安徽省2019届中考英语总复习第一部分考点知识过关第二十二讲九全Units13_14课件 人教新目标版.ppt

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安徽省2019届中考英语总复习第一部分考点知识过关第二十二讲九全Units13_14课件 人教新目标版.ppt_第1页
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安徽省2019届中考英语总复习第一部分考点知识过关第二十二讲九全Units13_14课件 人教新目标版.ppt_第3页
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,中,考,英,语,2019,第一部分考点知识过关,第二十二讲九年级 Units 1314,CONTENTS,目 录,PART 01 真题,PART 01 真题,命题点,安徽历年中考真题回顾,1.2018安徽,31May I use your computer, Mr. Black? . I will use my iPad instead. A. Go aheadB. Thank you C. Sorry, you cantD. Im afraid not 2.2014安徽,39As time , youll come to think of English as your friend and love it. A. goes by B. runs out C. takes off D. turns up. A. See you later B. Youre welcome C. Pleased to meet you allD. You have a point there 3.2011安徽,98My main t (任务) was to prepare for the meeting. 4.2009安徽,38Mum,I have got first prize in the speech competition. ! A.Good luck B.Come on C.Good idea D.Congratulations,A,A,ask,D,命题点,2018全国中考真题优选,1.2018天津I am afraid we cannot to take a taxi. Lets go by underground instead. A. refuseB. afford C. forget D. fall 2.2018云南Dont play games on the computer all day. Its to your eyes. A. harmfulB. usefulC. helpfulD. thankful 3.2018随州As we on our new journey, we shouldnt forget where we came from. A. take out B. set out C. cut out D. blow out 4.2018达州Please look at these stamps. I them for five years. Wow,they are fantastic! A. have keptB. have bought C. borrowed D. kept 5.2018江西We a party for Kate. Its supposed to be a surprise. A. were havingB. hadC. will haveD. have had 6.2018眉山Lets go to play soccer, Peter. Im afraid not. Ill need one more hour before my homework . A. has finished B. finished C. will be finished D. is finished,B,A,B,A,C,D,PART 02 考点,考点1,考点,harmful 的用法,考点2,考点3,考点4,考点5,教材语境P99 This is not only cruel, but also harmful to the environment.,harmful作形容词,意为有害的。be harmful to.意为对有害,为固定用法。如: Watching TV for a long time is harmful to your eyes. 长时间看电视对你的眼睛不好。 harmful的反义词是harmless,意为无害的;不会导致损伤的;无恶意的。be harmless to.意为 对无害,为固定用法。如: This experiment was harmless to the animals. 这个实验对动物无害。 It was just a harmless joke. 这只是个没有恶意的玩笑。,考点1,考点,harmful 的用法,考点2,考点3,考点4,考点5,Drinking too much does harm to his health.=Drinking too much is harmful to his health.饮酒过多对他的身体健康有害。 He would never harm anyone. 他永远不会伤害任何人。,提分速记,考点1,考点,harmful 的用法,考点2,考点3,考点4,考点5,1.You must give up smoking. It is h (有害的) to your health. 2.Dont eat too much chocolate. Its your teeth. A. good forB. harmful to C. useful toD. safe for,armful,B,好题在线,考点1,考点,take part in 的用法,考点2,考点3,考点4,考点5,教材语境P100 Have you ever taken part in an environmental project?,take part in为固定搭配,意为参加,通常指参加活动、比赛等,并在其中发挥积极作用。如: His feet were hurt, so he was unable to take part in todays basketball game. 他的脚受伤了,所以他不能参加今天的篮球赛了。,考点1,考点,take part in 的用法,考点2,考点3,考点4,考点5,提分速记,3.我们必须采取行动来保护环境。 We must to protect the environment. 4.The teacher advises us to more outdoor activities in our spare time. A. take pride in B. take part in C. take care of D. take the place of,考点1,考点,take part in 的用法,考点2,考点3,考点4,考点5,take,B,好题在线,action,考点1,考点,afford 的用法,考点2,考点3,考点4,考点5,教材语境P100 Yes, we cant afford to wait any longer to take action!,A computer is what I want most,but I cant afford it now.我最想要一台电脑,但是我目前买不起。 The mother couldnt afford to pay for her childs education.这位母亲承担不起自己孩子的教育费用。 We cant afford to wait any longer, or well miss the plane. 我们不能再等下去了,否则会赶不上飞机的。 It afforded her the chance to improve her tennis skills.这给了她提高网球水平的机会。,5.I dont think well be able to any travel if we dont save our money. A.spendB.cost C.pay D.afford 6.Some children in that area cant afford necessary school things. Lets give away our pocket money to them. A.buyB.buyingC.to buyD.bought,考点1,考点,afford 的用法,考点2,考点3,考点4,考点5,C,D,好题在线,考点1,考点,set out 的用法,考点2,考点3,考点4,考点5,教材语境P110 As you set out on your new journey, you shouldnt forget where you came from.,意为出发;启程,同set off。表示出发去某地可以用set out/off for+地点。如: Well set out for Nanjing tomorrow. 明天我们将出发去南京。 He said goodbye to his wife and set out on his journey. 他告别了妻子就启程了。 意为(怀着目标)开始做;着手进行,后可接动词不定式作宾语。如: He set out in his career as a lawyer when he was 30 years old. 他30岁时开始了自己的律师生涯。 They succeeded in what they set out to do. 他们实现了既定的目标。,提分速记,考点1,考点,set out 的用法,考点2,考点3,考点4,考点5,7.我们开始着手去寻找这个事故背后的真相。 We to find out the truth behind the accident. 8.Martin and Susan for Shanghai to attend an international meeting yesterday. A. put offB. fell off C. set offD. kept off,考点1,考点,set out 的用法,考点2,考点3,考点4,考点5,set,C,好题在线,out,考点1,考点,separate 的用法,考点2,考点3,考点4,考点5,教材语境P111 It is always hard to separate from those whom you have spent so much time with for the past three years.,作动词,意为(使)分开;(使)分离;把隔开。如: We got separated last term,but we still stay in touch. 上学期我们分开了,但我们仍保持着联系。 作形容词,意为单独的;分离的;不同的。如: We were in separate classes. 我们在不同的班级。,考点1,考点,separate 的用法,考点2,考点3,考点4,考点5,妙辨异同,divide/separate 【图解助记】 separatedivide,9.In Switzerland, things like glass and plastics into different groups and then recycled. A. separateB. separated C. are separatedD. is separated 10.The cake was into five pieces so that each of us could have one. A.boughtB.takenC.dividedD.made,考点1,考点,separate 的用法,考点2,考点3,考点4,考点5,C,好题在线,C,


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