安徽省2019届中考英语总复习第二部分语法专题过关专题六连词课件 人教新目标版.ppt

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安徽省2019届中考英语总复习第二部分语法专题过关专题六连词课件 人教新目标版.ppt_第1页
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安徽省2019届中考英语总复习第二部分语法专题过关专题六连词课件 人教新目标版.ppt_第2页
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安徽省2019届中考英语总复习第二部分语法专题过关专题六连词课件 人教新目标版.ppt_第3页
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,中,考,英,语,2019,第二部分语法专题过关,专题六连词,CONTENTS,目 录,PART 01 考情,PART 01 考情,命题点,考情总结,从近10年安徽中考的考查情况来看,连词是每年的必考点,其中对从属连词考查的频率较高。在安徽中考英语中对连词的考查主要集中在单项填空、完形填空两大题型中,考查的方向主要从连词在连接两个成分时所起的作用入手,考查连词表示并列、转折、让步等的用法。,1.2018安徽,41Will you go to the picnic this Saturday? Id like to, Ill have to help look after my baby sister. A.but B. or C. and D. so 2.2018安徽,42Little Jack has learned to do lots of things on his own, he is only four years old. A. if B. though C. for D. since 3.2017安徽,36Hold your dream, you might regret some day. A. and B. or C. but D. so 4.2015安徽,40Going to the movies is good,I really only like listening to music. A. and B. butC. so D. or 5.2015安徽,42 What do you think of your junior middle school life? I think it is colourful, I am always busy. A. if B. though C. whileD. until,命题点,链接中考,A,B,B,B,B,6.2014安徽,47Spend more time talking with your parents, they may not well understand you. A. or B. so C. and D. but 7.2012安徽,34Tom isnt feeling very well. He seems to have a cold the weather changes suddenly. A. before B. so C. because D. though 8.2012安徽,47Whats your plan for the summer holidays? Ill go to Beijing the school term ends. A. in order that B. so that C. as soon as D. even though 9.2011安徽,38My father was preparing for his speechmy mother was doing some washing last night. A.if B.while C.unless D.until 10.2011安徽,48 Youd better take the map with youyou wont get lost. A.as long as B.as soon as C.now that D.so that,链接中考,A,C,C,B,D,命题点,图解语法,PART 02 考点,考点1,考点,并列连词,考点2,考点1,考点,并列连词,考点2,考点1,考点,并列连词,考点2,易失分点,(1)就近原则 either.or., neither.nor.以及not only.but also.在连接并列成分作主语时,谓语动词的人称和数要与距其最近的主语保持一致。如: Either you or your brother was at home that night. 那晚在家的人不是你,就是你哥哥。 Neither you nor I am wrong. 你和我都没错。 Not only the windows but also the floor has been cleaned. 不仅窗户,还有地板也被打扫了。 (2)so与because, but与though/although均不能同时出现在一个句子中。,考点1,考点,从属连词,考点2,引导时间状语从句,考点1,考点,从属连词,考点2,考点1,考点,从属连词,考点2,易失分点,When引导的时间状语从句的谓语动词既可以是延续性的也可以是非延续性的; While引导的时间状语从句的谓语动词只能是延续性的。如: Laura was nine when she first saw him. 劳拉第一次见到他是在九岁的时候。 Anna found it while/when she was walking on the street. 安娜走在街上时发现了它。 I looked after the kids while she was away. 她不在时,我照看孩子们。,考点1,考点,从属连词,考点2,引导原因状语从句,考点1,考点,从属连词,考点2,引导条件状语从句,考点1,考点,从属连词,考点2,引导目的状语从句,考点1,考点,从属连词,考点2,引导让步状语从句,考点1,考点,从属连词,考点2,引导结果状语从句,考点1,考点,从属连词,考点2,so/such.that.与名词单数连用时的结构: 1.so+形容词/副词(+a/an+单数可数名词) 注意:副词so修饰形容词或副词 She seems so angry that I feel afraid to tell her the truth.她看起来如此怒气冲冲,以至于我不敢告诉她实话。 2.such+a/an+形容词+单数可数名词 注意:形容词such修饰名词或名词短语 The question is such an easy one that everybody knows the answer. 这道题如此简单,以至于大家都知道答案。,考点1,考点,从属连词,考点2,得分巧记,(1)在含as soon as等引导的时间状语从句的主从复合句中,若主句用一般将来时,从句要用一般现在时表将来。 As soon as the machine is put into use, itll save a lot of time and money. 这台机器一投入使用,就会节约大量时间和金钱。 (2)在含if, unless等引导的条件状语从句的主从复合句中,若主句用一般将来时,从句要用一般现在时表将来。 If we work together, well solve the problem soon. 如果我们合作,我们将会很快解决这个问题。 He wont go to sleep unless you tell him a story.要是你不给他讲故事他就不睡觉。,


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