六年级Unit7 Protect the Earth4课时

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Unit7 Protect the Earth ( period 1 )教学目标:1. 学生能初步理解并且会听、会说、会读和会拼写单词及词组:use,much,oil,glass等,和会运用句型:we use. to.2. 学生能初步听懂并且会说、会读单词protect the Earth,coal,save energy, come from, cut down,waste water,reuse,plastic, wood, too much, useful 等。教学重难点:教学重点:学生能初步能理解并且会听、会说、会读和会拼写单词及词组:use,much,oil,glass等,和会运用句型:we use. To.教学难点:学生能初步感知情态动词should及shouldnt的用法教学准备:图片教学过程:Step1. Greeting and lead-in1. Greeting 2. Sing a songQuestion: why do the little blackbirds fly away?引导学生用Unit6 所学知识回答:Because the air is dirty.Because there arent any trees on the hill. They have no home.T: Now our living environment is polluted, so we should protect the Earth.出示课题并教读。Step 2. Pre-reading1. 出示无污染的地球图片。T:Look, the Earth is a beautiful place. There are many kinds of sources in it. Do you know some of them? ( water, trees, air etc.) 2. Guessing gameT: Here are another sources. Lets guess what they are. Its black and hard. We can find it under the ground. It can make us warm. Theres a lot of it in Shanxi. ( coal ) Its a black liquid. We can find it under the ground too. Cars need it. ( oil ) Its usually white and thin. We can write and draw on it. ( paper ) It comes from trees. We use it to make tables, desks, chairs, beds and many other things. ( wood ) Its light and soft, but its strong. Its widespread in our life. ( plastic )3. T: They are useful things for us, how do we use them? For example: We use coal and oil to make energy. 板书: use. to. 引导学生说出 water,wood,paper,plastic等资源的用法。 E.g. We use water to clean things, wash clothes, cook food. We use paper to make books. We use wood to make tables, chairs, beds and other things. We use plastic to make bags and bottles.Step 3. While- reading呈现一幅被污染的地球图片。T:Look at this picture. Is it still beautiful? Today, there is a lot of pollution. We should protect the Earth at once.(点题) What can we do?1. Watch the cartoon and find the four key points of the text. ( save water, save energy, save trees and dont use too much plastic) 并板书。2. Listen to the tape and answer the questions. What do you think of water? (useful) What do we use water to do? (drink, clean things) Is there a lot of water everywhere?(no) What shouldnt we do?(waste) What should we do? (reuse,save)教师根据学生回答进行板书。3. Read the second part and judge. Most of our energy comes from coal and oil. (T) There is a lot of coal and oil on Earth. (F) We should drive cars every day. (F) Cars use lots of energy. (T)4. 呈现光头强砍树的画面。T: What is he doing?S1: He is cutting down trees. 教学 cut downT: Is he right? We should stop him right now. Why?引导学生说出 Trees help keep the air clean.5. 塑料瓶、塑料袋实物展示。 T: we use plastic to make bags and bottles. We often use them in our daily life. Do you often use them? 呈现课文图片。 T: Look at this picture. What do you think of it? 引出句子:Too much plastics is bad for the Earth. T: What should we do? 学生自读课文,并在文中划出关键词句。 板书:We should . We shouldnt .Step 4. Post-reading1. Read the whole passage loudly and finish the exercise ” think and write” on page70, and then check the answers.2. Retell the text according to the blackboard design.3. Brain-storm. T: The Earth is so important for us. We should protect it. Now Ill give you some suggestion. Can you tell me what we can do.E.g. T: To protect the Earth, we should save water.S1: Water is important.S2: Water is useful.S3: We drink water every day.S4: Trees and flowers need water.S5: We should reuse water.S6: We shouldnt waste water.4. Introduce the slogan “ Save the world, save our lives.” to the students.Step 5. Homework1. Read and retell the passage.2. Finish the exercise “True or False” on page70.3. Collect and make good use of waste materials.教学反思:Unit 7 Protect the earth (Grammar time & Fun time) 教学目标1、学习并理解Grammar time的内容,会正确并熟练地运用句型useto,We should We shouldnt2、让学生紧密联系生活实际,变废为宝,并利用reuseto make来介绍自己的作品3、引导学生热爱地球、保护地球。 教学重点句型useto的用法和情态动词should的肯定句、否定句。教学难点句型useto的用法和情态动词should的肯定句、否定句。教 学 过 程Step1、RevisionT: Good morning, class. In the last class, we have learned the text. Lets describe the Status of the Earth. And what should we do in group.(小组成员合作用英语描述上节课内容) 【设计意图】利用小组描述演讲的方式,复习上节课所学过的Story time。Step2、Grammar time1. T: lets read some sentences about the resources.(教师出示第一张表格)use wateruse plasticuse wood We to clean things. make bags and bottles. make tables,chairs and other things.2. Sentence gameT give some words: water、wood、plastic、cloth Let Ss make sentences use“use to”in group.S1: We use water to water trees.S2: We use water to clean the desks.S3: We use water to wash the dishes.S4: We use water to wash the clothes.S5: We use water to cook food.S6: We use water to clean our car.S7: We use water to water flowers.3.Let Ss make little thinking maps in group. water 4.T show the form 2 and review “should”use paper bags and glass bottlessave trees We should drive so muchuse too many plastic bags or bottlescut down too many treeswaste water We should not 5.Ss work in group and make a sentence match.【设计意图】通过对旧知的复习,出示语法句型,让学生自己总结,并通过造句比赛和制作思维导图的方法进行巩固。Step3、Fun time1. Ss take out the waste and make something in group2. Show their works and try to use sentence“reuseto make”to introduce them.3. T gives students guidance and evaluation.【设计意图】通过手工制作让学生们了解到可以变废为宝,不要乱扔东西,爱护地球从我做起。Step4、Ticking time 小组内进行打分 P 77 I can use“useto”Step5、Homework1、 用句型useto、We should、 We shouldnt造5个句子,写在作业本上。小组内选出一件最好的变废为宝作品,进行展示。 板书设计Unit 7 Protect the earthusetoWe should We shouldnt教学反思:Unit7 Project the Earth (Period 3)教学内容:Sound time, culture time &Culture time教学目标:1、阅读并理解Cartoon time的内容,学会表演,明白Cartoon time 的幽默之处。1、在前两课的基础上会正确并熟练地运用句型We should We shouldnt;2、了解并体会字母组合oo在单词中的发音;3、让学生紧密联系生活实际,引导学生热爱地球、保护地球。教学重难点:1、阅读并了解相关的Culture time;2、在前两课的基础上会正确并熟练运用句型We should We shouldnt;3、让学生紧密联系生活实际,引导学生热爱地球、保护地球。教学准备:多媒体和卡通头饰。教学过程:Step1:Warming-up1、Watch the video;2、RevisionStep2: Presentation1 Sound time1)Talk and lead-in: Bobby and Sam also learn English at school. This is an English lesson.Ask: What are they doing now?2)Try to read the sentences;3)Explain :字母oo is pronounced as -4)Try to say some other words about “oo”5)Read the words together ,then make some new sentences with the words.2Cartoon time1) Watch the cartoon, then answer :1、What are they doing?2、What do they want to make? 3、What do they want to tell the students?2) Read together and match.3) Read alone and judge. 4) Listen and repeat.5) Think and imagine: If you make a p0ster, what would you draw?6) Read in roles and try to act. 7) Guess : What are Bobby and Sam talking about? (此问题过渡到下一板块文化知识的介绍)3 Culture time1) Theyre talking about how to project our Earth.2) Ask: When is Earth Days? When is World Environment? Step5: Extension1) Enjoy and judge: some other pictures about Environment.2)Sum up: The Earth is our home. We should project it.Step6: Homework1、Read the dialogue with expression and try to recite it.(有感情地朗读卡通对话,并试着背它。)2 、Do a survey about projecting the environment, then fill in the form.(做一项有关保护环境的调查,然后完成表格。)板书设计Unit7 Project the Earth (period 3)We should- oo /u:/Weshouldnt-tooLetsth.- moon noon Earth Day is - choose goose World Environment Unit 7 Protect the EarthTeaching materials:Culture time, Grammar time & Fun time of Unit 7 Protect the earthTeaching contents:1. Key structures:We use to . We should / should not .2. Culture: know about Earth Day and World Environment Day3. Activity: make and sayTeaching aims and learning objectives:By the end of the lesson, the students would be able to:1. use the sentence structures “We use to.” and “We should / should not.” to express ideas of protecting the Earth;2. know about Earth Day and World Environment Day;3. reuse daily waste things to make handworks;Focus of the lesson: Using the sentence structures “We use to.” and “We should / should not.” to express ideas of protecting the Earth.Predicted areas of difficulty:1. The pronunciation of the word “environment”;2. The sentence structures: “We use to.” and “We should / should not.”Teaching aids:CAI; something can be reusedTeaching procedures:Step Culture time1. Give feedback about Earth Day and World Environment Day.2. Talk about other days for environment.3. Guess the names of the days designed by the teacher. (设计意图:了解学生采用微课自主学习,对Culture time的掌握情况,复习Story time,拓展相关的环保文化。)Step Grammar time1. Read the sentences and find the rules.2. Learn “We use to.”Play a game to practise using the sentence structure.3. Learn “We should / should not.” Discuss and write Share and correct Show and report4. Design the days for environment and give assessments to each other (设计意图:通过小组合作学习和游戏活动,帮助学生理解并自主归纳语法规则,综合运用句型结构表达环保的目的并提出建议。)Step Fun time1. Enjoy the teachers handworks and know how to reuse things. 2. Talk about the handworks made before class and complete the poster.(设计意图:以老师的实际行动引导学生变废为宝,利用课前小组合作制作的手工作品完善海报,潜移默化地渗透环保意识。)Step Show time.Call on more people to protect the Earth with the help of the poster.(设计意图:运用句型综合反馈学习内容和成果。)Step Homework1. Try to reuse daily waste things to make more handworks.2. Finish the exercises on P33 of workbook.3. Complete the poster and put it on the school notice board.(设计意图:巩固本节课的语法学习;通过废物制作培养学生的创造思维,将环保理念渗透生活和身边人。板书设计教学反思


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