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郑州四十二中调节教学稿 八年级英语下 第1期 Unit 1 Will people have robots? Period One (Section A 1a-2c) 学习目标1.背会下列内容:New words: will , robot, everything, paper fewer pollution treeKey phrases: on computers, on paper, live to be, in 100 years, less pollution, fewer trees, be freeKey sentences:Kids will study at home on computers. Kids wont go to school.Will people have robots? Yes, they will./No, they wont.Will there be less pollution? Yes, there will./No, there wont.2.掌握will+动词原形的一般将来时态和There be结构的一般将来时态。3.掌握more, fewer和less的区别。快乐自学 1.I can read:我能根据词汇表大声朗读目标1中的生词并能熟记这些生词,自学目标1中的短语和句子我也能快速准确地朗读出来并认真识记。2. I can read and write:我能大声朗读1a中的句子并能写出下列短语的中文意思。on computers _on paper_ in 100 years _live to be_ live to be 200 years old_3. I can learn:通过自学1a中的句子和P96上的语法,我又知道了一种一般将来时态的表达形式,即_。4.I can use:我能用学会的新时态说句子:_5.I can predict:一百年后未来世界将有怎样的不同?每个家庭都会有机器人吗?根据1a中的预言我能快速勾出我同意和不同意的预言。6I can understand:通过自学我能理解2a和2b中的内容,并能区别fewer, less和more的用法。即:fewer+_,如:fewer_less+_,如:less_more+_ 和_ 如:more_, more_合作探究1.Discuss:与小组成员讨论一般将来时态的几种表达法及其句式结构:be+_ be going to+_ will+_【小贴示】be gong to +动词原形也可以用来描述将来的事,但它一般指近期就要发生的事,而will除了可以描述近期将要发生的事以外,还可以表示遥远的将来要发生的事,通常二者可以互换.另外be gong to 结构中的be动词随人称的变化而变化,但will却没有人称和数的变化.它们二者还有一个共同之处就是后面都接动词原形.千万要记住哟!2.Discuss:There be 结构的一般将来时态。_3.Discuss:after和in的区别。in ten years的汉语意思为_,用于_(时态)。10年之后还可以用_表示,但一般用于_(时态).如:He _(find) a pleasant job in ten years. He _(come) back to China after ten years.after 和in 都有在之后的意思,但after后即可跟_也可跟_;in后只能跟_两小时之后_/_两点钟以后_4.Groupwork:与小组成员大声朗读Grammar Focus并相互背诵,然后尝试改写以下句子。(1)Kids will come back to school tomorrow.Kids _come back to school tomorrow.(改否定句)_ _ come back to school tomorrow?(改一般疑问句)Yes,_ _No,_ _(2)There will be a heavy rain tomorrow._ _be a heavy rain tomorrow. (改为否定句)_ _ _ a heavy rain tomorrow? (改为一般疑问句)Yes,_ _./ No,_ _.达标检测一.我真聪明!瞧,我能根据句意及首字母提示补全所缺单词:1.People will have r_ in their homes.2.E_ will be free in the future.3.Please write down your name on this piece of p_.4.There is a bird singing in the t_.5.I have f_ books than Tom.二我有火眼金睛,我能快速选出正确答案喔!( )1.I think there will be _people and _pollution in the future.A. less , few B. few , less C. more , more( )2.There_a football match tomorrow. A. is going to have B. will have C. will be( )3.There_an English party in our school this evening.A. will have B. is having C. is going to be( )4.Be quick! There is _ time left. A. little B. a little C. few( )5.I will be a doctor_10 years. A. after B. later C. in( )6. Youre a little heavy. You should eat _ meat. A. few B. fewer C. less( )7. There is _ water in the bottle. You can drink it. A. a few B. few C. a little D. little( ) 8. Well try our best to do the work with _ money and _ people. A. few, little B. a few, a little C. less, fewer D. fewer, less 郑州四十二中调节教学稿 八年级英语下 第2期 Unit 1 Period Two (Section A 3a4) 学习目标1.掌握下列单词和短语:New word: buildingKey phrase: in college2.复习一般过去时态、一般现在时态,巩固一般将来时。 3.继续学习一般将来时态的相关知识,学会对未来进行预测.快乐自学 1.I can read:我能大声朗读目标1中的单词和短语,并能写出汉语意思:building(n.)_ in college_2.I can look and say: 看着Sally的照片,我能说出她五年前和现在的基本情况,并能预测她的将来。Five years ago, Sally was in high school. She _soccer. She_ a cat Today, Sally_ in college. She _the guitar. She _a dog. In five years, she _ _a doctor. She _ _tennis and she _ _a happy family.3.I can write: 我也能写写自己。Five years ago, I was_. I played _.I had _. Today, I am_. I play_. I have_. In five years, I will be _.I will play _.I will have_.合作探究1.Pairwork:看着活动3a,我们能根据3b给Sally做出预言并能轻松对话。2.Pairwork: 通过时间对比复习一般过去时态、一般现在时态,巩固一般将来时。3.Groupwork:我能画一幅我们城市未来的图画,然后向全班同学描述这幅图画。Say: I think there will be more tall buildings. And there will be fewer cars and more buses.达标检测一.哈哈,我会变!1.I often _up at 6:00 in the morning, but tomorrow morning I _up at 7:00 (get).2.My father_ a teacher in 10 years ago, but now he _a policeman. (be)3.Many people in our village _a lot of tall _last year. (build)4.Last Friday night, I_(have) a birthday party at home.5.There_(not be) an English test the day after tomorrow.二.轻松选择( )1.Five years ago, Li Mei _ soccer. A. plays B. played C. will play( )2._more buildings in our school in the future.A. There are B. There were C. There will be( )3.Her grandmother lived_103 years old. A. to B. be C. to be( )4._ will Marys cousin come back from Shanghai?In a week.A. How long B. How often C. How soon( )5.Usually Mike spends _time doing homework than Jack.A. much B. fewer C. more三句型转换1)There will be robots in our home. (改为一般疑问句并作肯定回答)_2)People will use paper money. (变为否定句)_3)There is more pollution in our country. (改为将来式)_四. 用more, less, fewer 填空1)There will be _computers in the future.2)There will be _ animals in the future.3) We will have _ free time.五翻译句子。 1)你认为萨莉五年后将干什么? _?2)我认为将会有更多的高楼大厦。 _.【小贴示】I think 为主句,它之后的句子为宾语从句。I think 之后的宾语从句表示否定意义时,常否定think.如:我认为将不会有更多的高楼大厦。 _. 郑州四十二中调节教学稿 八年级英语下 第3期 Unit 1 Period Three (Section B 1a2c) 学习目标1.掌握下列生词和短语:New words: astronaut, rocket, space, fly, took, moonKey phrases: fly to, on a space station2.巩固will表示的一般将来时态。快乐自学 1. I can read:我能根据词汇表大声朗读目标1中的生词并能熟记这些生词, 目标1中的短语我也能快速准确地朗读出来并认真识记。2.I can memorize and write:我是记忆之星,合上书我也能快速写出这些内容:宇航员/航天员_ 飞行_(过去式:_)太空/空间_ 火箭_ 月亮/月球_太空站_在太空站_飞往_3.I can distinguish(辨别):我能轻松辨别1a中的单词,快速完成表格。4.I can listen:仔细听录音中Alexis和Joe的对话,我能完成2a和2b。5.I can check and translate:结合听力材料,我能自我检测2a和2b的答案,并能准确翻译2b中的句子。6.Discuss(和你的同伴讨论看能翻译以下词组吗): 住在一套公寓里 _ 五年前_乘火箭到月球_ 乘火车到学校 _ 7.Pairwork:来,我们一起来表演Alexis和Joe的对话吧。让我们谈论谈论关于Joe现在的、10年前的以及10年后的生活。A: Where do you live?B: I live in an apartment.A: What do you do?B: Im a computer programmer.A: Where did you live 10 years ago?B: 达标检测一我能选词并用其适当形式填空astronaut, space station, fly, take, moon1.Russia(俄罗斯) built a _many years ago.2.People came to the _in 1969.3.My father _me to the park last Sunday.4.She_to Hainan Island(岛) for vacation.5.Yang Liwei is the first Chinese_.用所给词的适当形式填空.1.In ten years, she _ (be) a doctor. Now she _ (be) a student.2.People _ (fly) rockets to the moon for vacations one day.3.Linda _ (study) in a language school three years ago. She _(become) an English teacher in two years.二我会选:( )1.They _the train _school yesterday. A. will take, to B. took, to C. take, to( 2.What will you be when you grow up? I think I will be _astronaut. A. a B. an C. the( )3.Where does her mother live? She _ London. A. lives B. lives in C. will live in( )4.Mr Green _America in two days. A. flies to B. will fly to C. flew to( )5. Ill live _a space station one day . A. in B. on C. at( )6. Are you _ your winter holiday next week? A. going to have B. will have C. had D. have( )7. Do you often _ from your parents? A. heard B. hears C. to hear D. hear( )8. _ Lucy _ her homework in her room now? A. Is, doing B. Does, do C. Do, do D. Did, do( )9. She dances better than Mary _. A. is B. has C. does D. dance( )10. Mary usually _ up at five oclock. A. will get B. got C. get D. gets( )11. They _ four English classes a week last term. A. has B. have C. had D. are having( )12. A bird can _ but I cant. A. flies B. flying C. flew D. fly( )13. They _ to see me yesterday evening. A. will come B. comes C. are coming D. came( )14. Were moving to a different town _. A. the day before yesterday B. last Sunday C. the day after tomorrow D. a week ago( )15. Look! The monkeys _ the tree. A. climb B. are climbing C. is climbing D. were climbing( )16. When _ you _ to Australia? Next Monday. A. did, fly B. will, fly C. are, fly D. do, fly( )17. Which team _ the next football match? A. wins B. won C. will win D. win 郑州四十二中调节教学稿 八年级英语下 第4期 Unit 1 Period Four (Section A 3a4) 学习目标1.掌握下列生词和短语:New words: fall, fell, alone, parrot, probably, pet, suit, able, dress, casually, which ,even, wroteKey phrases: fall in love with, live alone, go skating, be able to, the World Cup2.通过阅读3a,能够复述课文,在此基础上提高写作能力。快乐自学 1.I can read:我能根据词汇表大声朗读学习目标1中的生词和短语。看,我读得多起劲!2.I can write:我是速记王!瞧,我能快速写出这些内容。穿衣_单独地_哪个/哪几个_ 甚至_fall(过去式)_ wrote(原形)_ parrot_ pet_ able_ probably _suit _ casually _ fall in love with _live alone _ go skating_ the World Cup_有能力做某事/会做某事_3.I can understand:我的阅读能力真不错!通过阅读我能回答下列问题:What will Ming be in ten years? _Where will she live? _Why will she live in an apartment with her best friends?_Will she keep lots of pets? _What will she wear during the week? _4.I can finish:再读课文我能完成表格并翻译课文内容。哇,会翻译的感觉真好!5.挑战自我,我会不看书填入所缺的单词或词组。 In ten years, I think Ill be a 1 . Ill live in shanghai , because I went to shanghai last year and 2 it. I think its really a beautiful city. As a reporter, I think I will 3 lots of interesting people. I think Ill live in an 4 with my best friends, because I dont like 5 . Ill have pets. I cant have any pets now because my mother 6 them. and our apartment is too small. So in ten years, Ill have many different pets. I might ever 7 a pet parrot! Ill probably go 8 and swimming every day. During the week Ill look smart, and probably will wear a 9 . On the weekend, Ill be able to dress more casually. I think Ill go to Hong Kong 10 . And one day I might even visit Australia.合作探究1.Groupwork:根据3b的要求,我们也来猜猜吧!2.Pairwork:看着Part4中的问题,咱俩来互相提问吧。3. Discuss: alone和lonely的区别。 如:一个人住_感到孤独_I live alone but I dont feel lonely.翻译:_4.Discuss:wear,dress和put on的区别。wear表“穿”的_,后跟_;put on表“穿”的_,后跟_;dress用作动词时意为_,后跟_。5.Discuss:be able to 和can的区别。be able to+_,有_时态;can+_,只有_和_两种时态。达标检测一轻松选择( )1.The child isnt old enough to _ himself. A. wear B. put on C. dress( )2.The old man lives in the house _,but he doesnt feel_.A .lonely, lonely B. alone, lonely C. lonely , alone( )3.Mary will _learn to skate very soon. A. can B. be able to C. is able to( )4.I got there ten years ago. I fell _the small village.A. love with B. in love with C. in love to( )5.Whos that boy?_boy ?The one on the bike. A. Who B. What C. Which二我能翻译1.Ill live in Shanghai, because I went to Shanghai last year and fell in love with it.译:_2.As a reporter, I think I will meet lots of interesting people.译:_3. Ill probably go skating and swimming every day.译:_4.During the week Ill look smart, and probably will wear a suit.译:_5.On the weekend, Ill be able to dress more casually.译:_三我是小作家,我会以“My life in ten years”为题写一篇短文。My life in ten years_ 郑州四十二中调节教学稿 七年级生物下 第3期 Unit 1 Period Five (Self Check) 学习目标1.掌握下列生词和短语:New words: myself , interview, came, sound , predict, prediction, company, thought Key phrase: come true2.巩固复习本单元所学内容。快乐自学 1.I can read:我真厉害!我能根据词汇表大声朗读目标1中的生词和短语,并能快速记忆。2.I can check: 我能写出这些生词和短语,检测自己。哇,我的效果真不错!myself(主格)_ came(原形)_interview(n.)_predict(v.)_company(pl.)_ thought(原形)_ 实现_3.I can finish the task:我能够用所给单词的正确形式填空,完成Part1。4.I can use:我能用Part1中的所给单词造出新的句子。wear:_work:_look:_fly:_keep:_5.I can read and understand:通过阅读Part2中的短文,我能准确圈出右边的发明。6.I can finish:我能根据本单元所学单词完成Part3.合作探究1.Pairwork:互相检测Part1中的答案。2.Pairwork:朗读Part2中的短文,我们能合作解决这些疑难问题。Predicting the future can be difficult. 译:_此处predicting是_形式, 作_.There are many famous predictions that never came true.译:_其中that never came true是定语从句,起_作用。The head of one of the biggest movie companies in the United States predicted that no one would want to see actors talk.句中划线部分的句型为:one of+_,译为_He thought that computers would never be used by most people.译:_其中be used 是被动语态结构,译为“被使用”。知识小结这个单元的生词可真多喔!我都记住了吗?现在就让我来考考自己呗!我还学会了 11个短语,这可大大丰富了我的词汇量。瞧,我能轻松检测!1.活到_ 2.一百年后_3.在纸上_4.飞往_ 5.爱上_ 6.去滑冰_7.有能力做某事_8.实现_9.一个人住_10感到孤独_11.给某人穿衣服_我还掌握了以下句子,这真让我有成就感。仔细听我背喔!1.Kids will study at home on computers. 2.Kids wont go to school.3.Will people have robots? Yes, they will./No, they wont.4.Will there be less pollution? Yes, there will./No, there wont.5.There will be fewer trees and there will be more pollution.6.What do you think Sally will be in five years?7.What do you think your life will be like in ten years?达标检测 我能补全对话A: Hi, Mike! _in ten years?B: Oh, I think Ill be an astronaut.A: You mean youll fly into space?_?B: No, Im serious, Ill_.A: Thats great!_? B: I want to work on the moon. It must be very interesting.A: Oh,_? B: Ill live on a space station.我会选( )1._ after dinner is good for your health.A. Walk B Walks C. Walking( )2.Shanghai is one of _in China.A. the biggest city B. the biggest cities C. the bigest cities( )3.Im sure your dream will _.A. came true B. come true C. come( )4.They often saw the little girl _under the tree.A. to dance B. danced C. dancing( )5.I can do my homework by _.A. me B. my C. myself 郑州四十二中调节教学稿 八年级英语下 第6期 Unit 1 Period Six (Reading) 学习目标 1.掌握下列生词和短语:New words: strategy , fiction, unpleasant, made, scientist, already, factory, simple, suchbored everywhere, human, huge ,shape, snake, possible, impossible, houseworkKey phrase: in the future, hundreds of, help sb. (to)do sth, help sb. with sth. the same as make sb do sth It takes /took /will take 2.掌握重点句型:There are already robots working in factories. Its easy for a child to wake up.3.培养和提高阅读能力。快乐自学 1.I can read: 呦,我真厉害!我能在单词表中找出目标1的词汇,大声朗读并记忆。2.I can finish:通过自学,我能完成以下内容。unpleasant(反义词)_made(原形) _scientist(科学_)factory(pl.)_ human(pl.)_ 早已_ 这样的_到处_simple_ strategy_ fiction_ huge _shape_ in the future_ hundreds of_3.快速阅读回答下列问题:(1)Do you think you will have your own robots?_ (2)What can the robots do in the future ? (3)What are scientists trying to do now? (4)Are there already robots working in factories? _(5)What could a snake robot do after an earthquake? 4.精读Section 2理解全文补全句子。(1)They _ _(帮助)the housework and do the most unpleasant jobs.(2)However, they agree it may take_ _(数百年)years.(3)Scientists are now trying to make robots_ _(看起来像)people and do_ _ _(与相同)us.(4) After an earthquake, a snake robot could help_ _(寻找)people under buildings(5)We never know what will happen_ _ _(未来). 5.I can use:我能在阅读文章中找出下列结构的例子,并能自己造句。the same as _to help do _makedo_to help with_to take(period of time)_合作探究1. Discuss: hundred, hundreds of的用法。前有具体数目或数量,则不加_和_前无具体数字或数目,则加_和_如:三百个学生_好几百个学生_类似的还有:thousands of数千,millions of数百万2.Discuss:seem的用法。seem+_,如:He seems unhappy.seem+_,如:He seems to be unhappy.It seems that+_. 如:It seems that he is unhappy.3.Dicsuss:There bedoing 结构。如:There is a bird singing in the tree. There are some boys playing basketball.达标检测我能翻译In some science fiction movies, people in the fu


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