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I love our school. 三年级英语实践活动课教学设计及反思 设计者:越秀区养正小学 何笑文一、 The analisis of students: Children are developing quickly as individuals. They have a very short attention span and need variety. Young children love to play ,and learn best when they are enjoying themselves.二、 The teaching content:1、 Words: the names of school rooms , numbers, the foods2、 Sentences: Wheres ? Its How many are there ?There are Who is heshe? HeShes Who are they? Theyre Thiss 三、 Objectives:1. To review the words of school rooms, food2. To give chance for pupils to use the some sentence patterns.3. To encourage the pupils to say English loudly.四、 Learning strategies:Improve childrens listening, speaking and initial reading activities.五、 Main points: All the new words and the sentences.六、Difficult points: Take part in the classroom activities enthusiastically and be cooperative and helpful in group activities. Sight recognize the new words and key structures.七、 Teaching proceduresI、Preparation:分组: 一、School Rooms Team1、 了解我们学校有什么场室,各有几间?位置如何?(可列表统计)四人负责2、 设计未来养正小学的彩色平面图(可参照课本,如,添加swimming pool , flowerbed , football playground )两人负责3、 汇报活动结果:(可以表演、游戏、小品、歌曲、儿歌等形式),选几位同学代表表演1) 小品的形式对话(孙悟空来到养正小学门口好奇开始。自编对话汇报第一个调查内容)2) 与其他小组同学玩游戏、读单词(学校的建筑物)、读介词儿歌3) 展示未来养正小学的彩色平面图,作简单一两句英文的介绍。4) 贴出成果展示调查表:(由同学们分工了解好,由组长统计于下表)School things rooms(学校专用室)How many?(数量)Floor(几楼?)Where?(具体位置)ClassroomTeachers roomToiletsPlaygroundCanteenLibraryClinics 二、Teachers Team :1、 了解学校里的教师有多少?学生多少?(1人负责)2、 调查三(2)班全班同学最喜欢的老师是谁?为什么?用英语一两句话表达。(全组八个人,每人调查五位同学,并作好记录,由组长列表统计)表格:MY FAVOURITE TEACHER(Whats your favourite teacher? Shes Hes Why? Because shes hes )N0.NameTeachers NameReasons(原因)Recorder(记录者)123456789103、 找两位组员与两位英语老师做个采访,作好记录,并录像。4、 汇报活动结果:(可以表演、游戏、小品、歌曲、儿歌等形式),选两位同学表演。1) 表演歌曲:I want to teacher when I grow up 2) 两人表演对话:A: Do you want to be a teacher when you grow up ? B: Yes, I do . A: Whats your favourite teacher? B: A: Why ? B: Because shes hes A: Now , Lets have a look our favourite teachers. ( 放录像,提问题,其他小组抢答,加分)3) 贴出成果展示(调查表)三、School life Team:1、 了解同学们在学校各个专用场室能做什么(列表),体现学校生活,并编一首儿歌(2人负责) 表格:Come to our schoolRooms We can2、 调查四个班的课程表,画图,用英语写出来。(两个同学负责一个表)如:Time Table班别: 记录:节次MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday1234563、 汇报活动结果:(可以表演、游戏、小品、歌曲、儿歌等形式),选两位同学表演。1) 对话:A: Are you happy at school ? B: Me , too . We can . in the (指着表格介绍) A : OK . Lets chant together , Come to our school . 2)Talk about Time Tables ( 谈论几个班的课程表) 3)展示几份表格作为实践活动成果。四、Breakfast Team:1、 了解学校早餐的品种有哪些?用英文列出来。(两人负责) 2、 调查同学们最爱吃的和最讨厌吃的早餐,列表记录。(每人调查五个同学)My Favourites and HatesN0.NameFavouritesHatesRecorder(记录者)1234567893、 根据同学们的口味,设计两份一星期的早餐配餐表如:Breakfast List(1)DaysMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridayKindsBreakfast List(2)DaysMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridayKinds4、汇报活动结果:(可以表演、游戏、小品、歌曲、儿歌等形式),选两位同学表演。 1)表演歌曲:THREE MEALS2)两人表演对话:A: Do you like our breakfast ? B: Yes, I do . A: Whats your favourite breakfast? B:. A: Now , Lets have a look at our favourite breakfast. B: .is the most popular. A: We have two different breakfast lists , which one do you prefer?(让同学们下课后选出)3) 贴出成果展示(调查表、配餐表)五、School culture Team:1、 上网找出其他地方的校园、课室、操场等与我们学校的不同点(会电脑的同学负责)2、 出一份手抄报展示其他国家校园环境,并用一两句话简单描述。(美术画画能力强、英文字体端正的同学负责)3、 成果展示手抄报。II、Presentation: ProceduresTeachers activitiesPupils activitiesPurposeLeading-in1.chant2.Greetings.1.Chant and read aloud.2.Greetings.Help pupils review the daily English connect to the lesson.Pre-task1.To introduce the aims.2.Introduce the groups.3.Sing a song Rainbow1.To know the aims.2.Sing a song RainbowArouse the pupils interest and make the word learning activities fun.Introduce the topic today.While-task Let them show the groups jobs:1. purple team: school life2. blue team : teachers3. green team: school breakfast4. yellow team : school rooms5. orange team : school cultureshow the groups jobs:1. purple team: school life2. blue team : teachers3. green team: school breakfast4. yellow team : school rooms5. orange team : school cultureTo give the children more input of the target language.Post-taskLet the pupils watch the video and do the exercises on the paperWatch the video and do the exercises on the paperLearn the target language and practice.Check Check the answers and have a group competitionCheck the answers and have a group competitionFeed back and get the result of the task.AssessmentGive them a piece of paper to do the self-assessmentDo the self-assessmentHomeworkShow them groups job on the blackboard.I love our school. 三年级英语实践活动课教学反思综合实践活动热潮在区里掀起,我们学校作为此活动的先行者,率先把它扩展到其他学科,成功举办了全区性的语文实践活动课现场会。为了把此特色成为我们学校的校本课程,英语科也不例外,各位老师在研究与探索中,纷纷上起了英语实践活动课。三年级的学生刚学英语一年,词汇量较少,语言表达能力不够强,一切都用英语来表达是有点困难,因此,我从选题、研究调查、现场汇报等环节我都允许学生结合中文用英语来表达。上完了我的第一次尝试,第一次老师最轻松的课堂,第一次完全回归给学生的课堂三年级英语实践活动汇报课,我感受到学生的能力以及自学的英语水平简直是意外。回想一下,在选题中,我把学生最熟悉的学校作为本次研究了解的课题,让学生在英语的语言环境中更进一步地了解我们的学校,从学校里所涉及到的东西、老师、生活习惯、校园文化等方面着手,以颜色为名把学生分为五个颜色小组,各设有两个小组长,各有不同的研究任务,调查统计完之后需要完成表格的填写,出一份汇报时用的成果汇报手抄报,然后确定汇报的形式,排练节目。在整个调查研究的过程中,老师的角色完全属于指导作用,而学生真正成为发掘、调查研究、运用知识的小主人。通过从选题到汇报课整个过程中,我是这样设想的:一、 任务分配的合理,引起学生的兴趣二、 歌曲游戏导入,活跃课堂气氛,建立和谐的师生关系三、 学生调查研究的过程是涉及知识的最好良机,拓展课外知识。因此,通过此英语实践活动课,增加学生间的合作团结,丰富学生的课外知识。


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