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中考模拟题(二)一 单项选择。(15分)( )1. Look! Those new books are _. My father bought _ for my birthday. A.my, me B.mine, I C. mine, me( )2.Id like to buy _ T-shirt. The colors are either too light or too dark. A.both B.neither C. either( )3.-I hear you are not allowed to go out after 10:00 at night. -Right. Its one of the _ in my family. A.places B.orders C.rules( )4.The boy felt so _ because he greeted his girl friends mother in a wrong way. A.embarrassed B.excited C.surprised( )5.-I can _ see the words clearly on the blackboard. -Please put on my glasses. A.already B.just C.hardly( )6.Everyone _ show their own ID cards while buying train tickets. A.can B.must C.may( )7.You can improve your English _ watching English movies on the Internet. A.on B.with C.by( )8.-Are you going to Tibet for vacation? -Yes, I want you to _us with some information about it. A. show B. provide C. offer( )9.China _ faster and faster, which makes us so proud. A. developed B.is developing C.has developed( )10.Dont you know him? Hes Mr. King, who has lived here _ 2009. A. in B.until C.since( )11. Please read the text carefully and try to_ the main idea of it. A. use up B.come out C.find out( )12.-_ will you be ready, Gina? -In 10 minutes. A. How soon B. How long C. How often( )13.-What a nice car! Whose is it? -It _ Mikes uncle. A. depends on B.knocks on C. belongs to( )14. How much did the skirt _ you wore at the party yesterday cost? A. it B.that C.when( )15. Could you tell us_? A.what the medicine is made of B.which the medicine is made C.how is the medicine made 二 完形填空。(15分) I believe listening is a powerful medicine. It was Sunday. I had the last patient to _16_ and I got into her room. She was an old woman, sitting on the bed and trying to _17_ her socks. Usually I said something like this:How are you feeling? The nurse says your son is visiting you today. I believe you are _18_ seeing him. She _19_ me with a serious voice,Sit down, doctor. I will tell you my story. I was surprised and _20_. I sat down and helped her with the socks. She began to tell me that her only son lived not far from her, _21_ she had not seen him for five years. She believed her health problems were worse because of _22_ her son. After hearing her story and helping her put on her socks, I asked if there was _23_ I could do for her. She _24_ her head and smiled. All she wanted me to do was to _25_. Each story is _26_. Some are clear; others are not. Some are true; others are not. However, some of those things do not really _27_. What matters to the storyteller is that the story is heard. In my opinion, listening to patients story is the key to healing(康复). I often _28_ what the old woman taught me, and she _29_ me of the importance of stopping, sitting down and truly listening. I _30_ the power of listening. I am sure youve known what to do with others stories. ( )16. A.look B.see C.watch( )17. A.take off B.put on C.get off( )18. A.looking forward to B.asking for C.going on( )19. A.impressed B.asked C.stopped( )20. A.excited B.mad C.embarrassed( )21. A.or B.but C. so( )22. A.missing B.loving C.understanding( )23. A.nothing B.anything C.everything( )24. A.used B.dropped C.shook( )25. A.speak B.smell C.listen( )26. A.similar B.different C.terrible( )27. A.grow B.appear C.matter( )28. A.think of B.dream of C.get over( )29. A.teaches B.reminds C.shows( )30. A.talk about B.show off C.believe in三 阅读理解。(30分) A Have something delicious Do you have any trouble ordering dishes? Are you worrying about where to have dinner? Come to Good Taste and feel the difference! Learn a language Are you afraid that you are too old to begin learning a language? With our Wise Learning Program, you can learn to speak any language in a month. Just have a try now! Shop online Are you tired of carrying a lot of things after shopping? Can you stand waiting for a long time to pay? Welcome to Fashion Shop on the Internet. You can have less trouble. Computer courses Do you need to work on computer? Are you good at using computer? We can teach you to use the computer well. Please come to Computer Happy World! No matter how old you are, you will be interested in our courses. And you can get a 30% discount(折扣) if you come before September 1st. Call us at 6655-8980 for more information. ( )31. With Fashion Shop, you _. A. dont need to pay what you want B. dont have to wait for a long time to pay for what you buy C.can buy anything at the lowest price. ( ) 32. If you_, you can learn any language in a very short time. A.go to Fashion Shop. B.go to Good Taste. C. join the Wise Learning Program. ( ) 33. Suppose the cost of the course at Computer Happy World is 900 yuan. If you go There on August 31st,you only need to pay _. A. 270 yuan B. 630 yuan C. 600 yuan ( ) 34.According to the passage, we know_. A. old people cant take the computer courses at Computer Happy World B. we can eat something delicious at Good Taste C. Wise Learning Program offers service twelve hours a day ( ) 35. The passage above is a(n) _. A. advertisement B. report C. Speech B Bank is a place where people can keep their money. But have you ever heard of Time Bank? Its a special bank because you cant put your money into it except time. How can you do that? Time Bank is simply about spending an hour doing something for somebody in your community(社区). That hour goes into your Time Bank as a Time dollar. Then you have a Time Dollar to spend in having someone do something for you. For example, Linda helps her neighbor look after the children. Later when she needs help, she can get help from other people in her community. The aim of Time Bank is to spend your time and get help. Each Time Bank has a website where you can list what you would like to do for other members. You get Time Dollars after you offer help each time and then you can spend it on whatever you want from the listings. Also, you can know and make friends with a lot of people who are like you. Time Bank was started by an American man called Edgar Cahn. It is very popular in Belgium now. Today Time Bank has already appeared in some cities in China.( ) 36. What can you put into a Time Bank? A. Money B. Food C. Time ( ) 37. How can you tell other people what you would like to do for them? A. Through the Internet. B. Through advertisements. C. Through letters.( )38. What can you do to get Time Dollars? A. Buy something in the Time Bank. B. Do something for others. C. Get help from other people.( )39. Which country is not mentioned in the passage? A. Belgium. B.England. C. America. ( )40. Which of the following is TRUE? A. You can ask people to do everything in a Time Bank. B. If you help Linda, you can only ask Linda to help you in the Time Bank. C. Time Bank was started in America. C Do you think you are too old to do something? Heres my sad story. Maybe it can make you think about this question. My Dad was a fisherman. He worked hard and stayed out until he caught enough fish to feed the family nearly every day. When the weather was bad he would drive me to school. An old truck was older than him. When we got to school, he would give me a big kiss on the face and tell me to be a good boy. It was so embarrassing for me. I was 12 years old, and my dad would still kiss me goodbye! I remember the day I decided I was too old for a goodbye kiss. When we got to the school and came to a stop, he had his usual big smile. He started to lean toward me, but I put my hand up and said, No, Dad. It was the first time I had ever talked to him that way. He had a surprised look on his face for a long time, and his eyes started to be wet. He turned and looked out of the windshield(挡风玻璃). Youre right,he said. You are a big boy-a man. I wont kiss you any more. It wasnt long after that when my dad went out to sea and never came back. It was a day when most of the fishermen stayed at home except Dad. He had a big family to feed. How I wish I had been a man then! If I had been a man, I would never have told my dad I was too old for a goodbye kiss. ( )41. When the weather was bad, the writer went to school_. A. in his fathers boat B. in his fathers truck C. by bike ( )42. The writer felt so embarrassed because _. A. his father kissed him goodbye B. his father drove him to school C. his father told him to be a good boy ( )43. The underlined word leanmeans _in Chinese. A.学习 B. 倾斜 C.走向 ( )44. The writers father died _. A.after he refused his fathers goodbye kiss B.when he was born C.before he was 12 years old ( )45. The passage tells us_. A.what an old man the writers father was B.the writer took pride in his father C.the writer felt sorry for refusing his fathers kiss 四 补全对话。(5分)A: Good morning, Betty.B: Good morning, Amy. How was the party last night? _46_A: Yes. It was lots of fun.B: What about Candy? _47_A: Yes. She enjoyed it a lot, too. By the way, I didnt see you. Where were you?B: Me? Oh, _48_A: What for?B: There was a basketball match between Class 5 and Class 6. I really prefer watching a basketball match to going to a party.A: _49_B: It is exciting. It is a very close match. A: _50_B: Class 5 won the match. 80 to 78.A: Oh! Thats really great.A. Where were you?B. Was she there?C. I went to the school gym.D. Did you have a good time?E. What was the result?F. What do you think of the match?G. When did the match begin?.五 任务型阅读。(10分) The style of learning is different in different countries. For example, in the US, especially at the college level, when the teacher comes into the classroom, students dont have to stand up. Students are generally encouraged to ask questions during class, to go to the teachers office for help after class, and to phone if they cant go to school and need help with their lessons. Most teachers allow students to be late for class or leave early, if necessary. However, students are still asked to be polite to their teachers and classmates to be honest during a test. When students want to ask questions, they usually put up their hands and wait. When the teacher or a student is speaking to the class, its rude to talk to another classmate, even in a low voice. When a test is being given, talking to a classmate is not only rude but also wrong. In the eyes of most American teachers, students who are talking to each other during a test are cheating.(作弊).51. Whats the difference in US colleges when the teacher comes into the classroom? _52. What can American students do if they need help in their lessons after school? _53. How are students asked to be? _54. Is it wrong to talk to another classmate when a test is being given? _55. What is this passage mainly about? _六 词汇填空。(10分) he act word hope sound strangerespect live give usual in mean The life travel Travel 56._ like a comfortable word. Because it means we may stop nothing and go somewhere beautiful to relax. In fact the life is pretty long journey and few can get the best happiness during it. If you know the 57._of every letter of travel, you will become relaxing.T stands for “trust”. A man should trust 58._. Friends should trust each other. 59._ also should trust. It makes our journey nice.R means “60._”. You should respect yourself, others and all the 61._ things.A means “affection(钟爱)”. It 62._ has loving and friendship. Because wherever we go we shouldnt give up affection. Or we cant move a place.V means “vulnerability(弱点)”. It tells us we have some vulnerability 63._ our heart. We should learn to be strong.E means “expectation”. If you lose expectation the travel must be difficult. We have expectation for ever. We can get the highest place of life.L means “laughter(欢笑)”. Laughter is a simple 64._ on the mouth. But it is a great jump. We 65._ you can shine during your only journey. There is no too much regret(遗憾).七 书面表达。(15分) 李林的英国笔友Cathy写信给她说要领养一只流浪狗,但是又担心自己照顾不好它,她很矛盾,假如你是李林,请给她一些建议。根据以下提示给Cathy回一封邮件,告诉她你的想法。邮件 开头与结尾已给出,不计入总词数;可适当发挥;70词左右。 提示:1. 要爱惜和保护动物;2. 一旦领养(adopt)要用心;3. 了解养宠物的知识。Dear Cathy, Its very kind of you to plan to adopt a homeless dog. _ Yours, Li Lin参考答案: 一1-5 C B C A C 6-10 B C B B C 11-15 C A C B A二16-20 B B A C C 21-25 B A B C C 26-30 B C A B C 三31-35 B C B B A 36-40. C A B B A 41-45 B A B A C四46-50 D B C F E 五51. Students dont have to stand up. 52.They can phone their teacher for help.53. Students are asked to be polite to their teachers and classmates and to be honest during a test. 54. Yes, it is. 55.The style of learning in the US.六 56. sounds 57.meaning 58. himself 59. Strangers 60.respect 61. living 62.usually 63. in 64. action 65.hope 七Dear Cathy, Its very kind of you to plan to adopt a homeless dog. Animals are human beings friends, so we should love and try to protect them. But once you decide to adopt it, you should think about the following things: First, you should be patient and careful enough. Try to look after the dog well. Second, you should regard it as a member of your family and never give it up though you meet some problems. Finally, since keeping a pet is not a easy job, youd better learn a lot about how to keep pets. Its really hard work, but Im sure you can get pleasure from it. I hope you can think it over and make a decision yourself. Best wishes! Yours Li Lin


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