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8上Unit 5 Wild animals 课课练Period 1 Comic strip welcome to the unit一、 翻译下列短语1.(口语)不可能 2.动物界之王 3. 没有人 4.与你说话 5. 野生动物 6.更多了解动物 二、用所给单词的适当形式填空1. Please be careful , or you will be in _(dangerous).2. There are at _(little) 90 teachers in our now.3. He became (interest) in science when he was young.4. _(lucky),the little boy didnt hurt_(he).5. I dont feel like eating anything, I feel even (bad)三、用所给动词的适当形式填空1.Would you like _(go) swimming with me.2.Mr Cao told his son _(ride)on the right.3.It _ (take) me one hour to finish my homework last night.4.Its time for them _(have)lunch.5.Thank you for _(help)me with my Maths.四、单项选择( ) 1. Is the book interesting?-I thought it would be. But , it s very boring.A. in all B. in fact C. in addition D. in future( ) 2. Tom, is there _ on the table? Yes, and I think you will like it . A. something delicious B. delicious something C. anything delicious D. delicious anything( ) 3. Which do you like , elephants or tigers? A. well B. best C . better D . good( ) 4 -My mother says that we wont go on a trip to the museum. I just cant understand. - A. Never mind. B. have a good time! C. What a pity! D .Dont worry about it. ( ) 5. tiger is a dangerous animal. Dont you think so? A . A B .An C . The D . One( )6. If you feel hungry, why not some milk and bread? A. has B. have C. to have D. having五、按要求改写句子1 . Hurry up, or youll be late for school.(改为同义句)You will late for school you hurry.2 . Id like to have some bread and orange juice.(改为一般疑问句) like to have bread orange juice?3 . Mr Smith spent 100 dollars in the suit. (对划线部分提问) Mr smith on the suit? The suit Mr Smith .(改为同义句)4 . There is no water and no air on the earth. People cant live.(合并句子) People cant live water air.5 . The tall girl looks slim and beautiful.(改为感叹句) the tall girl looks!.8上Unit 5 Wild animals 课课练 Period 2 Reading 1一、翻译下列短语1. 结果 2.没有地方住 3.生孩子 4.四个月的时候 5.处于危险中 6.第一次 7.保护野生动物 8. 面临严重的问题 9.开始 10颁布法律 二、用所给单词的适当形式填1. Its _ (danger) to play football in the street .2. He became (interest) in science when he was ten years old.3. I think its (easy ) to learn English than to learn Chinese.4. Can you help me with the (follow) question?5. He looked (sad) at the broken toy car.6. Would you like _ (join) the trip to the Tai San Park ? Its very interesting .7. The teacher made us _ (clean) the classroom .8. The young mother has two (baby) giraffes.三、根据中文提示完成句子1.熊猫主要靠一种特殊的竹子生活。Giant pandas a special kind of bamboo.2.如果下周有空我将去野餐。If I next week, I for a .3.这个小孩五个月大的时候重大约10千克。 Old, the baby weighed about ten grams.4.这个男孩看上去像他的父亲。The boy his father.5.这里的森林越来越少,野生动物也越来越少。 The forest is getting _ and there are _ wild animals.四、单项选择( ) 1. If we do_, soon giant pandas will die out. A. nothing B. everything C. something D. anything( )2. He is in hospital and the doctor says he is _. A. danger B. in danger C. dangerous D. a danger( )3 We will go swimming if it _ tomorrow. A. wont rain B. doesnt rain C. rains D. will rain( )4. I saw such a beauty _ in my life. A. on time B. in time C. at the same time D. for the first time( )5. There are _ giant pandas in Africa. A. few B. a few C. little D. a little五、完型填空 Mr Brown lives in a village. He has got a big family and a strong 1 . His farm is small and he is often 2 in winter. So he goes to the city and finds work there. Once he stayed there for about two months. When New Year was coming, he 3 home to see his wife and children. On his way home, something was wrong with his eyes. When he was knocking at the door, his dog came out and bit him. His wife hurried to drive 4 away. The next morning he went to see 5 . The doctor looked over his eyes carefully and gave him some medicine. Before he 6 , he told him about his dog. When he heard this, the doctor began to 7 and said, “Maybe something is wrong with 8 eyes, too. I think.” When he got home, he told his wife about it. The woman said, “I 9 its true. If a thief comes into our house, it wont see him and hell steal something here.” Mr Brown thought his wife was 10 . He had to make his dog take his medicine instead.( )1.A.child B.dog C.wife D.son( )2 .A. free B.busy C.safe D.worried( )3. A. reached B.comes C.goes D.returned( )4. A. her husband B. the dog C.the thief D.their children ( )5. A. his dog B.his wife C.a doctor D.his friend( )6. A. got home B.left C.went D.came( )7. A. cry B.write C. laugh D.work( )8. A. your dogs B.your C. your wifes D.childrens( )9. A. am afraid B.am sorry C. dont think D. agree( )10. A. ill B.wrong C. unhappy D. right8上Unit 5 Wild animals 课课练 Period 3 Reading 2一、根据句意及汉语提示写单词1. To p your eyes, youd better not read in the sun.2. Dont stand o . come in, please.3. Lets ask the (猎人) not to kill wild animals.4. I want to buy a book, but there is (没有一个)left in the shop.5. It is raining so hard. We have to stay at home. We have (无处)to go.6. This large box is made of (竹子).7. He was so strange because he lived in the (森林)with monkeys all his life.8. Many people (杀死)animals only for their fur.9. (可惜), Tim didnt pass the exam.二、用所给词的适当形式填空1. It is difficult for me (answer) this question.2. If the wild animals (not have) any food, they (die).3. Go to bed early after finishing (watch) TV.4. This little girl spent the whole night (get) ready for the exam.5. I (one) went to Beijing at the age of six.三.、根据汉语提示完成下列句子,每空一词1.九个月大时,这个婴儿开始学习说话。 At nine months, the baby .2.去年他爸爸大约重70公斤。 Last year, her father .3.刚开始,我不想和这只小狗玩耍。 , I didnt want to play with the little dog.4.小熊猫在野外是很容易生病的。 It is easy for baby pandas . 5.如果你身处在危险之中,你会做什么? If you are , what can you do? 五、阅读理解 India is the home of tigers. Every year tigers kill many people. The tiger, however, does not always eat them. It likes wild animals better. It is only when the tiger is old or wounded that it eats men. But once it has tasted the flesh of men, it goes on killing men for food. When a man-enter sun as this is discovered, people are afraid. They have to stop working in the fields. There are many ways to put an end to such dangerous animals. One way is that some men with long guns ride on elephants while other men drive the tiger towards them. Another way is for a hunter to sit in a tree near the place where a tiger has eaten somebody. If the tiger returns for another meal, the hunter will kill it in the hiding place. A goat may be tied to the tree for the tiger to kill. The most dangerous way is to hunt a tiger on foot. But the man must be brave and can shoot well or he would be killed by the tiger.( )1. The tiger eats men only . A.when it is old or hurt B.when it is in the forest C.when it is caught D. when it is very young( )2. Once the tiger has tasted the flesh of men, . A.it does not want to eat men any more B.it stops eating any other wild animals C.it becomes afraid of men D.it keeps eating men ( )3. How many ways of hunting tigers does the passage tell us? A.None B.one C.two D. three( )4. the most dangerous way to hunt a tiger is . A to go after the animal on foot B.to sit on an elephant C.to hide in a tree D.to tie a goat to a tree( )5. which of the following state is not true? A.Tigers eat many people in India each year. B.Tigers like eating elephants more than eating other wild animals. C.In order to kill a tiger, sometimes people may tie a goat to a tree. D.When a dangerous tiger is discovered, people dare not work in the fields. 8上Unit 5 Wild animals 课课练 Period 4 Grammar 一、根据句意,首字母或汉语提示完成单词1. Can you work out this maths problem (单独地)?2. A few days ago, they found a few (乌龟)on the fields.3. Mrs Wu always (鼓励)us to work hard at our lessons.4. (遗憾的是), we dont seem to have much chance of winning the match.5. This book is much (厚) than that one. Ill take that one.6. The l of living areas makes tigers nowhere to live.7. Mrs green found her son u because he lost his favourite tou train.8. He has written a lot of books. Now he is one the most popular w in China.9. People sometimes h tigers for their fur.10. Of all the food the pandas like eating b .二、单项选择( ) 1. Lucy is going to write a report animals in danger for the club newsletter. A. on B. with C. for D. to( ) 2.There is a giraffe in the zoo. A. six-month-old B. six-months-old C. six months old D. six-month old( )3. My brother 5 dollars on the dictionary.Aspent B. paid C. cost D. took( )4. The baby four months enjoys smiling at people. A. in B. on C. for D. at( )5. When she grows , she will grow a beautiful woman. A. up; up B. up; into C. into; into D. into; with三、用所给单词的适当形式填空:1. He decided (see) the film the next day.2. Thanks for (be) with us.3. Who (teach) you maths? -Miss Gao does.4. (work) hard, or you (fail) in the exams.5. They plan (take) Jack out.6. Come on, Mike. Lets (enjoy) ourselves.7. She often spends a lot of time (chat) with her friends on the phone.8. Could you show me how (do) with it?9. The film was (move). We were all (move) to tears.10. Do you know the girl (wear) a red dress? -Yes, we call her Helen.8上Unit 5 Wild animals 课课练Period 5 Integrated skills一、 根据句意及汉语提示完成单词1. (狼) catch small animals for their food.2.Its not right to (杀死)the wild birds.3.eEveryone should (行动)to protect the wild birds.4.-Do you have (厚的)fur? -Sorry, I dont know.5.Some animals are dangerous to (人类)二、用所给单词的适当形式填空1. Pandas like eating bamboo (leaf).2. Please write as (care) as possible.3. (elephant) tusks are very expensive.4. I saw the (feed) of animals yesterday.5. September is the (nine) month in a year.6. Though Nick tried his best to play tennis, he played very (bad).7. She didnt know how to do things for (she) when she stayed at home alone.8. He is one of the most famous (write).9. She is (slim) than her sister.10. Linda studies (hard) than others.三、 用所给动词的适当形式填空1. If you keep (work) on the problem, you (solve) it soon.2. Are you interested in (play) hide-and-seek?3. There (be) a class visit to Beijing Zoo next Sunday.4. Dont keep me (wait) so long.5. He then decided (have) a great day out by motorbike.6. Be quiet! Let him continue (talk).7. What you (have) for breakfast yesterday morning?8. Youd better ask him (not go) there alone.9. Before (cook), mother cut the meat into pieces.四、 选择填空( )1. Giant pandas will have to live if farmers keep taking their living areas. A. Somewhere B. everywhere C. nowhere D.anywhere( )2. Mrs Smith will write a report animals in danger for the club newsletter. A. On B. at C. of D. in ( )3. There are story-books in the library. A. thousand B. thousands C. thousand of D. two thousand( )4. did the baby panda when he was born? A. How; like B. How; is like C. What; look alike D. What; look like( )5. Its time for people to to protect animals. A. take actions B. catch actions C. take acts D. catch acts五、 完形填空What do we know about the sea? We 1 that it looks very beautiful when the sun is shining 2 it. We also learn that it can be very terrible when there is a strong wind. What 3 things do we know about it?The first thing to remember is that the sea is very big. 4 The map of the world, there is 5 sea than land. The sea covers three quarters of the 6 .Some parts of the sea 7 very shallow. But some places are very deep. There is one place near Japan. It is nearly 11kilometers deep. The 8 mountain in the world is about 9 kilometers high. If we put the mountain into the sea at that place, there would be 9 kilometers of water above it!The sea is salty. There is one sea called the Dead Sea. It is very salty. It is 10 salty that swimmers cannot sink! Fish cannot lice in the Dead Sea.( )1. A.know B.say C.hope D.wish( )2. A.in B.at C.on D.over( )3. A.another B.other C.the other D.others( )4. A.look after B. see C.watch D.look at( )5. A.smaller B.fewer C.more D.less( )6. A.land B.world C.water D.mountain( )7. A.are B. is C.has been D.were( )8. A.longest B.oldest C.tallest D.highest( )9. A.20 B.2 C.11 D. 9( )10. A.much B.too C.so D.very8上Unit 5 Wild animals 课课练 Period 6 Study skills一、用所给单词的适当形式填空1. Well never forget your (kind) to us.2. I want to tell my best friend about Chinese. New Years (celebrate).3. The food smells terrible. I have the same (feel).4. We will have a parents (meet) this weekend.5. The (collect) of these stamps took ten years.二、单项选择 ( ) 1. Hurry up, _ late for school. A. and you are B. or you are C. but you will be D. or youll be( )2. Tigers live as a family baby tigers are 2-3 years old. A. and B. but C. or D. until( )3. If I dont buy them, will buy them. A. else someone B. else anyone C. someone else D. anyone else( )4. It is very difficult giant pandas in the wild. A. of; survive B. or; to survive C. for; survive D. of; surviving( )5. I wont believe that he can do it I see it with my own eyes. A. until B. after C. when D. if三、用所给动词的适当形式填空1. Some foreigners really dont know how (live) in another country.2. Jim, together with his classmates, (play) table tennis now.3. Last Sunday morning, I did nothing but (write) a letter to my grandma.4. When the traffic (stop), you can cross the road.5. If you (not study) hard, you (not pass) the exam.6. They needed (climb) the tree with a ladder.四. 同义句转换1. I didnt go to school yesterday because of my illness. I didnt go to school yesterday _ I was _.2. It took him two hours to finish his homework.He_two hours_his homework.3. We visit the Temple of Heaven. It will not rain tomorrow.If it_ rain tomorrow, we_ visit the Temple of Heaven.4. I have never seen a real giraffe before. It is my_ _ to see a real giraffe.5. We didnt go to the park because it rained heavily. We didnt go to the park _ _ the _ rain.8上Unit 5 Wild animals 课课练Period 7 Task Self-assessment一、 单项选择( )1. _ only live in China. A. Tigers B. Squirrels C. Giant pandas D. Kangaroos ( )2. Please remember the door when you leave the room. A. to close B. close C. closes D. closed( )3. People should make giant panda reserves bigger _. A. protect them B. to protect them C. hunt them easily D. to kill them easily( ) 4. My teddy bear is red, so this blue one must be _. A. else someones B. someone elses C. other ones D. some others( )5. There are _ giant pandas in Africa. A. few B. a few C. little D. a little( )6. Youd better _ the wild animals. A. not hurt B. not to hurt C. dont hurt D. not hurting ( )7. I like reading very much because reading can bring me . A. happy B. happily C. happiness D. unhappy ( )8. There were a lot of people in the park on May Day. We had to take a rest, so we got very tired. A. everywhere B. somewhere C .nowhere D. anywhere( )9.May I have another cake, Mum? Sorry, there is . A. any more B. no more C. some more D. many more ( )10 . does the baby mouse weigh? About 20 grams. A. How B. What C. How many D. How much ( )11 . is the best place for animals to live in. A. The home B. The wild C. The zoo D. The street二、用适当的介词或副词填空1. His father died _ he was only three years old.2. When did you meet her _ the first time?3. Do you know how to survive _ the wild?4. _ what do you want to kill the sheep?5. At an early age, the boy lived _ his own.6. _ four months, the baby weighed 10 kilograms.7. Who has taken my pen_?8. We shouldnt cut _ too many trees.三、用所给单词的适当形式填空1. He was not (suit) for the job.2. Its so nice and (peace) here.3. There are a lot of (mouse) in the old small house.4. He is a popular (write) in our country.5. She looked at the broken model plane (sad).6. Please look at the (follow) instructions.7. There are fewer an


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