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原因分析及常考考点带例题分析1,词性分不清2,成分不清晰3,词性和成分对应4,词性转换1,词性分不清。(带着总结用法)名词:人、事物、地点或抽象的名称。 代词:代替名词的一种词类。大多数代词具有名词和形容词的功能。英语中的代词,按其意义、特征及在句中的作用分为:人称代词、物主代词、指示代词、反身代词、相互代词、疑问代词、关系代词、连接代词和不定代词九种。形容词:形容词主要用来描写或修饰名词或代词,表示人或事物的性质、 状态、特征、或属性,常用作定语,也可作表语、补语或状语。副词:是指在句子中表示行为或状态特征的词,用以修饰动词、形容词、其他副词或全句,表示时间、地点、程度、方式等概念。副词可分为:时间和频率副词、地点副词、方式副词、程度副词、疑问副词、连接副词、关系副词、表顺序的副词、常用于完成时的副词。动词:就是用来形容或表示各类动作的词汇。基本上每个完整的句子都有一个动词。数词:表示数量或顺序的词叫做数词。数词分为两大类,即基数词和序数词。基数词表示数量,如:one,two,three,four;序数词表示顺序,如:first,second,third,fourth序数词前一般要加the。介词:介词一般用于名词或代词前,表示该词与句中其他成分的关系。介词后面的名词或代词称为介词宾语(若是人称代词,则要用宾格)。介词和介词宾语合在一起构成介词短语。冠词:是一种虚词,在句子中不重读,本身不能独立使用,只能放在名词前帮助说明名词所指的人或事物。冠词有两种,一种是不定冠词(Indefinite Article),一种是定冠词(Definite Article)。此外也有些特定场合不用冠词,即通常所称的零冠词(Zero Article)2,成分不清晰1个句子?简单句基本句型一:S+V (主谓)基本句型二:S+V+P (主谓表)基本句型三:S+V+DO (主谓宾)基本句型四:S+V+IO+DO(主谓间宾直宾)基本句型五:S+V+DO+OC (主谓宾宾补)总结:主语、谓语、宾语、表语、宾补? 补充定语、状语2个句子?并列句复合句不论是并列还是复合,肯定有连接词。3,词性和成分对应可以举例子让学生自己观察什么可以做什么成分?主语谓语宾语表语补语定语状语建议再把词拿出来,再列一个表,这个可以让学生自己根据你带着他总结的上表让他总结下面的表。1. 主语:表示句子所要说明或描述的人或事物,一般由名词、代词或相当于名词的词组或句子充当,置于句首。2. 谓语:说明或描述主语的动作、状态或特征,由动词或动词短语充当,位于主语之后。3. 表语:表示主语的身份、性质、状态和特征,一般由名词、形容词、或相当于名词、形容词的词、短语或句子充当,位于连系动词之后,与连系动词一起构成句子的谓语。4. 宾语:指动作所涉及的人或事物,一般由名词、代词或相当于名词的词组或句子充当,位于动词之后。5. 宾语补足语:用来对宾语进行补充和说明,一般由名词、非谓语动词、形容词等充当。6. 定语:对名词或代词进行修饰、限制或说明,一般由形容词、名词、代词、数词、介词短语、非谓语动词及句子等充当,位置可在所修饰的词之前,也可在所修饰的词之后。7. 状语:用于修饰动词、形容词、副词、短语或整个句子等,一般由副词、介词短语、非谓语动词短语或句子充当。如:We like English very much. 我们非常喜欢英语。Her uncle lives in Canada. 她叔叔住在加拿大。She was lying in bed reading. 她躺在床上看书。United we stand, divided we fall. 团结则存,分裂则亡。8. 同位语:若两个语法单位指同一个人或事物,并且,句法功能也一样,那么,后一项称为前一项的同位语。如:This is my friend Harry. 这是我的朋友哈利。We students should study hard. 我们学生应该努力学习。4,词性转换(考察平时积累) 名词类:动词变名词 1.v+ ment 结尾 achieve-achievement advertise- advertisement 2V+ ion 结尾 discussdiscussion educate-education decide-decision operate operation organize-organization 3V+ ance 结尾 appearappearance perform-performance 4V+ ing 结尾 end 结束-ending train 训练-training mean - meaning 5V+ 其他 behave -behavior know -knowledge flyflight heat -heat mix-mixture press pressure sit-seat succeed- success 名词变形容词 1名词+y Anger 生气-angry hunger-hungry fogfoggy fur-furry guilt -guilty health-healthy luck-lucky business-busy 2.名词+ ed balance balanced talent-talented 3名词+ ful/less meaningmeaningful carecareful/ careless help-helpful / helpless homehomeless 4名词+ able comfort-comfortable suit -suitable 5.名词+ ous dangerdangerous mystery -mysterious 6.ce 变 t confidence-confident difference-different 7. al 结尾 medicine -medical music-musical nature-natural person-personal nationnational education-educational tradition-traditional 8名词+ ly friendfriendly live-lively lovelovely 9.+ en 结尾 woodwooden woolwoolen 10. 其他 energy-energetic fool foolish freedom free height high illness - ill loveloving death-dead pleasure-pleasant / pleased popularity popular pride-proud scientist-scientific 科学的 方位的词表达 名词形容词 Easteastern Westwestern Southsouthern North-northern In the west of China In the western part of China 四大洲 名词-形容词 Asia 亚洲- Asian Africa 非洲- African Europe欧洲- European America 美洲-American 形容词变副词 1 形容词+ ly(注意8B上说的名词加LY。Daily weekly) badbadly brightbrightly completecompletely correct-correctly final-finally 2. 以le 结尾的 去e + y comfortable-comfortably gentlegently possible-possibly simple -simply terrible-terribly 3. 辅音字母+ y 变 ily easyeasily heavyheavily happy-happily 4.特殊 goodwell好地 truetruly 既是形容词又是副词 early get up early ; an early train late be late for class come late for school deep dive deep into the sea a hole deep large high jump high; a high mountain hard a hard question;a hard stone work hard / study hard rain hard long It takes too long It takes a long time far jump far My home is far from school straight a straight line go straight along here常用构词法英语构词法主要有:合成法、派生法和转换法。(1)合成法:如:spaceship,headache,basketball,playground等等。(2)派生法:1)派生名词:动词er/or 动词ing 动词(t)ion 形容词ness 其他,如:inventor,learner,swimming,congratulation,kindness,carelessness,knowledge2)派生形容词:名词y 名词ful 动词ing/ed friendly dangerous Chinese;Japanese English French German 国名(i)an 如:snowy,sunny,hopeful,beautiful,interesting,follwing,daily(每日的),nervous,delicious3)派生副词:形容词ly 其它,如:slowly,angrily,fullfully,goodwell,possiblepossibly等等。(3)转换法:1动词转换为名词的常见方式 1)“动词+ion” 例如:pollutepollution, inventinvention, discuss discussion 2)“动词去e+ ation”例如:inviteinvitation,organizeorganization3)“动词+er” 例如: workworker, teachteacher, writewriter, speakspeaker, runrunner, winwinner 4)“动词+ or 例如:inventinventor, actactor 5)“动词+ing 例如:buildbuilding, beginbeginning, paintpainting 6)“动词十ment例如:developdevelopment, amuseamusement2动词转换为形容词的常见方式 1)“动词+ive 例如:actactive, attractattractive 2)“动词+ able 例如:changechangeable, enjoyenjoyable 3)“动词+ing 例如:exciteexciting, followfollowing 4)“动词+ ed 例如:frightenfrightened, borebored 5)“动词+ ful例如:forgetforgetful3名词转换为形容词的常见方式 1)“名词+ ful 例如:carecareful, useuseful, powerpowerful 2)”名词+ less 例如:carecareless, homehomeless 3)“名词+ly例如:friendfriendly, lovelovely4)“名词+y 例如:sunsunny, windwindy, healthhealthy, noisenoisy, lucklucky, snowsnowy 5)“名词+ing 例如:interestinteresting 6)“名词+n 例如:AmericaAmerican, AustraliaAustralian 7)“名词+ ern 例如:southsouthern, northnorthern 8)“名词+ ous 例如:dangerdangerous 9)“名词+ en 例如:woodwooden, goldgolden10)“名词+al例如:nationnational, educationeducational4形容词转换为名词的常见方式1)“形容词+y例如:difficultdifficulty, honesthonesty2)“形容词词尾t改成ce例如:differentdifference, importantimportance3)“形容词+ ness例如:illillness, kindkindness4)“形容词+ dom例如:freefreedom, wisewisdom 考生答题时可遵循下列步骤:(1)明确所给词的词性;(2)弄清所给句子的句意;(3)确定空处所填词的词性;(4)确定所给词的形式变化;(5)注意词汇知识及习惯用法;(6)注意句子是否通顺。常用前缀 否定词前缀im-:一般放在字母m,b,p之前possible(可能的)- impossible(不可能的)dis like(喜欢)-dislike(不喜欢),appear(出现)-disappear(消失)un-:real(真实的)-unreal(不真实的),employment(雇佣)-unployment(失业)in-: correct(正确的)-incorrect(不正确的),accurate(准确的)-inaccurate(不准确的)其他前缀mis-(错误的,坏的) mistake犯错 misfortune不幸,灾祸 tele-(远程) telescope望远镜 telegraph电报re-(重复) retell复述 remarry再婚常用后缀 名词后缀-er/-or director导演,farmer农夫,driver司机,visitor-ese/-an(n) Japanese日本人,American美国人,Indian印度人-ian musician音乐家,physician内科医生-ist artist艺术家,pianist钢琴家,dentist牙医-ment development发展,argument争论,government政府-ness happiness幸福,coldness寒冷,illness疾病,kindness-tion action动作,pollution污染,suggestion建议-ship friendship友谊,leadership领导形容词后缀-al national国家的,central中央的,natural自然的,musical-an Italian意大利的,Indian印度的,Russian俄国的-ern southern南方的,eastern东方的,northern北方的-ful helpful有帮助的,careful仔细的,useful有用的-less careless粗心的,fearless不害怕的,homeless无家-able/-ible comfortable舒适的,terrible可怕的,possible可能的-ive active积极的,native本族的,expensive贵的-y rainy多雨的,snowy下雪的,sleepy困的,healthy-ous famous著名的,dangerous危险的-ed excited感到兴奋的,tired疲劳的,interested感兴趣-ing interesting 令人感兴趣的,surprising 令人惊讶的,动词后缀-en shorten变短,lengthen加长,widen扩展-ize realize实现,apologize道歉,organize组织-ify electrify使充电,beautify使美化,simplify使简化副词后缀 -ly slowly慢慢地,happily幸福地,truly真正地-ward backward退步,toward朝着,outward向外数词后缀-teen fourteen十四,fifteen十五,eighteen十八,nineteen十九-ty twenty二十,thirty三十,forty四十,ninety九十-th fifth第五,ninth第九,fiftieth第五十每个词性对应常考考点:名词:3 David took a lot of _ (photo) in Mochou Lake Park last weekend.4 Congratulations! Both of you are the _ (win) of the match.18The _(lose/die) of his father _(lead) his family to a poor life three years ago.15In school, teachers always care for the students _(safe) and _ (fit).19We know the time of his _(arrive) from his e-mail.20Please think it over before you make any _ (decide).92Hello, Li HuaI want to teach English in your school. Could you write me a_ (recommend) letter to your leader?Certainly, I can形容词副词:1Its _(polite) of the boy to speak to his grandmother _(polite). You mustnt learn from him.11I think it is _ (mean ) to help the elderly cross the road.28An _(health) diet makes you fatter.31Which smells _ (delicious), Mary, beef or pork?38Its _(luck) day for him, because he has heard such bad news.40The _(care) you do your homework, the more mistakes youll make.62Liu Xiang has become one of the _ (fast) runners in the world.数词:2Tree-planting Day is on _ (twelve) of March every year.6It is October _ (four). Its my mothers _(forty-nine) birthday.16Would you please tell me what andis?Certainly, its seven _ (twelve).64The Greens live on the _ (two) floor of a _(wood) house.96The teacher told us that the novel was worth _(read) _(two)代词:12Look! Some of the students are pulling _ (they) up the rocks.30“Please help _(you) to some apples,” Mrs Green said to her friends.63Whose kites are these? _ (we).73Do you know what your _favourite food and colours are?(parent)133None of the boys _ (enjoy) living on Earth. They expect _(move) to Mars for _(safe).动词:9My aunt _ (teach) me _(play) the violin when I was a child.21Tom, _ (not be) late for class next time.22Dont make any noise. Dont you know your parents _ (sleep)?25It is said a new airport _ (build) near Taizhou in a few years.35My mother _ (lie) in bed when the telephone rang.37Therere 12 children here. The cake should _(divide) into 12 parts.53She sat on the sofa _(comfort), _(read) a novel.83The fishermen _(warn) _(be) more careful on _ days.(wind)85_(compare) with him, she is much better in English.93If he _ (keep)working so hard, he _(success) soon101I hear Tom is coming to China Yes, but Im not sure if he _ (1ike) our school146Do you have a computer固定搭配:5 Stephen spends about half an hour _ (swim) every Saturday afternoon.29_ (tell) you the_ (true), I dislike to make friends with him.33We shouldnt devote too much time to _(solve) the problem.48We have some difficulty _ (get) to the top of the mountain.214It is important for us _(spend) some time on our hobbies就近原则:23Not only he but also his family _ (fly) to America already and their _(fly) number is CA 907.经典:13The _(able) people should _(treat) _(equal) instead of _ (look) down on.


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