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Unit 8 When is your birthday?Period 1 Section A 1a 2dTeaching aims and language points:1. Learn these words and expressions, and be able to say, read and write them:when, month, January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December the ordinal numbers from first to thirty-first2. Be able to talk about ones birthday by using:When is your/his/her birthday?21世纪教育网My/His/Her birthday is in October.My/His/Her birthday is on October tenth.When is Alices birthday? Her birthday is Teaching keys: 1.The names of the twelve months and the usage of ordinal numbers. 2.Ask about the birthdays of other people.Teaching difficulties: 1.The names of the twelve months and the usage of ordinal numbers. 2.Ask about the birthdays of other people.Teaching methods:Task-based Language Teaching,Visual teching method, situational teaching methodBefore class:比一比,谁最棒?1 谁会读单词音标? 2. 谁会记单词? 谁记单词的方法好? (教师提点:1.比一比单词的字母: 部分单词字母相同:January/ February September/ October/ November/ December 2. 荒诞记忆法与故事相结合。 January/ February March/ April/May June/July September/ October/ November/ December2Can you know the differences: My birthday is in August. My birthday is on August 1st.3Can you say like this? My birthday is in_. My birthday is on_.4 Learn these numbers and find out the rules:一起找规律1st first 11th eleventh 21st twenty-first2nd second 12th twelfth 22nd twenty-second3rd third 13th thirteenth 23rd twenty-third4th fourth 14th fourteenth 24th twenty-fourth5th fifth 15th fifteenth 25th twenty-fifth6th sixth 16th sixteenth 26th twenty-sixth7th seventh 17th seventeenth 27th twenty-seventh8th eighth 18th eighteenth 28th twenty-eighth9th ninth 19th nineteenth 29th twenty-ninth10th tenth 20th twentieth 30th thirtieth 31st thirty-first 教学设计备注Step 1 Warm up and lead-in.1Listen to a song. T: What can you hear? (the twelve months. Learn the new word: month)2Share: How can you remember the words? (When students answer, according to students answers, show the picture to help remember and understand the words. )3. T: My birthday is in August. (Read the sentences. - My birthday is in August.)T: When is your birthday?S1: My birthday is in(Show a birthday cake and say“The birthday cake is for you.”Read the sentences: When is your birthday? - My birthday is in August. 4T: Well learn unit 8 When is your birthday? (Read the title.)Step 2 Work on 1a. 1. Listen and repeat. 2. Students say one by one: My birthday is in(When students say, show the month words.)Step 3 Presentation.1. Compare: Can you know the differences: My birthday is in August. My birthday is on August 1st.2. Learn the ordinal numbers. (1) Present the ordinal numbers (2) Read the Students Book P81.(3) Work on 2a. Listen and repeat.(4) 基数词变为序数词的顺口溜: 基变序,有规律,一、二、三特殊记,词尾字母t, d, d;-th 四加起,八少t来九去e; (从4起在词尾加th)ve变f替,y要变ie。若想表示几十几,只变个位就可以。Step 4 . Working on 1b.1. Students listen and number conversations. Check their answers quickly.21世纪教育网2. Listen and repeat.3. Practice the conversations in pairs.21世纪教育网4. Practice reading some dates.Step 5 Pair work. Ask the Ss to ask and answer about their own birthdays. A: When is your birthday, Wang Ming?B: My birthday is on May 5th.Step 6 Listening practice. (1) Work on 2b. Listen and circle the numbers you hear in 2a.(2) Work on 2c. Listen and match the names, months and dates.(3) Listen and read the conversations after the record.KStep 7. Pair work. Work on 2d.1. Ask some Ss about the birthdays of the four students in 2c. T: When is Alices birthday, S1?S1: Her birthday is on September 5th. T: When is Franks birthday, S2?S2: His birthday is on T: Now ask and answer about the birthdays of the four students in 2c with your partner.(Ss work in pairs to ask and answer about their birthdays.) 2. Do you know your parents birthday? Ask your partner about the birthday in his or her family? S1: When is your fathers birthday?S2: His birthday is on September 10th. S1: When is your mothers birthday?S2: Her birthday is on August 20th. (Then S2 ask S1 about the birthdays in his or her family.)Step 8 . Homework1. Remember the new words we learned today.2. Look at the chart below and write a conversation between you and Mike like 2d.Period 2 (2e and some explains)Teaching aims and language points:1. Learn these words and expressions, and be able to say, read and write them:happy, happy birthday, old, how old, party, see you2. Be able to talk about ones age and birthday party by using:How old are you? Im twelve. My birthday is in August.Do you want to come to my birthday party?-When is it? -At three this afternoon. See you.教学设计备注Step 1 Warming- up and revision.1. Greeting the Ss as usual. Check their homework.2. Lets review the cardinal numbers together. Count from first to thirty-first.3. Play a number game: T: Your partner says a ordinal number and you say a cardinal number. Then exchange roles. S1: eleven S2: eleventh; twenty S1: twentieth; thirteen S2: thirteenth; sixteen 4. Ask your partner a question chain like this: T: How old are you? S1: Im thirteen. T: When is your birthday? Is it on December 5th?S1: NO,My birthday is on December 16th. T: Happy birthday to you! S1: Thank you! T: When is your mothers birthday? S1: Her birthday is on June 3rd. T: When is your fathers birthday? S1: His birthday is July 5th.Step 2 Role-play. 1. Bill and Alan are talking about their ages and birthdays. Now listen the conversation and fill the chart below.NameAgeBirthday (party)BillAlanat 3 this afternoon2. Check the answers with the class.3. Practice the conversation with your partner. 4. Let some pairs act out the conversation in front of the class. 5. Make your own conversation.Step 3 Take some notes: 一When is your birthday?1.when adv. “(疑问副词) 什么时候,”对时间进行提问。I go to school at 8 in the morning. _.【辨析】 what time一般用于对具体时间的提问Its three oclock. _ I go to school at 8 in the morning._.2. when conj.“在的时候”,引导时间状语从句。3. 用 When is/are sbs birthday(s)? 来询问他人的生日。答:sbs birthday(s) is/are (on/in) 或Its (on/in) When is Janes birthday? Her birthday is /Its on January twelfth. When are their birthdays? Their birthdays are May 2nd and June 5th.二 . At three this afternoon. 今天下午三点。 辨一辨 表示时间的介词at, in与on (1) 介词at意为 “在”常用于时刻前或一些固定的习惯用语中。 at 9:00 在9点钟at noon 在中午(2) in用在月份、季节、年份等前面,也可以表示“在早上、在下午、在晚上”。如: in May in 2013 in the morning/afternoon/evening (3) on用在日期、星期几、节日前,具体某一天的上午、下午或晚上。 on November 1st on Childrens Day on Tuesday evening 拓展:(1)月、日、年的顺序。“日”与“年”之间要加逗号。读时,“日”一定要读作序数词。April 4/4th,2009 读作:April (the) fourth,two thousand and nine(2)日、月、年的顺序。读时,“日”一定要读作序数词,而且一般前面要加定冠词the。2/2nd July 1999 读作:the second of July/July the second,nineteen ninety-nine(3)“在某年”或“在某年某月”要用介词in,“在某年某月某日”要用介词on。三3.Match the names,months and dates.将名字、月份、日期配对。1. date n. 日期Can you tell me the date of your birth?你能告诉我你的生日吗?2. date和day 都表示“日子”。date指“日期”,即“某年、某月、某日”,一般用单数,提问时,date指“几月几日”。Whats the date today?今天几号?Its March 3rd.3月3号。day泛指“日子”,可以指24小时的一整天,也可以单指白天,提问时,day指的是“星期几”。What day is it today?今天星期几?Its Thursday.星期四。四Happy Birthday!生日快乐!1.祝福语,答语常为Thank you。2. happy,adj.“愉快的;高兴的;满意的”常用来表达祝愿。Happy Teachers Day!教师节快乐! Happy New Year!新年快乐!3. happy adj.愉快的;高兴的;满意的 反义词:unhappy 名词:happiness n. 幸福Im happy to meet you.见到你我很快乐。五How old are you? 你多大了? Im twelve. 我十二了。 1 how old意为“多大年纪;几岁”,用于询问年龄。回答时可以直接用基数词表示,也可以用“基数词 + year (s) old”表示。2“Whats . age?”“How old is / are .?”意思相同。Whats your age? = How old are you? 你多大了?六. Im twelve.我12岁了。1. 本句是含有主系表结构的简单句。在回答how old引导的提问年龄的问句时,常用“主语系动词be基数词(years old)”结构,其中years old可以省略。上句可改写为:Im twelve years old.我12岁了。2. 表示“一岁大”时,用:one year old。The baby is one year old.这个婴儿一岁大。七 See you! 再见!1. 本句是用来告别的用语。See you! Goodbye!再见!2. See you soon!再见。 此句是用于暂时分别用语。See you again.通常用于事先没有预约好的场合。See you later.则要用于事先预约好的场合。See you then.到时候见。八Find out your group members brithdays and ages.1. age n. 年龄;年纪 Whats her age?她多大年龄了?2. at the age of.在岁时At the age of five,he could(能,会) read and write.Period 3Teaching aims:1.Remember the words of the months and the cardinal numbers.2. Can say the birthdays using the positions“in, on”.3. Understand “ Alices , your fathers”.4. Be able to talk about ones age and birthday party by using:When is your / his /her birthday? My/ His /Her birthday is on May 2nd. How old are you? Im twelve.When is your mothers birthday? S1: Her birthday is on June 3rd. When is your fathers birthday? S1: His birthday is July 5th.Is your birthday on July 5th? Yes, it is. /No, it isnt.When are their birthdays? Their birthdays are on May 2nd and June 5th. /in JanuaryTeaching keys:1.Remember the words of the months and the cardinal numbers.2. Can say the birthdays using the positions“in, on”.3. Understand “ Alices , your fathers”.4. Be able to talk about ones age and birthday party by using:Before class: Read Grammar focus。Think it over what we should learn and remember?(仔细想想, 我们应该掌握什么?)教学设计备注Step 1. Warming- up and make the goals together.1. Greeting the Ss as usual.2. Read Grammar focus。(1). Think it over what we should learn and remember?(仔细想想, 我们应该掌握什么?)(2). 把自己的想法在小组内交流,并总结一下,你们小组一共想出了多少目标?Step 2 Practice 1 Pair work. 1. Review the words of the months. Write the words and check the answers in different groups.2. Lets review the cardinal numbers together. Count from first to thirty-first.How do you remember the cardinal numbers. Explain: 序数词要加定冠词the。但当序数词前有物主代词(his, her)、指示代词(this, that)等修饰时,则不必再用the。 on the third floor 在三楼 on his twelfth birthday 在他十二岁生日这天 3.读序数词表,然后写出下列基数词的序数词。one _ two _ three _ five _ eight _ nine _ twelve _ fifteen _ eighteen _twenty _twenty-one _ 4. Ask your partner a question chain like this: T: How old are you? S1: Im thirteen. T: When is your birthday? S1: My birthday is October 16th. T: When is your mothers birthday? S1: Her birthday is on June 3rd. T: When is your fathers birthday? S1: His birthday is July 5th.Ss work with their partner ask and answer in a question chain. Step 3 . Work on 3a 1. Now lets work on 3a. Read the questions and answers then match the questions and answers.2. Ss read the questions and answers. Find the answers to the questions. Then check the answers with the class. 3. Ss work with his or her partner. Ask and answer the questions. Step 4. Work on 3b. 1. T: Grace and her friends are talking about their ages and birthdays. Read the conversation and fill in the blanks.2. Ss read and complete the conversation. 3. Check the answers with the class.4. Practice the conversation with your partner. 5. Ask some pairs act out the conversation. Step 5 . Work on 3cSurvey. 1. T: Do you know your classmates ages and birthdays. Now lets make a survey of everyones ages and birthdays. Then line up from the youngest to the oldest. 2. Ss ask and answer about each others age and birthdays. How old are you? Im When is your birthday? My birthday is on姓名 年龄 生日_ _ _ _ _3. Then line up all the students from the youngest to the oldest.4. Make a report.Hello, this is my group. We were born in different months. _ birthday is_. _ is the oldest, and _ is the youngest.Step 6. Self check.一依据首字母填单词。 1. April is the f_month of the year.2. Sam is 12 years old.His b_is October 3rd.3.Teachers day is on S_ tenth.4.Childrens day is on J_1st.5. W_is your birthday?二划出下列句中的错误,并改正( 4分)1. My birthday is May 15st._2.My brother s birthday is march 10th ._3. My mothers birthday is _. A. July 22st B. July 22th C. July 22nd D. 22nd三完成句子 1. Im 5. (对划线提问) _ 2.Her birthday is June 3nd. (对划线提问) _ 3. 我妈妈的生日是七月四号. My _ birthday is _4th. 4他的生日是十月二号. _Step 7. Homework 1. Review the Grammar Focus.2. 制作个人档:First NameLast NameBirthdayAgeTelephone numberFavourite FoodFavourite ColorMothers birthdayFathers birthdayPeriod 4Section B 1a-1d Teaching aims:Target language:1. Can read ,write and use these words and phrases: test, trip; basketball game, English test, school trip, birthday party2. Can use the structures: When isy? -Its on .3. Finish listening, can fill in the calendar about the events. Ability goals:1. Listening: understand the new words and the conversations, can fill in the calendar about the events.2. Reading: read the words and sentences from Section B3. Speaking: talk about the daily events using the structures: When isy? -Its on .Moral goal: Lead the students to care for others.Key points and difficulties:Key points: words and sentencesDifficulties: use the target language in the real life. 教学设计备注Step1. Warm up and lead in. 1. Enjoy and sing along with the song of months.2. Make the learning aims.3. Review. Step2. Learn new word 1. Show the picture of different activities and present the words and expressions.T: What activity is it? Its a /an. (learn the new words test, trip; basketball game, English test, school trip, birthday party.)T: Look at the date, when is the?2. Remember the new words.Step3. Working on 1a.1. Match the picture with the events.2. Check the answers in pairs like : A: Picture d is English test. B: Yes, youre right. Picture c is party. Step 4. Listening practice. 1. Work on 1b. Listen and circle the events in the conversations. Then check the answers together.2. Work on 1c. (1) Listen and choose the right answers. ( ) 1. When is Sallys birthday party? A. September 5th B. October 4th C. October 5th( ) 2. When is the basketball game? A. September 2d B. October 2nd C. October 5th( ) 3. When is the school trip? A. September 26th and 27th B. October 6th and 7th C. October 5th( ) 4. When is the English test? A. September 29th B. October 9th C. October 2nd( ) 5. Is the English test on Friday? A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isnt. C. Sorry, I dont know.(3)Listen again and fill in the calendar.(3)Check the answers in pairs like the sample in 1d. Step5. . Pair work Ask and answer questions about Johns calendar. ( P46 1d )Step 6. 拓展与延伸.When is New Years Day? Its on January 1st.When is Womens Day? It is on March 8th.When is April Fools Day? Its on April 1st.When is Working Peoples Day? Its on May 1st.When is National Day? Its on October 1st.When is Christmas Day? Its on December 25th.Step8. Consolidation exercises.Step9. Summary. What have you learned?1.key words and phrases 2. key sentencesStep10. HomeworkDescribe your birthday in English. Use the following questions to help you .1. How old are you? 2. When is your birthday? 3. What do your parents do for your birthday? 4. Do you have a birthday party on your birthday?Period 5 (2a-3b)Teaching aims and language points:1. Learn these words and expressions, and be able to say, read and write them: dear, student, thing, term, busy, time, there, next month2. Learn these words and expressions, and be able to say and read them:holiday, National Day, discuss, inviteto 3. Be able to discuss activities and write a note by usingWe have some interesting and fun things for you this term.On September 21st, we have a school trip in the afternoon.This is a really busy term。 Have a good time!What (other) activities do you like?教学设计备注Step 1 Warming up and leading in. 1. T: Boys and girls, last lesson we learned Johns calendar. In his calendar, we know his events in September and October. Do you have your calendar? This class, well learn how to write about the activities.2. Make the aims.Step 2 work on 2a.1. Show the pictures and learn the names about the activities. Soccer game school trip School Day book sale English Day art festival Sports Day party 2. Match the activities with their Chinese names.3. Check () the activities you have at your school. Say: We have a/ an .at our school.Step 3 Work on 2b. 1. Read the notice fast and silently, and then say: Which words cant you read?2. Read again. Answer the questions:(1).How many activities do they have in November?(2). How many activities do they have in December?(3).Which month has the most activities?3. Read for the third time, and fill in the chart.DatesActivitiesStep 4 Work on 2c. Follow the tape, and think:(1). Are the students busy?(2). Do you think the students will have a good time this term?Step 5 Work on 3a. 1. Complete the note with the words in the box. Learn the word “there”.2. Ask some questions about the note in 3a.Who is Guo Peng writing to?Do you think Guo Peng likes basketball?What activity does Guo Peng have in his school?When is the activity?Step 6 Work on 3b. 1. Ask the Ss to write their own note to a friend.2. Ask some of the Ss to write their notes on the board. Then discuss their notes with the whole class. Get the Ss to correct any mistake in their writings. 参考句型:1. Do you like (have) ? 你喜欢(有)吗?I know you like. 2. Please come to next week/this Friday. 请下周/这周五(某地). 3. We have a (an) . Its on 我们举行(活动). 它在(日期). 4. On , we have a(an) in 在(日期), 我们在(某地)举行(活动).5. See you there!/Have a good time! 那儿见!/祝你玩得高兴。 Step 7 homework. 你们学校计划举行减价售书活动。假如你是Frank,参考下面 的表格信息,给你的朋友Bob写一个便条,邀请他一起参加。 活动售书地点校图书馆时间十月十六日Period 6Teaching aims:1. review the words and structures in this unit.2. Finish selfcheck 1 and 2.3. Do some exercises.教学设计备注Step 1. Greet and review.1. Greet.2. Review.Step 2. Self Check 11. T: Now lets review the cardinal numbers and ordinal numbers. First, lets recite them. Your partner recites the ordinal numbers, you recite the cardinal numbers. Then you recite the ordinal numbers, your partner recites the cardinal numbers. (Ss do as the teacher asks.)2. T: Now look at Self check 1. Complete the chart with the correct forms of the numbers. 3. Check the answers with the class.Step 3. Self Check 2. 1. (Show some pictures of holidays on the screen.)T: We have many holidays in China. For example: Picture 1: Childrens Day Ss: 儿童节T: Picture 2: National Day Ss: 国庆节(Show other pictures, let Ss know Womens Day, New Years Day, Labors Day, Teachers Day)2. Ask the dates about the holidays. T: When is Childrens Day? S1: Its on June 1st. T: When is National Day? S2: Its on October 1st. T: Now lets look at Self check 2. Write the da


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