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Unit 3 Is this your pencil?适用学科英语适用年级初一授课形式(班组)课时时长(分钟)120知识点重点单词、短语、句子精讲能够就物主关系进行问答( Identify ownership)能够正确使用名词性物主代词( Possessive pronouns)能够正确使用一般疑问句确认物主关系并作简略回答学习目标1尝试在阅读中根据上下文进行预测2在教师指导下通过抓关键词完成听力和阅读任务3了解失物招领小常识学习重点能够就物主关系进行问答( Identify ownership)能够正确使用名词性物主代词( Possessive pronouns)学习难点能够正确使用一般疑问句确认物主关系并作简略回答教学过程一、 复习预习1. excuse me_2.thank you _3.in English _puter games _5.in the lost and found case _6.call sb. at_7school ID card_8a set of _话题 Topic教室里的物品( Things in the classroom)功能 Functions能够就物主关系进行问答( Identify ownership) A: Is this/that your? B:Yes, it is. ItsNo,it isnt. Its A: Are these/those your? B: Yes, they are. TheyreNo,they arent. Theyre语法 Grammar1能够正确使用名词性物主代词( Possessive pronouns) mine,yours,his,hers2能够正确使用一般疑问句确认物主关系并作简略回答( Yes/No questions and short answers) A: Is this/that? B:Yes, it is./No, it isnt. A: Are these/those? B:Yes, they are./No, they arent.词汇和常用表达Words Expressions1能够正确使用下列词汇( Curriculum words) pencil, box, book, eraser, schoolbag, dictionary, teacher, watch, baseball, classroom, computer, game, card, notebook, ring, bag, library, set, mine, his, hers, me, yours, welcome, some, help, excuse, thank, ask, call, e-mail, find (found), lose (lost), must, about, for, in, at2能够正确使用下列常用表达( Useful expressions) Pencil box, computer game, ID card, excuse me, callat, e-mail at, askfor, a set of Thank you for your help.Youre welcome. What about?Unit 3 Is this your pencil?词句精讲精练 词汇精讲1. thisthis是指示代词,它的意思是“这个”,this一般指时间和距离比较近的人或者事物。可以指代单数可数名词和不可数名词。例如:This is a big tree. 这是一棵大树。 This is a piece of glass. 这是一块玻璃。this 修饰单数可数名词时,名词前面不可以再有形容词性物主代词、冠词、所有格等修饰。例如:This book is not mine. 这本书不是我的。 This girl is my sister. 这个女孩儿是我姐姐。this 的复数是these。例如:This is a pen. 这是一支钢笔。 These are pens. 这些是钢笔。拓展:this 与thatthis指代离说话人较近的人、物、时间,也可以指说过或者做过的事。打电话时可以用来介绍自己是谁。例如:This is a beautiful garden. 这是一个漂亮的花园。 Hello, this is Jim speaking. 你好,我是吉姆。that 是远指,指离说话人较远的人、物、时间,也可以在打电话时用来询问对方是谁。例如:Thats my classroom. 那是我的教室。Hello, this is Mary speaking. Whos that? 你好,我是玛丽,你是谁? 2. watch watch作名词时,指戴在手腕上的手表,挂在胸前的怀表或者用来计时的秒表。例如: I have a beautiful watch. 我有一块漂亮的手表。拓展:watch还可以用作动词,意为“看,观看”;常用于观看动态的事物。例如:watch TV 看电视 watch a football game 看足球比赛 3. callcall v. 打电话。 常见用法如下:(1)call sb. 给某人打电话例如:Please call me tomorrow. 明天请给我打电话。(2)call sb. at +电话号码 拨号码找某人例如:Call Jim at 835-2296. 拨835-2296找Jim。4. ring ring 名词,意为“环,戒指”。例如:I like this key ring. 我喜欢这个钥匙圈。 She wears a pair of pretty ear rings. 她戴着一副漂亮的耳环。ring 作名词时还可当“钟(铃)声,(打)电话”等意思。例如:There is a ring at the door. 有人按门铃。 Give him a ring, please. 请给他打个电话。ring 还可以作动词,意为“打电话,按(钟,铃)等;(铃,钟)响”。例如:Please ring the police. 请给警察打电话。 The bell is ringing. 铃响了。5. lostlost意为:“丢失的,遗失的”,found是lost的反义词,意为“被找回的,被发现的”。招领启事用Found, 寻物启事用Lost。例如: My pen is lost. 我的钢笔丢失了。 His ID card is found. 他的身份证找着了。6. bookbook 意为“书”,名词。例如:Is that your book? 那是你的书吗? This is my English book. 这是我的英语书。book还可以作动词,意为“预订,订购”。例如:book a plane ticket 订一张飞机票7. a set ofa set of 意为“一串/一套”, 后面跟可数名词时,要用可数名词的复数。例如:a set of keys 一串钥匙 a set of books 一套书这个词组中的“set”意为“套,幅”;“of”意为“的”。英语中可以用一个可数名词来表示另一个名词(可数或者不可数)的量,两个名词之间用of连接。此时,前面的名词的单复数由它自己前面的冠词或者数词来决定;后面的名词可以是可数名词复数或者不可数名词。例如:a pair of trousers 一条裤子 two pairs of trousers 两条裤子 a glass of juice 一杯果汁 two glasses of juice 两杯果汁8. some some意为“一些”,是不定代词,可以用来代指名词,或者修饰名词。修饰名词时既可以修饰可数名词又可以修饰不可数名词。例如:There are some apples on the tree. Some are green; others are red. 树上有些苹果,一些是青苹果,还有一些是红苹果。 There is some rice in the bag. 袋子里有一些大米。9. computer gamecomputer game在此句中意为“电子游戏机”,另外,“computer game”也有“电子游戏”,“电脑游戏”等意思,其复数形式为“computer games”。句式精讲1. How do you spell it? 这是以特殊疑问词how引导的特殊疑问句,它的意思是“你怎么拼写它?”,对于这个特殊疑问句的回答不能用Yes或者No来回答,应该按照实际情况将需要拼写的单词的字母顺序依次拼出,如果一个字母连续出现,可以用double。例如:How do you spell “book”?你怎么拼写“book”? B-O-O-K. 如果不会拼写可以说:I am sorry. I dont know. 对不起,我不知道。how表示做某事的方式,它的意思是“怎么样、如何”。本句中的do是助动词,没有实际意义。例如:How do you go to school? 你是如何去上学的? I go to school by bike. 我是骑自行车上学的。2. Is this your pencil? 陈述句This is your pencil.变成一般疑问句时,把be动词is提到句子的开头并且大写,把句子末尾的句号变成问号。这个句型用来询问“这是你的吗”,是本单元的一个重点句型。它的肯定回答用Yes, it is.(是的,它是。);否定回答用No, it isnt. (不,它不是。)例如:Is this your bike? 这是你的自行车吗?Yes, it is. 是的,它是。No, it isnt. 不,它不是。注意:表示近指时用“Is this ?”;表示远指时用“Is that?”。例如:Is this your book? 这是你的书吗? Is that your book? 那是你的书吗?3Are these your books? 本句的句型是“Are + these + ones +名词.”这是“Is this”句型的复数句;意为“这些是某人的吗?”。回答这个句型要用人称代词,肯定回答用“Yes, they are.”;否定回答用“No, they arent.”。例如:Are these your pencils? 这些是你的铅笔吗? Yes, they are. 是的,它们是。 No, they arent. They are hers. 不,不是。是她的。注意:问近处的事物时用“Are these + ”句型;问远处的事物时用“Are those + ”句型。例如:Are these your friends? 这些是你的老师吗? Are those your keys? 那些是你的钥匙吗?4. Thank you for “Thank you for”指因某种原因而感谢对方,相当于“Thanks for”。其中thanks是名词的复数,介词for表示感谢的原因或事由,后常接名词或者动词的-ing形式。例如:Thank you for your help. = Thank you for helping me. 谢谢你的帮助。5. What about? 这个句式是用来询问消息或者提出建议的,其中的about是介词,后面要加名词或者动名词。 例如:What about going shopping? 去购物怎么样啊? What about this skirt? 这条裙子怎么样啊?三、例题精析词汇精练. 英汉互译。1. 那个铅笔盒 _ 2. 电子游戏 _ 3.你的铅笔_4.他的书包_5.我的手表_6. library_ 7. my eraser _8. his ring _9. in English _10.an ID card_. 根据中文提示及首字母提示,填单词完成下列句子。 1. Is t_ your pencil? 2. How do you s_“pencil”? 3. Whats this in E_? 4. Call Mike a_ 365-4639. 5. I have a set of k_. 6. You need a good d_ (词典).7. I like to play c_ games after school.8. Her pencil c_ is red. 9. Look! His e_ is white and black. 10. E_ me, are you Mr. Brown?. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1. He is a boy and she is a _. (boy的对应词) 2. Is it _ (a) ID card?3. Please _ (call) me at 567-9832. 4. _ (I) name is Lisa Barnes. 5. This is an English book. It is _. (I)6. _ (be) that your eraser?7. Here is your pen. _ (thank)8. _ name is Helen. _ am a girl. (I)9. Its _ English book, its not _ Chinese book. (a)10. Bob is _ first name and Smith is _ family name. (you)IV 听力链接。(2016 湖北黄冈期中)听第13段材料,完成第16至18小题。16. What did the girl lose (丢失)?A. Her dictionary.B. Her watch.C. Her schoolbag. 17.Is her ID card in the Found and Lost?A. Yes, it is.B. No, it isnt.C.I dont know.18.Whats the girls name?A. Alice.B. Lucy.C. Linda.听第14段材料,完成第19至21小题。19. The notebook is _.A. red B. white C. black20. A _ is in the notebook.A. photo B. pen C. pencil21. The boy in the photo is _.A. Tom B. Paul C. David四、课堂运用句式精练. 句型转换。 1. Whats that in English? (用eraser来回答) _ 2. Is that her key? (否定回答) _ 3. not, is, my, it, schoolbag (连词成句) _ 4. These are some pens. (变为一般疑问句) _ 5. It is a ring. (对划线部分提问) _ .根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。1. 那是她的钥匙吗?Is that _ _ ?2. 打扰一下,请问这是您的尺子吗?_ _, is this your_ ?3. 拨打电话256-1008联系玛丽。_ Mary _ 256-1008.4. 谢谢你的帮助。_ you _ your help.5. 这个词典怎么样?What _ this _?III. 从II栏中找出与I栏相对应的答语。 I II ( ) 1. Whats that in English? A. Thank you.( ) 2. Is this your backpack? B. OK.( ) 3. How do you spell that? C. Yes, it is.( ) 4. Please call me at . D. Its a school ID card.( ) 5. How do you do? E. Goodbye!( ) 6. Good afternoon! F. Good afternoon!( ) 7. Goodbye! G. Yes, I am.( ) 8. Sit down, please! H. P-E-N, pen.( ) 9. This is Li Lei. I. How do you do?( ) 10. Are you Wei Fang? J. Nice to meet you, Li Lei.IV.综合填空:用方框中所给的词完成短文,每词限用一词。(2016 福建漳州期中)come, in, are, eye, actor, my, speak, same, brown , and Hello, everyone! This is 1._classmate, Tom. He 2._from Cuba.He has big blue 3._and a small nose. His hair is 4._. We dont look the5._. I am in a white shirt 6._ blue pants. He is 7._a yellow coat and gray pants. His cap is orange and his shoes 8._ green. He can 9._a little Chinese. His favorite10._ is Jet Lee. Do you think he is cool ?课堂小结课后作业I.单项选择。1. Is this _? A. gold your ring B. your gold ring C. your ring gold D. you gold ring 2. Is this _ computer game? Yes, _ is _ computer game. A. his; it, me B. your; this, his C. your; it, my D. you; it, my 3. Thats a set _ keys. A. in B. at C. of D. for4. Kate, whats that _ Chinese? Oh, its “筷子”.A. onB. withC. ofD. in5. Is that your _? Yes, it is. Thank you.A. a bikeB. an bikeC. bikeD. the bike6. There is _ “s” in the word “spell” and _ “u” in the word “you”.A. a; aB. an; anC. an; aD. a; an7. A_ has many words. A. pen B. pencil C. dictionary D. eraser8. If it is your book, please call _ at 409-.A. yourB. meC. ID. he9. I am sorry. I am late again. _.A. OKB. Thats OKC. RightD. All right10 How do you do, Miss White? _A. Thank you a lot. B. Yes, it is C. You are right. D. How do you do?11.Your English is very good. _. A. No, not very good.B. You are right. C. Its just so so D. Thank you.12. There is a _ on the wall of my room, its very beautiful.A. watches B. clocks C. watch D. clock13. _ May I use(使用) your bike? Sure, here you are. A. Sorry B. Excuse, me C. Thank you D. Nice to meet you14. Lucy, do you like _? Yes, most of my clothes are _ . A. an orange,an orange B. orange, orange C. oranges, oranges D. orange, an orange15. My pen is red _ white. A. B. and C. but D. or1.Is Jack?(2016 湖北江汉期中)No. name is Mike.A. he; HisB. she; HerC. they; Their2.Frank was born _ a cold winter morning _2006.(2016 江苏江阴期中) A. in; in B. on; on C. in; on D. on; in 3.Where is the baseball?(2016 甘肃张掖期中) Its on the floor, _ the desk.A. under B. between C. and D. in. 完形填空。Its a photo of Han Han. He is a young writer(年轻作家) in 1 . Many students like 2 books, because some of them are about students life. Han Han is 3 Shanghai. Hes twenty-eight 4 old. He can 5 Chinese and English. Han Han likes running, playing football 6 computer games. He often 7 on his blog(博客)。Students can read his article(文章) on it. Han Han has 8 yellow dog. It likes to 9 with him. Do you know what Han Hans favorite 10 is? Its the watermelon(西瓜). 1. A. America B. Chinese C. China D. England2. A. he B. his C. him D. himself3. A. of B. on C. from D. in4. A. days B. months C. years D. weeks5. A. show B. find C. speak D. talk6. A. but B. and C. or D. with7. A. watches B. writes C. spells D. speaks8. A. a B. an C. the D. /9. A. learn about B. look at C. run around D. run after 10. A. vegetable B. fruit C. dessert D. food. 阅读理解。ALook! Im Tom. This is a pencil case. Its orange. Its my pencil case. Whats in the pencil case? A ruler is in the pencil case. It is my ruler. The ruler is blue and red. That is a pencil. It is black and white. It is not my pencil. Look! That girl is Lucy. It is her pencil. That boy is Tim. I found his green pen in the lost and found case. I call Tim at . It is his telephone number.1. What color is the pencil case? A. Its orange. B. Its blue and red. C. Its green. 2. I am Tom. That is not my_. A. pencil B. pencil case C. ruler 3. _ has (有) a pencil. A. Tom B. Lucy C. Tim4. _ found the pen in the lost and found case. A. Tom B. Lucy C. Tim 5. I am Tom. Is my telephone number ? A. Yes. B. No. C. OK. BIts five oclock in the afternoon. Its time to go home. Bill Eddie is still in the classroom. He is looking for his watch.Eddie: Hi, Sam. Do you see my watch? I put it in my desk. But now I cant find it.Sam: You must look after your things!Eddie: Youre right. But I must find my watch .Where can it be?Sam: Is it in your backpack?Eddie: Let me see. No, it isnt.Sam: Is that in your pocket? I can see something in your pocket.Eddie: No, it isnt. Its my pen.Sam: Sorry, I think youd better(最好)ask Mary. Maybe she knows.Eddie: OK. Thank you all the same.6.Who is looking for something in the classroom? A. Eddie B. Sam C. Mary7. Whats he looking for? A. A pen B. A backpack C. A watch8. Where is his watch? A. In the desk. B. In the pocket. C. We dont know.9. Whats that in his pocket? A. A pen B. A watch C. A ring10. Who may help Eddie find the watch? A. Sam B. Eddie himself (自己) C. Mary.任务型阅读。(2016 河北保定安国期中)阅读短文,并按要求完成15题。 Hello, Im Grace. Im an English girl. Im thirteen now. And I have some friends. They are Jim, Kate, Linda and Helen. Do you know me now? I have a room. Please come and see my room. Look! This is my room. This is my bed. Its yellow. This is a quilt. And this is a key. There is a TV on the table. Its colorful.1题判断正误(“T”表示正确,“F”表示错误);2题完成句子;34题简略回答问题; 5题将文中划线句子译成汉语。1. Grace is an American girl. ( )2. The _ is colorful.3. What color is Graces bed? _ 4. Who are Graces friends?_5. _ V.书面表达。假如你是Mary,你丢了一个红色铅笔盒,请写一个寻物启事;你是Tom, 你捡到一块手表,对此写一个招领启示。 例题精析参考答案. 英汉互译。1. that pencil case 2. computer game 3.your pencil 4. his schoolbag 5. my watch 6. 图书馆7. 我的橡皮 8. 他的戒指 9. 用英语 10. 一张身份证.根据中文提示及首字母提示,填单词完成下列句子。 1. this/that 2.spell 3. English 4. at 5.keys 6. dictionary 7. computer 8. case 9. eraser 10. ExcuseIII.用所给词的适当形式填空。1. girl 2. an 3. call 4. My 5. mine 6. Is 7. Thanks 8. My, I 9. an, a 10. your, yourIV听力链接。参考答案及听力材料:16.B 17.A 18.C 19.C 20. A 21.B听第13段材料,完成第16至18小题。W: I lost my watch this morning.M: OK. Is this your watch?W: No, it isnt. The red watch is mine.M: Here you are.W: And thats my ID card.M: OK. Whats your name?W: Linda.听第14段材料,完成第19至21小题。W: Hi , Tom!M: Hello, Mary!W: Whats this?M: Its a black notebook.W: Is this your notebook?M: No, my notebook is red. Look! Here is a photo in the notebook.W: Is the boy your friend, David Brown?M: No, he isnt. He is my brother, Paul.课堂运用参考答案I. 句型转换。1. Its an eraser. 2. No, it isnt. 3. It isnt my schoolbag. 4. Are these any pens? 5. Whats it? . 根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。1. her, key 2. Excuse, me, ruler 3. Call, at 4. Thank, for 5. about, dictionaryIII. 从II栏中找出与I栏相对应的答语。1-5: DCHBI 6-10: FEAJGIV.综合填空:用方框中所给的词完成短文,每词限用一词。1.my 2. comes 3.eyes 4.brown 5.same 6.and 7.in 8.are 9. speak 10.actor课后作业答案与解析I. 单项选择。1. B。“这是你的金戒指吗?”“谁的”应该用物主代词,排除D项;此外只有B项的语序正确,故选B。2. C。句意“-这是你的电子游戏机吗?-是的,是我的电子游戏机。”,由此可知应选C。3. C。“a set of”意为:“一套、一串”。本题句意为:“那是一串钥匙。”;故选C。4. D。表示“用某种语言怎么说”要用介词in语言名词,例如:in English。5. C。名词的前面有物主代词的时候不能再用冠词,物主代词和冠词只能用其中之一。6. C。本句子是考查冠词的用法,在字母s的前面用冠词an;在字母u的前面用冠词a。我们是看它的音素是否是元音音素,而不是看它的字母是不是元音。7. C。句意:“一个有很多单词。”;由此可知应该选C。8. B。本句子是考查代词的用法,在动词call的后面用代词的宾格形式作宾语,只有B才是代词的宾格形式。9. B。对话前面的句子是表示道歉的用语,回答别人的道歉可以用Thats OK.表示“没关系、不要紧”的意思。10. D。How do you do?不是一个特殊疑问句,它只表示经别人介绍后或者第一次见面的时候比较正式的问候语,它的回答也是How do you do?11. D。前面的句子是表示别人赞扬你的英语说得好。在讲英语的国家里当别人赞扬你的时候要说一声Thank you表示对别人的感谢。12. D。句意:“我房间墙上有个钟,它很漂亮。”在墙上的不能是watch,又因为空前有冠词a,可知只有一个钟,应该用单数。故本题选D。13. B。句意:“打扰了,我可以用一下你的自行车吗?当然可以,给你。”;“Excuse me”意为“打扰了”,常用于事前向别人提出请求、询问情况或者打扰别人的客套话,表示礼貌和歉意。14. B。句意:“Lucy你喜欢桔黄色吗?是的,我的衣服大多数是桔黄色的。”;“orange”作名词意为“橙, 柑, 橘 ”是可数名词,前面可以加冠词;意为“ 橘黄色, 橙色”时是不可数名词,不可以加冠词an;作形容词时意为“橙色的;橙红色的;橘黄色的”。因此,本题选B。15. B。本题句意:“我的钢笔是红白相间的。”;表示两种颜色相间时用介词and连接。【真题链接】1.A。he是人称代词主格,作主语。his这里是形容词性物主代词,后面跟了名词name。2.D。具体到某一天或某一天的某一时段,用介词on,在某年或某月前通常用in。3.A答语句意:棒球在地板上的桌子下。. 完形填空。1. C。Han Han 是中国人。在中国要用in China。2. B。句意为:“很多学生喜欢他的书。”;表示“他的”应用“his”。3. C。来自某地或者是的人,应该用介词from。4. C。表示几岁时用“数词+year(s)+ old”。5. C。说某种语言用speak。6. B。and在肯定句中可以连接并列的成分。7. B。在博客上应该是写作,故选B。8. A。句意为:“他有一只狗”,因此应该选不定冠词“a/an”;又因为用在辅音音素前面,故选A。9. C。“run around”意为到处跑。 10. B。西瓜是水果。. 阅读理解。A篇1. A。由文章第三句可知。2. A。由“It is not my pencil.”可知。3. B。由“That girl is Lucy. It is her pencil.”可知。4. A。由“That boy is Tim. I found his green pen in the lost and found case.”可知。5. B。由文章最后一句话可知。B篇6. A。由文章第一段可知。7. C。由第一段最后一句话可知。8. C。由对话内容可知。9. A。由“Sam: Is that in your pocket? I can see something in your pocket.Eddie: No, it isnt. Its my pen.”可知。10. C。由“Sorry, I think youd better(最好)ask Mary. Maybe she knows.”可知。.任务型阅读。1. F 2.TV 3.yellow 4. Jim, Kate, Linda and Helen 5. 桌子上有一个电视机。V. 书面表达。 Lost:My pencil case.Its red. My name is Mary. Please call 660-8367.Found: A watch. Is this your watch? Please call Tom at 854-6973 .


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