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外国语学院 2011级师范3班 杨莹颖 222011310011286六宫粉黛无颜色 杨玉环杨玉环与西施、王昭君、貂蝉并称为中国古代四大美女,其中西施居首,是美的化身和代名词。四大美女享有“闭月羞花之貌,沉鱼尽雁之容”。“闭月、羞花、沉鱼、落雁”是一个个精彩故事组成的历史典故。“闭月”,是述说貂婵拜月的故事。“羞花”,说的是杨贵妃观花时的故事。“沉鱼”,讲的是西施浣沙时的故事。“落雁”,就是昭君出塞的故事。杨贵妃天生丽质,“回眸一笑百媚生,六宫粉黛无颜色”,堪称大唐第一美女,此后千余年,无出其右者。Yang Yuhuan, Xishi, Wang Zhaojun and Diao Chan are called the four ancient beauties. Diao Chan came in the first among them, being the embodiment of beauty. Four Great Beauties have the beauty which would obscure the moon, make flowers blush, make the fish sink and wild geese fall. There are many interesting stories make up the historical allusions. BiYue tells the story of Diaochan worshiping the moon. XiuHua tells a story happen when Yang Guifei enjoys the flowers. ChenYu tells a story of Xishi washing the gauze. LuoYan is the story of Zhaojun going abroad. Yang Guifei is born beautiful, looks back on and smiles one hundred to grow charmingly, six palaces of powder black pigment have had no color. She is the Tang first beauty, since then no one can surpass her in the after thousands years.生平简介杨玉环(公元年):唐代宫廷音乐家、歌舞家,其音乐才华在历代后妃中鲜见。原籍蒲州永乐(今山西永济)人。开元七年年月日生于蜀郡(今四川成都),出身宦门世家,曾祖父杨汪是隋朝的上柱国、吏部尚书,唐初被李世民所杀,父杨玄琰,是蜀州司户,叔父杨玄珪曾任河南府土曹,杨玉环的童年是在四川度过的,岁左右,父亲去世,她寄养在洛阳的三叔杨玄珪家。杨玉环天生丽质,加上优越的教育环境,使她具备有一定的文化修养,性格婉顺,精通音律,擅歌舞,并善弹琵琶。 开元二十二年七月,唐玄宗的女儿咸宜公主在洛阳举行婚礼,杨玉环也应邀参加。咸阳公主之胞弟寿王李瑁对杨玉环一见钟情,唐玄宗在武惠妃的要求下当年就下诏册立她为寿王妃。婚后,两人甜美异常。开元二十五年十二月初七,唐玄宗宠爱的武惠妃病逝,玄宗因此郁郁寡欢。在心腹宦官高力士的引荐下,唐玄宗把目光投向了武惠妃相似的儿媳杨玉环。 开元二十八年十月,与李瑁成亲五载的杨玉环离开寿王府,来到骊山,此时她才岁,玄宗则岁,玄宗先令她出家为女道士为自已的母亲窦太后荐福,并赐道号“太真”。天宝四年,唐玄宗把韦昭训的女儿册立为寿王妃后,遂册立杨玉环为贵妃,玄宗自废掉王皇后就再未立后,因此杨贵妃就相当于皇后。 杨玉环自入宫以来,遵循封建的宫廷体制,不过问朝廷政治,不插手权力之争,以自已的妩媚温顺及过人的音乐才华受到玄宗的百般宠爱,虽曾因妒而触怒玄宗,以致两次被送出宫,但最终玄宗还是难以割舍她。直至安史之乱,唐玄宗仅带杨贵妃西逃,在马嵬坡兵谏时,杨贵妃被逼赐死,年方岁。(-摘自好故事网)BackgroundYang Yuhuan (AD719756): Court musicians in the tang dynasty, the music talent rarely seen in the past dynasties empresses. Originally from PuZhou yongle (now shanxi yongji). She was born on June 1, 719 in Shu (now Sichuan Chengdu) in an official family. Her grandfather, Yang Wang, is Ministry of Personnel, who was killed by Li Shiming in the early Tang dynasty. Her father, Yang Xuanyan, is Sihu in Shu. The childhood of Yang Yuhuan was spent in Sichuan. Her father died when she was about ten years old. She was brought up by her third uncle in Luoyang. Yang Yuhuan was a born beauty, coupled with superior education environment, make her have a certain cultural accomplishment, personality, obliging, in melody, good at singing and dancing, and playing the pipa.Kaiyuan twenty-two years in July, the daughter of Emperor Xuanzong of Tang holds a wedding ceremony in Luoyang, and Yang Yuhuan was inviter to the ceremony. The brother of the princess, Li Mao falls in love with Yang in the first sight. Under the request of Wu Huifei, Yang married with Li Mao. After the wedding, she has a happy life with Li Mao.Kai yuan 25 years, Emperor Xuanzong of Tang was in low spirits because of the death of Wu Huifei. Under the introduction of his henchman, Emperor Xuanzong of Tang focus on Wu Huifeis daughter-in-law, Yang Yuhuan, who was similar with Wu Huifei.Kai yuan 28 years, after being married with Li Mao for five years, Yang came to the Mount Li. Emperor Xuanzong of Tang command Yang primavera to pray for his mother.Tianbao four years, after the Tang title-conferring WeiZhaoXuns daughter princess for life, he title-conferring Yang for the imperial concubine. After the abolish of queen Wang, Emperor Tang never has queen, so Yang was same as queen actually.Since into the palace, Yang abides by the feudal system of court, no court politics not intervene in a struggle for power. She got the love of Emperor Tang by her extraordinary music talent and gentle character. Once offend Emperor Tang because of envy, even sent out the palace for two times, but emperor Tang can not give up her finally. Until the An Lushan Rebellion, Emperor Tang run away with Yang and Yang was forced suicide in Ma Wei slope aged thirty eight.如何得宠有个叫做念奴的歌妓不仅有姿色,而且十分善于唱歌,没有一刻离开唐玄宗的左右。每次执板唱曲的时候,一双妙目左顾右盼。玄宗对贵妃说:“这个女子过于妖丽,眼色媚人。”当念奴啭声歌喉的那一刻,声音好像钻出了天上的朝霞,虽然钟鼓笙竽的嘈杂也不能遮遏。宫妓当中玄宗对念奴最为宠爱。先秦时周幽王和褒姒有一笑千金的典故,唐宫里也有一歌千金的传说。有个叫永新的宫妓善于唱歌,最受玄宗的宠爱。每次在御前奏歌丝竹之声不能遮遏。玄宗常对左右说:“此女一歌价值千金。”不过最让人感兴趣的恐怕是唐玄宗与杨贵妃的情爱秘史了。某年的五月五日唐玄宗在兴庆池避暑,与杨贵妃白昼睡在水殿中。宫嫔都凭栏倚槛,争着看雌雄二只鸳鸯在水中游戏。玄宗正拥抱贵妃在绡帐内睡觉,他睁开睡眼对众宫嫔说:“你们爱水中的鸳鸯,怎么比得上我被底的鸳鸳。”秋天的八月,太液池上有数千叶白莲花盛开,玄宗与贵戚在一边饮宴观赏。左右都叹羡不已。玄宗指着杨贵妃对左右说:“怎么比得上我的解语花?” 到了冬至日下大雪,天地之间白茫茫一片。中午纷纷扬扬的大雪停了,因天气寒冷所结的冰溜都形成条状。杨贵妃命侍儿敲下两条冰溜看着玩。玄宗晚朝视政回来问贵妃说:“你玩的是什么东西?”妃子笑而答曰:“所玩的是冰筷子。”玄宗对左右侍从说:“妃子天性聪慧,这个比喻得好。”杨贵妃能够得到唐玄宗的宠爱绝不仅仅是容貌长得美丽,关键是有效地揣摩了玄宗的心理,而这也是后宫许多姿色艳丽的女子做不到的地方。一天唐玄宗与亲王下棋,并令贺怀智独奏琵琶,杨贵妃站在棋局前观看。唐玄宗眼看就要输棋了,杨贵妃将怀里的猫扔在棋盘上,扰乱了棋局以乱其输赢,唐玄宗因此十分高兴。(-摘自好故事网)How to get emperors favorA geisha girl called Niuannu has not only appearance, and very good at singing, not a moment to leave around of the emperor Tang. Every time a cover of the board, a pair of good eyes glance left and right. Xuan zong told the imperial concubine “This demon woman lili, glances seductie portrayal” When Niannu trill voice of that a moment, like a drill out the sunrise in the sky, although Zhong GU sheng Yu noisy also not stem. Xuanzong love Niannu most among all those geisha. Pre-Qin period, there is an allusion of Zhou You Wang and Baosi. Xuan Zong always told others that one song of this girl worth thousand dollars.But the most interesting thing should be the love story of Xuan zong and Yang. On May 5th in some year, Xuan zong sleep with Yang in the water palace to avoid the summer heat. All the servants watch the mandarin duck playing in the water. Xuan zong said, you love the mandarin duck in the water, but how it can compare with the mandarin duck in my bed.Autumn in August, too fluid pool for the white lotus flower in full bloom, xuan zong with officials in catering to watch. About all sigh in admiration. Xuan zong said, pointing to Yang to about: how to match my riddle flower?The winter solstice day snow, the vast expanse of whiteness between heaven and earth. Swirl of the heavy snow stopped at noon, because of the cold weather of BingLiu form strips. Yang shi son life hit two BingLiu looking at play. Xuan zong back late dynasty government asked the imperial concubine, you play is what things? Smile of princess, answer yue: chopsticks are playing by the ice. Nature around xuan zong of attendants said: his intelligence, it is a good analogy.Yang can get the favor of Xuan zong not only because she is beautiful and gentle but also she can guess what Xuan zong is thinking, its what others can not do. One day prince of tang dynasty and played chess, and make He Huaizhi solo pipa, Yang stood watching the game.Li see will check, Yang will be my arms the cat on the chessboard, disrupted the chess to mess the winning or losing, so Tang was very happy.羞花典故有一种小巧玲珑的花卉,它的复叶酷似芙蓉枝,点点对称,宛如鸟羽。植株上缀以数朵淡红色的小花,状若杨梅。人们用手一指,它那羽状小叶便很快闭合,叶柄也慢慢垂下,就象初涉人世的少女,因为纯洁和朴实,才那样忸怩、娇羞,所以人们都叫它“含羞草”。传说杨玉环初入宫时,因见不到君王而终日愁眉不展。有一次,她和宫女们一起到宫苑赏花,无意中碰着了含羞草,草的叶子立即卷了起来。宫女们都说这是杨玉环的美貌,使得花草自惭形秽,羞得抬不起头来。唐玄宗听说宫中有个“羞花的美人”,立即召见,封为贵妃。从此以后,“羞花”也就成了杨贵妃的雅称了。含羞草“羞”于见人,是由于植物电的缘故。含羞草的叶栖基部,有一个薄壁细胞组织叫做“叶褥”,平时里面充满了足够的水分。当叶片受到刺激时,薄壁细胞里的水分,在植物电的指令下,立即向上部与两侧流去。由于叶片的重量增加,就产生了叶片闭合,叶柄耷垂的现象。含羞草植株纤细娇弱,为了生存,它在长期的自然选择中,形成了这种适应环境的特殊本领。(-摘自百度百科)The allusion of outshone flowersThere is a small and exquisite flowers, its compound leaf resembles lotus branches, little symmetry, and just like a bird feather. Plants compose with few flowers reddish flowers, if red bayberry. People use a finger by, its feather lobules quickly closed, petiole also slowly down, like new girl of the world, because of pure and simple, is so coy, attraction, so people call it mimosa. Legend jade bracelets when entering the house, when you are sad all the day long due to see the king. Once, she with the ladies-in-waiting to watch flowers today inadvertently touched the mimosa, grass leaf roll up immediately. The ladies-in-waiting all say this is beautiful jade bracelet, makes the flowers to shame, and was too ashamed to lift head. Li heard that house has a beauty of the flowers to shame, immediately summoned, sealing for the imperial concubine. Since then, the face also became a lady Yang bills. Mimosa pudica ashamed to see person, is because of the electric plant. Habitat sensitive plant leaf base, there is a thin wall tissue is called the pad, inside filled with enough water at ordinary times. When leaf stimulation, parenchyma cells in the water, under the instruction of plant electrical, immediately of upward flow on both sides. Due to the weight of the blade increases, creates a closed blade, petiole asked flowing phenomenon. Slender delicate mimosa plants, in order to survive, it in the long-term natural selection and formed the special ability to adapt to the environment.死因之谜死于佛堂?有人说,杨玉环可能死于佛堂。旧唐书杨贵妃传记载:禁军将领陈玄礼杀了杨国忠父子之后,认为“贼本尚在”,请求再杀杨贵妃以免后患。唐玄宗无奈,与贵妃诀别,“遂缢死于佛室”。资治通鉴唐纪记载:唐玄宗是命高力士把杨贵妃带到佛堂缢死的。唐国史补记载:高力士把杨贵妃缢死于佛堂的梨树下。陈鸿的长恨歌传记载:唐玄宗知道杨贵妃难免一死,但不忍见其死,便使人牵之而去,“仓皇辗转,竟死于尺组之下”。乐史的杨太真外传记载:唐玄宗与杨贵妃诀别时,她“乞容礼佛”。高力士遂缢死贵妃于佛堂前的梨树之下。陈寅恪在元白诗笺证稿中指出:“所可注意者,乐史谓妃缢死于梨树之下,梨花一枝春带雨句之影响。果尔,则殊可笑矣。”乐史的说法来自唐国史补。死于乱军?杨贵妃也可能死于乱军之中。杜甫于至德二年(公元757年)在安禄山占据的长安,作哀江头一首,其中有“明眸皓齿今何在,血污游魂归不得”之句,暗示杨贵妃不是被缢死于马嵬驿,因为缢死是不会见血的。李益所作七绝过马嵬和七律过马嵬二首中有“托君休洗莲花血”和“太真血染马蹄尽”等诗句,也反映了杨贵妃为乱军所杀,死于兵刃之下的情景。杜牧华清宫三十韵的“喧呼马嵬血,零落羽林枪”;张佑华清宫和社舍人的“血埋妃子艳”;温庭筠马嵬驿的“返魂无验表烟灭,埋血空生碧草愁”等诗句,也都认为杨贵妃血溅马嵬驿,并非被缢而死。吞金而死?有人说杨贵妃是吞金而死。这种说法仅见于刘禹锡所用的马嵬行一诗。刘氏之诗曾写道:“绿野扶风道,黄尘马嵬行,路边杨贵人,坟高三四尺。乃问里中儿,皆言幸蜀时,军家诛佞幸,天子舍妖姬。群吏伏门屏,贵人牵帝衣,低回转美目,风日为天晖。贵人饮金屑,攸忽舜英暮,平生服杏丹,颜色真如故。”从这首诗来看,杨贵妃是吞金而死的。陈寅恪曾对这种说法颇感稀奇,并在元白诗笺证稿中作了考证。陈氏怀疑刘诗“贵人饮金屑”之语,是得自里儿中,故而才与众说有异。然而,陈氏并不排除杨贵妃在被缢死之前,也有可能吞过金,所以里儿中才传得此说。流落民间?还有人认为,杨贵妃并未死于马嵬驿,而是流落于民间。俞平伯在论诗词曲杂著中对白居易的长恨歌和陈鸿的长恨歌传作了考证。他认为白居易的长恨歌、陈鸿的长恨歌传之本意,盖另有所长。俞先生认为,杨贵妃并未死于马嵬驿。当时六军哗变,贵妃被劫,钗钿委地,诗中明言唐玄宗“救不得”,所以正史所载的赐死之诏旨,当时决不会有。陈鸿的长恨歌传所言“使人牵之而去”,是说杨贵妃被使者牵去藏匿远地了。白居易长恨歌说唐玄宗回銮后要为杨贵妃改葬,结果是“马嵬坡下泥中土,不见玉颜空死处”,连尸骨都找不到,这就更证实贵妃未死于马嵬驿。值得注意的是,陈鸿作长恨歌传时,唯恐后人不明,特为点出:“世所知者有玄宗本纪在。”而“世所不闻”者,今传有长恨歌,这分明暗示杨贵妃并未死。东渡日本?还一种离奇的说法是杨贵妃远走美洲。台湾学者魏聚贤在中国人发现美洲一书声称,他考证出杨贵妃并未死于马嵬驿,而是被人带往遥远的美洲。还有一种说法认为,杨贵妃东渡日本,日本民间和学术界有这样一种看法:当时,在马嵬驿被缢死的,乃是一个侍女。禁军将领陈玄礼怜惜杨贵妃美貌,不忍杀之,遂与高力士合谋,以侍女代死。杨贵妃则由陈玄礼亲信护送南逃,扬帆出海,飘至日本久谷町久津,被日本遣唐使救走,当时的日本皇室仿拟唐朝,对唐朝贵妃的到来,自然是热烈欢迎、礼遇有加。杨贵妃到达日本后,受到当时的女天皇孝谦天皇的接见,安排居住在奈良附近的和歌山上。日本都城迁平安京(京都)时她又随至京都,生活了三十年,后病逝于京都,享年六十八岁。日本山口县“杨贵妃之乡”建有杨贵妃墓。1963年有一位日本女性向电视观众展示了自己的一本家谱,说她就是杨贵妃的后人。日本著名影星山口百惠,也自称是杨贵妃的后裔。虽然众说纷纭,但杨贵妃确实死在马嵬驿,旧、新唐书与通鉴等史籍记载明确,唐人笔记杂史如高力士外传、唐国史补、明皇杂录、安禄山事迹等也是如此。(-摘自维基百科)A Lushans rebellion and Consort Yangs deathYang Guozhong and An Lushan soon were in conflict with each other, and Yang Guozhong repeatedly tried to provoke An into rebelling, by actions including arresting and executing staff members at Ans mansion in Changan. In 755, a finally reciprocated. In order to try to placate the populace, which believed that Yang Guozhong had provoked the rebellion, Emperor Xuanzong considered passing the throne to his crown prince Li Heng. Yang Guozhong, who was not on good terms with Li Heng, feared this development, and persuaded Consort Yang and the Ladies of Han, Guo, and Qin to speak against it. Emperor Xuanzong, for the time being, did not abdicate the throne.In 756, General Geshu Han was defeated by Ans forces, after being forced by Yang Guozhong to engage An out of fear that Geshu Han himself might usurp the throne, and Tong Pass, the last major defense, fell to Ans forces. Yang Guozhong suggested fleeing to Chengdu, the capital of Jiannan Circuit. On 14 July,6 Emperor Xuanzong, keeping the news secret from the people of Changan, took the imperial guards to escort him, Consort Yang, her family, and his immediate clan members, and exited Changan, heading toward Chengdu. Attending him were Yang Guozhong, his fellow chancellor Wei Jiansu, the official Wei Fangjin (魏方進), the general Chen Xuanli, and some eunuchs and ladies in waiting close to him.On 15 July,1 Emperor Xuanzongs cortege reached Mawei Courier Station. The imperial guards were not fed and became angry at Yang Guozhong. Chen also believed that Yang Guozhong had provoked this disaster and planned to accuse him; he reported his plans to Li Heng through Li Hengs eunuch Li Fuguo, but Li Heng was hesitant and gave no approval. Meanwhile, Tufan emissaries, who had followed Emperor Xuanzong south, were meeting with Yang Guozhong and complaining that they also had not been fed. The soldiers of the imperial guard took this opportunity to proclaim that Yang Guozhong was planning treason along with the Tufan emissaries, and they killed him, along with his son Yang Xuan, the Ladies of Han and Qin, and Wei Fangjin. Wei Jiansu was also nearly killed, but was spared at the last moment with severe injuries. The soldiers then surrounded Emperor Xuanzongs pavilion, and refused to scatter even after Emperor Xuanzong came out to comfort them and order them to disperse. Chen publicly urged him to put Consort Yang to death which Emperor Xuanzong initially declined. After Wei Jiansus son Wei E (韋諤) and Gao Lishi spoke further, Emperor Xuanzong finally resolved to do so. He therefore had Gao take Consort Yang to a Buddhist shrine and strangle her. After he showed the body to Chen and the other imperial guard generals, the guard soldiers finally dispersed and prepared for further travel. Meanwhile, Yang Guozhongs wife Pei Rou (裴柔), son Yang Xi (楊晞), the Lady of Guo, and the Lady of Guos son Pei Hui (裴徽) tried to flee, but were killed in flight. Consort Yang was buried at Mawei, without a coffin, but with masses of fragrances, wrapped in purple blankets.In 757, Prince Li Heng, who had taken the throne as Emperor Suzong, recaptured Changan and welcomed ex-Emperor Xuanzong, then Taishang Huang (retired emperor) back to the capital. Emperor Xuanzong went through Mawei on his way back to Changan. He wanted to locate Consort Yangs body and rebury her with honor. The official Li Kui spoke against it, pointing out that the imperial guard soldiers would still be prone to reprisals if he did so. However, Emperor Xuanzong secretly sent eunuchs to rebury her with a coffin. When they found the body, it had decomposed, but the fragrance bag buried with her was still fresh. The eunuchs returned with the fragrance bag and upon its presentation to Emperor Xuanzong, he wept bitterly. When he returned to Changan, he had a painter create a picture of Consort Yang in a secondary palace, and often went there to view the portrait.


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