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- -浙江万里学院商学院市场营销专业,2008级2班陈林兴会展营销系08013021吴微学生姓名专业班级指导教师系 别学生学号毕业论文外文文献译文浙江万里学院商学院 外文文献译文14浙江万里学院商学院 外文文献原文外文文献译文资料来源:消费者行为研究范式转换过程 作者:托马斯库恩消费者行为学研究一百年多的发展历史所形成的两大范式实证主义与非实证义代表着消费者行为研究的基本成就。实证主义范式向非实证主义范式的转换代表着消费者行为模式研究的转向,是消费者行为研究的一次革命性变革。这一范式的转向,也使得消费者行为研究的假设前提、研究方法、研究对象、对相关学科基础知识的借用等诸多范式构成成分都发生了巨大变化。推动这一转变的环境背景是20世纪80年代以后世界各国社会经济持续增长与繁荣,产业结构发生了巨大的变化,社会购买力得到了空前的提高,消费者追求个性与自由的愿望变得越来越强烈。一、消费者行为研究范式转换过程回顾对消费者行为的研究在亚当斯密等的古典经济学理论中已初见端倪;在马歇尔等新古典经济学中形成了初步的体系;20世纪5060年代,消费者行为学以独立学科的形式从营销中分离出来。在其一百多年的发展历史中,其研究范式可以归纳为实证主义与非实证主义两种。而且,每种范式都孕育着众多的研究视角。实证主义包括理性、行为、认知、动机、社会、特质、态度和情境视角;而非实证主义范式包括诠释主义和后现代主义两个基本视角。消费者行为理论由实证主义转换为非实证主义的根本动因,就是研究者们改变了消费者理性的假设。早期古典经济学与新古典经济学为消费者行为理论提供了最初的理论支持(事实上,消费者行为学先期的母体营销学也是脱胎于经济学),“经济人”假设自然而然地“浸润”了消费者行为研究,这从早期消费者行为理论流派(如理性观、行为观)的学说中可以清晰地看到“经济人”理性的影子。然而,经济学研究的主体是整个社会的经济系统,研究客体也是经济系统如何实现协调运行,而不是具体个体的购买决策与行为。经济学为消费者行为研究打下了最初的基础,但却无法解释消费行为的复杂性,过于强调消费的理性一面,而忽视了消费的情绪化一面。所以“经济人”假设制约了消费者行为理论的进一步发展。消费者行为理论不得不从其他学科吸取营养,对消费行为进行更为细致的描述。心理学、社会心理学、社会学、人类学等学科的繁荣为消费者行为理论研究提供了新的理论素材。此时,消费者不再是单纯地基于成本效益分析追求效用最大化的“经济人”,而是“社会人”,社会与情绪因素影响着他们的购买决策。正是这一转变造就了消费者行为学发展的飞跃,消费者行为学也就在20世纪五六十年代以一门独立学科的形式出现在人文社会科学体系中。20世纪80年代以后,世界经济持续发展与物质的极大丰富,也使得消费日益成为一种消遣与张扬个性的方式;服务消费比重在人们的消费结构中所占的比重日益加大,服务生产与消费的同一性特点也使得顾客消费过程延伸到了生产过程,消费体验也成为顾客价值创造的一个源泉。此时,消费行为研究不能再仅限于顾客如何做出购买决策,而应关注消费者的欲望如何得到满足。于是,消费者便成为追求个性发展和释放消费欲望的“自由人”。“经济人”、“社会人”和“自由人”研究假设的转换推动了消费者行为理论从实证主义向非实证主义的转换。二、实证主义范式下的消费者行为研究消费者行为研究的实证主义范式深受西方著名哲学家亚里斯多德哲学思想的影响。Kurt Lewin在亚里斯多德与伽利略思想模式冲突与比较一书中指出,亚里斯多德的哲学思想一直影响着我们,也影响着科学研究的习惯。人们习惯于通过规律及发生频率来了解事物的发展规律,而且人们喜欢探索具有稳定性与倾向性的事物的发展规律,对于不常见和例外事情的规律性会感到感冒。Lewin说道,当某人提到某部电影中某个孩子特定的动作时,心理学家想到的第一个问题就是“所有小孩子都做过这个动作吗?或至少它是一个共同性动作。”有规律性的东西总是常见的,这意味着可重复性是现象或事物是否值得研究的一个重要指标。实证主义正是以亚里斯多德思想作为其科学哲学。它假定消费者是理性、可识的、心智稳定,他们的行为动因都是可以识别控制与预测的;在现实的消费者实践中存在简单化的真理;强调科学观察与检验,观察到经验性的证据,从而获得普遍的规律用于预测与控制消费者的行为。因此,在实证主义范式下,消费者行为研究的假设基础就是消费者行为被某些力量所控制,而这些力量大部分都超越了消费者的自控范围。消费行为的变化与其说是消费者主观意志的体现,倒不如说是受各种内外因素影响的结果。比如,行为观的消费者行为理论认为消费者的行为主要是由外在环境剌激造成的。所以,其假设“动机的主要或惟一的目的就在于降低认知的不协调,保持内在心态平衡,消费者总是追求行为的内在平衡”。从某个角度来看,这也是一种静态行为观。正如Firat所评论的那样:“消费者行为理论相信行为一致性与有序性。”因此,消费者的行为特征(如认知反应、条件反射、个人特征等)变量遵循“消费者总是追求内在平衡”这一假设,研究者能够对消费者的某些行为进行预测,而预测结果对企业的营销活动具有重大借鉴意义。总之,在实证主义的消费者研究范式中,消费者只是一种消极、被动的客体。比如,行为观假定消费者缺乏自我意识能力,因而认为通过环境的影响,企业的营销战略就能控制和引导消费者,这也是人们攻击实证主义研究范式的焦点所在。实证主义范式假定消费者是被动的客体,事实上这一假定是对顾客至上的营销哲学的严重背离。美国营销协会在1988年主题会议上重申:“在产生营销知识的消费者行为研究中,消费者不幸被转化为实验室的试验品,他们成了被观察、面谈和实验的对象”。 正因为实证主义假定消费者是一个能被认识的客体,因而消费者的消费和体验过程可以被分离开来,可以被细分为不同组成部分。我们能够采用各种客观的分析方法对消费和体验过程的不同组成部分进行分析。这些方法主要包括标准问卷法、实验法和人格特征测试。然而,这些方法是无法对丰富的消费者行为进行全面分析的。因为将一个过程的某个因素分离出来然后进行详细的分析,也就忽略了系统的复杂性与相互作用。Braithwaite认为,标准的定量调查方法(如问卷法)只会限制消费者对消费的描述,从而导致被调查者消极地回答各种问题。 尽管批评意见不少,但我们也应该看到采用传统方法抽象出来的消费规律对消费者行为的预测与控制作用:一些科学调查方法所得出的结论在得出它们的观察范围内是可信的。此外,实证主义研究范式“创造性地建构消费者行为理论”的思想精髓也推动了营销实践的发展。三、非实证主义导向的消费者行为研究非实证主义范式下的消费者行为研究不再把消费者作为被动的反应者,而是具有心理前摄能力的行为者,他们具备对消费环境进行诠释与建构的能力。比如,诠释观认为消费行为受消费者主观意愿内容与结构的支配。Shaughnessy认为:“在诠释观看来,购买行为不能简单地根据产品所能带来的利益与成本收益来进行理性计算,而是消费过程中个人体验感觉的汇集。”因此,消费者行为与决策依据是内在主观价值系统。后现代主义消费者行为研究与诠释视角下的消费者行为研究的焦点就是消费者的主观价值、语言与说辞。 Brown认为在营销意义上,诠释观不同于后现代主义之处就在于前者假定人是一种自治的主体,有自由的思想、能够自我认识的个体。比如,人文主义与现象学观认为,消费者是内在一致和理性的,并且能够决定自身的消费体验过程和价值。因此,与传统观点类似,诠释观也假定消费者具有一些构成其本质的天性。此外,诠释观还强调消费者还有好幻想、情绪化和追求快乐体验性消费的一面,认为消费者总是对环境进行内在一致的陈述和主观性描述,从而使得环境变得更有意义并更具可预测性;而且,消费者的主观描述还被假定能为社会大多数人所理解与分享。 而后现代主义的消费观则认为消费者心中没有固定或既有的本质性东西来驱动其行为。所以,自我识别与主观感受依赖于特定的语境与氛围。这些语境与氛围又受消费者间社会作用的影响。因此,消费所产生的形象和主观感受是经常变化或转化的。它们受消费者与谁一起消费、在什么样的消费环境下消费以及为什么消费等变量的影响。后现代主义坚持认为消费者认同感是断断续续、不完整的、而且容易变化。Firat认为消费者表现自我形象、特征与价值观具有多维变化性,而且他们意识不到不断变化、自相矛盾的价值观念与生活方式之间的不协调性。因此,后现代主义的消费者行为观把研究重点放在消费者通过自己不同的消费和生活方式来改变自己的生活环境所体现出来的创造力与自治能力上。通过对上述各种不同观点的分析可以知道,消费者在进行购买决策时,不仅注重产品效用,而且还注重产品的符号价值。消费品满足消费者物质需要只是表象,而更重要的是我们必须关注产品的符号价值。对于消费者来说,消费能产生两方面的符号价值:提高消费者自我认同感的自我符号价值和提高社会认同感的社会符号价值。与此相配的是消费充当着创造和维持消费者个人和社会环境意义和价值的重要角色。因此,广告往往被视为建构与维持符号象征意义的一种主要手段。这些文化意义往往集中在品牌上,所以Elliot认为品牌经常是被用来创造和维护认同感等象征意义的主要手段。Firat认为这也反映了消费文化与人类自由的常规联系:通过更换产品获得不同的形象,从而获得不同的自我。这种获得自我新形象的自由,就是从单一、呆板和传统中获得解放的结果。不过,诠释观和后现代非实证主义范式也受到了以下几方面的批评:(1)忽视消费行为中非散漫因素对消费行为的限制作用。Thompson等指出后现代主义消费观基于一种理想的假设:消费者的消费行为以文化的约束、历史的限制及现实物质发展现状为前提条件。因此,非实证主义范式特别强调消费者能自由选择自我认同的形象不受任何不确定性与恐惧的威胁。这种假设显然是不现实的。(2)一些学者如Foxall认为非实证主义研究方法根本就是放弃了科学的本质,总是将消费脱离其所在的内容环境,因而它们的观点与结论不能构成便于深入研究和理解的完整理论体系。 (3)非实证主义研究方法结论如果不是建立在实证主义的研究成果基础之上,那么解释力就会大大减弱。非实证主义的研究方法主要依赖人际主观外在证明,这些人际证明就需要实证主义的方法。总之,非实证主义范式下的诠释观与后现代视角为消费者行为研究提供了不同的研究方法,它们往往从抽象的角度来讨论营销理论与实践的重大问题,所以这些理论视角的基本假设与结论都令人费解,也难以应用于营销者培训与教育。四、消费者行为研究范式的比较与启示显然,非实证主义也是对实证霸权主义做出的回应。二战以后,实证主义导向的研究方法就成为了消费者行为研究的主流方法。实证性、客观性和科学程序构成了实证主义范式的特征。在此科学哲学导向下的消费者是一个以自我为中心、有自我意识的实体。非实证主义导向的消费者行为研究(特别是后现代主义)对实证主义研究的哲学、文化与经验基础提出了质疑,并进行了批判。Firat和Venkatesh认为:“实证主义将消费问题简化为只包含类似男人与女人、消费者与生产者等简单的二维分类。应该看到非实证主义部分假设的合理性,如把消费者视为具有社会性、复杂性和非理性以及不可预测的消费主体。消费者这些特征不但体现在他们的购买过程中,而且也体现在消费体验与价值认知方面,并且已经构成了消费的基础”。 1用科学的态度看待实证主义与非实证主义范式的对立。正如库恩对范式定义的第一个特征所反映的那样,“它们的成就空前地吸引了一批坚定的拥护者,使他们脱离了科学活动的其他竞争模式”。现在,消费者行为研究者们也为实证主义与非实证主义两大范式展开了激烈的争论。在自然科学中,科学理论的争锋、范式的崛起与式微都是十分正常的事情,其实在社会科学中也存在这种现象。每种理论都需要思想来证明其生存能力。暂且不论在消费者行为研究中两大范式哪一种更适合消费者行为学的发展。我们认为,科学态度才是第一位的。对科学研究的情绪性反应是不利于科学的发展的。真正的学者是冷静的,应该对所有的研究方法都有比较全面的理解,将自己的理论观点与对立的理论观点进行比较,验证它们是否成立。无论是通过实证主义方法还是非实证主义方法得出的结论都可以先假定为正确,直到被证明是错误的为止。2科学是一个求“真”的过程,人类学中的民族志法是一种研究消费者行为的比较科学的方法。无论是实证主义范式还是非实证主义范式,它们的一个共同点就是追求研究结果的真实性,科学研究本身就是一种求“真”的行为。不再单纯地以消费者购买过程为主要研究对象,而应该关注价值获得与消费的方方面面,这已成为学者们的共识。运用这种广阔的行为视角来研究消费者行为,也意味着要求我们尽可能寻找消费者的真实消费情境,特别那些对营销活动具有意义的消费情境。一些严谨的消费者行为研究者认为,消费者行为研究不应采取面谈或实验的方式,而应该尽力接近消费者消费行为的原貌。因此,人类学的民族志法应该成为消费者行为研究的前沿方法。它是一种结合案例研究、参与观察、自我驱动、详细描述的方法。研究者应该努力成为消费者中的一员,身体力行,获得消费者消费行为的详细记录。当然,,在这个过程中,观察和探究消费者的内心生活,包括他们的内心活动,会遇到许多问题。这些研究都是借助于消费者的自我陈述,而陈述的可信度会受心理自我防卫、谎言等干扰因素的影响。概而言之,民族志法的假设前提就是消费者是一个复杂的人,研究者想获得关于消费者行为的信息,必须通过深度访谈、集点群体会议、项目管理技巧。研究者应该对消费者行为进行详细的描述和观察,通过这些“史料”来挖掘消费者行为背后的规律。外文文献原文Material Source: Consumer behavior research paradigm conversion process Author: Thomas samuel kuhnStudy of consumer behavior more than a hundred years the history of the formation of the two paradigms - positivism and non-empirical study of consumer behavior represents the meaning of the basic achievements. Positivist paradigm to non-positivist paradigm shift represents a shift consumer behavior research, consumer behavior research is a revolutionary change. This paradigm shift, but also makes the assumption that consumer behavior research, research methods, study, basic knowledge of related disciplines, and many borrowed paradigm composition have changed dramatically. Background of this changing environment to promote the 20th century, 80 years after the world economic growth and prosperity, the industrial structure has undergone tremendous changes, purchasing power has been an unprecedented increase, the pursuit of individuality and freedom of consumers desire to become increasingly The more intense.The first, Paradigm shift in consumer behavior research review processResearch on consumer behavior, such as in Adam Smiths classical economics theory began to take shape; Marshall and other neoclassical economics in the formation of the initial system; the 20th century, 50 to 60 years, consumer behavior to the form of an independent discipline separate from marketing. In its hundred years of development history, its research paradigm can be summarized as positivism and non-positivism two.Moreover, each paradigm are pregnant with a large number of research perspectives. Positivism, including rational, behavior, cognition, motivation, social characteristics, attitudes and situational perspectives; rather than positivist paradigm, including the interpretation and post-modernism are two basic perspectives. Consumer behavior theory by converting non-positivism positivisms fundamental motivation is to change consumer researchers rational assumptions. Early classical economics and neo-classical economics to consumer behavior theory provides theoretical support for the original (in fact, pre-consumer behavior of the mother is also born out of the Economics - Marketing), economic man assumption naturally infiltration of the consumer behavior research, this genre from the early theory of consumer behavior (such as Reason, behavioral view) and you can clearly see the doctrine of economic man rational shadow. However, the economics of the subject is the overall economic system, economic system of the object but also how to achieve coordinated operation, rather than specific individual purchase decisions and behavior. Economics as the study of consumer behavior and lay the initial foundation, but can not explain the complexity of consumer behavior, consumption of too much emphasis on the rational side, while ignoring the consumers emotional side. Therefore, the economic man assumption restricts the further development of the theory of consumer behavior. Theory of consumer behavior have learned from other disciplines, nutrition, consumer behavior described in more detail. Psychology, social psychology, sociology, anthropology and other disciplines, and prosperity for the theory of consumer behavior research provides a new theoretical material. At this point, the consumer is no longer based solely on the pursuit of cost-benefit analysis to maximize the effectiveness of the economic man, but society and social and emotional factors that affect their purchasing decisions. This shift is creating a leap in the development of consumer behavior, consumer behavior also in the fifties and sixties of the 20th century to an independent form of discipline in the humanities and social sciences system. After the 1980s, sustained economic development and material world of great wealth, but also makes the consumer is increasingly becoming a way of pastime and individuality; the proportion of consumer services in peoples consumption structure growing proportion of the service production characteristics and consumer identity consumption process also makes the customer extends to the production process, consumer experience has become a source of customer value creation. At this point, consumer behavior research can no longer be limited to how customers make purchasing decisions, but should be concerned about the consumers desire to be met. As a result, consumers will be free to pursue personal development and the desire to consume free people. Economic man, social and free people to promote the conversion hypothesis of consumer behavior theory from positivism to the conversion of non-positivism.The second,Positivist paradigm of consumer behavior researchEmpirical studies of consumer behavior paradigm by famous Western philosopher Aristotle, philosophical ideas. Kurt Lewin in Aristotle and Galileo thought patterns of conflict and more in his book, Aristotles philosophy has influenced us, but also affects the habit of scientific research. People are used and the frequency by the law to understand the law of development of things, and people like to explore the stability and the tendency of things with the law of development, except for the unusual and the regularity of things will feel cold. Lewin said, when someone mentioned a movie in a child-specific actions, psychologists think the first question is all children have done this action? Or at least it is a common action. there is always a common regularity of things, this means that repeatability is a phenomenon worthy of study, or whether something is an important indicator.Positivism is the philosophy of science as Aristotle thought. It assumes that consumers are rational, identifiable, and mental stability, their motivation is to identify behavioral control and prediction; consumer practice in the real existence of simple truth; emphasis on scientific observation and testing, the observed empirical evidence, to gain general rule to predict and control the behavior of consumers. Thus, in the positivist paradigm, consumer behavior research is the assumption that consumer behavior is controlled by some force, but most of these forces are beyond the scope of consumer self-control. Changes in consumer behavior is not so much a manifestation of the subjective will of consumers, it is more affected by various internal and external factors affecting the results. For example, the behavior of the concept of consumer behavior theory suggests that consumer behavior is mainly caused by the stimulation of the external environment. Therefore, the hypothesis the primary or sole motivation for the purpose is to reduce cognitive inconsistency, the inner state of mind to maintain balance, consumers are always seeking behavior of the internal balance. From a certain perspective, this behavior is a static concept. As Firat commented it: think the theory of consumer behavior consistent with the orderly conduct. Thus, consumer behavior characteristics (such as cognitive reaction, reflex, personal characteristics, etc.) variables follow the consumer is always the pursuit of internal balance hypothesis, the researchers able to predict certain behaviors of consumers, and forecasts marketing activities of enterprises of great reference.In short, the positivist paradigm in consumer research, consumers are only a passive, passive object. For example, the act of self-awareness concept assumes that consumers lack the ability, so that through the environmental impact of corporate marketing strategy will be able to control and guide the consumer, such is the positivist paradigm of attack focus. Positivist paradigm assumes that consumers are passive objects, in fact, this assumption is the customer first serious departure from the philosophy of marketing. American Marketing Association Conference in 1988 reiterated the theme: marketing knowledge in the production of consumer behavior research, consumers unfortunate enough to be converted into laboratory guinea pigs, they became to be observed, the object of interviews and experiments.Because of positivism can be assumed that the consumer is an object of knowledge, and experience in consumer spending and therefore the process can be separated, can be broken down into different components. We can use a variety of objective methods of analysis and experience of the consumer process to analyze the different components. These methods include the standard questionnaire, experiment and personality tests. However, these methods are unable to conduct a comprehensive wealth of consumer behavior analysis. As a factor in a process separate and detailed analysis, it ignores the complexity of the system and interaction. Braithwaite believes that the standard quantitative survey methods (such as questionnaires) will limit the description of consumer spending, resulting in a negative way respondents answer questions.Although a lot of criticism, but we should also see the traditional method of consumption patterns abstract out the prediction of consumer behavior and control role: some of the methods of scientific investigation in the conclusions they come within the scope of observation is credible . In addition, the positivist paradigm creatively construct theory of consumer behavior, the essence of the idea also contributed to the development of marketing practice.The third, non-positivist-oriented consumer behavior researchNon-positivist paradigm of consumer behavior is no longer the consumer as a passive response, but for psychological proactive with the ability of actors, they have to interpret the environment of the consumer and construction capabilities. For example, the interpretation of the view that the subjective views of consumer behavior by consumers, content and structure of domination. Shaughnessy said: In the interpretation of the watch, the purchase can not simply be based on product benefits and to make rational cost-benefit calculation, but the consumer sense of the process of collection of personal experience. Therefore, based on consumer behavior and decision-making is the intrinsic subjective value system. Postmodern perspective of consumer behavior research and interpretation of consumer behavior under the focus of research is the consumers subjective values, language and rhetoric.Brown said in the marketing sense, the interpretation of the concept is different from post-modernism in the fact that the former assumes that man is a self-governing body, freedom of thought, self-understanding of the individual. For example, the concept of humanism and phenomenology that consumers are internally consistent and rational, and can determine their own process of consumer experience and value. Thus, similar to the traditional view, outlook also assumes that the consumer has the interpretation that constitute the essence of nature. In addition, the interpretation of the concept also emphasize that consumers should have a good fantasy, emotional experience and the pursuit of happiness consumption side, that consumers are always on the environment and the internal consistency of the statements describe subjectivity, thus making the environment more meaningful and more predictable; Moreover, the consumers subjective description of the community can also assume that most people understand and share.Then modernist view of consumption is that consumers do not mind the essence of both fixed or something to drive their behavior. Therefore, the subjective feelings of self-recognition and context-specific and dependent on the atmosphere. The context and the atmosphere but also by the impact of social roles among consumers. Therefore, the consumption of the resulting image is constantly changing and subjective feelings or transformation. Their consumption by the consumers with whom, what kind of consumer environment, and why consumer spending and other variables. Postmodernism insists that consumer identity is intermittent, incomplete, and subject to change. Firat that consumers self-image performance, characteristics and values of a multi-dimensional variability, and they are not aware of the changing and contradictory values and lifestyles between the incompatibility. Therefore, the post-modernist view of consumer behavior to focus on consumers through their own consumption and lifestyle different to change their living environment as reflected in the creativity and autonomy capabilities.Through the analysis of the various points of view can know that consumers making purchasing decisions, not only focus on product effectiveness, but also pay attention to the symbolic value of the product. Material goods to meet consumer needs only appearance, but more important is that we must pay attention to the symbolic value of the product. For consumers, the consumer can have symbolic value in two areas: increasing consumer self-identity and symbolic value of self-identity of the community to improve the social symbolic value. Match the consumer with this act as individuals and consumers to create and maintain meaning and value of the social environment an important role. Therefore, advertising is often seen as symbolic construction and maintenance of a major symbol means. These tend to focus on the brand of cultural significance, so Elliot that the brand is often used to create and maintain a sense of identity such as the primary means of symbolism. Firat think it also reflects consumer culture contact with the general human freedom: the product obtained by replacing a different image, to gain a different self. This new image to obtain the freedom of self, that is, from a single, rigid, and the result of the liberation tradition.However, the interpretation of the concept of non-positivist and post-modern paradigm has also been criticism of the following aspects: (1) neglect of Africa undisciplined factors on consumer behavior consumer behavior constraint. Thompson et al pointed out that the post-modernist view of consumption is based on a


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