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中华人民共和国企业破产法Enterprise Bankruptcy Law of the Peoples Republic of ChinaChineseEnglish发文机关:全国人民代表大会常务委员会发布日期:2006.08.27生效日期:2007.06.01时效性:现行有效文号:主席令第五十四号Promulgating Agency:Standing Committee of the National Peoples CongressPromulgating Date:2006.08.27Effective Date:2007.06.01Validity Status:valid【正文】字体大小(大中小)中华人民共和国企业破产法主席令第五十四号中华人民共和国企业破产法已由中华人民共和国第十届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第二十三次会议于2006年8月27日通过,现予公布,自2007年6月1日起施行。中华人民共和国主席 胡锦涛2006年8月27日中华人民共和国企业破产法(2006年8月27日第十届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第二十三次会议通过)Enterprise Bankruptcy Law of the Peoples Republic of ChinaPassed by the 23rd Session of the Standing Committee of the Tenth National Peoples Congress on 27 August 2006第一章 总 则CHAPTER I GENERAL PRINCIPLES第一条为规范企业破产程序,公平清理债权债务,保护债权人和债务人的合法权益,维护社会主义市场经济秩序,制定本法。Article 1.This Law is formulated for the purposes of regulating enterprise bankruptcy procedures, fair treatment of debts and rights to debts, protecting the lawful rights and interests of creditors and debtors, and safeguarding the order of the socialist market economy.第二条企业法人不能清偿到期债务,并且资产不足以清偿全部债务或者明显缺乏清偿能力的,依照本法规定清理债务。企业法人有前款规定情形,或者有明显丧失清偿能力可能的,可以依照本法规定进行重整。Article 2.Where an enterprise legal person is unable to repay its debts as they become due, and its assets are insufficient for the settlement of all debts or where it is clearly insolvent, such an enterprise legal person shall handle its debts pursuant to the provisions of this Law.An enterprise legal person that fits any of the descriptions in the preceding paragraph or is clearly insolvent may carry out restructuring pursuant to the provisions of this Law.第三条破产案件由债务人住所地人民法院管辖。Article 3.All bankruptcy cases shall be administered by the Peoples Court with jurisdiction where the debtor is domiciled.第四条破产案件审理程序,本法没有规定的,适用民事诉讼法的有关规定。Article 4.Where procedures to a bankruptcy case hearing are not provided in this Law, the relevant provisions in civil procedural law shall apply.第五条依照本法开始的破产程序,对债务人在中华人民共和国领域外的财产发生效力。对外国法院作出的发生法律效力的破产案件的判决、裁定,涉及债务人在中华人民共和国领域内的财产,申请或者请求人民法院承认和执行的,人民法院依照中华人民共和国缔结或者参加的国际条约,或者按照互惠原则进行审查,认为不违反中华人民共和国法律的基本原则,不损害国家主权、安全和社会公共利益,不损害中华人民共和国领域内债权人的合法权益的,裁定承认和执行。Article 5.Any bankruptcy proceeding that originates under this Law shall be binding on all assets that are held outside the territory of the Peoples Republic of China by the debtor.Where a foreign courts judgment or ruling on a bankruptcy case that has taken effect involves assets in the territories of the Peoples Republic of China held by a debtor, and an application or request for judicial recognition and enforcement of the judgment is made to the Peoples Court, the Peoples Court shall, pursuant to the international treaty that the Peoples Republic of China has concluded or is a member of, or pursuant to the principle of reciprocity, examine the application or request; where the Peoples Court deems that the application or request will not violate the basic principles of law of the Peoples Republic of China, threaten national sovereignty, security and public interest, and will not impair the lawful rights and interests of the creditors within the territory of the Peoples Republic of China, the Peoples Court shall make a ruling on recognition and enforcement.第六条人民法院审理破产案件,应当依法保障企业职工的合法权益,依法追究破产企业经营管理人员的法律责任。Article 6.A Peoples Court shall, in any hearing of a bankruptcy case, safeguard the lawful rights and interests of the employees of the enterprise and investigate the legal liability of the management personnel of the bankrupt enterprise pursuant to the law.第二章 申请和受理CHAPTER II APPLICATION AND ACCEPTANCE第一节 申 请SECTION 1 APPLICATION第七条债务人有本法第二条规定的情形,可以向人民法院提出重整、和解或者破产清算申请。债务人不能清偿到期债务,债权人可以向人民法院提出对债务人进行重整或者破产清算的申请。企业法人已解散但未清算或者未清算完毕,资产不足以清偿债务的,依法负有清算责任的人应当向人民法院申请破产清算。Article 7.A debtor who fits any of the descriptions in Article 2 may apply to a Peoples Court for restructuring, settlement or bankruptcy liquidation.Where a debtor is unable to repay its debts as they become due, the creditors may apply to a Peoples Court for restructuring or bankruptcy liquidation of the debtor.Where an enterprise legal person has been dissolved before dissolution or completion of dissolution, or its assets are insufficient to settle the debts, the person(s) who is/are responsible for liquidation pursuant to the law shall apply to a Peoples Court for bankruptcy liquidation.第八条向人民法院提出破产申请,应当提交破产申请书和有关证据。破产申请书应当载明下列事项:(一)申请人、被申请人的基本情况;(二)申请目的;(三)申请的事实和理由;(四)人民法院认为应当载明的其他事项。债务人提出申请的,还应当向人民法院提交财产状况说明、债务清册、债权清册、有关财务会计报告、职工安置预案以及职工工资的支付和社会保险费用的缴纳情况。Article 8.A bankruptcy application form and the relevant evidence shall be submitted to a Peoples Court for a bankruptcy application.A bankruptcy application form shall state the following matters:(1) basic information of the applicant and the respondent;(2) the objective of the application;(3) the facts and reasons for the application; and(4) any other matter to be stated, as the Peoples Court may deem necessary.Where the application is submitted by the debtor, the debtor shall submit a statement of the status of the assets, a debt list, a list of its creditors rights, the relevant financial and accounting reports, staff resettlement scheme and a statement of payment of staff wages and contribution of social security premiums to the Peoples Court .第九条人民法院受理破产申请前,申请人可以请求撤回申请。Article 9.An applicant may request for a withdrawal of an application before the acceptance of the bankruptcy application by the Peoples Court.第二节 受 理SECTION 2 ACCEPTANCE第十条债权人提出破产申请的,人民法院应当自收到申请之日起五日内通知债务人。债务人对申请有异议的,应当自收到人民法院的通知之日起七日内向人民法院提出。人民法院应当自异议期满之日起十日内裁定是否受理。除前款规定的情形外,人民法院应当自收到破产申请之日起十五日内裁定是否受理。有特殊情况需要延长前两款规定的裁定受理期限的,经上一级人民法院批准,可以延长十五日。Article 10.Where a bankruptcy application is made by the creditors, the Peoples Court shall notify the debtor within five days from the receipt of the application. Where the debtor objects to the application, the debtor must raise the objection to the Peoples Court within seven days from the receipt of the notification by the Peoples Court. The Peoples Court shall rule on whether to accept the bankruptcy application within 10 days from the date of expiry of the objection period.Other than the aforesaid circumstance in the preceding paragraph, the Peoples Court shall rule on whether to accept a bankruptcy application within 15 days from the date of receipt of the application.Where time extension is required for the making of rulings in the preceding paragraphs due to special circumstances, an extension of 15 days that is subject to approval by the higher-level Peoples Court may be granted.第十一条人民法院受理破产申请的,应当自裁定作出之日起五日内送达申请人。债权人提出申请的,人民法院应当自裁定作出之日起五日内送达债务人。债务人应当自裁定送达之日起十五日内,向人民法院提交财产状况说明、债务清册、债权清册、有关财务会计报告以及职工工资的支付和社会保险费用的缴纳情况。Article 11.Where a Peoples Court accepts a bankruptcy application in its ruling, a notice shall be delivered to the applicant within five days from the date of the ruling.Where an application is made by the creditors, the Peoples Court shall deliver a notice to the debtor within five days from the date of delivery of the ruling. The debtor shall, within 15 days from the date of delivery of the ruling, submit to the Peoples Court, a statement of status of its assets, a list of its debts, a list of its creditors rights, the relevant financial and accounting reports, as well as its staff resettlement scheme and statements of payment of staff wages and contribution of social security premiums.第十二条人民法院裁定不受理破产申请的,应当自裁定作出之日起五日内送达申请人并说明理由。申请人对裁定不服的,可以自裁定送达之日起十日内向上一级人民法院提起上诉。人民法院受理破产申请后至破产宣告前,经审查发现债务人不符合本法第二条规定情形的,可以裁定驳回申请。申请人对裁定不服的,可以自裁定送达之日起十日内向上一级人民法院提起上诉。Article 12.Where a Peoples Court rules against the acceptance of a bankruptcy application, a notice with reasons thereto shall be delivered to the applicant within five days from the date of delivery of the ruling. Where an applicant does not accept the ruling, the applicant may submit an appeal to the higher-level Peoples Court within 10 days from the date of the ruling.Where following an acceptance of a bankruptcy application but prior to declaration of bankruptcy, the Peoples Court examines and discovers that the debtor does not fit into any of the descriptions in Article 2, the Peoples Court may make a ruling rejecting the bankruptcy application. Where the applicant does not accept the ruling, the applicant may submit an appeal to the higher-level Peoples Court within 10 days from the date of delivery of the ruling.第十三条人民法院裁定受理破产申请的,应当同时指定管理人。Article 13.Where a Peoples Court rules in favour of accepting a bankruptcy application, the Peoples Court shall simultaneously appoint an administrator.第十四条人民法院应当自裁定受理破产申请之日起二十五日内通知已知债权人,并予以公告。通知和公告应当载明下列事项:(一)申请人、被申请人的名称或者姓名;(二)人民法院受理破产申请的时间;(三)申报债权的期限、地点和注意事项;(四)管理人的名称或者姓名及其处理事务的地址;(五)债务人的债务人或者财产持有人应当向管理人清偿债务或者交付财产的要求;(六)第一次债权人会议召开的时间和地点;(七)人民法院认为应当通知和公告的其他事项。Article 14.The Peoples Court shall, within 25 days from the date of ruling in favour of acceptance of a bankruptcy application, notify all known creditors and make a public announcement.The notice and public announcement shall state the following matters:(1) the name of the applicant and the respondent;(2) the time of acceptance of the bankruptcy application by the Peoples Court ;(3) the time limit for rights to debts, the venue and any other noteworthy matter, in a declaration of creditors rights to debts;(4) the name and business address of the administrator;(5) any debtor, that the debtor under consideration may have, where that first mentioned debtor must repay its debt owed to the debtor under consideration, to the administrator; or any holder of assets belonging to the debtor under consideration where the asset holder must deliver the asset to the administrator;(6) the time and venue for the first creditors meeting to be convened; and(7) any other matter as the Peoples Court deems necessary for inclusion in the notice and public announcement.第十五条自人民法院受理破产申请的裁定送达债务人之日起至破产程序终结之日,债务人的有关人员承担下列义务:(一)妥善保管其占有和管理的财产、印章和账簿、文书等资料;(二)根据人民法院、管理人的要求进行工作,并如实回答询问;(三)列席债权人会议并如实回答债权人的询问;(四)未经人民法院许可,不得离开住所地;(五)不得新任其他企业的董事、监事、高级管理人员。前款所称有关人员,是指企业的法定代表人;经人民法院决定,可以包括企业的财务管理人员和其他经营管理人员。Article 15.The following obligations below shall be borne by the relevant personnel of the debtor, during the period from the acceptance of a bankruptcy application in a ruling delivered by the Peoples Court to the date of termination of bankruptcy procedures:(1) maintain proper care of assets, seals, account books and documents, etc, held and managed by the said personnel;(2) perform any task as requested by the Peoples Court and the administrator, and answer any enquiries truthfully;(3) attend creditors meetings and answer creditors enquiries truthfully;(4) remain at the place of residence and shall not leave without the permission by the Peoples Court ; and(5) shall not accept any new directorship, supervisory or senior management appointments with another enterprise.The relevant personnel referred to in the preceding paragraph shall mean the legal representatives of the enterprise; and where the Peoples Court deems fit, the finance personnel and other business management personnel of the enterprise may be included.第十六条人民法院受理破产申请后,债务人对个别债权人的债务清偿无效。Article 16.Any debt settlement by the debtor with individual creditors after the Peoples Court has accepted the bankruptcy application shall be invalid.第十七条人民法院受理破产申请后,债务人的债务人或者财产持有人应当向管理人清偿债务或者交付财产。债务人的债务人或者财产持有人故意违反前款规定向债务人清偿债务或者交付财产,使债权人受到损失的,不免除其清偿债务或者交付财产的义务。Article 17.Upon acceptance of a bankruptcy application by a Peoples Court, any debtor to the debtor under consideration shall settle the debt with the administrator and any holder of assets belonging to the debtor under consideration shall transfer the assets to the administrator.Where any debtor to the debtor under consideration or any holder of assets belonging to the debtor under consideration intentionally violates the provisions of the preceding paragraph by making debt settlement with or transfers the assets to the debtor under consideration, and the violation causes loss to creditors, their debt settlement obligation or asset transfer obligation shall not be waived.第十八条人民法院受理破产申请后,管理人对破产申请受理前成立而债务人和对方当事人均未履行完毕的合同有权决定解除或者继续履行,并通知对方当事人。管理人自破产申请受理之日起二个月内未通知对方当事人,或者自收到对方当事人催告之日起三十日内未答复的,视为解除合同。管理人决定继续履行合同的,对方当事人应当履行;但是,对方当事人有权要求管理人提供担保。管理人不提供担保的,视为解除合同。Article 18.Upon acceptance of a bankruptcy application by the Peoples Court, the administrator shall have the right to decide whether, a contract that was concluded between a debtor and another party prior to acceptance of the bankruptcy application but is still pending completion by the parties, shall be continued or be rescinded; and the administrator shall give such notice of its decision to the other party. Where the administrator does not notify the other party to the contract within two months from the date of acceptance of the bankruptcy application, or does not reply within 30 days from the date of receipt of a reminder by the other party to the contract, the contract shall be deemed rescinded.Where the administrator decides on the continued performance of the contract, the other party to the contract shall perform the contract; however, the other party to the contract shall have the right to request for a security deposit from the administrator. Where the administrator does not provide a security deposit, the contract shall be deemed rescinded.第十九条人民法院受理破产申请后,有关债务人财产的保全措施应当解除,执行程序应当中止。Article 19.Upon the acceptance of a bankruptcy application by the Peoples Court, the preservation measures over the relevant debtors assets shall be discontinued and enforcement procedures shall be suspended.第二十条人民法院受理破产申请后,已经开始而尚未终结的有关债务人的民事诉讼或者仲裁应当中止;在管理人接管债务人的财产后,该诉讼或者仲裁继续进行。Article 20.Upon the acceptance of a bankruptcy application by a Peoples Court, all commenced and pending civil proceedings or arbitration proceedings that are related to the debtor shall be suspended; such proceedings or arbitration shall continue after the administrator has taken over the administration of the assets.第二十一条人民法院受理破产申请后,有关债务人的民事诉讼,只能向受理破产申请的人民法院提起。Article 21.Upon acceptance of a bankruptcy application by the Peoples Court, civil proceedings which relate to the debtor shall only be initiated in the Peoples Court that accepted the bankruptcy application.第三章 管理人CHAPTER III ADMINISTRATOR第二十二条管理人由人民法院指定。债权人会议认为管理人不能依法、公正执行职务或者有其他不能胜任职务情形的,可以申请人民法院予以更换。指定管理人和确定管理人报酬的办法,由最高人民法院规定。Article 22.An administrator shall be appointed by the Peoples Court.Where the creditors meeting believes that an administrator is unable to perform its duties fairly pursuant to the law or is unable to perform its duties for some reason, the creditors meeting may apply to the Peoples Court for a new appointment.The administrator to be appointed and the method for determining the administrators remuneration shall be stipulated by the Supreme Peoples Court.第二十三条管理人依照本法规定执行职务,向人民法院报告工作,并接受债权人会议和债权人委员会的监督。管理人应当列席债权人会议,向债权人会议报告职务执行情况,并回答询问。Article 23.An administrator shall perform its duties pursuant to the provisions of this Law, report its work progress to the Peoples Court, and subject itself to the supervision of the creditors meeting and the creditors committee.An administrator shall attend creditors meetings, report the performance of its duties and answer enquiries in the creditors meeting.第二十四条管理人可以由有关部门、机构的人员组成的清算组或者依法设立的律师事务所、会计师事务所、破产清算事务所等社会中介机构担任。人民法院根据债务人的实际情况,可以在征询有关社会中介机构的意见后,指定该机构具备相关专业知识并取得执业资格的人员担任管理人。有下列情形之一的,不得担任管理人:(一)因故意犯罪受过刑事处罚;(二)曾被吊销相关专业执业证书;(三)与本案有利害关系;(四)人民法院认为不宜担任管理人的其他情形。个人担任管理人的,应当参加执业责任保险。Article 24.An administrator may be a liquidation team comprising the relevant departments and organisations or a social intermediary such as a duly established law firm, accounting firm or bankruptcy liquidation firm, etc.A Peoples Court may, based on the circumstances of the debtor and upon consultation with the relevant social intermediary, appoint a qualified practitioner possessing the relevant professional knowledge to act as an administrator in such organisations.The following persons shall not act as an administrator:(1) a person who has been convicted of an intentional criminal offence;(2) a person whose relevant practising certificate has been revoked;(3) a person who is an interested party to the case; and(4) any other person who is deemed unsuitable to act as an administrator by the Peoples Court.An individual who acts as an administrator shall take up professional liability insurance.第二十五条管理人履行下列职责:(一)接管债务人的财产、印章和账簿、文书等资料;(二)调查债务人财产状况,制作财产状况报告;(三)决定债务人的内部管理事务;(四)决定债务人的日常开支和其他必要开支;(五)在第一次债权人会议召开之前,决定继续或者停止债务人的营业;(六)管理和处分债务人的财产;(七)代表债务人参加诉讼、仲裁或者其他法律程序;(八)提议召开债权人会议;(九)人民法院认为管理人应当履行的其他职责。本法对管理人的职责另有规定的,适用其规定。Article 25.An administrator shall perform the following duties:(1) take over the administration of all assets, seals and accounts and documents of the debtor;(2) investigate the status of the debtors assets and prepare an asset status report;(3) decide on the internal management matters of the debtor;(4) decide on the daily expenditure and other necessary expenditure of the debtor;(5) decide on the continuation or suspension of business of the debtor before the first creditors meeting is convened;(6) manage and dispose assets of the debtor;(7) represent the debtor in litigation, arbitration or any other legal proceeding;(8) propose the convening of creditors meetings; and(9) perform any other duty that the Peoples Court deems relevant.Where this Law otherwise provides for the duties of an administrator, such provisions shall prevail.第二十六条在第一次债权人会议召开之前,管理人决定继续或者停止债务人的营业或者有本法第六十九条规定行为之一的,应当经人民法院许可。Article 26.Where the administrator decides to continue with or suspend the business of the debtor, or carries out any of the acts stipulated in Article 69 prior to the first creditors meeting is convened, permission by the Peoples Court must be obtained.第二十七条管理人应当勤勉尽责,忠实执行职务。Article 27.An administrator shall be diligent and responsible and shall perform its duties faithfully.第二十八条管理人经人民法院许可,可以聘用必要的工作人员。管理人的报酬由人民法院确定。债权人会议对管理人的报酬有异议的,有权向人民法院提出。Article 28.Subject to the permission of the Peoples Court, an administrator may employ the requisite staff.The administrators remuneration shall be determined by the Peoples Court. Where a creditors meeting does not agree on the administrators remuneration, it shall have the right to raise an objection with the Peoples Court.第二十九条管理人没有正当理由不得辞去职务。管理人辞去职务应当经人民法院许可。Article 29.An administrator must not resign from the appointment without a proper reason. The resignation of an administrator shall be subject to the permission of the Peoples Court.第四章 债务人财产CHAPTER IV DEBTORS ASSETS第三十条破产申请受理时属于债务人的全部财产,以及破产申请受理后至破产程序终结前债务人取得的财产,为债务人财产。Article 30.All assets that belong to a debtor at the time of acceptance of a bankruptcy application and any asset obtained by the debtor during the time after acceptance of the bankruptcy application and before the termination of bankruptcy procedures, shall be the debtors assets.第三十一条人民法院受理破产申请前一年内,涉及债务人财产的下列行为,管理人有权请求人民法院予以撤销:(一)无偿转让财产的;(二)以明显不合理的价格进行交易的;(三)对没有财产担保的债务提供财产担保的;(四)对未到期的债务提前清偿的;(五)放弃债权的。Article 31.The administrator has the right to apply to the Peoples Court for a declaration of any of the fol


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