必修五(Unit 1 Great scientists Period 6)

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Period 6Language FocusingThe General Idea of This PeriodThis is the sixth period of this unit.In this unit, we will mainly deal with the language points in the material that we have learnt, including some words, phrases and sentence patterns.Because we have talked about, read and to the material, and the students are already familiar with them.The aims of this class are to let the students know the usage of these words, phrases and sentence patterns; help the students to use them correctly and finish some exercises about the words, phrases and sentence patterns.First check their homework.Secondly, present the usage of the words, phrases and sentence patterns.In order to have a deep impression on them, you can ask the students to find them in the context and underline them, because on one hand, they have learnt them; on the other hand, that will help to develop the students ability of learning by themselves.To make them more familiar with the words, phrases and sentence patterns, the teacher can give them more practice, both oral and written.Meanwhile, the teacher will help them to make up sentences, to improve their ability of using the language and imagination.As to consolidation, the students are supposed to make sentences by themselves, using the new words and phrases in this unit.At last, they are asked to finish some of the exercises on Page 4 and Page 42 and Page 43 as their homework.Teaching Important PointsTo learn the following words and phrases: put forward, know about, attend, expose, control, absorb, instruct, look into, in addition, prevent sth.from doing, lead to, make sense, punish sb.for, suggest, complete, reject, valuable, be to blame, link to, announce, deadly, cure, have sth. done, defeat, apart from, a cloud ofTo study the following sentence structures: 1)But he became inspired when he thought about helping ordinary people exposed to cholera.2)He got interested in two theories explaining how cholera killed people.3)So many thousands of terrified people died every time there was an outbreak.4)Only if you put the sun there did the movements of the other planets in the sky make sense.Teaching DifficultyHow to let the students learn to use these phrases and sentence structures in written and oral English.Teaching AidsMulti-media classroom and other normal teaching tools.Three Dimensional Teaching AimsKnowledge AimTo learn the useful expressions and sentence structures in the unit.Ability Aim To enable the students to use these language points both orally and in the written form.Emotional Aim Develop the students sense of loving English.Teaching ProcedureStep 1 GreetingT: Hello, my friends.Ss: Hello, Miss Ma.Step 2 Reviewing Grammar: the Past ParticipleT: In this unit, we have learned a lot about past participle.Now, lets do some exercises about this grammar.Look at the multiple choices on the blackboard.Please finish it as quickly as possible, then we will check the answers.1._ by the beauty of nature, the girl from London decided to spend another two days on the farm.A.AttractingB.AttractedC.To be attractedD.Having attracted2.Dont use words, expressions, or phrases _ only to people with specific knowledge.A.being knownB.having been knownC.to be knownD.known3.Linda worked for the Minnesota Manufacturing and Mining Company, _ as 3M.A.knowingB.knownC.being knownD.to be known4.A man is being questioned in relation to the _ murder.A.advisedB.attendedC.attemptedD.admitted5.The pilot asked all the passengers on board to remain_ as the plane was making a landing.A.seatB.seatingC.seatedD.to be seating1.答案:B解析:by是解题的关键, 应选表示被动的B项或C项。根据题意选择B项。2.答案:D解析:know与words, expressions和phrases是被动关系, 而该被动结构不表示进行, 故排除A项; B项常用来作状语, 强调该动作发生在主句动作之前; C项不合题意。3.答案:B解析:be known as“作为而出名”, 此处为非谓语动词, 故只用known as。4.答案:C解析:此题考查过去分词作定语的用法。advised “建议”, attended “出席, 照料”, attempted “试图, 尝试”, admitted “承认, 接收”。本句意为“一个男人正被询问有关昨晚试图进行的谋杀案”。5.答案:C解析:此题考查动词seat的用法。seat作动词时常与反身代词连用或以过去分词形式出现。Step 3 Learning about Words and ExpressionsT: As we all know, a lot of scientists made a lot of discoveries and inventions.Who put forward a theory about black holes?Ss: Stephen Hawking. T: What does“put forward”mean?Ss: It means propose or suggest something for discussion.T: Lets translate some sentences.1.他对养狗提出了一个新的观点。2.我们提议周末去郊游.Suggested answers: He put forward a new idea about raising dogs.We put forward a suggestion that we go outing at the weekend.T: Let me help you to go over some“put”phrases: 1)put sth. aside把某物放到一边; 储存(钱)以便他日之需She put the newspaper aside and picked up a book.她把报纸放下, 拿起了一本书。She has put aside a large sum of money for her retirement.她存了一笔相当可观的钱以便退休之用。2)put sth. back把某物放回原处Please put the dictionary back on the shelf when youve finished with it.词典用完后请放回书架上。3)put off 推迟, 取消This afternoons meeting will have to be put off.今天下午的会议得延期。4) put on 穿上What dress shall I put on for the party?我穿什么衣服去参加聚会呢?5) put up with 容忍, 忍受I dont know how she puts up with him.我不明白她怎么能容忍他。T: Now, lets come to the phrase“know about”, which means “have knowledge about something”or“be aware of something”.Can you make some sentences about it?Ss: Not much is known about his background.他的背景不太为人了解。He asked me about the new book.I happened to know about it他向我问起那本新书, 正巧我了解它的一些情况。T: Quite good.And how to say“证明”?Ss: Prove.T: Good.In English it means “show that something is true or certain by means of argument or evidence”.For example: 1)Can you prove it to me?你能向我证实吗?2) I shall prove to you that what I said is the truth.我将向你证明我所说的是真话。It also means “be seen or found to be something”; “turn out to be something”.It is always followed by“(to be)+adj.”or“that clause”.For example: 1)The task proved (to be) more difficult than we had thought.这项任务原来比我们预想的难得多。2)He proved himself (to be) a very good driver.他的表现说明他是一个很好的司机。T: Are you clear?Ss: Yes.T: You did well.So much for the language points in warming up and pre-reading.Then, please look at the blackboard, there are some sentences for you.Some are chosen from the reading passage.According to what you have learned, please fill in the blanks.(Teacher shows the following on the blackboard.)1.John Snow once a_ Queen Victoria to e_ the birth of her babies.2.He became inspired when he thought about helping ordinary people e_ to cholera.3.Dry sands can a_ water.4.Which driver was to b_ for the accident?5._, (除此以外), he found two other deaths in another part of London that were _(有联系)the Broad Street outbreak.6.To (防止它再次发生), John Snow s_ that the source of all water supplies be examined and the new methods of dealing with polluted water be found.7.Only if you put the sun there did the movements of the other planets in the sky_(讲得通, 有意义).8.The Christian Church r_ Copernicus theory, saying it was against Gods idea and people who supported it would be attacked.Suggested answers: 1.attended, ease2.exposed3.absorb4.blame5.In addition, linked to6.prevent it from happening again, suggested7.make sense8.rejectedT: You should know very well about these words and phrases.Lets deal with them one by one.What does“attend”here mean?S: It means “照顾”.T: Yes.It means“take care of”.For example: The nurse who attends the old man is very patient.看护那位老人的护士非常有耐心。T: What other meanings do you know about it?S: It can also mean“be present”.Only a few friends attended their wedding.只有几个朋友参加了他们的婚礼。T: Thank you.You are very clever.The phrase“attend to”means “give practical consideration to”.For example: There are 50 students for me to attend to.我要关照50 名学生。T: Whod like to say something about“ease”?S: It means “relieve from pain, anxiety, discomfort”.T: Can you give us some examples to help us remember this word?S: OK.1) Talking eased his anxiety.那一番谈话打消了他的顾虑。2) The medicine eased my headache.这药使我头痛减轻。T: Excellent.The phrase“at ease”means comfortable and unworried; completely relaxed.I never feel at ease in his company.我跟他在一起总是感到很不自在。They were all so kind and friendly that I felt completely at ease.他们每一个都和蔼可亲, 使我一点也不拘束。T: And how about this one“Tom is so strong that he can lift the stone with ease.”Ss: 汤姆身体很强壮, 能轻易地举起那块石头。T: So here“with ease”means“without any difficulty”.Right?Then lets talk about the word“expose”.It means“uncover, leave uncovered or unprotected”.It is often used with“to”.So how can we say 使皮肤暴露于阳光下?Ss: Expose ones skin to the sun.T: Whats the Chinese meaning of Sentence 4?Ss: 哪个司机该负责?T: Pay attention, the phrase“be to blame”means“be responsible for sth. bad”, “deserve to be blamed”.We should use the active voice.Another example: 谁该为这次火灾负责?Who can translate this sentence?S: Who is to blame for the fire?T: Besides, we have“blame sb. for sth.”, “blame sth. on sb.”1) They blamed him for the accident.他们为这起事故而责怪他.2) They blamed the accident on him.他们把这起事故归咎于他。T: “in addition (to)”means as an extra person, thing or circumstance.Put the following sentences into Chinese.In addition (to the names on the list) there are six other applicants.In addition, we also bought many books for the children in the poor area.Suggested answers: 除此(名单上的名字)之外还有六个申请人。此外我们还给贫困地区的孩子们买了很多书。T: What does“link to” mean?Ss: 把与连接起来, 联系T: Whod like to give us the Chinese meaning of“Fingerprints linked the suspect to the crime.”S: 指纹证实了嫌疑犯的犯罪行为。T: “suggest”means 1) put sb./sth. forward for consideration 2 ) propose sth. to sb.3) put an idea into sb.s mind For example: I wrote suggesting that he should come for the weekend.我写信请他来度周末。I suggested to him that we should start earlier.我向他建议我们早点动身。His words suggested that he was angry.他的话表明他生气了。(When“suggest”means 建议, we should use subjunctive mood in“that clause”)T: “make sense”means“have an understandable meaning”.Please translate my sentences: 1)你的话没有道理。2)这些词藻堆砌在一起讲不通。Answers: 1) What you say makes no sense.2) These words are jumbled up and dont make sense.T: And we have the phrase“make sense of sth.”which means 理解或弄懂困难的事物.T: .Step 4 Learning some sentence structuresT: Now lets learn some sentence structures.Can you find the sentence in the passage?Can you translate it into Chinese?But he became inspired when he thought about helping ordinary people exposed to cholera.S: 一想到要帮助那些受到霍乱威胁的普通百姓, 他就感到很振奋。T: Can you help me to analyze this sentence?S: Let me have a try.In this sentence, the subject is“he”, the predicate is“became inspired”.“when clause”is an adverbial clause for time.In this adverbial clause, “exposed to cholera”is used as the attribute.T: Well done.You should pay special attention to the word“exposed”in this sentence.It is used as an attribute.Are you clear?Ss: Yes.T: In the sentence“So many thousands of terrified people died every time there was an outbreak.”, Can you explain“every time”to us?S: every time在这起一个从属连词的作用, 后面接从句。类似的短语还有each time, the moment, the minute等等。如: 1) I will write to you the moment I get to Beijing.2) The old woman couldnt help crying each time she thought of her son who died in the battle.T: Then look at this sentence“He got interested in two theories explaining how cholera killed people.”Why should we use“explaining”here?S: It is also used as an attribute.We can change this sentence into another form: He got interested in two theories which explained how cholera killed people.T: How about this sentence“Only if you put the sun there did the movements of the other planets in the sky make sense.”S: 这句话的意思是: 只有当你把太阳放在中心位置上, 天空中其他行星的运动才能说得清楚。这是一句倒装句。因为only从句放在句首, 句子要用部分倒装结构。T: Can you give us more examples?S: Only by studying hard can we learn English well.Step 5 ConsolidationT: We have just learned some words, phrases and some sentence structures.Do you have any other difficulties?Now look through the passages to understand more and find out your own puzzles.(The students should be allowed to read the passages, while the teacher had better give them individual help if necessary.If there are some common problems, the teacher should explain them in the whole class.)T: If you havent any problems, lets have a competition.You can choose any of the words or phrases we learned to make up some sentences.For each sentence, I will give you ten marks.The more, the better.Now, lets begin.Ss: .(Finally the teacher should sing highly of the winner, and encourage the others to work hard to succeed next time.)Step 6 HomeworkT: After class, please go over what we have learned today and make up a story in which you had better try to use as many new words and phrases in this unit as possible.Then finish the exercises on Page 4, Page 42 and Page 43.The Design of the Writing on the BlackboardUnit 1Great ScientistPeriod 6Language FocusingDifficult sentencesWords and phrases1.But he became inspired when he thought about helping ordinary people exposed to cholera.2.He got interested in two theories explaining how cholera killed people.3.Only if you put the sun there did the movements of the other planets in the sky make sense.4.So many thousands of terrified people died every time there was an outbreak.1.put forward2.know about3.prove4.attend5.ease6.in addition7.Research and ActivitiesSurf the Internet for more information about great scientists that you are most interested in.Then summarize their similarities and write a composition about what you can learn from them.Reference for Teaching1.attendattend/join/join in/take part in【辨析】这几个词的区别在于它们后面所跟的宾语不同。attend的宾语主要是meeting, conference, lecture, school, ceremony; join的宾语主要是表示团体, 组织(如军队, 党派), 一群人等; join in的宾语可以指游戏, 运动等; take part in指的是参加大型的体育活动。【试题】1)She said she had an important meeting _.A.to attendB.attendC.to attendingD.to attend it答案:A2) When did you _ the Youth League?A.joinB.join inC.attendD.take答案:A3) Every year, a lot of athletes from all over the world will_ the Olympic Games.A.joinB.take part inC.attendD.attend in答案:B4) Will you _?(加入我们打篮球)答案:join us in our basketball game2.expose toUncover or leave sb./sth./oneself uncovered or unprotected.【例句】1)He likes to expose his skin to the sun.他喜欢使皮肤暴露于阳光下。2)The baby was left exposed to the wind and rain.婴儿被离弃于风雨之中。3.controlHave power or authority over sb./sth.【例句】1) Cant you control that child?你管不了那个孩子吗?2) I was so furious that I couldnt control myself, and I hit him.我气得不得了, 就打了他。The phrases“be/get out of control”means “be/become no longer manageable”; “bring/get sth./be under control”means “master sth.”.3) The children are out of control.管不住这些孩子了。4) The fire has been brought under control.火势已受到控制。4.absorb Take sth. in; suck up and include sb./sth. as part of; incorporate.1) Clever children absorb knowledge easily.聪明孩子容易吸取知识。2) The large firm absorbed the smaller one.那家大公司吞并了那家小公司。 “be absorbed in”means“with ones attention fully held in”She is absorbed in her book.她埋头读她的书。5.have it deliveredCause sth. to be down.1 )I will have my hair cut tomorrow.我明天去理发。2)Were having our car repaired.我们的车正在修理。Suffer the consequences of another persons action.3)He had his pocket picked.他的口袋被掏了。4) They have had their request refused.他们的请求遭到拒绝。Other phrases go with “have”: “have sth./sb. doing”means “allow or tolerate”; “have sb. do sth.”means “order or arrange”; “have sth. to do”means “sth. must be done”5)The two cheats had their lights burning all night long.那两个骗子让他们的灯整夜亮着。6)Ill have the gardener plant trees.我要让园丁种些树。7)I have many exercises to do today.我今天有很多练习要做。6.apart from【例句】1) Apart from the cost, the hat doesnt suit me.除了价格, 这顶帽子也不适合我戴。2) I cant think of anything I need, apart from a car.除了一辆小汽车外, 我想不出我需要什么。3) Apart from the injuries to his face and hands, he broke both legs.他除了脸部和双手受伤之外, 两条腿也断了。4) Apart from the cost, it will take a lot of time.它除了价钱贵之外, 还要占用很多的时间。【注意】apart from 虽然都可以译作“除了”, 但它们的含义却是不同的。例, 表示“排除或例外”, 相当于except, except for, 例, 则表示“包括”, 相当于besides, in addition。7.reject【例句】1.When a doctor wanted to examine his legs, he refused.医生要检查他的腿, 他拒绝了。2.The high court rejected his appeal.高等法院拒绝了他的上诉。【辨析】 refuse表示肯定地“拒绝”某种要求, 是普通用语; reject表示直截了当地“拒绝”某种事物, 预期更强, 暗示所拒绝的事物是无用和没有价值的。refuse可接invitation, 而reject不能; reject后可接plan, suggestion, 而refuse不能。【注意】1)refuse后面只接动词不定式, 不接动名词, 不定式的复合结构和从句。如: They refused to go.他们拒绝去。2)对于对方的邀请、请求、提议等, 在表示“不接受”时, 不用refuse, 也不用reject, 应用can not accept。refuse后可接双宾语。【试题】 I offered to lend him a sum of money but he refused _.A.accepting my offerB.to receive my offerC.accept my offerD.my offer答案:Dpletecomplete/finish【辨析】 complete与finish均可表示“完成”, complete强调的是“补足缺少的部分使之圆满”, finish侧重于事情的结束, 完结。complete/perfect【辨析】 complete表示“完全的, 完整的”, perfect表示“完美的”, 指没有缺陷的, 常用于修饰人。【试题】 1.All the preparations for the task _, and we are ready to start.A.completedB.completeC.had been completedD.have been completed2.The _ village was destroyed.A.completeB.entireC.perfectD.total答案:DB9.deadlydead/deadly【辨析】 dead是形容词, 意为“死的”, a dead snake是指“一条死蛇”。deadly作形容词时, 作“致命的”解, a deadly snake是指“一条致命的蛇”。【注意】1.如果要说明死亡了多少时间或用作定语, 就用dead。如: He has been dead for three yeas.2.看一看, 怎样表达“他死了10年了”。误: He had died for ten years.正: He died ten years ago.正: He has been dead for ten years.正: It is ten years since he died.10


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