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毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译题 目: 移动通信系统的进化与发展 Evolution and Development Toward Mobile Commuinication Systems院系名称: 信息学院 专业班级: 电科1002 学生姓名: 马鸿娟 学 号: 201048360229指导教师: 咸金龙 教师职称: 讲 师 附 件: 1.外文资料翻译译文;2.外文原文。 2014年3月10日附件1:外文资料翻译译文一、 引 言 互联网是将分布在世界各地的计算机连接起来的巨大网络,,发送数据使用基于TCP / IP堆栈的分组交换技术。通过增强功能的有线/无线协议在通信技术和基础设施领域取得持续不断的提高,互联网已经取得了巨大的成功和声望。在过去的时间里伴随着在沟通模式(有线和无线)上的成长与加速进展和广泛要求闲置产能和连通性,互联网几乎在每个方面频繁修改和变更。同时支持互联网的设备也是一个难以置信的进步在无线和移动技术领域。因为在过去的几年中,无数的快速改进见证了移动和无线技术领域的发展,同时这两中技术服务需求大大上升,用户驱动的服务需求彻底变革了全球电信的精神和本质(弗里曼和罗杰,2004),并且已经形成了现代电信领土。这研究工作,我们给出了不同代的移动通信系统的详细调查,我们的目的不是选择一个最好的,因为许多技术仍在发展。我们有期望更详细的了解不同的情况下不同技术将更好地工作和性能退化的来源。 本文的其余部分组织如下。第2节中,我们概述不同的无线技术。在第3节中,我们比较分析移动通信系统(即前几代1 G,2G和3G)和逐步分析其特点,阐述了各种幻想未来利用3G和4G技术。最后在第四部分,我们给出了结论。二、回顾文献2.1介绍1G、2 G、3 G和4G无线空中接口序列意味着它在世界是最常见的标准。它们几乎通过所有的代(即1、2、3、4G)的开发和研究被结构化,包括各种派生或交替使用的术语来描述它们。1G:1 G的技术是模拟(只能)即1 G无线手机行使模拟技术。这些设备是笨重和裸露并且可靠,但是他们有效2G:2G的技术是数字在美国,主要设备和服务是数字。数字蜂窝服务有很大的全球部署。他们取得了一个重要的进步在声音的质量上(因为模拟信息非常受到失真比起数字信息)并且增强能力,因为语音电话以更有效的方式可以被多路复用。它提供了不同的服务,如某种程度的web访问设备,数字语音通话和短消息服务(SMS)。GSM、时分多址和码分多址是几个手机标准的2G技术。 3G:3 G(史密斯.2000年)的无线技术致力于提供合理迅速的无线通信来支持更有用的服务,如数据、视频和多媒体以及声音。无线移动通信技术在目前的形式通常被2.5G(Gozalvez .2001年)(称为边缘技术),但只是3 G网络现有的权利是美国EVDO & UMTS(HSPDA)并且由(Sprint / Verizon)和Cingular运营商相对提供。3G把未来发展深入到业务/私人无线技术,特别是在移动通信领域和一些预期的功能以及特性的3G系统:增强功能,为多媒体通信(即数字数据和语音、视频和远程控制系统)支持利用到所有先进的模式(即邮箱、传真、寻呼、移动电话、上网、视频会议等)广泛的带宽和高速能力(超过2 Mbps)提供灵活的路由(中继器、卫星、局域网等)4G:4G(Woerner,2001)的无线技术还在继续进行,并且迎接即将到来的无线设备标准。区别4 G和3 G技术的关键是提高数据的传输速率和安全,就像它是3 G超过2.5 g或2G。4G被期待提供更多的增强版本就像当初相3G所承诺的也要做出相同的进步 一样(如。,提高多媒体、视频直播,全球访问和通过各种各样的设备实现全球可移植性)。通常,1G被定义为是时间跨度十到十五年的技术发展结果,因此,4 g将转向在2010期开始的任何部署,假设3 G开发涵盖了2000 - 2010年期间。因而通过利用OFDM(罗伯逊,1999)(正交频分复用)技术4 G将为顾客提供一流的视频和音频点播,进而能够更好的分配网络资源,并且多个客户端利用多个频道同时进行。不同于3 G网络分组交换和电路交换的混合网络,4G将仅仅基于分组交换就有可能连接整个世界无论地球的表面还是在其以上。2.2码分多址(CDMA)CDMA(Gharavi .2001年)是一种多路复用并且通过频率或时间不共享通道的 技术(如FDMA或TDMA),然而它在编码信息的一些独特的相关代码,每个频道和利用动态干扰效应的一个特定的代码复用。此外,它指的是一个数字蜂窝电话系统,利用这些多重存取方案。CDMA已经被应用于许多通信系统(即Omni-TRACS卫星系统(弗里曼.2004年)和全球定位系统(GPS)。图1提供了一个通用架构的一个通信CDMA系统。2.3宽带码分多址(WCDMA)WCDMA是一种宽带数字无线接入技术。1998年,欧洲电信标准协会(ETSI)用它来支持3 G多媒体应以此来进行宽带数字电台访问。WCDMA提供了一个创新服务能力,并且提高网络速度,同时与2 G技术相比服务成本更低。它是由世界十大供应商中八个优先提供的3G标准。运营商可以轻易地从GSM进步到WCDMA,以后储蓄投资就可以通过再利用GSM设置和服务。2.4全球移动通讯系统(GSM)当代移动通讯最受人欢迎的标准是GSM(巴赫.2000)。世界各地超过20亿人(超过250个国家/地区)使用GSM提供的服务。它与它的发展开始相区别在于集中性演讲和信号通道的数字化,表明它是假定为2G移动通信系统。目前它由第三代项目提出已经变成一个开放标准的GSM。根据消费者的判断,GSM系统的主要优势已经由高质量的数字语音通道和低价格替代为打电话(如SMS)并且形成了网络运行商的未来。当开放标准扩充兼容性时它便成为潜在的设备。此外,这些标准允许网络提供商提供漫游设施这意味着客户可以在世界各地利用手机。图2说明了GSM系统的总体架构。2.5通用分组无线服务(GPRS)GSM移动电话用户受益于一个新的移动数据服务叫做GPRS(布拉顿.2001)。GPRS是2 G向3 G系统的转化的命令式进化。在GSM网络它通过利用空闲的TDMA频道提供了一个合理的数据传输速度,。它提供了友好的计费系统和高容量通道并且减少了呼叫建立时间。GPRS系统优化分组交换数据网络并且是完全从手机网络过渡的电路交换,分组交换。图3描述了GPRS系统的总体架构。GPRS提高GSM数据服务提供:使用GSM语音以合理的低成本支持灵活的共存等提供各种各样的服务提供丛发性交通支持提供快速访问时间有效利用网络和无线资源三、技术比较3G下一步是超越2 G标准发展(例如CDMA和GSM)。3 G的重要方面包括技能合并蜂窝移动网络和互联网,多媒体通过提高射程和语音服务质量以及数据服务将应用程序添加到一个无线电脑/移动电话。在不久的将来, 4G是即将到来的无线网络技术,它将实现3G网络到4G网络的转换。四、结论在本研究工作中,我们已经调查了四个无线技术即1 G,2G、3 G和4 G。我们得出结论,4G移动技术于其能力和对世界的无线移动通信灵活性将刺激用户对宽带无线应用程序的兴趣。几乎可以肯定的说无线移动技术满足了很多着眼于无线世界的用户。最后报告阐述了在过去的不同的移动通信技术和他们的发展历程以及发展走向4G通信系统。他们互相详细的对比讨论以便能更好地对向4G通信系统进化和发展进行认识和了解。在本研究工作中,我们以读者可能获得最大范围话题的方式试图收集尽可能多的信息。附件2:外文原文Evolution and Development Toward Mobile Commuinication Systems1 . IntroductionThe Internet is the network of large-scale group of connected computers around the world that sends out data using packet switching technique based on the TCP/IP stack. (Wright and Steven, 1995) With a continuous improvement in the field of communication technologies (ITU-R, 2000) and infrastructures by means of enhancing the functionalities of the wired/wireless protocols, the Internet has achieved the massive success and popularity. Over the time with the growing and accelerating progresses in communication patterns (wired and wireless) and wildly demands for spare capacity and connectivity, the Internet in almost every aspect frequently experiences modifications and changes in order to bring up-to-date. Along with the requirements supporting the Internet has been an implausible progress in the field of wire-less and mobile technologies. Since during the last few years, a countless fast improvements have been observed in the area of mobile and wireless technologies, and these two drastically rising user-driven service demands have significantly and intensely revolutionized the spirit and nature of worldwide telecommunications (Freeman and Roger, 2004) inthese millenniums and have developed the modern telecom territory. In this research work, we present the detail survey of the different generations of the mobile communication systems and our purpose is not to choose a victor because many of the technologies are still in progress. Somewhat, we anticipate to get in detail knowledge of the situations wherein different technologies would work better, and the sources of performance degradation. The remainder of this paper is structured as follows. In Section 2, we give an overview of the different wireless technologies. In Section 3, we present the comparative analysis of 4thgeneration mobile communications system to the earlier generations (1G, 2G and 3G) and progressively analyze their characteristics, and elaborate the various visions for the future utilization of 3G and 4G technologies. Finally in Section 4, we present the conclusions of this work. 2. Review of Literature 2.1 Introduction to 1G, 2G, 3G and 4G The list of wire-less air interface protocols which follows signifies the most familiar standards in exercise around the world nowadays. Theyre structured almost by means of generations (i.e., 1stG, 2ndG, 3rdG and 4thG) of development and include various derivations or alternate terms used to describe them.1G: 1G of technology was analog (voice-only) i.e., 1G wireless phones exercised analog technology. These devices were weighty and exposure was unreliable, however they effectively 2G: The 2G of technology is digital in the United States, mostly devices & services are digital. Digital cellular services are vastly deployed world-wide. They presented a significant development in the quality of voice (since analog information is much subject to distortions as that of digital information) and enhanced capacity as well, as voice calls in a more efficient way can be multiplexed. It provides the different services like some degree of web-access facility, digital voice calling and short message service (SMS). The GSM, TDMA and CDMA are the few cell phone standards of 2G. 3G: The 3G (Smith et al., 2000) of wireless technology is committed to provide reasonably speedy wireless communication to support more useful services such as data, video and multimedia as well as voice. The wire-less mobile communication technology in its present form is often known as 2.5 G (Gozalvez et al., 2001) (called EDGE technology) but simply existing right networks of 3G in the United States are EVDO & UMTS (with HSPDA) offered by (Sprint/Verizon) and Cingular carriers, respectively. The 3G offers next to future advances into the business/private wire-less technology, particularly in a field of mobile communications and some expected capabilities and features of 3G systems are: Enhanced features for multimedia communications (i.e., digital data & voice, video & remote controls system) Supporting to utilize onto all advanced modes (i.e., electronic-mail, fax, paging, cellular-telephones, web-surfing, video-conferencing etc) Extensive bandwidth & high-speed capability (upwards of 2 Mbps) Providing flexibility for Routing(repeaters, satellites, LANs etc)4G: The 4G (Woerner, 2001) of wireless technology is still underway and stands to be the upcoming wireless devices standard. The key difference between 4G and 3G technologies is the improved data transfer rates and security, like it is for 3G over 2.5G or 2G. The 4G is looked forward to offer more enhanced versions of the same advancements promised by 3G (e.g., improved-multimedia, video-streaming, global-access and worldwide-portability through all kinds of devices). Normally, a generation is defined by the result of technology grows over a time-frame of ten-to-fifteen year, hence, 4G would turn to whatever is deployed in the 2010 period onward, supposing 3G exploitation covers the 2000-2010 period. Somewhat, 4G would provide customers with on demand first-class video and audio by utilizing OFDM (Robertson, 1999) (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing) technique and would able to better allocate network resources to multiple clients by making use of multiple channels simultaneously. Unlike the 3G networks which are a mixture of packet-switching and circuit-switching networks, 4G (Hui et al., 2003) will be based on packet switching only and might actually connects the whole world and be operable from any place above or on the surface of the globe. 2.2 Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) CDMA (Gharavi et al., 2001) is a type of multiplexing which doesnt share the channels by frequency or time (like FDMA or TDMA), however it en-codes information by some unique codes related to each channel and exploits dynamic interferences effects of a particular code to do multiplexing. In addition, it refers to a digital cellular telephony system which utilizes these multiple access schemes. CDMA has since been applied in a number of communication systems (i.e., Omni-TRACS satellite system (Freeman et al., 2004) and Global Positioning System (GPS) (Hatch et al., 2002). Figure 1 presents a general architecture of a CDMA system.2.2.3 Wideband Code Division Multiple Access WCDMA (Bidaud, 2001) is a type of wideband digital radio-access technology. In 1998, the European Telecommunications Standard Institute (ETSI) used it to support 3G multimedia applications for wideband digital radio-access. WCDMA offers an innovative service capability, improved network speed and low-cost for services (data and voice) compared to 2G technologies. It is the foremost worldwide 3G-standard preferred by eight of the worlds ten largest service-providers. Operators can softly progress from GSM on the way to WCDMA, hence saving investments via reutilizing the GSM setups and services (Gozalvez et al., 2001). 2.4 Global System for Mobile Communications For mobile communications the most well-liked standard in the world is GSM (Bach, 2000). More than 2-billion people across the world (over 250 countries/territories) use the services offered by the GSM. It distinguishes much from its ancestors given that collectively speech and signaling channels are digital, indicating that it is assumed as the 2G mobile communication system. GSM now becomes an open standard that is presently proposed by the 3GPP. According to the consumer judgment, the GSM systems main advantage has been high-quality digital-voice channels and reduced price alternative to make calls (like SMS) and from a network operator prospective, it has been the potential to employ equipments as of various providers as the open standards accepts simpleinter-compatibility. In addition, these standards permitted networks providers to allow roaming facilities that means the customers can utilize their phones whole across the world. Figure 2 illustrates the general architecture of a GSM system. 2.5 General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) The GSM mobile phones users get benefit from a new mobile data service called GPRS (Bratton et al., 2001). The GPRS is an imperative step in the evolution of 2G mobile systems towards 3G systems. It offers a reasonable data transfer speed, via utilizing unoccupied TDMA channels in the GSM networks. It provides friendly billing system, high capacity channel and reduced call setup time. The GPRS system is optimized for the packet switched data networks and is transition totally from the cellular network of circuit switched to packet switched. Figure 3 describes the general architecture of a GPRS system. GPRS improves GSM data services providing: offer variety of services at reasonably low-cost to support flexible co-existence using GSM voice provide bursty traffic support possible support for connectivity to the Internet providing fast-access time utilize network and radio resources efficiently 3. Comparison of Technologies The 3G is the next step leaving beyond the 2G standards (for instance CDMA and GSM). The important aspects of 3G consist of the skills to merge the cellular mobile networks with the internet, adding multimedia applications to a wirelesscomputer/mobile phone by improving the range and QoS of voice and data services. In near future, the 4G is the upcoming technology of wire-less networks which will switch from 3G to 4G networks. 4. Conclusions In this research work, we have surveyed four wireless technologies namely 1G, 2G, 3G and 4G. We conclude that the 4G mobile technologies will stimulate subscriber interest in broadband wireless applications because of its ability and flexibility towards the world of wireless mobile communications. A concentrated effort seems to categorize how wire-less mobile technologies can accompaniment a more user focused world of wire-less. Finally the report elaborates the different Mobile Communication Technologies that have been developed in the past and their evolution and development towards 4th generation communication systems. Their detail comparison with each other has been discussed to have a better knowledge and understanding about the technological advancement made towards the evolution and development of 4thgeneration communication systems. In this research work, we have tried to gather as much information as possible and assemble it in such a manner that the reader can gain maximum knowledge of the topic.


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