
上传人:daj****de 文档编号:138060233 上传时间:2022-08-19 格式:DOCX 页数:1 大小:8.10KB
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回楼上 最近一直忙 都没发现你的帖子 这功放前前后后真是花了我无数的心力。至于风扇其实主要就是选对风扇然后最关键的就是要分压原厂的设计是24v的之流风扇4个24v 的风扇几乎哥哥都是暴力型号的。然后通过分压用4个12v的低噪的风扇就ok 了 原邮件里面香港用家回复我的是用的德国nb的风扇 我去搜索了一下要248元一个。实在太贵 我后 来选的是台湾sunnon的磁悬浮风扇噪音也相当轻几不可闻。下面贴上对方回复的邮件供参考。The fans were delivered yesterday afternoon but unfortunately I have to go to an Arts Festival concert yesterday. And when I inspected the fans the packing is M12-PS but the fans were labelled M12-P. MY GOD. I was furious and immediately contacted the seller in Beijing and fired at him. He was calm and told me that all the 50 M12-PS fans that he has got are the same. he has informed the maufacturer and he asked me to test their speed in the computer】 was like an idiot in the computer things and I finally installed some Asus software and connect the fan to test the maximum speed. Fortunately as the Beijing seller predicted the fans were labelled wrongly and the maximum speed is only 1562rpm and not 1926rpm as in my original fan in my desktop computer . They are genuine M12-PS fans but sticked with a M12-P label. I am so relieved then.I took a half day off today to install the fan. But there were two things I am not sure about and I have to search in the net for the info. One is which two wires are not needed amongst the four wires. there were some discrepancy in the colour so i searched a bit more before I decided cut the yellow and blue and keep the red and black. The second thing I am not sure is which side should face outwards. I finally searched the net again and noticed there are arrows pointing to the dircetion of air flow as well as the direction of rotation. I could also find these arrows in the old fans too. So I followed suit. the following steps are then easy because I followed your steps. And come the moment of truth. Previously I always wanted the fans to not move during a listening session but now I was so eager to have the fans move to show me whether my installation is right or not. But I waited for almost 20 minutes before they move. Yes both fans moved but the changed ones are much less powerful than the unchanged side but there is warm air coming from the rear of the gear So I changed the other side too similarly and then waited for another 20 mjinutes before the fans moved . And yes all four moved with a little bit of sound when I put my ears close and this is due to the open top cove. I made sure there is warm air coming out from both sides in the rear then I close the top covei, reinstalled the grills and thats it. No more sound could be heard even if I put my ears close and with warm air coming from the rear Yes you are right. This is a very worthy procedure for the 1250 and should be recommended for every home user of 1250. I am not sure if these fans are powerful enough in the professional settings but definitely a yes for home users. And thank you very much indeed for letting me know and also helping with the step to step installation.If you come by HK and have time you are most welcome to come to my place and have a listen to my system.


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