2020版高考英语大一轮复习 Unit 6 Design课件 北师大版必修2.ppt

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2020版高考英语大一轮复习 Unit 6 Design课件 北师大版必修2.ppt_第1页
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2020版高考英语大一轮复习 Unit 6 Design课件 北师大版必修2.ppt_第3页
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必修模块 2Unit 6 Design,1.imagination n.想象力;想象 教材原句 Qi Baishis style of painting often leaves the audience guessing and makes them use theirimagination(imagine).,重点单词,She was imaginative (imagination) and determined, and she dared to explore. That is the only way we can imagine to reduce (reduce) the overuse of water in students bathrooms. It is difficult to imagine hisaccepting (accept) the decision without any consideration.,单句改错 The prize will go to the writer whose story shows the most imaginative. imaginativeimagination Though he made a mistake, he managed to avoid punished. punishedbeing,写作微练 一般来说,一个发明家需要创造性的想象力,但是你能想象到像他一样的小男孩能做出如此富有想象力的轮船模型吗? Generally speaking, an inventor needs a creative imagination, but can you imagine a little boy like him can make so imaginative a model ship?,点拨 (1)beyond imagination超乎想象,难以想象 (2)imagine v.想象;料想;认为 imagine doing sth.想象做某事 imagine sb./sb.s doing sth.想象某人做某事 imaginative adj.富于想象力的,【巧学助记】口诀助记接动名词作宾语的词或短语: 考虑建议盼原谅(consider,suggest/advise,look forward to,excuse/pardon); 承认推迟和想要(admit,delay/put off,fancy); 避免错过继续练(avoid,miss,keep/keep on,practice); 否认完成就欣赏(deny,finish,enjoy/appreciate); 禁止想象才冒险(forbid,imagine,risk); 不禁介意准逃亡(cant help,mind,allow/permit,escape),2.valuable adj.珍贵的,贵重的;有价值的 教材原句 His soft portraits of beautiful women are very valuable (value). 单句填空 We have all heard how time is more valuable (valuable) than mon-ey, but is it possible to have too much time?(2018浙江卷完形填空),句式升级(用“be+of+抽象名词”) This fiction film is considered to be not interesting. This fiction film is considered to be of no interest. This book will be greatly valuable to students of geography. This book will be of great value to students of geography. 写作微练 只要一个人给别人的生活带来价值,那么他的生命就有价值。 Ones life has value as long as one brings value to the life of others.,点拨 (1)valuable experience宝贵的经验 (2)value n.价值;用途;价值观(常用复数) vt.重视;给估价 be of(great)value(很)有价值 value.as.把视为 (3)valueless adj.无价值的;不值钱的 invaluable adj.极有用的;非常宝贵的,【联想】be+of+抽象名词=be+形容词,常用于此结构的名词有use,hope,importance,help,interest,value,benefit等,名词前可用great,little,no等词修饰。,3.ruin n.废墟;毁坏,破坏 vt.毁坏,破坏 教材原句 The castle was in ruins for 200 years until it was rebuilt in 1932. 单句填空 It rained for two weeks on end, pletely ruining (ruin) my holi-day. When they returned to Rockaway the next day, they found their neigh-borhood in ruins (ruin).(2016北京卷阅读理解) The ancient temple has falleninto ruin and needs repairing.,点拨 (1)ruin oneself自我毁灭,毁掉自己 ruin ones health/fame毁坏某人的健康/名誉 fall into ruin毁灭 in ruins严重受损;破败不堪 (2)ruinous adj.破坏性的;灾难性的 a ruinous war毁灭性的战争,4.mercy n.仁慈;宽恕;怜悯 教材原句 He had no mercy so we had to leave fast.他没有同情心,所以我们不得不赶紧离开。,单句填空 That merciful (mercy) king saved the young officers from death. He went down on his knees and begged for mercy.,单句改错 It was mercy that the whole family survived the earthquake. mercya,完成句子 She is a kind-hearted woman and oftenhas mercy onpeople who are in trouble.她是个心地善良的女人,经常同情处于困境中的人。 In many areas the harvest isat the mercy ofthe weather. 在很多地区收成由天气支配。,点拨 (1)ask/beg for mercy请求/乞求宽恕 have mercy on sb.(=show mercy to sb.)对某人同情/怜悯 at the mercy of sb./sth.任由某人/某物摆布 out of mercy出于仁慈 without mercy残忍地;毫不留情地 Its a mercy(that).幸运的是 (2)merciful adj.仁慈的;慈悲的;宽大的 merciless adj.残忍的,5.conclusion n.结论;结束;结尾 教材原句 conclusion(conclude)why you want to live there,单句填空 John said he could concludefrom Janes expression that Jane had stolen his money. We will have a further discussion before drawing a final conclusion(conclude).,It can be concluded (conclude) that restaurant keepers need not “be overly concerned about bad tables,” given that theyre prof-itable.(2018江苏卷阅读理解) The research lacks solid evidence, and therefore, its conclusions(conclude) are doubtful.,写作微练 总之,全世界的人们都应该意识到水资源短缺的真实现状。 In conclusion, people around the world should be aware of the real situa-tion of water shortage.,点拨 (1)draw/e to/reach a conclusion得出结论 e to the conclusion that.所得结论是(conclusion之后可接that引导的同位语从句) in conclusion 最后;总之 at the conclusion of在结束时 (2)conclude v.得出结论;推断出;结束 conclude 从中推断出,1.add.to. 把加到(上) 教材原句 To emphasise the woman even more, Chen adds a lot of detail to the fan and the cloth of her dress, and chooses to paint the background be-hind the woman black.,重点短语,单句填空 As is known to all, good friends add happiness and value tolife.,活学巧用(用add的相关短语填空) Next,add the eggs to the flour. These numbersadd up to 300. Pleaseadd up the following amounts. The bad weather onlyadded to our difficulties. The dictionary is out of date:many wordshave been added tothe language since it was published.,点拨 (1)add to增添,增加 add up把加起来 add up to加起来达到,总计为 add that.补充说;接着说,(2)addition n.添加;增加;增加物;(数)加法 in addition此外,另外 in addition to 除之外(还) 【联想】其他有“此外,另外”含义的词或短语:whats more,besides,furthermore,moreover。,2.date back (to)/date from 追溯到;始于 教材原句 Paper cuts of animals have been found in tombs which date back to the time of the Northern and Southern Dynasty!,单句填空 The attraction of the Cloisters museum and gardens lies in the fact that its collections datefromthe Middle Ages.(2018江苏卷阅读理解),写作微练 这座寺庙历史悠久,可追溯到初唐时期。 The temple has a long history dating back to/dating from the early Tang Dynasty.,点拨 date back to(=date from)常用于一般现在时;不用于被动语态;常用其现在分词形式作后置定语。 【发散思维】 fix/set a date for确定的日期 have/make a date with sb.与某人约会 to date迄今为止,到目前为止 up to date 最新的;现代的 out of date过时的;陈腐的,3.be related to 与有关 教材原句 People to whom the dead person was related would make these of-ferings on special days and during festivals.,单句改错 These articles should be related in the students life. into,单句填空 People in the West make it a rule to buy Christmas presents for their relatives (relative) and friends. A man is being questionedin relation to the attempted murder last night. You must write down all the information related (relate) to the problem.,完成句子 I have some ments to makein relation to this matter. 关于这件事我有几点看法。,点拨 (1)relate sth. to sth. 把与联系起来 (2)relate v.联系;使有联系;叙述 related adj.相关的,有联系的 relation n.关系;亲戚 in relation to关于;涉及 relationship n.关系,关联 relative adj.相对的n.亲戚,亲属,4.try out 试验;测试;试用 教材原句 I was also ready to try out paper-cutting for myself.,单句填空 Several pairs of shoes were triedout, but none of them were satis-factory. To tryout an idea, the author played the ball with Shepherd. Several pairs of shoes were triedon, but none of them were satisfac-tory.,完成句子 The two sides are stilltrying to reach an agreement. 双方仍在试图达成一项协议。,点拨 try on试穿try for试图获得 try out for参加的选拔 try doing sth.试着做某事 try to do sth.尽力做某事 try/do ones best to do sth.尽某人最大努力做某事 try ones luck 碰运气 have a try 试试看,尝试一下,1.see+宾语+宾补 教材原句 Across this painting, named Racing Horse, we can see a horse running(run) at a high speed like a missile across the sky.,重点句型,单句填空 To learn English well,we should find opportunities to hear English spoken (speak) as much as possible. When the poor girl came to, she found herself lying (lie) in a strange room. Michael put up a picture of Yao Ming beside the bed to keep himself reminded (remind) of his own dream. As I squeezed back into my car, I saw the same lady looking(look),in at me.,单句改错 I looked up and noticed a snake wind its way up the tree to catch its breakfast. windwinding Alexander tried to get his work recognizing in the medical circles. recognizingrecognized,完成句子 When I work on the farmland in the daytime, I always keep the/my sheep tied to a tree on the riverbank.(keep) 白天干农活时,我总是把羊拴在河边的树上。 Much to my surprise, I found my letters torn into piecesafter I opened the drawer.使我非常吃惊的是,我打开抽屉后发现我的信被撕成碎片了。,写作微练 此时此刻,我的父母回来了,并且很惊讶地看到所有的房间整整齐齐,地板闪闪发光。 At this very moment, my parents came back and were quite surprised to see all the rooms tidy and floors shining.,点拨 see,feel,hear,listen to,look at,notice,observe,watch+宾语+宾补(do/doing/done):动词原形常表主动过程(变为被动语态时需加上不定式符号to,如“be seen to do sth.”);现在分词常表主动、进行;过去分词常表被动、完成。 【联想】“动词+宾语+宾补”是高考的常考点,总结如下: “make+宾语+宾补”结构中的宾补可由名词、形容词、过去分词、不带to的不定式(变为被动语态时要加上to)等充当。,“have+宾语+宾补”结构中的宾补可由现在分词、过去分词、不带to的不定式、介词短语等充当(get也有此用法,但是不定式作宾补时,需带不定式符号to)。 “keep+宾语+宾补”结构中的宾补可由现在分词、过去分词、形容词、介词短语等充当。 “find+宾语+宾补”结构中的宾补可由现在分词、过去分词、形容词等充当。 “leave+宾语+宾补”参见下一条目。,2.leave sb./sth. doing 教材原句 Qi Baishis style of painting often leaves the audience guessing (guess) and makes them use their imagination.,单句填空 On hearing the news,she rushed out without hesitation and disappeared in the distance,leaving her toylying(lie)on the desk. His remarks left mewondering(wonder)about his real purpose. He felt very tired after the long journey and went to sleep,leaving the dooropen(open). Dont leave the water running (run) while you brush your teeth.,完成句子 They started out hurriedly,leaving the dishes untouched(菜都没有动). Jacks humour in his speech left the audiencelaughing(笑个不停). Many children areleft behind(留下)in the countryside when their parents flood into cities for jobs. 句式升级 When he returned home,there was only 5 yuan left.,There being only 5 yuan left,he returned home.(独立主格结构),点拨 leave+宾语+adj./n. leave+宾语+介词短语 leave+宾语+done leave+宾语+doing leave+宾语+where/as从句,【发散思维】 (1)leave的过去分词left常作后置定语,表示“剩下的”,常用句式为 “Theres no.left for sb. to do sth.”,意为“没留下/剩下让某人做某事”。 (2)leave的相关短语: leave alone别管;别动 leave behind不带走;忘了带;留下,leave for动身去 leave A for B离开A去B leave off中断;停止 leave out不提及;不包括,3.wish后接宾语从句 教材原句 I wish I could have bought a painting, but they are too expensive for me.我希望我已经买了一幅画,但是它们对我来说太贵了! 单句填空 There is a good social life in the village, and I wish I had (have) a second chance to bee more involved.(2018江苏卷),I wish Ihad been (be) at my sisters wedding last Tuesday, but I was on a business trip in New York then. I wasnt able to hide my eagerness when I asked, “What do you wish me to do (do) now?” 单句改错 Ellen is a fantastic dancer and I really wish I dance as well as her. dancedanced,写作微练 此外,我希望一个班里不要有太多的学生。 Besides, I wish there would not be too many students in a class.,点拨 动词wish 后接宾语从句时,从句用虚拟语气:表示与现在情况相反时,从句谓语用动词过去式;与将来情况相反时,从句谓语用“would/could/might+动词原形”;与过去情况相反时,从句谓语使用“had done”。 【发散思维】wish作为动词时的其他用法: wish for盼望,想要 wish+宾语+宾补(形容词、名词等) wish (sb.) to do sth.希望(某人)做某事,


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