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八年级英语 Unit 5 单 元 测 试 卷.词汇(10分)A)根据句意及所给首字母,完成单词(每题1分,共5分)1.Mr.Fat is a r man. He can buy everything he wants.2.Jim Green is a foreigner. But he can travel to China easily because he has a p .3.Yaoming is an e basketball player. He plays basketball very well in NBA.4.The beautiful glass is b , so Mrs.Green has to buy another one.5.Marias Father is a good worker. He can c the machine(机器) easily.B)根据句意及所给汉语意思,完成句子(每题1分,共5分)1.You can (打电话给)me if you get to Fuzhou. I will meet you.2. (起初),we didnt like swimming at all.3.Mrs.Lee is (对严格要求)us. She often makes us do lots of homework.4.I am not a child any more. I can (处理) my own business(事情).5.Dont (放弃),youll succeed soon.选择填空(15分)()1.The boring film on TV make me to sleep.A.wantsB.to wantC.want()2.Michael often spends his weekends his grandparents.A.withB.inC.on()3.“Its a piece of good news.” “Yes. good news it is!”A.WhatB.What aC.How()4.Love Me Once More, Mom is so that I cry again and again.A.movedB.movingC.moves()5.The man is so sad because the poor business.A.forB.ofC.at()6.A: Why is the woman worried?B: she lost her little son.A.SoB.SinceC.Because()7.Mr.Lee will be happy because he will have tickets Titanic.A.toB.inC.on()8.Jane looks so because she has a wonderful pet dog.A.excitingB.exciteC.excited()9.A: What Helen ?B: She is helpful. She always helps others in need.A.is; likeB.does; look likeC.looks; like()10.Study hard, or your mother will worry about falling others.A.beforeB.behindC.into()11.There is in Todays newspaper. Its dull.A.nothing newB.new nothingC.everything new()12.It is important for us English well.A.studyingB.studyC.to study()13.A: Tony won 200 metres race in our school sports meeting.B: .A.Do wellB.Well doneC.Does well()14.Mr. Lee wants me to give in front of the class every day.A.speakB.speechC.a speech()15.We cant make before we think it over carefully.A.decideB.decisionC.a decision.句型转换:按要求完成下列句子(5分)1.Sue is 1.45 metres. Helen is 1.45 metres, too. (合并为一句)Sue is tall Helen.3.My favorite film is Love me Once More, Mom. your favorite film?(划线部分提问)4.We came to Janes party and enjoyed ourselves last night.(同义句) We came to Janes party and .综合填词(8分)用所给词的正确形式填空finish, important, make, president, be, bad, show, out of, largeLast year an _1_ man came to visit us. He is Russian Preseident Vladimir Putin. Putin was born in st. Petersburg, Russias second 2 city, in 1952. He came to office in 2000. Four years later, he was again the _3 .Putin does a good job _4 _ Russia great. People say that he is serious and capable(有能力的). But young Putin wasnt a top student at all. His students books and diaries from 40 years ago show this. At a time when the top mark 5 five, Putin got three for math and science. His art was even 6 , only two. He sometimes, forgot _7 his math homework. Once he forgot to wear school uniform. His teacher had to ask him to get out of the classroom. But Putin did very well in the moral class(品德课). He always got full marks. He also 8 a strong love of Russia at an early age.完形填空(10分)(A)The following is what Elsa from the Swedish Rock Band writes about her father.My father was born in Stockholm in 1948. He 1 there for eighteen years. He was good at languages, 2 he wasnt good at science. He liked sports, and his 3 sport was football. In 1958, when he was 4 years old, the Football World Cup was in Sweden. He went to see many of them. When he was 15 years old, he started to play for Liverpoda famous English team. He met my mother in Liverpod, and they got 5 in 1967.(B.livedC.got(B.andC.but(B.goodC.hard(B.12C.10(B.paidC.hurt(B)Everyone likes to live in a clean and comfortable environment. If the enviroment is 6 , it will make us not feel well. Sometimes we may be terribly ill. At that time we dont want to 7 , we have to stay in bed and rest at 8 . So the environment is very important to us. It is germs(细菌)that makes us ill. There are germs everywhere. They are very small and we cant 9 them with our own eyes. To keep us healthy, we should try our best to make our environment become cleaner and tidier. This needs us to act 10 .( B.good C.nice( B.drinkC.work( B.homeC.hotels( B.find C.get( B.slowlyC.quietly.阅读理解(15分)(A)My sister is an air hostess(空中小姐).Yesterday morning my sister was at the back of the plane. She was going to take food and drinks to the passengers. A little old woman came up to her and said, “Could you please tell me where the Ladies Room is?”“Certainly, Madam.” answered my sister,“Its right at the other end of the plane in the front.”The old woman went too far. She walked all the way to the front of the plane, opened the door in front of her and saw the captain (机长)and his workmates in the small room. They were all busy with their work and didnt see her. She went out again and came back to my sister.“Oh, didnt you find it?”asked my sister.“Yes, I did.” said the little old woman,“But there were four men in the Ladies Room watching TV!”()1. My sister works .A.in a planeB.in a shopC.in a train()2.My sisters duty is .A.to take food and drinks to the passengers(乘客)B.to show the toilets to the passengersC.to help the passengers()3.The old woman didnt know where the Ladies Room was because .A.She travelled by plane for the first timeB.She wanted to talk with my sisterC.There werent any toilets in the plane()4.The old woman went in the .A.Mens roomB.control cabin(驾驶舱)C.sitting room()5.The old woman thought .A.the four men watched TV in the Ladies RoomB.my sister fooled (捉弄)herC.the Ladies Room was at the back of the plane(B)Maria, Jane and MaryMaria was very happy. She was at a new school, and the students were friendly. “Hi, Maria!” they said. But some students said, “Hi, Jane!” Maria didnt understand. She asked another student. “Why do some students call me Jane?”“Oh,” the student said, “Jane was a student here last year. Now she goes to a different school. You look like Jane. So some students think that youre Jane.”Maria wanted to see Jane. She got Janes adderss from a student and went to Janes house. Maria couldnt believe her eyes. She really looked like Jane! They had the same colour eyes and the same smile. They had the same black hair and their birthdays were on the same day. And they were both adopted(领养)by two different families.Later Maria and Jane found out that they were twin sisters. Soon after the girls were born, one family adopted Maria, and another family adopted Jane. Marias family never know about Jane and Janes family never know about Maria.Maria and Janes story was in the newspaper. There was a photo of Maria and Jane next to the story. A girl named Mary saw the photo in the newspaper. Mary couldnt believe her eyes. She really looked like Maria and Jane! And she, too, was adopted by a third family.Later Mary met Maria and Jane. When Maria and Jane saw Mary, they were very surprised. Mary really looked like them! Why did Mary look like Maria and Jane? You can guess. Maria and Jane are not twins. Maria Jane and Mary are triplets(三胞胎).()1. Maria was at the new school.A.sorryB.happyC.sad()2.Some students thought .A.Jane was MariaB.Maria was MaryC.Maria was Jane()3.Maria saw Jane .A.in Janes house B.at schoolC.in the classroom()4.Mary knew the story from .A.the newspaperB.a bookC.other people()5.Maria, Jane and Mary were .A.classmatesB.sistersC.twins(C)A man saw a boy standing beside a lake with a mirror (镜子).“Excuse me,” he said, “but could you tell me what youre doing?”“Im fishing.”“With a mirror? Could you tell me how it works?”the man asked.“OK, but I want five dollars.”The man wanted to know the secret very much, so he handed the boy the money.“Now show me how it works,” he said. “Well”, the boy began, “you hold (拿) the mirror towards the water, and when a fish goes by, the sunlight in the mirror gives him a surprise. He stops and doesnt know what to do, and then you catch him at once. ”The man was surprised, “Can you really catch fish with the mirror? How many did you catch?”“Youre the fifth today!” replied the boy.阅读上面短文,然后判断句子正(T)误(F)。()1.The man wanted to look at the boys mirror.()2.The man gave the boy five dollars.()3.The boy caught five fish that day.()4.The boy got fifteen dollars that day.()5.When the man heard the boys words, he would be very happy.书面表达(10分)提示昨天5月13日,星期天,是母亲节,我在花园里摘了些鲜花,送给母亲。爸爸到商店为她买了一条漂亮的女裙和一条项链。下午我们一起去看京剧,晚上我们一起去位于市中心的餐馆吃饭。提示词Beijing Opera京剧 necklace项链要求:按上面提示及提示词,根据题目,写一篇语句通顺的短文。7080词。Unit 5 单元测试卷答案. A 1.rich 2.passport 3.excellent 4.broken 5.controlB 1.ring up 2.At first 3.strict with 4.deal with 5.give up.1.C make sb. do sth. 2.A3.A news 是不可数名词,所以前面不加a4.B moving 在这里做形容词,感人的5.B because of 因为,由于6.C 对why 提出的问题应由because来回答7.A 去看什么电影的票 have tickets to8.C excited修饰人exciting 修饰物9.A 问某人怎么样用be like,look like 指相貌10.B fall behind落后,落下11.A 从后一句可知,今天的报纸没有什么新的内容,不定代词应放在形容词的前面12.C Its+adj.+for sb.+to do sth.13.B well done 是指“干得好,做的漂亮”的意思14.C give a speech 做报告、演讲15.C decision 是可数名词,即以前面应由a修饰. 1.as,as2.Michael feels disappointed because his best friend isnt able to come.3.What is 4.had a good time. 1.important 2.largest 3.president4.making 5.was 6.worse 7.to finsh 8.showedV. 1.school 2.feel 3.know 4.ill 5.see 6.mustnt 7.better.A. 1.B 2.C 表转折 3.A 4.C 他1948年出生,1958年刚好10岁5.A get maried 结婚B. 6.A 从右面“it will make us not feel well”可知7.C 从后面“We have to stay in bed and rest”可知8.B9.B 从前面“They are very small”可知10.A 保护环境人人有责.(A)1.A 第一句说她是一位空中小组2.C 空姐的职责应该是为乘客提供各种帮助3.A4.B 从and saw the captain and his workmates 可知5.A(B)1.B 2.C3.A She got Janes addressand went to Janes house4.A A girl name Mary saw the photo in the newspaper5.B(C) 1.F The man wanted to know the secret very much.2.T3.F You are the fifth today.4.F The boy got twenty-five dollars.5.F he would be very sad.Yesterday was Sunday. May 13, Mothers Day. I got up early in the morning and then went to the garden. I picked some beautiful flowers and gave them to my mother, saying “Happy Mothers Day.” She answered with a smile “Thank you”. My father bought her a nice skirt and a necklace.In the afternoon we went to watch Beijing Opera together. In the evening we went to restaurant in the centre of the city and we had a nice meal there.


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