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.wd.UDCSHSTANDARDS FOR INDUSTRIES OFTHE PEOPLES REPUBLIC OF CHINAP SH 30071999CODE FOR THE DESIGN OF TANK FARMSIN PETROCHEMICAL STORAGEAND TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM(石油化工储运系统罐区设计标准)Issued on 1999 - 04 15 Implemented as of 199909 - 01Issued by State Bureau of Petroleum and Chemical IndustryCode For the Design of Tank Farmsin Petrochemical Storage and Transportation SystemCONTENTS1. General2.Selection of Tanks 2.1 Capacity of tanks 2.2 Selection of tank types 2.3 Number of tanks3. Accessories and Instruments of Storage Tanks 3.1 Accessories of storage tanks 3.2 Instruments4. Arrangement and Installation 4.1 Arrangement of tanks 4.2 Installation of accessories 4.3 Installation of instruments 4.4 Installation of piping5. Corrosion Prevention and MiscellaneousNotes of WordingAttachment: Specifications of Articles1. General1.0.1 This code is applied to the design for the new construction project of ground steel storage tank yards in the storage and transportation system for the liquid feedstock, liquid products and the by- product liquid materials of petrochemical enterprises, and it is also applicable to expanded and rehabilitation projects as a reference. For the design of ground steel storage tank yard for the oil depot, this code shall be used for reference.1.0.2 This code is not applicable to the design of low-temperature and normal-pressure storage tank yard for the liquid hydrocarbon.1.0.3 When implementing this code, the stipulations made in the relevant mandatory standards and specifications shall be complied with. 2. Selection of Tanks 2.1 Capacity of tanks2.1.1 Number of storage days for the crude oil and various kinds of oils shall comply with the following provisions:1. The number of storage days for the crude oil and feedstock oils shall be defined in accordance with Table 2.1.1-1.Table 2.1.1-1 Number of Storage Days for Crude Oil and Feedstock OilsWays for Delivery to PlantNumber of Storage DaysRemarkPipeline delivery5 7Railway transportation10 15Inland waterway and offshore water transportation15 20The total capacity of tanks shall satisfy the requirements for continuous operation and one cargo discharge simultaneously. Ocean transportation 30Notes: In case there is transit storage, the capacity of its storage tanks shall be included in the total capacity. The number of storage days for the import materials or special materials should not be less than 30 days or more than 60 days.2. The number of storage days for the intermediate feedstock oils shall be defined in accordance with Table 2.1.1 - 2 Table 2.1.1 - 2 Number of Storage Days for the Intermediate Feedstock OilsCategoryNumber of storage daysFeedstock oils of the units to be started up or shutdown for maintenance at the same time or those between the units of the complex plant 2 4Feedstock oils of the units of complex plant not to be started up or shut down for maintenance at the same time or those between the units that are not in different maintenance groups15 20Feedstock oils between the units that are not started up and shut down for maintenance 7 15Feedstock oils of the units for multi-composition changing-over operations Calculated on changing-over period, the production time for each composition should not be less than 3 days.Note: In case the feedstock of a certain unit is also the feedstock oil for the other units or it can be stored in the storage tanks used for the other oils, it is recommended to take the lower limit for the number of storage days. 3. The number of storage days for the product oils shall be defined according to Table 2.1.1 - 3. Table 2.1.1 - 3 Number of Storage Days for Product OilsDesignation of oilsWays for delivery from plantNo. of storage daysGasoline, lamp kerosene, diesel oil, heavy oil (fuel oil) Pipeline delivery5 10Railway transportation10 20Inland waterway and offshore water transportation15 20Road transportation5 7Aviation gasoline, jet fuel, aromatics, military diesel oil, liquid paraffin, solvent oilPipeline delivery5 10Railway transportation15 20Inland waterway and offshore water transportation20 25Road transportation5 7Lube-oils, oils for electrical appliances , hydraulic oilsRailway transportation25 30Inland waterway and offshore water transportation25 35Road transportation15 20LPGPipeline delivery5 7Railway transportation10 15Inland waterway and offshore water transportation10 15Road transportation5 7Petrochemical feedstockPipeline delivery5 7Railway transportation10 15Inland waterway and offshore water transportation10 15 Road transportation5 7Notes: The storage tanks the capacities of which shall be defined according to this table, consist of the product tanks, composition tanks and blending tanks. In case there is transit storage, its capacity of tanks shall be included in the total capacities of tanks defined according to the above table. When the delivery way is inland and offshore water transportation, the sum of the capacities of product tanks and blending tanks shall satisfy at the same time the requirements for the continuous operation and one cargo loading capacity. In case the product is delivered from the plant by the ocean transportation, it is recommended the number of storage days shall not be less than 30 days but not more than 60 days. The sum of the capacities of product tanks and blending tanks shall satisfy at the same time the requirements for the continuous operation and one cargo loading capacity.4. It is recommended that the number of storage days for the fuel oil to be used by the plant itself be 3 days, and the number of storage days for the fuel oil purchased outside be defined with reference to Table 2.1.2 - 1. 2.1.2 Number of storage days for the petrochemical feedstock and product oils shall comply with the following specifications.1. It is suggested to define the number of storage days for main feedstock according to Table 2.1.2 - 1.Table 2.1.2 - 1 Number of Storage Days for Main FeedstockWays of delivery to plantNo. of storage daysRemarkPipeline delivery7 10Railway transportation10 20Inland waterway and offshore water transportation10 20Total capacity of tanks shall satisfy the continuous operation of plant and one cargo discharge capacity.Road transportation7 10Notes: In case of the ocean transportation, the number of storage days should not be less than 30 days but should not be more than 60 days. Number of storage days for the feedstock with special characteristics of high polymerization, high oxidation, etc., shall be defined according to the actual conditions. 2. Number of storage days for the intermediate feedstock should be determined according to Table 2.1.2 - 2.Table 2.1.2 - 2 Number of Storage Days for Intermediate FeedstockCategories of feedstockNumber of storage daysFeedstock of units to be started up and shutdown for maintenance simultaneously and that between units of complex plan3 4Feedstock between units of the complex plant which are not started up and shutdown for maintenance simultaneously15 20Feedstock between units that are not started up and shutdown for maintenance simultaneously10 153. Number of storage days for petrochemical products should be determined according to Table 2.1.2 - 3.Table 2.1.2 - 3 Number of storage days for petrochemical productsDesignation of mediumDelivery way from plantNumber of storage daysParrafinesPipeline delivery5 8Railway transportation10 20Inland waterway and offshore water transportation10 20Road transportation10 15OlefinsPipeline delivery5 8Railway transportation8 12Inland waterway and offshore water transportation10 15Road transportation10 15NaphthenesRailway transportation7 10Inland waterway and offshore water transportation10 15Road transportation10 15Alcohols, aldehydes, esters, ketones, nitriles, etc.Railway transportation15 20Inland waterway and offshore water transportation20 25Road transportation10 15Notes: In case of the ocean transportation for delivery the product from the plant, the number of storage days should not be less than 30 days but should not be more than 60 days. For the delivery ways of inland waterway, offshore water and ocean transportation, the capacity of tanks shall satisfy the requirements for the continuous operation of plant and one cargo loading capacity.2.1.3 Number of storage days for acids, alkalis and liquid ammonia shall be defined according to Table 2.1.3.Table 2.1.3 Number of Storage Days for Acids, Alkalis and Liquid AmmoniaDesignation of mediumWays of transportationNumber of storage daysAcids and alkalisRailway transportation15 25Inland waterway and offshore water transportation20 30Road transportation10 15Liquid ammoniaPipeline delivery7 10Railway transportation10 20Road transportation10 15Note: The capacity of tanks shall satisfy the requirements for one cargo loading or unloading capacity.2.1.4 When defining the capacity of tanks, it is necessary for the calculated daily storage capacity for various media to satisfy the following provisions: 1. The daily storage capacity for various media shall be calculated according to the annual handling capacity specified for the general process flow of whole plant or the annual output for the whole plant. 2. The daily storage capacity of feedstock and intermediate feedstock shall be the average daily feed capacity of the number of operating days for the unit.3. Daily storage capacity of the product oils for refinery under continuous operation shall be the daily average output value based on the 365 days of operation.4. Daily storage capacity of the products for petrochemical plant under continuous operation shall be the daily average output value based on the number of operation days for the corresponding unit. 2.1.5 The loading capacity coefficient of storage tanks shall comply with the following provisions:Fixed roof tanks and inner floating roof tanksWhen the volume of tank is 1000 M3, 0.90 shall be taken as the charging capacity factor.When the volume of tank is 45 oC, and be considered in accordance with 2.14 times the max. feed flow of oils when the flashing point (the closed flashing point) of oils is 45 oC.c. The suction flow of air caused by oil vapor contraction due to the maximum temperature drop and the breathing out flow of oil vapor from the tank due to the maximum temperature rise should be defined according to Table 3.1.2 1. Table 3.1.2 - 1 Ventilating Demand for Thermal Breathing of Storage TanksCapacity of tankM3Suction flow (Back pressure)(M3/h)Breathing out flow (positive pressure)(M3/h)Flashing point 45 oCFlashing point 45 oC10017.811.017.820035.622.435.630056.634.056.640075.045.075.050090.054.090.0700125.075.0125.01000180.0110.0180.02000370.0220.0370.03000570.0340.0570.04000736.0442.0736.05000860.0520.0860.0100001350.0810.01350.0200002120.01270.02120.0300002800.01680.02800.03. Sizes of breather valves or vent tubes shall be selected according to the defined ventilating flows of breather valves or vent tubes and the ventilating flow curves of breather valves or vent tubes. When there is a lack of ventilating flow curves of breather valves or vent tu


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