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Unit 1 Women of achievement Section 1 Warming-up & Reading .根据汉语提示写出正确的英语单词1The students in our class are _arguing_ (争论) with each other about which pavilion(展馆)is the best at the exhibition.2The _campaign_ (运动)of fighting against pollution and protecting the environment is started up by the young people.3If you want to make great _achievements_ (成就),you should devote almost all your life.4The best way to learn is to _observe_ (观察)carefully.5Helping others in need is a _worthwhile_ (值得的)matter.6I want to be chosen as chairman; would you like to _support_(支持)me?7You cant imagine how many people _crowded_ (挤满) into the cinema on the New Year.8She has earned the _respect_ (尊重)of her fellow athletes.9The teacher often _inspires_ (激励) us to study hard.10She always _behaves_ (举止) well when her aunts come to visit.选词填空fight for;put sb.to death;devote.to; inspire.to;move off;be allowed to;communicate with;work out;lead a.life; crowd in1She shut her mind against the fears that _crowded in_ on her.2The people in Israel have gone through so many wars and they dream of _leading a_ peaceful _life_ .3The car stopped at the traffic light for a few minutes,and then _moved off_.4You can _work out_ the answer by adding all the numbers.5He _devoted_ all his life _to_ studying maths and won great fame for our country.6Parents sometimes find it difficult to _communicate with_ their teenage children.7The book has _inspired_ a great many teenagers _to_ make more friends and take part in more activties.8The court finally _put_ the criminal _to death_ because of the murder.9We should _fight for_ our independence and freedom.10The children will not _be allowed to_ go to the supermarket if they dont behave themselves.完成句子1_Once you have made the plan_ you should carry it out at once.(once)一旦你制订出了计划,你应该马上执行。2Only by making joint effort _can we improve rapidly_.(improve)只有通过共同努力,我们才能迅速提高。3_It has been argued that_ gifted children should be grouped in special classes.(argue)有天赋的孩子应该被单独放在特殊的班级中,这个问题一直被人们争论。4_Having achieved his goal_ has given him much confidence,and he works even harder.(achieve)实现的目标给了他很大的信心,他工作更努力了。5_Having devoted his whole life to mankind_ ,he was highly thought of.(devote)倾其一生来造福人类,他受到了人们的高度评价。6What he wanted then was _to lead a simple life_.(lead)他那时想要的是过一种简单的生活。7The campaign _(which was) launched by the government_ was aimed to reduce the traffic accidents.(launch)由政府发起的这项运动的目的是减少交通事故。8It turned out _that he had a close connection with_ the matter.( connection)事实证明了他与这件事情有着密切的关系。9He behaved as if _nothing had happened_ .(happen)他表现得就像什么都没发生一样。10The farmer warned us _to move off his land_ when we tried to camp there.(move)我们想在那里露营时,农场主警告我们不得靠近他的土地。我国经济发展进入新常态,需要转变经济发展方式,改变粗放式增长模式,不断优化经济结构,实现经济健康可持续发展进区域协调发展,推进新型城镇化,推动城乡发展一体化因:我国经济发展还面临区域发展不平衡、城镇化水平不高、城乡发展不平衡不协调等现实挑战。


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