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八类雅思考试主题雅思写作考题总结一: Animal1. Animal killing2. Animal testing3. Wild animals preservation/ the Conservation of Endangered 雅思写作考题总结二Traditions & Cultures 1. Preservation of traditional cultures 2. Historic buildings VS modern architecture 3. Arts funding 4. Museums and galleries5. Traditional costumes6. Language loss (causes & solutions) What are the reasons for the losing of traditional languages and cultures?雅思写作考题总结三:The Aging Problem1. Aging Problem 2. Who Should Take Care of the Old? In Britain, when someone gets old, they often go to live in a home with other old people where there are nurses to look after them. Sometimes the government has to pay for this care. Who should be responsible for our old people? Give reasons.3. 个体角度 Individual: Physical health(很基本的一个出发点),如:各种运动,放风筝等。 Psychological development:现在的社会容易让人形成心理压力stress/pressure,以及太多的挫败感too much frustration,成功的机会很少success chance is very limited。 Academic success Career achievement Moral / Aesthetic 雅思写作考题总结四Education:1. Government Role 2. Computerized education3. Tele-education 4. Co-education5. Public school or private school 6. Home Schooling7. School uniform8. Students behavior. / Juvenile Delinquency/ Corporal punishment 9. Competition & Cooperation 10. Curricular revolution: theoretical courses VS practical courses 11. Gap year12. Part-time job 13. Problems probably confronting a freshman14. Children and the Internet (TV, the Computer, etc.)15. Pocket money 16. Nature or nurture 17. Value of Education雅思写作考题总结五: MASS MEDIA1 Journalists: 2. Editors3. News4. Do we become used to bad news? Would it be better if more good news was reported? 5 TV: could you be without it? Discuss.6. In your opinion what factors contribute to a good movie?7. Mass Media and Peoples Idea8 Advertisement plays a major role on TV in developed market economies. Despite the benefits of such information, many people are critical of the role of TV advertising. Write an essay analyzing the positive and negative effects of TV advertisement. 9 Privacy of the Celebrity雅思写作考题总结六: Environment Environmental Protection Car Control Rubbish/ littering problem pollution=contamination air pollution & soil pollution & water pollution water and soil erosion 水土流失 deforestation乱砍乱伐导致空气中二氧化碳释放并在大气中积聚carbon dioxide is released and accumulated in the atmosphere; 汽车尾气排放引起温室效应greenhouse effect,引致酸雨acid rain等现象的出现引起全球变暖global warming冰山融化iceberg melt away海平面上升sea level rises up物种多样性降低 bio-diversity falls down会导致一些物种的灭绝plants & animals extinction对生态系统形成威胁 ecosystem疾病大肆传播diseases widely spread雅思写作考题总结七: Health 1. Smoking in public places 2. Carnivorous diet & vegetarian diet 3. Fast food & traditional food 4. Stress 雅思写作考题总结八: (一)Technology 1. Cloning Technology 2. Nuclear Power 3. Space Exploration 4. Computer & the Internet Communication through the Internet & Face-to-face Contact Traditional Libraries/ books VS the Internet Economy development 农业经济的可持续性发展 Agricultural sustainable development 反例:为了提高产量raise the crop yields,而使用化肥fertilizer和农药pesticide,最终会导致顶层土壤top soil的减少。 工业经济可持续性发展 Industrial sustainable development 采矿业 mining 制造业 manufacture:mechanical & electronical manufacture 科学研究领域: out space discoveries submarine / deep ocean discoveries可以显示出一个国家的经济实力2008教育,奥运,环保,和平,能源危机,国际合作,社会经济生活,还要注意一下图表题,流程图 雅 思 常 见 观 点 (结构的基础)(1) 兴利除弊The advantages brought by the spread of English as a “global language” will outweigh the disadvantages. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this view?To sum up, it is difficult to tell whether or not the advantages outweigh the disadvantages regarding the spread of English as a global language. What we may have to consider is how to accept this trend as positive while at the same time staying away from its drawbacks.(2) 平衡发展Some people think that cultural traditions may be destroyed when they are used as money-making attractions aimed at tourists. Others believe it is the only way to save these traditions. Discuss on both sides and give your opinion.We should find the right balance between tourism development and cultural protection and I believe the government has a very important role to play here. In my own country, for example, many tourist cities have made effective development plans to successfully attract large numbers of visitors while still preserving their distinct cultural traditions.(3) 取决于Some people think that the animals should be treated as pets; others think that animals are sources of food and clothing. What is your opinion?From my point of view, there is no absolute answer as to whether animals should be treated like pets or as sources of food and clothes. It largely depends on what kinds of animals they are. But what remains undoubted is that we should treat animals with a humane attitude and bear in mind that they are important in preserving natures ecological equilibrium.(4) 解决方法In many countries, good schools and medical facilities are available only in cities. Some people think new teachers and doctors should wok in rural areas for a few years, but others think everyone should be free to choose where they work. Discuss and give your own opinion.The best solution, therefore, is not to order, but to encourage. We should instill a sense of responsibility in young people and give more incentives to those who are willing to work in difficult areas, so that we can address the problem of urban-rural disparity while respecting whatever decisions new teachers or doctors have made.(5) 留到将来Based on what has been discussed above, it seems improper or impossible to have a final say about which side has more benefits from the cooperation. To search for a scientific answer, more research, data and evidences should be carried out and collected.


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