieces of large paper.2、On one piece write very often and on the other piece write not very often.l Put the pieces of paper on the walls around the classroom.l Now tell the students that you are going to ask them questions and they have to point to the relevant responses.Example: T: do you often go to see films?T: do you often play computer games?四. Homework: read the textMake sure they do this very lightly in pencil so that they can erase it later.Listen and think.The students have to tell you who the speaker was: Lingling or Amy.the students to call out stop each time they hear the word often.Ss:(point to the response that is relevant for them)they have to point to the relevant responses.Ss (point to the response that is relevant for them)青铜峡市三小学案导学备课模板课题Module 8 Unit2 I often go swimming.课型新授(第2课时)导学目标1、在同学中调查他们对一些物品和活动的喜爱程度;2、AB UNIT 2 练习曲 和练习本;3、学习过活动家的韵诗后, 以小组为单位将韵诗表演出来;导学分析学生已了解Do you often.结构的基础上,运用时间词进行事情描述。重点难点运用时间词进行事情描述导学媒体录音机、卡片磁、卡片主体板书Unit 2 I often go swimming.Always never sometimes or often he always cleans his room. she never plays with dolls.导 案学 案二次修注一、 Warmer1、Tell the students you are going to mime three things you often do. 2、Now mime three things you dont often do and once again, get the students to guess what youre doing. Make sure they say complete sentences“You often/dont often.”2. Memory game: listen and say. Make sentences with he, she , his, her.Examples: T (points to or indicates daming)TLpoints to or indicates lingling)二、Listen and say, then chant.l Play the tape 2、Go through the chant and cemonstrate the mime for each of the actions mentioned in the chant.三Summary.四Homework.read the chantThey have to guess what the three things are.the students to guess what youre doing. Make sure they say complete sentences“You often/dont often.”Now get the students continue the activity in pairs.they should take turns to do the mines.Get four students to come to the front of the class.Have each student make up a statement using always, never, sometimes or often.Ss: he always cleans his room.Ss: she never plays with dolls.let the students listen to the chant, play it again and have the students say the chant at the same time.The students should do the appropriate mime as they read the activities in the chant.青铜峡市三小学案导学备课模板课题八模块的练习课型练习(第3课时)导学目标通过练习让学生掌握八模块知识点导学分析学生在学习八模块两个单元的基础上,巩固掌握八模块知识点重点难点能会说并会用重点句型:Do you often /like.?谈论并询问别人的行为习惯和爱好,并利用Not really /Yes,of course./Not very often/No,I dont.做出相应的回答。导学媒体录音机、卡片主体板书Do you often /like.?Not really /Yes,of course./Not very often/No,I dont.导 案学 案二次修注一、Warmming up1、sing a song2、Greeting二、presentation教师呈现本模块的重点句型。三.Practice1.Teacher guide Ss to do exercises.四拓展练习Teacher guide and explain五Summary六Homework1、Copy words five times2、Read text 一、Ss sing a song 二、分组朗读句型三、做练习英汉互译:1、打扫房间 2、很长时间 3、读书 4、和.一起玩 5、看电视 6、喝水 7、go to see films 8、speak English 9、send emails 10、clean the blackboard 4. 拓展练习:按要求变换句型。1、These bamboos are theirs .(改为同义句) 2. There are some knives from China .(改为单数句子) 3. I ofen play football with my brother.(对划线部分提问) 4. They like sleeping in the winter .(改为一般疑问句) 5、Do you want to see a film?Do you want to watch TV?(改为选择疑问句)五、指名学生总结本课知识点六、抄写家庭作业青铜峡市三小学案导学备课模板课题八模块的练习课型练习(第4课时)导学目标通过练习让学生掌握八模块知识点导学分析学生在学习八模块两个单元的基础上,巩固掌握八模块知识点重点难点能会说并会用重点句型:Do you often /like.?谈论并询问别人的行为习惯和爱好,并利用Not really /Yes,of course./Not very often/No,I dont.做出相应的回答。导学媒体录音机、卡片主体板书Do you often /like.?Not really /Yes,of course./Not very often/No,I dont.导 案学 案二次修注一、Warmming up1、sing a song2、Greeting二、presentation教师提问本模块的重点句型。三.Practice1.Teacher guide Ss to do exercises.四拓展练习Teacher guide and explain五Summary六Homework1、Copy words five times2、Read text 一、Ss sing a song 二、学生回答句型三、做练习(一)听一听,判断与所听内容是否一致。一致写T,不一致写F。( )1.Do you want to see my picture?( )2.Youre playing with dolls.( )3.I stopped a long time ago.( )4.Amy often reads stories.( )5.Does he like reading boods now?(二)读一读,选一选( )1. I often in the moming.A.read books B.clean my room C.do homework( )2. Do you often play your dolls?A.on B.with C.to( )Do you like ?-Yes ,of course.A.swim B.go swimming C.swimming 5. 拓展练习:读一读,排序号。( )-Im fine too,What do you often do on Sunday?( )Hi,Lingling ,How are you?( )I often clean my room,Do you often clean you room?( )No ,I dont,My mum helps me do it .( )Im fine,Sam ,how about you?五、指名学生总结本课知识点六、抄写家庭作业导学后悟:青铜峡市三小学案导学备课模板课题Module9unit1 A Visit to the UN 课型新授(第1课时)导学目标1、会使用want to 2,主要语言 Do you want to vistit the UN building in the New York? I want toshow Daming the present from China.3,询问他人的意愿以及表达自己的意愿。导学分析在学生理解课文的基础上巩固重点句型和语法知识点重点难点用Want to询问他人的意愿以及表达自己的意愿导学媒体单词卡片,录音机及磁带,光盘主体板书 Module9unit1 A Visit to the UN Do you want to visit the UN building? Yes ,we doDo you want to?Yes, I want to . /No 导 案学 案二次修注热身复习1、Greeating 带领学生朗诵韵诗“Hobbies”B、 sk and answer Do you collect stamps? Whatsyour hobbyDo you like the Great Wall?学习课文1, 拿着自己旅游的照片对学生说“I like traveling very much , look at photo .i took it in hainan Do you like traveling?” 让我们看看Simonsded. Simon, Daming去了哪里旅游2在这一课要学会“do you want to Yes/No”这个句型3 Listen and point 、 Listen and point ,ask andanswerT:Is the UN build big or small?T:Where are the fromT:How mang flags are thereT:What does Simon want to show to T:What is the present?T:What does Daming want to do?4、再听录音并学习画出新单词T:write the fllowing wordson the board: England building all around T:Play the tape 2、对每幅图片的对话进行学习 a,请同学读回读的句子,并试着理解。b,老师领读,c,老师讲解带want to的句子,讲解结束后再放一边录音4,小结完成练习1、SB活动22、AB练习1:首先让学生依次读出问题,完整的听一边录音。3、AB练习2, Look at the picture 、Then find the words.3、 AB练习3 Write sentences Use the words in Exercise2T:I want to go inside the building.四、 Summary五、Homework1、听写单词三遍2、熟读课文并背主要句型。朗诵韵诗“Hobbies Yes I do/No I dontTravelling is my hobbyYes I do看照片说说自己去哪里旅游?明白要求听录音根据图想一想课文的意思S:ItsbigS:They are from all around the worldS::There are 191 flagsS:He wants to show him thepresent from ChinaS:Its trantS:He want to take a photo新单词开火车读小组读齐读举手读学习课文句子学生试着自己读句子明白要求听录音根据图想一想课文的意思S:ItsbigS:They are from all around the worldS::There are 191 flagsS:He wants to show him the present from ChinaS:Its trantS:He want to take a photo新单词开火车读小组读齐读举手读学习课文句子学生试着自己读句子青铜峡市三小学案导学备课模板课题Module9unit2 Doyou want to go to Gui lin课型新授(第2课时)导学目标1,会用运句子 Doyou want to go to Gui lin? Yes,I do/No,thank you2, 询问他人的意愿并表达自己的意愿。3,会说“chang”。导学分析在学生理解课文的基础上巩固重点句型和语法知识点重点难点want to 的运用导学媒体单词卡片,录音机及磁带,光盘主体板书Module 9 unit 2 :Do you want to go Gui lin I want to go Beijing .Beijing is very big and very famous导 案学 案二次修注一, warmer1、Greeting2、让学生分组朗读课文二, 课文导入T:我们中国也有许多名胜古迹,老师今天带大家参观一下我们中国的一些地方。三, Look, listen ,and Find .1,Teach “peace insid asow”2, Play the tape.3, 第二遍听录音,说出自己想去的地方四, warmer1、Greeting2、让学生分组朗读课文五, 课文导入T:我们中国也有许多名胜古迹,老师今天带大家参观一下我们中国的一些地方。六, Look, listen ,and Find .1,Teach “peace insid asow”2, Play the tape.3, 第二遍听录音,说出自己想去的地方4、 听录音跟读。再放录音,学生跟读。然后请学生脱离书本把着几个人物的句子重复几遍。七, 完成任务1、完成SB Unit2活动2分小组活动2、Work in pairs.ask and answer.3、学习“chant”4、完成SB Unit2活动35、AB练习1,先请学生读出书上的句子,根据录音意思完成填空。6,AB活动2,Complepte the dialogues 请学生看图小组讨论,然后说句子。八.完成作业AB练习3,4。Ss: 值日生向大家做值日报告,分组表演Ss:看地图,and listen the tapeS1: The boys want to go to Beijing because Beijing is very big and very famousS1:Do you Gui lin S2:Yes I do Do you want to go BeijingS1:No thank you学习“chant”.学生跟读,然后请同学标出重音。大声朗读体会小组看图讨论,使用“I want to go”讲述自己的旅行计划青铜峡市三小学案导学备课模板课题九模块的练习课型练习(第3课时)导学目标通过练习让学生掌握九模块知识点导学分析学生在学习九模块两个单元的基础上,巩固掌握九模块知识点重点难点want to 的运用导学媒体录音机、卡片主体板书Do you want to? Yes, I want to . /No 导 案学 案二次修注一、Warmming up1、sing a song2、Greeting二、presentation教师呈现本模块的重点句型。三.Practice1.Teacher guide Ss to do exercises.四拓展练习Teacher guide and explain五Summary六Homework1、Copy words five times2、Read text 一、Ss sing a song 二、分组朗读句型三、做练习按要求写出上列单词的适当形式。1、want (第三人称单数形式) 2、inside(反义词) 3、we (名词性物主代词) 4、take (现在分词) 5、bus (复数) C、 拓展练习:按要求改写句子。1、The children like playing with the ball(改为一般疑问句) 八, I want to ask him a question .(改为否定句) 九, It is a big building.(改为感叹句) 十, The bookshop closes at 22:00.(对划线部分提问) 5、Theyre from some countries .(改为单数句子)五、指名学生总结本课知识点六、抄写家庭作业青铜峡市三小学案导学备课模板课题九模块的练习课型练习(第4课时)导学目标通过练习让学生掌握九模块知识点导学分析学生在学习九模块两个单元的基础上,巩固掌握九模块知识点重点难点want to 的运用导学媒体录音机、卡片主体板书Do you want to? Yes, I want to . /No 导 案学 案二次修注一、Warmming up1、sing a song2、Greeting二、presentation教师提问本模块的重点句型。三.Practice1.Teacher guide Ss to do exercises.四拓展练习Teacher guide and explain五Summary六Homework1、Copy words five times2、Read text 一、Ss sing a song 二、学生回答句型三、做练习(一)小奇奇把句子的顺序打乱了,仔细听录音,快帮他排好吧( )Yes,please!( )What is it?( )Dad,I want to show Daming the present form China.( )Its a train ( )Okay!( )Do you want to go inside?(二)看一看,选一选building all around go inside please what 1. a fantastic present!2.There are flags from the world.3.Do you want to visit the UN in New York?4.Do you want to ?Yes, !四.拓展练习给单词排排队,组成一句话。1.what I to a photo take (.)2.show Daming want to I the present China from (.)3.a building big What (!)五、指名学生总结本课知识点六、抄写家庭作业导学后悟:青铜峡市三小学案导学备课模板课题Module10unit1 At the Library课型新授(第1课时)导学目标B、 使学生会读、会写:library card, hurry, rule, line,in line, CD这几个单词。C、 掌握 Dont talk in the library. Please stand in line.D、 运用这两个句型。E、 使用祈使句发出指令或要求。F、 培养学生的合作意识。G、 培养学生听说读写的能力。H、 通过本课的学习是学生能够遵守规章制度、执行命令。导学分析I、 学生在掌握Dont .句型的基础上使用祈使句发出指令或要求。重点难点掌握 Dont talk in the library. Please stand in line.运用这两个句型。导学媒体录音机、卡片磁、卡片主体板书 Module 10 Unit 1 At the Library Dont talk in the library! Please be quiet! Please stand in line.导 案学 案二次修注一、 Warmer 1. Greetings.2. Say the chant with the Ss.二、 Leading in.1. 给学生播放一段表现学校中的违规行为的录象片断,如;上课看课外书,课间追逐打闹。2Ask: What do you want to say for them?Write this on the board.3.学校微机室、实验室、图书室、都有规章制度。4课件出示一些制度,Library RulesDont talk in the library!Show your library card, please.Please stand in line.Dont eat in the library .Dont drink here,please.Please be quiet!三、 Learning.1、“Im going to play the tape twice and you have to tell me which libraby rules you hear.”2、Play the tape.3、.Play the tap again.4.Teach the sentences.5.Play the tape the third time. Get the Ss answer:1) When do they go to the library?2) What does Simon find ?3) What does the men say to Simon?4) What are the library rules?6. Play the tape .四、Practice1. Do SB/2.2. Game: do SB/3.3. Game: Simon says. Do AB/2.3. Do AB/3.四、 Homework1. AB/4.2. AB/5.1. Write a rule about English classSay the chant: Do you want to go to the sea?Answer in chinese:Please listen to the teacher !Dont run !Say some rules in chinese.Look and read these rules after teacher.Close books and listen to the tape.Listen Listen and answer:Dont talk in the library!Please be quiet!Please stand in line.Read after teacher.Answer these questions.Listen and repeat.Work in pairs.Do this TogetherWork in pairs.青铜峡市三小学案导学备课模板课题Module 10 Unit 2 Go straight on! 课型新授(第2课时)导学目标4. 复习 go straight on, turn left/right ,stop这几个短语。5. 掌握 Go straight on. Turn left/right. Stop! Dont go! 句型6. 运用这两个句型。7. 使用祈使句指示方向和路线。8. 培养学生的合作意识。9. 培养学生听说读写的能力。通过本课的学习


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