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1. Tell me something about yourself.My name isXXXXX. I come from Beijing .2. Tell me something about your hometown.My hometown is Beijing . Its a modern and big city. Have you been there?Welcome to Beijing! You can go to the Great wall, Summer palace, Tian an men square(this is biggest square of world) and Forbidden City. You can go shopping in WangFuJing Street and Qian men Road. Also there are a lot of famous universities, such as Peking university, Qing hua university and Beijing Foreign Language university and so on. There is only one international airport in BeiJing, Capital Airport . There are 3 runways in the Airport now. and there will be five runways in the future. There are some large terminal buildings. BeiJing will become the aviation center in the world.It is a big event in china. Olympic Games will be held in August this year. Chinese are very happy then I should work very hard.many people want to go to china to see the Olympic games ,they should come here by air ,so it is a big chance for the china civil aviation. 3. Whats the weather like there?No, I dont like it. in spring there are sandstorms, in winter it is too cold and strong wind ,in summer it is very hot ,autumn is just ok .4. Which company do you work for?Air China.5. How long have you been working there?I have been working there for 20 years.6. How many hours have you flown?I have flown about 17,000 hours.7. What are advantages of being a pilot?I think the job is well-paid. It is very challenging. I can visit many places. So I enjoy my job very much.8. If you didnt become a pilot, what job would you be doing now? Why?I want to be a doctor,because my mother is a doctor ,she wants me to be a doctor. we can service the patients and save the sick9. What kind of aircraft do you fly?I fly B747-400。10. Do you fly/have you flown any other aircraft?I have flown chujiao-6. illion28 and B707-200.B747-400 is larger and more advanced 11. What are your main routes?My main routes are international routes, sometimes I fly domestic routs such Beijing to shanghai.12. Do you fly busy routes like Shanghai to Beijing?Yes, I do. Because Beijing is the capital of china and shanghai is the most important city in our country. So the route is very busy.13. Do you agree with RVSM? Why/Why not?RVSM is Reduce Vertical Separation Minimum. Its very important in china. It can increase air traffic flow. It can reduce fight delays. And it can save companys cost14. Do you think RVSM is a permanent solution?Its a big question to me. I think maybe later will better15. What are the main duties of a captain of a passenger plane? First of all, the main duty of the captain is to ensure the safety of the airplane and passengers.(and ) Secondly, the captain has to( ) follow the standard regulations and procedures to control the aircraft. (and) Last (but not least), he( ) has to accomplish实现 every flight safely and on time.16. Have you had any abnormal situations? Describe any unusual events you have experienced that occurred to your aircraft during a flight.Yes, I remembered that there was an abnormal situation in bad weather. It was in 1991, we flew a scheduled night flight from HKG to PEK. (Kai Tak) The type of the aircraft was Boeing707 which has 4 engines and has no color weather radar on board. There were 6 crew members on board, including the captain, first officer, navigator, radio operator, mechanic in the cockpit and 8 flight attendants in the cabin. I was the first officer. It carried 85 passengers on board. The weather condition at that time was poor. There were thunderstorm, heavy rain and lightning near the airport. After the take-off, we followed the controllers clearance to maintain runway heading and climbed to 7000 feet. Suddenly, the aircraft encountered a severe turbulence and lightning. The windshield was broken and we were caught in CB. So I asked the captain to turn back immediately. Then we contacted HKG tower to request landing instruction. And we reported that there was 3 passengers injured and requested medical assistance as soon as possible. Then HKG tower cleared us to join left downwind and descend to 4500 feet on QNH to land on runway 31. About 15 minutes later, we landed safely. After landing, we vacated runway and taxied to the apron. All the crew members checked the aircraft and found that the radar cover broken by the lightning We had to fix the aircraft. Fortunately, no one was badly injured through the incident17. If you faced an emergency situation during flight, how would you explain it to the passengers (e.g. engine failure and returning to departure airport.)First of all, we should control the aircraft. Then I will tell the passenger what happened. And I will ensure them to the destination safely.18. How do you feel during times of emergencies? Are you very stressed? Would you/Have you ever panicked?I think I feel a little nervous but I must calm down. 19. Do you understand all your clearances? Even the ones in English?Yes, of course.20. Do you always check with your co-pilot on the clearances you have been given?Yes, of course. This is a standard operation procedure.21. At what point during an emergency situation would you transmit a “Pan pan” message?If we encounter urgency such as heart attack, engine failure, we will call “Pan pan”.22. At what point during an emergency situation would you transmit a “Mayday” message?If we encounter a distress such as hijack, engine on fire, we will call “Mayday”.23. How would you deal with wind shear if you were confronted by it at an important phase of flight?We must keep the attitude of the plane. We should push the throttle to maximum. Then we should report wind shear H, and speed change .24. When did you first start flying?My first flying was in 1975.25. Did you do any training at CAFUC?No, I didnt.26. What aircraft did you train with? Initial twin engine high performance?Initial-6. It is a small plane. It has a propeller engine. It has 2 seats.27. Where did you do your simulator training?In Beijing, and Frankfurt.(abroad 国外的) 28. If you had a chance to spend 2 weeks at a place outside of China, all expenses paid, where would you like to go? And why?If I have a long holiday, I want to go to some seaside cities with my family 29. When did you start learning English? Do you like it?In middle school. Yes, I like English very much, because it is important for pilots.30. Have you passed any English exams? What are they? When?I have passed the exam of radiotelephony communication English In 2000.I have passed aviation English, radiotelephony test. In 2000.31. Have you like to keep learning English?Yes, I will keep learning English in the future.32. Do you like spending time with your family, or do you prefer to be by yourself?I like spending time with my family.33. You have been here for X weeks with this ICAO English Training course, what memories will you take back with you from here?I think the teachers are friendly and work very hard. I learn a lot from them. At this time, I just want to say “thank you” to all teachers.34. How do you think the CAFUC Aviation English Testing Centre can improve on its course so that future course can benefit form it?Yes, of course.35. In 10 years form now, what would you like to be doing and where would you like to be?Maybe I will fly Airbus 380.36. Do you think Pilots will be worse off or better off?I think the pilots will be better off because of the competition.37. Do you think China needs more foreign pilots in the future? Why/why not?Its hard to say. But I hope more.38. Do you think computers will be operating aircraft in the future and the pilots role will be just to oversee the flight?No, I dont think so. CRMCRM is very important for flight safety. Through CRM, Crew members can communicate with each other. It can also help us to know who should do what and remind us. For example, when the ATC give instruction, the co-pilot and the captain should confirm to each other to prevent erroneous understanding of the instructions, especially when the plane is in abnormal situation.CRM means Cockpit Resource Management. It needs the good cooperation between the flight crew and cabin crew. It is important to ensure the flight safety. In emergency situation, CRM help crew members to solve the problems together. I think the key point of CRM is a good communication with crew members.6


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