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英美概况课件介绍一、课件简介英美概况课件为单机版课件,主要用于大学英语专业本科生英美概况课程的授课使用。课件紧密结合英美概况课程教学实践,以授课顺序为纲目,采用交互方式将全部课程内容组织在一起,条理清楚,层次分明,内容翔实,界面友好,既可用于教师的备课、授课活动,也可对学生进行测试,同时还增加了互动学习的扩展功能。本课件也可用于大学非英语专业学生英美概况选修课及中学英语教学中英美知识部分的授课。二、课件特色1、内容全面课件包含了大学英语专业英美概况课程的主要内容,涉及到英国、美国的地理、历史、政治、经济、教育等方面,可以满足任何层次的英美概况课程教学。2、结构合理课件结构采取了树状结构,由上及下、由表及里、由面及点,有利于学生系统掌握所学内容。3、资源丰富课件资源来自于教材、音像资料、网络及其它资料,表现形势包含文字、图片、视频、音频等,极大丰富了课件的内容。4、交互性强课件针对每节课内容给出了复习题,采用交互方式可由教师组织或学生自主进行练习测试。5、介面清晰、操作简便课件介面设计较规范,使用者很容易把握,所有链接大都有专门的图标或按钮。三、制作平台课件采用了现今较为先进的多课件制作工具Authorware 7.0,同时利用Photoshop, Premiere、CoolEdit等软件进行图像、视频、音频的制作与采集,综合运用多媒体手段达到教学目的。 四、应用效果 本课件在北京工业大学英语专业2003级、2004级及校选课的英美概况课程教学中使用,效果良好,学生的学习积极性有了较大提高,学生普遍反映使用本课件后有助于理解和掌握教学内容,便于记忆,直观性很强。教师在应用本课件组织教学中,也感到备课有条理,上课思路也更清晰,讲课更生动,易于和学生沟通。 五、运行环境 课件打包后为.EXE文件,在目前流行的各种操作系统下均可运行。课件中视频进行了一定的压缩,运行课件前需安装随盘的插件klcodec205f.exe(在先运行目录中),课件显示分辨率为1024768,由于课件容量较大,推荐硬件配置P4 3.0G、1G内存、128M显存。附录一: 界面功能介绍标题2当前章讲所属大标题标题3向下链接目录(此处有7个链接)标题1英国(美国)在英国、美国部分第一页显示链接图标,点击显示各国的国旗、国徽、国歌、视频介绍、国花(美)、国鸟(美)。三个动作钮(到课件首页, 返回上一级,退出课件)主显示区, 显示本章讲内容 (包括文字,图片,视频等)目录条变亮, 表明此目录被选中,副标题, 主要是突出显示左侧变亮的目录, 表明当前章讲内容的所属标题附录二:英美概况课件结构体系目录1、英国概况英国国歌、国徽、国旗及相关视频1.1 Land and People1.1.1 the British1.1.1.1 Names1. British Isles1. Britain1. England, Scotland, Wales1. The United Kingdom1. Northern Ireland1.1.1.2 Position1.1.1.3 Physiographic Features1. Landforms1. The Highland Zone1. The Low Zone1. The British Isles1. Rivers and Lakes1. The Coast1.1.1.4 Climate and Weather1. January1. July1.1.1.5 The English Language1. Old English1. Middle English1. Modern English1.1.2 the people1.1.2.1 Celts(Britons) The Anglo-Saxons1.1.2.3 The Normans1.1.2.4 Other Immigrations1.1.2.5 1.2 English History1.2.1 Origin of the English Nation1.2.1.1 Iberians1.2.1.2 The Native Celts and the Anglo-Saxon Conquest1. The Native Celts1. The Roman Conquest1. The Anglo-Saxon Conquest1.2.1.3 The Danish Invasion1.2.1.4 The Norman Conquest1. The Norman Conquest1. Influence of the Norman Conquest1.2.2 Beginning of Parliament and Decline of Feudalism1.2.2.1 Henry II and His Reform1.2.2.2 The Great Charter1.2.2.3 Beginning of Parliament1.2.2.4 The Hundred Years War1.2.2.5 The Black Death1.2.2.6 The Peasant Uprising1.2.2.7 The Wars of the Roses1. The Tudor Monarchy and the Rising Bourgeoisie1.2.3.1 The New Monarchy1.2.3.2 Renaissance in England1.2.3.3 Reformation in England and the Church of England1.2.3.4 Elizabeth I (1558-1603)1.2.4 The English Bourgeois Revolution and the1.2.4.1 James I1.2.4.2 Charles I1.2.4.3 The Short and Long Parliament1.2.4.4 The Civil War1.2.4.5 Restoration1.2.4.6 The Glorious Revolution1.2.4.7 The Industrial Revolution1.2.4.8 The Chartist Movement1.2.4.9 Queen Victoria and Her Time1.2.5 The Rise and Fall of the British Empire1.2.5.1 Foreign Expansion1.2.5.2 The First World War and the Decline of the British Empire1.2.5.3 Britain and the Second World War1. The Second World War1. Post War Period1. Sino-British Relations1.3 The State1.3.1 Parliament and Government1.3.1.1 Central Government1. The Monarchy1. Parliament1. The House of Lords1. The House of Commons1. Government1. Departments1. Civil Service1. The Cabinet1. The Privy Council1.3.1.2 Local Governments1. County Government1. Districts1.3.2 Party Politics and Judiciary1.3.2.1 Political Parties1. The Development of Parties1. The Conservative Party1. The Labor Party1. The Liberal and Other Minor Parties1. General Elections1.3.2.2 Judicial System1. Law1. Common Law1. Equity Law1. Courts1. The Central Courts1. The High Court of Justice1. The Crown Court1. The Court of Appeal1. Local Courts1. Legal Profession1. Crime and Punishment1. The Police1.4 British Education1.4.1 Educational System1.4.1.1 Introduction1.4.1.2 Examinations1.4.1.3 Teachers1.4.1.4 The academic year1.4.2 Administration of Education1.4.3 State Schools1.4.3.1 Primary Education1.4.3.2 Secondary Education1. Grammar Schools1. Secondary Modern Schools1. Comprehensive Schools1.4.4 Independent Schools1.4.5 Higher Education1.4.5.1 Oxbridge1.4.5.2 Redbrick1.4.5.3 New Universities1.4.5.4 College System and the Tutorial System at Oxford and Cambridge1.4.5.5 The Degrees of the University1.5 Economy1.5.1 The Relative Decline of British Economy1.5.2 Recent History of British Economy1.5.3 The Current British Economy1.5.3.1 Primary Industries1.5.3.2 Secondary Industries1.5.3.3 Tertiary Industries1.6 复习题1.7 相关知识 2、美国概况 美国国歌、国花、国徽、国鸟、国旗及相关视频2.1 Geography: the land2.1.1 Name, Size and Position2.1.2 Geographic Features2.1.2.1 The Eastern Part2.1.2.2 The Central Part2.1.2.3 The Western Part2.1.2.4 Alaska2.1.2.5 Hawaii2.1.3 Climate and Weather2.1.4 Rivers and Lakes2.1.5 Principle Cities2.2 American History2.2.1 The Thirteen English-American Colonies And the War of Independence2.2.1.1 The American Indians2.2.1.2 The Founding of the colonies2.2.1.3 The Early Immigrants2.2.1.4 Relation between England and Colonies2.2.1.5 The Boston Tea Party2.2.1.6 The First Continental Congress2.2.1.7 The First Armed Clash2.2.1.8 The Second Continental Congress2.2.1.9 The Declaration of Independence2.2.1.10 Military Struggle and Final Victory2.2.2 American Civil War2.2.2.1 The Background of the Civil War2. The Territorial Expansion2. Economic Antagonism between the North and the South2. Disputes over Slavery2.2.2.2 The Civil War2.2.2.3 The Significance of the Civil War2.2.3 U .S. Imperialism2.2.3.1 The Formation of U.S. Imperialism2.2.3.2 America in World War I and the Post-war Period2.2.3.3 America in World War II2.2.3.4 America in the Post-War Period2.3 Political System2.3.1 Political Parties and Elections2.3.1.1 Political Parties2. History2. Policy2. Organization2.3.1.2 Elections2. The National Conventions2. The Election Day2. Casting the Electoral Vote2.3.2 The Federal Government and the President2.3.2.1 The Constitution2.3.2.2 The Federal Government2.3.2.3 The President2.3.3 The US Congress2.3.4 The Judicial Branch2.3.4.1 The Supreme Court2.3.4.2 The Courts of Appeals2.3.4.3 The District Court2.3.4.4 Customs Court2.4 Economy2.4.1 Corporate Capitalism (imperialism)2.4.2 Industry2.4.2.1 The Industrial Northeast2.4.2.2 The South2.4.2.3 The West2.4.3 Agriculture2.4.4 Transportation2.4.5 Foreign Trade2.4.6 American Economic Interests Abroad2.5 复习题2.6 相关知识


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