2020版高考英语大一轮复习Unit1Lifestyles课件北师大版必修1 .ppt

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2020版高考英语大一轮复习Unit1Lifestyles课件北师大版必修1 .ppt_第1页
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2020版高考英语大一轮复习Unit1Lifestyles课件北师大版必修1 .ppt_第3页
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第一部分教材课文要点 必修模块 1Unit 1 Lifestyles,1.suppose vt.认为;猜想;假设 教材原句 .my life is very stressful, I suppose(suppose).,重点单词,单句填空 I arrived early at Byron Bay where we were supposed to meet(meet).(2018课标全国完形填空) The construction work of the theatre is supposed to be pleted (plete) within the year.,单句改错 They are supposed to obeying the person of a higher rank. obeyingobey 句式升级 You are late. You were supposed to arrive half an hour ago. You are late. You are supposed to have arrived half an hour ago.(改为同义句),写作微练 我想我能取得使我能进入理想大学的好成绩。 I suppose I can get a good mark which will enable me to enter my ideal college.,2.switch v.转换;转变 n.开关;转换 教材原句 Then I get up, go downstairs and switch(switch) on the TV in the living room. 单句填空 Every day I switch on the TV at seven oclock and switch over to CCTV Channel One to watch the news.,单句改错 They switched the conversation a less embarrassing subject. conversationto,写作微练 根据空中交通规则,你应该在登机前关掉手机。 According to the air traffic rules, you should switch off your mobile phone before boarding.,点拨 (1)switch on把开关打开,接通 switch off把关掉 switch over换频道;换台 switch(.)to(.)变换()到() (2)make a switch进行改变,3plain vi.抱怨,埋怨,发牢骚;投诉 教材原句 My family plains about it.,单句填空 Mom plained (plain) a lot, and said that despite its high rat-ings, the food was not to our taste.(2018江苏卷书面表达) You can make a plaint (plain) to the manager unless you are happy. Fifteen minutes later, Tom left there with his friends, still plaining (plain) of it.,点拨 (1)plain about/of抱怨,埋怨 plain to sb.向某人抱怨 plain to sb. about/of sth.向某人抱怨/投诉某事 plain that.抱怨 (2)plaint n.抱怨;不满;投诉 make a plaint提出投诉;抱怨,4.prefer v.(preferred,preferred)更喜欢 教材原句 I prefer meeting people in small groups.我更喜欢与一小群人见面。,单句填空 Unlike fast-food places, fine dining shops prefer customersto stay (stay) longer and spend.(2018江苏卷阅读理解) People develop a preference for a particular style of learning at an early age and these preferences (preference) affect learning.,单句改错 Rather than riding a crowded bus, he always prefers to ride a bike. riding ride,一句多译 他宁愿跟我们一起去也不愿留下来。 He preferred to go with us rather than stay behind.(prefer.rather than.) He preferred going with us to staying behind.(prefer.to.) He would rather go with us than stay behind.(would rather.than.) He would go with us rather than stay behind.(would.rather than.),点拨 (1)prefer doing sth./to do sth.更喜欢做某事 prefer sb. to do sth.宁愿某人做某事 (2)“宁愿(做)而不愿(做)”的多种表达: prefer A to B prefer to do A rather than do B would do A rather than do B would rather do A than do B,prefer doing A to doing B (3)prefer that+主语+(should)do sth.宁愿/喜欢(从句用虚拟语气) (4)preference n.偏爱,爱好,喜爱 have a preference for对偏爱,5.support n.支持,拥护;支撑 vt.支持,拥护;支撑;抚养,养活 教材原句 His idea to organise a big party has won support from his friends.他要组织一次大型聚会的想法已经赢得了朋友们的支持。 单句填空 The old man entered the room, supported (support) by his grandson. Though not everyone approved of the new dance, the dance did find e-nough supporters (support).,完成句子 Without his support, we wouldnt be where we are now. 没有他的支持,我们就不会有今天的成绩。(2018北京卷单项填空) Tom has a large family to support.汤姆有一大家子人要养活。,写作微练 除了学校,村庄还有一个诊所,也是在政府的资助下建起来的。 In addition to the school, the village has a clinic, which was also built with government support.,点拨 (1)win/lose ones support 赢得/失去某人的支持 in support of(=in favor of)支持 (2)support oneself自力更生;自谋生计 support ones family(=feed/keep ones family)养家糊口 support ones opinion支持某人的观点 Best Supporting Actress最佳女配角 (3)supporter n.支持者;拥护者,6.design n.设计;图案;构思;计划 vt.设计;计划;构思 教材原句 TV advertisement design 电视广告设计,单句填空 Over the years, there have been a number of different techniques to help designers (design) approach this important point. (2018课标全国I七选五) The Center offers programs designed (design) to challenge and in-spire with hands-on tasks and lots of fun. (2018北京卷阅读理解) This course is specially designed for beginners like you, focusing on listening and speaking practice.,句式升级 This project which had been designed to help landless people just didnt work out as planned. This project designed to help landless people just didnt work out as planned.(过去分词短语作定语),点拨 (1)by design(=on purpose)故意地;蓄意地 be designed for sb./sth.为某人/某物设计的 be designed to do sth.打算做某事 (2)designer n.设计者;构思者 【联想】“故意与偶然”的表达: (1)故意地:by design;on purpose;deliberately;intentionally (2)偶然地:by chance;by accident;accidentally,7.otherwise adv.否则;不然;除此以外 教材原句 I need to do that because I dont get enough exercise otherwise.我需要那么做,因为不然我就得不到充足的锻炼。,单句填空 Many people helped him, otherwise he would have dropped (drop) out of school.,完成句子 Well get there somehow, by train or otherwise. 不论乘火车还是用其他方式,我们总会到达那里的。 He is noisy, but otherwisea nice boy. 他很吵闹,但在其他方面倒是个好孩子。 In the kindergarten, the children learn singing, dancing, drawing and otherwise. 孩子们在幼儿园里学唱歌、跳舞、画画等。,点拨 (1)otherwise adv.否则;不然 表示如果前述内容没有发生,或者情况不同,则产生怎样的后果。若后果是真实可以发生的,含otherwise的句子中谓语动词用陈述语气;若后果是一种假设而不可能发生的,则用虚拟语气。 (2)otherwise作副词时,可表示:另外;别样在其他方面相反地;要不然;否则 【发散思维】otherwise 构成的短语:and otherwise等等,及其他;or otherwise或相反,或其他情况,1.go off (铃、爆竹等)响;爆炸;离开 教材原句 I normally wake up about five minutes before my alarm clock goes off.,重点短语,点拨 go after追求;追逐;谋求 go against违背;反对 go by (时间)流逝,过去;依据/根据判断 go for适用于;去带回/取回;努力争取 go in for参加考试(或竞赛);对某事物有兴趣;爱好,go out熄灭 go over仔细检查;反复研究;复习 go through仔细检查/查看;经历,遭受 go without没有而勉强应付,2.take up 占据(时间/空间);开始从事;继续;一起说/唱 教材原句 Meeting and phone calls takeup a large part of the day.,单句填空 I took off my T-shirt and dived into the water.(2018课标全国II完形填空) The old school building was taken down last Saturday. When she fell ill, her daughter took overthe business there. As we know, fish take inoxygen through their gills(鳃). Many businesses started up by college students have taken off;thanks to the fortable climate for business creation.,单句改错 Little Bob has a terrible holiday because doing homework has taken in most part of his holiday. inup My hometown has taken at a new look in recent years. aton,点拨 take.as.把看作 take down拆除,拆掉;写下,记录;拿下,取下 take.for.把误认为 take sb. in留宿,收留;欺骗 take sth. in吸入;改小/瘦(衣服);包括;理解,领会 take off脱下(衣服),摘掉;起飞;休息,休假;突然大受欢迎,迅速流行 take on雇用;呈现;承担,take over接管 take away拿去;移去;消除 take after(外貌/行为等)与相像/似;追赶 take back收回;退回;撤回;带回,3.suffer from 遭受;受之苦;患病 教材原句 .what kinds of people often suffer from stress?,单句改错 Having suffered heart trouble for years, Professor White must take some medicine with him wherever he goes. sufferedfrom,完成句子 It is reported that the factory suffered a great loss in the fire.据报道,这家工厂在大火中遭受了重大损失。,点拨 (1)suffer from 受之苦;患病 该短语一般跟表示“疾病,缺陷,自然灾害,战争”等的具体名词,如cough,headache,heart failure,earthquake,war等。 suffer一般跟表示“损失,失败,痛苦”等的抽象名词作宾语,如pain,loss,hunger,hardship,punishment等。 (2)suffering n.(指肉体或精神上遭受的)痛苦;苦难;疼痛;折磨,【巧学助记】遭受损失还是患有疾病? suffer defeatsuffer from disease,1.while 教材原句 I always take my portable TV and I sit on the stone wall while the dog walks round in a circle.,重点句型,单句填空 After a while Uncle Paul and his farm house were out of sight.(2018浙江卷读后续写),语境识意(写出下列句中while的词义) Corn production has jumped nearly 125 percent over the past 25 years, while rice has increased by only 7 percent.而 While online shopping has changed our life, not all of its effects have been positive.虽然/尽管 While Cathy was watching the Olympics, a dream came into her sweet little headto be a swimmer.当时,点拨 (1)while意为“而”时,用于连接并列句,强调的是前后对比(but强调转折);意为“当时”时,用于引导时间状语从句;意为“虽然,尽管”时,用于引导让步状语从句。 (2)while作为名词时的搭配: after a while不久;过一会儿 all the while始终,一直 for a while暂时;一会儿 once in a while偶尔,间或2.It takes sb. some time to do sth.,教材原句 It takes me less than fifteen minutesto wash(wash), get changed, have breakfast, leave home and get on a bus.,单句填空 It took him a long timeto acquire (acquire) the skills he needed to bee a good dancer.(2018天津卷单项填空),点拨 It takes/took+sb. some time to do sth.做某事花了某人多长时间 It takes/took courage to do sth.做某事需要勇气 【辨析】,3.the+序数词(+名词/代词)+to do sth. 教材原句 I am always the first person to get(get) to the office.,单句填空 The arrival of driverless vehicles is a chance to make (make) sure that those vehicles are environmentally friendly and more shared.(2018北京卷阅读理解) Unless you can sleep well, you will lose the ability to focus (focus), plan and stay motivated after one or two nights.,写作微练 许多人都知道居里夫人是获得诺贝尔奖的第一位女士,同时也是两次获此殊荣的第一人。 Many people know that Marie Curie was the first woman to win the No-bel Prize, and the first person to win it twice.,点拨 当名词或代词前有序数词、最高级或the last等修饰时,常用不定式作其定语。常用不定式作定语的名词有way,need,chance,plan,ability,decision等。 He is always the first one to e and the last one to leave.他总是第一个来,最后一个走。 That is the best way to do it. 那是做这件事的最好的方法。,4.so.that. 教材原句 Usually, its so crowded that I cant find anywhere to sit.,单句改错 John was too weak that he couldnt walk. tooso They made so rapid progress that they did well in the midterm examina-tion. sosuch,句式升级 He is such a polite boy that everyone likes him. He is so polite a boy that everyone likes him.(so.that.) He is such a polite boy/so polite a boy as everyone likes.(as引导的定语从句) The teacher spoke so fast that I couldnt follow him. So fast did the teacher speak that I couldnt follow him.(倒装句),点拨 so/such.that.意为“如此以至于”,用于引导结果状语从句。常用句式有: (1)so+adj./adv.+that. so+adj.+a/an+单数名词+that. so+many/few+复数名词+that. so+much/little(少)+不可数名词+that.,(2)such+a/an+adj.+单数名词+that. such+adj.+复数名词+that. such+adj.+不可数名词+that. 【点津】当句式中的so/such位于句首时,主句应用倒装结构。 so that既可以引导结果状语从句,又可引导目的状语从句。如果从句中有can,could等情态动词时,多为结果状语从句。 【辨析】,


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