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A Teaching Plan of Unit 4 School things Chen XiaoyanTeaching Aims:1、Learn to use:pen、pencil、pencil case、book、schoolbag、ruler、eraser2、Train the pupils listening and speaking skills in the school things.3、Let them know get ready for the class is a good habit.The key point: Learn to use:pen、pencil、pencil case、book、schoolbag、ruler、eraserDifficult teaching point: The pronunciation of ruler and eraser.Teaching Aids: Cassettes、word cards、Real objects of school things(pen、pencil、pencil case、book、schoolbag、ruler、eraser)Teaching process:Step I Warming-up and Revision1、Greetings2、Sing a song“The rainbow”.3、Play a guessing game of the colours.Step II Presentation1、T:(show a schoolbag) What colour is it? Whats this? Teach “schoolbag”. Then say,I put some things in my school bag. Boys and girls, guess, whats in it?Some pupils can guess out these things: pen, pencil, pencil case, book2、Show the pictures and word cards on board. And ask the pupils to listen and repeat the words.3、Teach new words: ruler、erasera、T opens the schoolbag and looks into it, saying: “Oh, there are still two things in my schoolbag. Please guess them out.b、Lead to the words:ruler、eraserc、Teach to read them ( / ru: /-/ l / ) ( / i: /-/ rei /-/ z / ). 4、T read all the school things, Ps repeat followed by T.5、Ask some pupils to be little teacher, lead other pupils to read these words.6、Play a game Ask pupils to put all the school things on the desk, then T says “show me your pen/pencil/ruler”. For each word the pupils should take the named objects, at the same time, read out loudly. The quickest one is the winner.He/she can be the leader of next turn of the game.Step III Practice1、Listen and fill in the numbers.a、Open the book. Look at the pictures, read the words.b、T reads the words for example.c、Listen to the cassettes, and fill in the numbers.d、Check answers by asking “Whats the number of the pen”then point and say the words.2、Play a memory game.a、Open the book at page 30. Tell the pupils to look at the picture for ten seconds. Then close their books and try to remember the objects and the colours in the correct order.b、Get several pupils to answer.Step IV Consolidation 1. Listen and find the colour of the wizards schoolbag.a、Listen to the cassettes and tell the pupils to follow the sequence of squares using a pencil.b、Play the cassettes two or three times. c、Listen ,and point out what color the wizards schoolbag is .2Practice “Whats this ? Its my” and “What colour is it? Its ” with a pupil for example.Then help them practice in pairs. Ask some pairs to act out. Step V Summary. Weve learnt some words today. Do you remember them? Fill in the letters.They are . They are all school things. Write down the title.Step VI Homework Make a chant like the teacher,then read it to your parents.Pen,pen ,its a penPencil,pencil,its a pencilBlackboard Design: Unit 4 School things Pen pencil pencil case book ruler eraser schoolbag


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