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Unit12 Whats the best radio station?Section A学习目标(一)知识目标:New words: radio, comfortable, seat, screen, close, theater, cinema, easy, worse, worstPhrases: radio station, comfortable seat, close to home, good quality clothes, think about.Important sentences:1. - Whats the best movie theater?- Showtime Cinema, I think.2. - Can I ask you a question?- Sure.(二)能力目标: 1. Discuss preferences;2. Make comparisons.(三)情感目标:通过进行调查,互相交流各自的喜好等,进行简单的比较,表达自己的好恶;教学重难点1熟练掌握形容词最高级的变化规则及不规则变化形式2.掌握形容词最高级的用法学习过程(一)预习导学1. 1a. How do you choose what movie theater to go to?Write the things in the box under “Important” or “Not important”.Comfortable seatsbig screenfriendly servicecheapnew moviesclose to homein a fun part of townpopularImportantNot important(二)自主学习1. 1b. Listen and match the statements with the movie theaters. Write in the names of the theaters.QualitiesMovie TheatersIt has the biggest screens.Its the most popular.Its the closest to home.Town Cinema2. 2a. Listen to a reporter interviewing a boy. How does the boy answer the questions? Circle the correct letters below.Then finish 2b.3. 3a. Read the article and fill in the chart.The bestNameBecausemovie theaterScreen CityIt hasClothing storeradio station(三)合作探究1、1c. Practice the conversation. Talk about the movie theaters that you know with your partner.2、2c. Role play.3.3b. Think of three stores in your town and fill in the chart. Then talk about the stores with your partner.(四)梳理归纳From this class, you should grasp:1形容词最高级的变化规则和不规则变化;2、形容词最高级的用法。能力提升一、选词填空1.This radio station is pretty _ (good better).2.It has _ (the worstworse) clothes than Jasons.3.Liuliu Clothing Store has _ (cheaperthe cheapest) shoes of all the shops in town.4.Houhe Theater has _(more comfortable the most comfortable) seats of all.二、根据汉语完成句子1.镇上最好的学校是哪所?_ _ _ school in town.2.汶南镇比东都镇美。Wen Nan Town is _ _ _ Dong Du Town.3.聂辉为何这么认为呢?Why _ Nie Hui _ _ ?Section B学习目标(一)知识目标:New words: loud, success, act, without, together, near, farthest, southern, still, lovely, northern, enough.Phrases: talent show, without doing sth., action movies,Important sentences:- Who do you think is the funniest actor?- I think Jim Carrey is the funniest actor.(二)能力目标: 1. Discuss preferences;2. Make comparisons.(三)情感目标:提高学生的人际交往能力,明确各自的世界观。教学重难点:熟练应用形容词最高级学习过程(一)预习导学写出下列单词的最高级creativequietgoodfunnydullloudbad boring(二)自主学习1. 1a. Write these words and phrases next to their opposites in the chart.2. 2a and 2b. Listen to the tape and finish 2a and 2b.3. 3a. Read the article about the school talent show. Fill in the blanks with the words from the box.4. Write an article about a talent show.(三)合作探究1.Look at the information about the talent show in 2a and 2b and make a conversation.2.Interview three classmates. Write their answers in the chart below.WhatWho do you think is the.(students name)(students name)(students name)funniest actor?most creative musicvideo?loudest musical group?most boring TV showworst moviebest book(四)梳理归纳From this class, you should grasp:1、形容词最高级的变化规则和不规则变化;2、形容词最高级的用法。能力提升一、用所给词的正确形式填空:1.This park is _ (beautiful) of the three.2. Which is _ (heavy), the horse or the elephant?3. Where is the best _ (cloth) store in town?4. He lives _ (far) from school in our class.5. Her first movie was a great _ (successful).6. The Yellow River is the second _ (long) river in China?7. Tom is the _ (tall) of the two boys.二、句型转换1. Town Cinema is the best movie theater.(对划线部分提问)_ _ the best movie theater?1.He cant sing very well.(改为肯定句)He _ sing very well.2.I like Huiduoduo Supermarketbecause it has the best qualitygoods(商品).(对划线部分提问)_ _ you like Huiduoduo Supermarket?3.This sweater is cheaper than that one. (改为同义句)That sweater is _ than this one.4.Who is the best player? Do you know?(句意不变,合并为一句)_ _ you think is the best player?


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