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新概念英语(英语初阶)Unit 25 Lesson49 At the butchers 教案教学课题 Lesson49 At the butchers所用教材 新概念英语(英语初阶)教学用具黑板,故事卡 ,录音机,自制句型卡教学目标知识目标:1. 掌握生词(P98) 2. 掌握句型 I likebut (he) doesnt. I dont (like chicken) either.能力目标:1.听懂故事,并能借助图片复述故事。 情感目标:1.学会对别人的建议做礼貌的回答: Yes, please. No, thank you.教学重点1. 让学生掌握P98的生词,达到“四会”。2. 让学生学会应用 “I likebut (he) doesnt.” 描述自己和他人的喜好。3.听懂故事,并能借助图片复述故事。教学难点1. 怎样让学生迅速掌握P98的生词 ,达到“四会”?2. 怎样让学生学会应用 “I likebut (he) doesnt.” 描述自己和他人的喜好。教学方法单词:语音记忆法,情景记忆法课文:交际法,任务型教学法教 学 步 骤 及 内 容Step1: Greetings(1min)T: Good morning, boys and girls! Im glad to be your new teacher. My names Zhang Yihua. You can call me Miss Zhang! Now, class begins!Ss: Good morning, Miss Zhang!Step2: Review(15mins)T: I heard that Miss Cheng has assigned you some homework last time, right? Let me check whether you have finished all of them? First, hand in your exercise book, please! (收练习册) Then, shut your book and well do a dictation.(听写单词:like, want, fresh, butter, pure, honey, ripe, sweet, choice, wine, beer, blackboard) Next, who would like to show your translation work on the blackboard? (邀请两名学生把翻译的句子写在黑板上) The rest of you have to check whether you have got the right answer.(讲评练习) How about the text of Lesson 47? Whole class, please recite it together. Lets begin.(学生背诵课文)Step3: Lead-in(2mins)T: Today we will learn a new lesson. But before we start the lesson, please tell me have you been to the market? 学生自由讨论。T: So what did you buy,meat(板书)or vegetables? 学生自由讨论。Step4: Presentation(22mins) T: Today Mrs. Bird also wants to buy some meat. She goes to the butchers(板书). Can you take a guess what she will buy? 学生自由讨论。T: First, lets learn some new words about meat. (板书:beef, lamb, steak, mince, chicken) Now please read after me. 学生跟读单词 5遍。T:Now please turn to Page 97, look at the pictures and listen to the tape carefully. For the first time, I would stop paragraph by paragraph and you have to tell me what does each paragraph tell us, clear?老师播放磁带,学生借助图片讲故事。T: Very good. Now please listen again and answer the following questions: (将问题卡片贴在黑板上,让学生带着问题听听力)1. Where is Mrs. Bird? (Shes at the butchers.)2. Does Mrs. Bird want any meat today? (Yes, she does.)3. Does Mrs. Bird want beef or lamb? (Beef.)4. What does Mr. Bird like? (He likes steak.)5. Does the butcher like chicken? (No, he doesnt, either.)学生听听力并回答以上问题。课间休息教 学 步 骤 及 内 容T: Class, now read after me sentence by sentence! (在大声朗读中特别提醒学生注意生词 husband, tell, truth, either)学生跟读课文(10mins)。T: I would like to give you 5 minutes to read the text by yourselves. After that, I would ask some of you to act as the butcher and Mrs. Bird.Step5: Consolidation(8mins)1.学生角色扮演。2.翻译练习 A: 你喜欢鸡肉吗? B: 我不喜欢。 A:我也不喜欢。 A: 你妈妈喜欢咖啡吗? B: 是的,她喜欢, 但我不喜欢。Step6: Exercises(10mins)T: Please take out your exercise book and turn to Page 90. You have 5 minutes to finish it.学生完成练习。T:lets check the answers.核对答案。Step7: Homework(2mins)1. 单词抄写:英文(8遍),中文(2遍)2. 背诵课文(Lesson 49)3.预习 Lesson 50板 书 设 计 Lesson49 At the butchersNew words: Qs As(卡纸): Homework:butcher 1.Where is Mrs. Bird?beef 2.Does Mrs. Bird want any meat today?lamb 3. Does Mrs. Bird want beef or lamb?steak 4.What does Mr. Bird like?mince 5.Does the butcher like chicken?chicken


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