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高铁乘务专业面试高铁乘务专业面试评定表考生姓名性别准考证号相片会考英语会考语文会考数学毕业学校专业意向联系人联系人电话有无病史有无视力左:右:是否有色 弱色盲是否头颈脸,手至小臂,膝盖以是下是否有明显疤痕、纹身否身高cm体重kg面试评分 要素分 值评分要点评分等级评 分好中差考生身高60男生身高175-180等级为好,165-174或 180以上等级为中;女生身高165-170等级 为好,160-164或170以上为中,身高不合 格者等级为差。50604049039形 象 气 质五官10五官是否端正,有无斜眼。8105714身材10身材比例是否匀称。8105714仪表10仪态是否稳重,着装得体、举止大方。8105714气质10具有良好的亲和力,精神面貌是否良好。8105714动作10走,站势是否协调。8105714语.言表 达自我介 绍30语言表达是否流利,口齿是否清楚,与人 交流表情自然,心理素质良好。2030101919中英文 广播词30发音标准,口齿清楚,语言表达流畅,普 通话标准。2030101919专 业 素 质问答30反应的机敏程度;面对压力的心理承受力 和自制力。具备良好的学习态度初步具备 高铁乘务的基本素质条件等。2030101919合 计200总分1、评委老师意见:录取考虑口拒绝2、其它意见:签名:日期:中英文广播词(由考官随机抽取 1份广播词)乘坐 G2112 次“和谐号”列车的旅客。欢迎您到本站(第12 专用候车厅)候 车。车站候车厅两侧(12 处)设有饮水处和卫生间,您在候车时,请先检查一下 自己的车票,要注意工作人的提示和车站广播,按时检票进站乘车。特别是带老 人或儿童出行的旅客,更要注意您乘坐的车次以及开车时间,避免误车,给您的 旅行带来不便。Passengers on the G2112 harmony train. Welcome to the bus stop at our 12th special waiting hall. Station waiting areas on both sides of (12) has a water fountain and toilet, when you are waiting, please check your ticket, pay attention to the work of prompt and radio stations, travel ticket into the station on time. Especially if you are traveling with the elderly or children, you should pay more attention to the number of trips you take and the time you drive to avoid the traffic accidents and inconvenience to your trip.工作人员请注意,昆明南开往上海虹桥的高铁动车 G2112 次列车已经出库, 现在停靠在 12站台 4 道,请工作人员做好检票准备。Staff, please note that the G2112 train has been out of the warehouse in kunming nankai to Shanghai hongqiao, and now it is at platform 4, please be ready to check in.车站工作人员请注意,昆明南开往上海虹桥的高铁动车 G2112 次列车,再过 5 分钟就要检票,请做好准备。高铁动车、G2112次列车乘务员,你们好,旅客现在就要检票进站了,请您做 好准备,打开车门,迎接旅客上车。Staff of the station, please note that kunming nankai Shanghai hongqiao high-speed train G2112 train, five minutes to check the ticket, please be ready.The train and the G2112 train attendants are ready to check in. Please be ready to open the door and welcome the passengers.欢迎您乘坐沪昆高铁和谐号动车组,本次列车是由昆明南站开往上海虹桥站 的 G2112 次列车,列车途经长沙南站,上车后请您核对车票对号入座,将随身携 带的物品放置在行李架上摆放稳妥,大件行李请放在每节车厢的大件行李存放处, 感谢您的合作。Welcome to shanghai-kunming high-speed harmony emu, YouKunMing south station does the train leave for Shanghai hongqiao G2112 time train station, the train passed through changsha south railway station, please check after get on the bus ticket accordingly, place the carry-on articles of the sound is put on the rack, big luggage, please put each big luggage storage, thank you for your cooperation.欢迎您乘坐沪昆高铁和谐号动车组列车,您乘坐的这趟列车是由昆明南站开 往上海虹桥站的 G2112 次列车,在昆明南站开车的时间是 07:33 分,到达终点上 海虹桥站的时间是 19:22 分,请您认真核对车票,以免上错车耽误您的旅行,有 送亲友的朋友请您抓紧时间下车,站在车门附近的乘客请您到车厢里面就坐,列车就要开车了。Welcome to shanghai-kunming high-speed harmony emu train, you take the train is YouKunMing G2112 time train station to Shanghai hongqiao station, south station in kunming driving time is 07:33 points, arrive Shanghai hongqiao station of time is the moment when, please check the ticket carefully, so as not to delay your travel pass on, have to send relatives and friends of friends please take the time to get off, stand near the door of the passengers please sat into the car and will drive train.欢迎您乘坐沪昆高铁和谐号动车组列车,我代表动车组全体乘务人员向您问 好,祝您旅途愉快,列车前方到站是曲靖北车站,请下车的旅客注意广播通告, 提前做好下车准备。Welcome to shanghai-kunming high-speed harmony emu train, on behalf of all the emu cabin crew, I say hello to you, wish you a pleasant journey, in front of the train station is qujing north station, please get off the bus passengers to pay attention to the broadcast announcement, prepared to get off early.铁路目前实行实名制车票乘车旅行,列车工作人员将到车厢进行查验车票, 请您提前准备好车票,以及您在购票时所使用的有效身份证件,请给予配合,感 谢您的合作。Railway is a real-name ticket trip, inspection staff will go to the train ticket, please ready in advance ticket, and you are in the valid id card used when purchasing tickets, please gives cooperate, thank you for your cooperation.为了您和他人的乘车安全,请不要在车厢内、连接处、卫生间等任何区域内 吸烟,因为一旦有人吸烟,烟雾报警器将会自动鸣响,列车将会降速运行,造成 晚点,请您支持配合我们的工作,祝您旅途愉快、一路平安。To you and the security of others, please dont in the car, joint, toilet, such as no smoking area, because once someone is smoking, smoke alarm will automatically be ringing, the train runs will slow down, causing delays, please support our work, wish you a pleasant journey, bon voyage.由于列车运行速度较快,您在车内行走时,请您扶好走稳,您在接打开水时, 请不要打的过满,以免开水溢出烫伤自己和他人,带小孩的旅客请您注意看管好 您的小孩,不要让孩子在车内跑跳、玩耍,以免发生危险,特别提示使用笔记本 电脑的旅客,请您与前排座椅保持距离,以免前排旅客调整座椅时造成挤压或损 坏,感谢您的合作。Because the train runs faster, you walking in the car, please help the easy, you on the open water, please dont play too full, in order to avoid boiling overflow burn themselves and others, with children passengers please pay attention to take care of the child, you dont let the children run and jump in the car, to play, in order to avoid danger, special remind passengers using laptops, please keep distance with the front seats, so as to avoid the front passenger seat when the adjustment extrusion or damage, thank you for your cooperation.列车运行前方到站是曲靖北站,在曲靖北站下车的旅客,请您提前做好下车 准备,列车在曲靖北站停车10 分钟,由于列车停车时间较短,不在本站下车的旅 客,请您不要再站台上吸烟,以免漏乘,耽误您的旅客行,感谢您的配合。Train station is ahead qujing north station, in qujing north station to get off passengers, please get ready in advance, train parking in qujing north station 10 minutes, due to train stopping time is shorter, not passengers get off this site, please dont smoke on the platform, in order to avoid missing a train, delay your passenger line, thank you for your cooperation.我们这趟列车就要到达终点站了,请您再次检查一下行李架上、衣帽钩上、 网袋后面以及大件行李处是否还有您的行李物品,不要遗忘在列车上,感谢您一 路上对我们工作的关心理解和支持,欢迎您再次乘坐本次列车,下次旅行再会。We this train is about to reach the terminal, please check again the rack, coat on the hook behind the mesh bag and big baggage do you have your luggage, dont forget on the train, thank you for your concern about our work all the way to understand and support, welcome you to take the train, the next trip farewell.面试问答题目(由主考官给每一位考生选择 34 题)1、你考虑过做乘务员的辛苦吗?2、谈谈你对高铁的认识。3、入学以后你有什么目标。4、如果列车延误了,有乘客表示不满,你会怎么做呢?5、为什么要做一名乘务员?6、假如在今后的工作中碰到沟通不好的同事,他非常不配合你,还当着乘客的面指 责你,你会怎么办?7、如果有客人在车上脱鞋,你会如何?8、如果有客人对你说:我爱你,你会怎么回答?9、你认为乘务员应该具备哪些素质?10、如果遇到不讲理的旅客怎么办?11、如果有客人晕车?12、如果将来工作分配的地方不如你的意你会?13、你高中同桌同学对你的评价?14、你还有什么问题要问吗?15、如果通过这次面试我们学校录取了,但学习一段时间却发现你根本不适合这 个专业,你怎么办?


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