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初三总复习 七(下)语言知识点归纳 Unit5Topic1 1.onfoot走路,步行 goonfoot=walk(to) go to the park = walk to the park走路去公园2.by+交通工具“乘坐”bybus/bike/plane/train/subway/ship/boat/car3.takethebus=gobybus rideabike=gobybiketakethesubway=gobysubway如: take the bus to school = go to school by bus 乘公交车上学 ride a bike to school = go to school by bike 骑自行车上学take the subway home =go home by subway 乘地铁回家4. 在平日onweekdays 5. 放学后afterschool下课后afterclass早餐/午餐/晚餐后afterbreakfast/lunch/supper 6. 在空闲时间intheirfreetime 7.休息一下 havearest8.读书 readbooks/read a book 9. 看电视 watchTV10. 一些学生a few students/ some students 很少学生few students a few 一些,几个 + 名词复数 (表示肯定); few 很少的,几乎没有 +名词复数(表示否定) 11.去游泳goswimming 12.听音乐 listentomusic13.做作业do(ones)homework 做他/她的作业do his / her homework 14. 每周一次onceaweek 每周两次twice a week 每周三次three times a week 15. 每年四次four times a year 16. 一会儿alittle / short while 17.上 (四节) 课 have (four) classes18. 每天/周everyday/week 19. 上床睡觉gotobed20. 吃早餐/午餐/晚餐 havebreakfast/lunch/supper(dinner) 注:在三餐名词前不用冠词(a, an, the)21. 打篮球play basketball 踢足球play soccer 打网球play tennis弹钢琴play the piano 弹吉他play the guitar 注:1) play 与球类名词连用,名词前一般不加定冠词the;2)play与乐器名词连用时,名词前一般加定冠词the22.在校门口attheschoolgate 23. 起床 getup24. 快点、加油 comeon 25.与某人谈话talkwith/tosb.26.atschool在学校、在上课 27.去上学 gotoschool28. 等等 andsoon 29. 骑自行车ride a bike /ride bikes30. 多久一次,多常how often 31. 举行球赛 have ball games 重要句型1.HappyNewYear!Thesametoyou.新年快乐!你也一样.2.Yournewbikelooksverynice.Thankyou.你的新自行车看起来很好看.look看起来、好像 用作系动后加形容词或介词短语look happy 看起来高兴的 look like her mother看起来像她的妈妈3.Howdoyouusuallycometoschool?Bybus/car/bike.Onfoot.4.Itstimeforclass.=Itstimetohaveclass.该是上课的时候了.5.Theearlybirdcatchestheworm.笨鸟先飞./捷足先登.6. Work must come first. 工作/学习必须放在第一位.7. Shegoestobedataboutaquartertoten.她九点四十五分睡觉.8.-How often do you come to the library? 你多久去一次图书馆?-Very often./Twice a week ./Four times a year./Every day.how often 用于提问某一动作或事情发生的频率,常用频度副词(如often/sometimes /never等)或单位时间内的次数 (如:once/twice/ three times a week, four times a year等)来回答Topic2 1. 制作卡片makecards 2.在操场上 ontheplayground 3. 电脑室/计算机机房computer room 4. 餐厅 dining hall /room5. 教师办公室teachers office 6. 教学楼classroom buiding 7. 游泳池swimming pool 8. 现在,此刻at the moment / now 9 . 当然of course /certainly 10. 喜爱做某事love doing sth. 喜欢做某事like/enjoy doing 喜爱/喜欢游泳 love/ like /enjoy swimming 11. 正在寻找be ( is /are /am) looking for 12. 在书架上ontheshelf(shelves复数)13.在失物招领处attheLostandFound 14.打扫房间cleantheroom 15. 举行足球比赛haveasoccergame 16.上英语haveanEnglishclass17. 写信 writealetter 18. 准时ontime 19. 及时 intime20. 他的一些照片someofhisphotos=somephotosofhisa book of mine =one of my books a friend of hers = one of her friends21.在某方面做得较好dobetterinsth22. puton(代词it/them放在中间,名词中间或后面,putit/themon) 放下put down 推迟put off23.领某人参观showsb.around 24. 在的后面at the back of25.画画 draw a picture / draw pictures 重要句型1.-Excuseme,mayIborrowyourstorybook? -Ofcourse.=Sure.劳驾,我可以借你的故事书吗?(borrowsthfrom向借某物)(may 表示请求对方许可,常用Yes, please,/Yes ,of course./Certainly.来回答)2.-How longmayIkeepthem? -Twoweeks.-我能借多久?- 两周.(keep借用,后面常跟一段时间连用)3.Youmustreturnthemontime.= You must give them back on time 你必须按时归还.(return = give back归还,returnsthto把归还给) 4. Itsapleasure.=Apleasure=Mypleasure.= Its my pleasure别客气。5.Sorry,Idonthaveany.Thankyouallthesame.仍然感谢你。6.Seeyousoon.回头见.7.Whatelse?还有别的什么? Anything else? 还要别的吗?(else其他的、别的,常放在疑问词what/where/who和不定代词something/somebody等的后面)8. 现在进行时主语+be(is/am/are)+动词ing+其他。常与now=atthemoment现在、look看、listen听等连用。1)What is she / he doing? 她/他在干什吗?2)Ishe/shesingingnow?Yes,he/sheis.No,he/sheisnt.3)Whatisyourbrotherdoing? Heisrunninginthegym.4)Theyarentsleepingatthemoment. 此刻他们没在睡觉Topic31.课外活动 outdooractivity 2. 容易又有趣easyandinteresting3.又难又乏味 difficultandboring 4.从到fromto5. 从上午九点.到下午五点from 9:00a.m. to 5:00p.m.6.对某人友好befriendlytosb.=bekindtosb. 7. 向学习/从中学 learnfrom8. 在早上/下午/晚上inthemorning/afternoon/evening9. 在星期一onMonday 10.在星期一的早上onMondaymorning11.告诉某人关于某事tellsb.aboutsth12. 上地理课have a geography class 13. 上班会课have a class meeting14. 多少节课how many lessons 多少节历史课 how many history lessons15. 了解过去learn about the past 16. 做数学题work on math problem 17. 一个有用的科目a useful subject 18.一些其他的科目someothersubjects 19. 因某事/做某事而感谢某人thank sb. for sth./doing sth.Thank you for your help .=Thank you for helping me.20. 最美好的祝福best wishes 21. 请注意!Attention , please.重要句型 1.- Whatdayisittoday ?今天星期几?-ItsSunday/Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday/Friday/Saturday.2.-Whatclassaretheyhaving? -Theyarehavingamusicclass.3.-Whattimedoestheclassbegin? -Attenoclock.4.Whatdoyouthinkofmath?=Howdoyoulikemath?你认为数学怎么样? 5.-Why(为什么)doyoulikeEnglish?-Because(因为)itseasyandinteresting.6.-Which subject(学科)doyoulikebest?-Ilikehistorybest.= History is my favorite subject. 我最喜欢历史.favorite adj.最喜欢的= like best n.最喜爱的东西7.Atschool,myteachersandclassmatesareveryfriendlytome.8.You must like English very much. 你一定很喜欢英语. The light is on . He must be at home. 灯亮着,他肯定在家. (must 在这里表示肯定的推测,具有较大的可能性。) 9. Thank you for your hard work. .您辛苦了,谢谢!/谢谢您的努力工作 ! 101)How many +可数名词复数+ ? 常用来询问可数名词的数量;How many history lessons does he have every week ?2)How much +不可数名词+? 询问不可数名词的数量;How much meat do you want? 你要买多少肉?How much也用来询问价格 如:How much is the sweater ? Unit6 Topic1 1. onthefirstfloor美式英语一楼 floor地板,此处指“楼房的层”英式英语用thegroundfloor表示一楼在第二层楼on the second floor 2.为什么不做Whynot do =Whydontyou 3.一会以后a momentlater 4. 在我的卧室旁next to my bedroom 5. 在厨房里 in the kitchen 在花园里in the garden 6. 在屋子(里面的)前面inthefrontofthehouse在屋子(外面的)前面infrontofthehouse在教室(里面的)后面at the back of the classroom 7. 在门后面 behind the door 8. 在窗户附近near the window 9. 在椅子下面under the chair 10. 浮在水面上 ontheriver 在河上(悬空)overtheriver11.在树上inthetree(非树本身的东西)onthetree(树本身的东西)12.在墙上 onthewall(在墙的表面)inthewall在墙里(在墙的内部)13. 在院子中心 in the center of the yard 在院子左边/右边 on the left/right of the yard 14. 上楼goupstairs下楼 godownstairs 15. 进入,进来 come in 16. 客厅;起居室living room 17. talk about 谈论,议论 18.把收起来put away 把它/它们收起来 put it/themaway 19. 照顾,看管lookafter=takecareof20.爱玩电脑love playing on the computer 爱打篮球love playing basketball21. 收到某人的来信getaletterfromsb. =hearfromsb. 22. 听说某人(物)hearof 重要句型 1. Why not come upstairs and have a look ? 为什么不上楼看看?2. Thereisateacherandmanystudentsinourclassroom. Therearetwoboysandagirlunderthetree.(therebe的结构表示存在.谓语动词be与主语(某人或某物)的数保持一致。当主语是两个或两个以上的名词时,be的单复数取决于离be最近的主语,即遵循“就近原则”.)3. There are no houses on the right.=There are not any houses on the rightThereisnobikebehindthetree.=Thereisntabikebehindthetree.(注意: not是副词,no为形容词,nota/an/any+n.相当于no+n.。no意为“没有,无”no+可数名词单数,复数形式以及不可数名词。) 4. -Is there a clock on your desk? 你的书桌上有闹钟吗 ?-Yes , there is. 是的,有. No, there isnt 不,没有.5.- Are there any shoes under the bed ? 床底下有鞋子吗?-Yes, there are. 是的,有. No, there arent. 不,没有.6. Whats on the desk ? 课桌上有什么? Therere some model planes on it. 课桌上有些模型飞机.7.How many books are there on the shelves ? 书架上有多少书?How much water is there in the bottle ? 瓶子里有多少水 ?Howmany+复数名词+arethere+介词短语?Howmuch+不可数名词+isthere+介词短语?Topic21. 保持安静 be /keep quiet 2. 喜欢住在那里 like living there 3. 请打.电话与某人联系 callsbat号码.4. 租给rent to 5. 三口之家 a family of three 6. 带有家具的房子 a house with furniture 公寓楼anapartmentbuilding7. 在街道拐角处on the corner of the street / on the street corner 8. 在路的尽头/末端 at the end of the road 9. 听见某人正在做某事hearsbdoingsth (强调动作进行) 听到他正在弹钢琴hear him playing the piano10. 常听到某人做某事(often)hear sb. do sth. (强调全过程)常听到他弹钢琴(often)hear him play the piano 11. 没有房子no houses =not any houses no house = not a house 没钱no money = not any money 12. 邮政局post office 13. 存钱keep money 14. 停车场 parking lot15. 寄信mail letters 16. 靠近火车站close to the train station 17. 许多孩子a lot of children / lots of children /many children 18. 远离我的家be far from my home19. 社区服务中心a community service center 20. 立即,马上right now /right away / at once 21. 使某人做某事get sb. to do sth. 派某人检查get someone to check it22. 每个月per / every month 23. 生活费用the cost of living 重点句型: 1. 询问具体某人某物出了什么问题?Whats the matter with? = Whats wrong with?如:Whats the matter with your kitchen fan ? =Whats wrong with your kitchen fan ? 你的厨房排风扇出了什么问题?2There are many old people living here . 有许多老人住在这里.There be +sth./sb. doing sth.有某人或某物正在做如:Look, there is a boy playing under the tree.3.-What kind of home do you live in?你住在什么类型的家?-Its an apartment. 套房.4-Would you like me to help you? 你想要我帮助你吗? -Yes ,thanks. 是的,谢谢.5There is something w rong with= Something is wrong with出了问题/有故障如:我家厨房的排风扇坏了. 1)There is something w rong with my kitchen fan.2) Something is wrong with my kitchen fan . 3) My kitchen fan doesnt work. 6. The traffic is heavy and the cost of living is high.交通拥挤并且生活费用高.Topic3 1.穿过这座桥go across the bridge 2.过马路/街 cross the road/street 3.沿着这条街走go along the the street4.在第一个交叉路口左拐turn left at the first crossing 在第二/第三个交叉路口 at the second /third crossing5. 在公园对面across from the park 6. 换乘108路公交车 change to the No.108 bus 7.在和 之间between and 8. 继续走walk on 9.超速划款单a ticket for speeding 10.迟到be late for 11. 等待,等候轮到你wait for your turn 12. 直走 go straight 13.受伤get hurt 14.到达上海get to/reach Shanghai arrive in Shanghai15.需要乘718路公共汽车need to take Bus No.718乘718路公共汽车 take Bus No.718=take the No.718 bus16.丧生,失去生命lose their lives 17.两边看看look both ways 18. 禁止右转No right turn 禁止左转No left turn Noparking禁止停车19. 遵守交通规则obeythetraffic rules 20. 在的脚下atthefootof21. 保持在路的右边keepontherightoftheroad重点句型: 一问路语Whereis?在哪里?Isthereanearhere?这附近有?Whichisthewayto?去往的路怎么走?HowcanIgetto?我怎样到达?Couldyoutellmethewayto?你能告诉我去的路吗?二指路Goalong/downthisroaduntil沿着这条路走直到TurnleftatthefirstturningTakethefirstturningontheleft.Goup /down this street andyouwill find沿着街一直走到尽头,你会发现Its about 15 kilometers away from here. 离这大约15公里远. Its about one hundred meters along on the right. 它在右前方约100处.三Thankyouallthesame.Thanksanyway.仍然谢谢你.四Youcantmissit.你不会错过的.五YouneedtotakeBusNo.718你要乘718公共汽车六 How far is it from here? 它离这有多远?( how far 多远,用来询问距)七.祈使句: 肯定结构: 1.Do型:(Please)动词原形(+宾语)+其它成分。如: 1)课堂上保持安静。Keep quiet in class.2)红灯亮时,你要等候。Wait for your turn when the light is red有的祈使句在意思明确的情况下,动词可省略。如:Thisway,please.=Gothisway,please.请这边走。2.Be型 :Be+表语(名词或形容词)+其它成分。如: 当心,小心!Be careful!3.Let型 :Let+宾语+动词原形+其它成分。以let开头的祈使句常表示建议做某事。例:让我们去看看。Lets go and have a look. 否定结构:1.Do型和Be型的否定式都是在句首加dont构成。如: 1) 别在街上玩. Dont play on the street. 2) 别开得太快. Dont drive too fast.3) 上学别迟到. Dont be late for school.2.Let型的否定式有两种:“Dont+let+宾语+动词原形+其它成分”和“Let+宾语+not+动词原形+其它成分”。 如:Dontlethimgo./Lethimnotgo.别让他走。3.有些可用no开头,用来表示禁止性的祈使句。如:Nosmoking! 禁止吸烟! Nofishing!禁止钓鱼!Unit7 Topic11.在六月in June 十二个月 twelve months2. 在2012年 in two thousand and twelve in twenty twelve 3. 在2012年4月21日 on April 21st,2012 4. 下个星期 next week 下个星期四next Thursthday上两个月last two months5. 第二十一 twenty-first 第二十二 twenty-second 6. 第二十三 twenty-third 7. 计划做某事 plan to do 8. 正计划庆祝 are planning to celebrate9. 给我开生日聚会 have a birthday party for me 10. 用某物做某事 use sth. to do sth. use sth. for doing sth. 11. 24厘米长/宽 24 centimeters long /wide 12. 2米高 two meters tall 13. 一定是个铅笔盒 must be a pencil-box14. 给某人买某物 buy sth. for sb. = buy sb. sth. 给她买件漂亮的短裙buy a beautiful skirt for her = buy her a beautiful skirt 15. 几百名学生 a few hundred students 两百名学生 two hundred students (注:表示确切的“几百”时hundred后面不加s)16. 成百上千 hundreds of 几百名学生hundreds of students(注:表示“成百上千“时,hundred后面加s用hundreds of 表示)17.打扫卫生 do some cleaning 18.一个惊喜a surprise 使某人惊奇的是 to ones surprise 使我惊奇的是 to my surprise重点句型1.-When were you born? 你什么时候出生?-I was born on January 13th , 1997. 我出生于1997年1月13日2.Wherewassheborn?她在哪出生?ShewasborninHenan. 当表达某人出生于某时或某地时,用一般过去时was/were born 3.-WereyouborninHebei?-Yes, Iwas,No, Iwasnt.4.-Whenwasyourdaughterborn?-ShewasbornonOctober22,1996.5.-When is your birthday , Kangkang ? -May 13th.-Whats the date today? 今天是几月几日? -Its May 8th 是五月八日6.- Whats the shape of your present ? / What shape is your present ? -Itsround. -你的礼物是什么形状的? -是圆的对物体形状提问句型:Whats the shape of 或What shape is7. Hereisapresentforyou.这是你的礼物.8.Howlong / wide / tall / high / deep + isit?它多长 / 宽 /高 /深?9.What do we use it for ? 我们用它来做什么?我们用它来放铅笔,尺子橡皮擦等等.We use it to keep pencils, rulers, eraers and so on. We use it for keeping pencils, rulers, eraers and so on.Unit7 Topic2 1. 爬树 climb trees 2. 去年 last year 3. 许多单词 many words 4. 两年前 two years ago 一个月前a month ago 半年前half a year ago 刚才a moment ago ( 注: ago(某段时间)以前 , 应放在表示一段时间的短语之后)5. 擅长打乒乓球 be good at / do well in playing ping-pong6. 在五岁时 at the age of five 7. 在她五岁时when she was five 8.在康康的生日聚会上 at Kangkangs birthday party 9.芭蕾表演得好 perform ballet very well 跳迪斯科dancetodisco 10把某物带到. take sth. to把这些花带到聚会去 take these flowers to the party11.把这些花带回家 take these flowers home (副词)12.把这些花带到这来 bring these flowers here (副词) 13.这么多花 so many flowers(可数名词复数) 这么多作业 so much homework(不可数名词)14.是做某事的时候.Its time for sth. 15.只会一点点 just a little 16.不够好 not very well 17.一些毛病 something wrong18.不再not any more / no more 19.对她来说是难的.Its hard for her 20.开始做某事begin to do 开始写begin to write 21.没门,不行no way 22.玩得高兴,过得愉快 have a good / wonderful / great time 23.在她妈妈的帮助下with her mothers help with the help of her mother 重点句型 1.-Canyoudance?你会跳舞吗?-Yes , Ican./ Yes, alittle./ Yes, verywell. -No,I cant./ No,not atall.2.Shecanflykitesverywellnow.Butoneyearago,shecouldntdoitatall 她现在风筝放得很好. 但是一年前她根本不会.3. When she was five , she could swim a little. 当她五岁时,只会有一点点.4.Sixyearsago , therewassomethingwrongwithhereyes.六年前,她的眼睛出了问题。5.It sounds really interesting! 听起来真的很有趣!Unit7 Topic31. 表演魔术perform magic tricks 2. 他过得愉快 enjoy himself 你过得愉快 enjoy yourself 你们过得愉快 enjoy yourselves3. 跌倒,摔倒 fall down 4.立刻,马上 at once5. 某人发生了某事 sth. happen to sb. 在聚会上迈克尔发生什么事?What happened to Michael at the party ?6. 站起,站立;起立 stand up 7. 回家 come / go back home8. 打电子游戏 play video games 9告诉我真相 tell me the truth10向她父亲撒谎 lie to her father / tell a lie to her father11.生某人的气 be angry with sb. 12.被(风等)吹灭;熄灭 blow out13.我们每个人 each of us 14.(靠)手工 by hand 15.默默地许个愿make a silent wish 16.一口气 in one breath 17.该轮到你了. Its your turn.turn.Turn在此做名词,表示“依次轮到的机会”该轮到你做某事了。Its your turn to do sth.该轮到你打扫教室了Its your turn to clean the classroom.18.忘了做某事 forget to do 忘了关窗户 forget to close the windows19.伤到你自己 hurt yourself 20.围着蛋糕坐 sit around the cake 重点句型1.-How was Kangkangs birthday party ?It was very nice.2.We had awonderfulparty.我们举行了精彩的聚会.3.Didyousingasongattheparty? Yes, Idid. No, Ididnt.4.Whattimedidyoucomebackhomelastnight?5.表示责备抱歉的句子:Howcan youlietome? 你怎么能欺骗我?Why did you come back so late? 你为什么回来得这么晚?Why didnt you tell me the truth? 你为什么不对我说实话?6.WewenttoAliceshomeandtalkedaboutituntil12oclock. Until在此是介词,后面常接表示某一时间点的名词; 用做连词,后接从句。在肯定句中,只与延续性动词连用,意为“到.为止”,在否定句中,既可以与延续性动词连用,也可以与非延续性动词连用,意思是“直到.才”7.each of /each one of /every one of +复数名词或代词,当他们作主语时,谓语动词通常用单数. 如: Each one of them is going to plant trees. Unit8 Topic11. 在春天in spring 在夏天 in summer 在秋天in fall /autumn 在冬天 in winter2. 变晴朗/暖和 get fine / get warm 变暗 get dark (get系动词 +形容词) 3.给你写信 write a letter to you 4. 去旅行 go on a trip5.堆雪人 make a snowman / make snowmen 6. 忙着收割 be busy harvesting 忙着做某事 be busy doing sth. =be busy with sth.Im busy doing my homework.= Im busy with my homework.7. 最好(不)做某事 had better( not) do sth.8. 最好带把雨伞 had better take an umbrella9在中国的大部分地区 in most parts of China 10出去,熄灭 go out 11. 查明,发现,了解 find out 12.需要做某事 need to do sth. 13.需要带把雨伞 need to take an umbrella 14.记得要做某事 remember to do sth (事还未做)记得要关门 remember to close the door15.记得做过了某事 remember doing sth.(事已做过) 记得关了门remember closing the door16. 与. . . . . .不同 be different from 17.强烈的地照射 shine brightly18.雨下得很大/下大雨 rain heavily / a heavy rain雪下得很大/下大雪snow heavily / a heavy snow19. 风刮得很大/刮大风 blow strongly / a strong wind(修饰雨雪的词汇多用heavily修饰风多用strongly的形式)20.突然下雨 rain suddenly 21.后来;以后;随后 later on22. 散步 take a walk 23. 立即,马上 right away / at once 24. 到家 arrive home 到北京 arrive in Beijing25.我们玩得开心enjoy ourselves 26.复苏,复活 come back to life27.(花)开放(书等)出版,发行;出来 come out 28. 最低/高温度the low / high temperature29.世界上一些大城市的天气预报 the weather report for some big cities in the world30.从12月持续到(第二年的)二月 last from December to February 重点句型1.询问天气的句型:1)-Whatistheweatherlike in spring ?=Howistheweather in spring ?春天的天气怎样?2)-How was the weather yeterday ?-It was sunny and warm.2. 询问温度是多少的句型 -.Whatisthetemperature? -Its between and.3. Whichseasondoyoulikebest,spring,summer,fallorwinter?4. -How is it going ? 事情进展得怎样?/假期过得怎样? Very well.5.是放风筝的好时间/季节。Its a good time/ season to fly kites Its a good time/ season for flying kites.6.The summer holidays are coming .暑假就要到了.(在英语中,某些动词,如 go ,come ,leave , start , arrive , meet ,fly 等,可用现在进行时表示按计划或安排要发生的事.)如:He is leaving for Canada next Monday.Unit8 Topic2 1.与某人相聚 get together with sb. 2. 名胜 some places of interest 3.一年到头 all ( the) year round 4.去英国旅游 travel to England5. 希望做某事 wish / hope to do 想要做某事 want / would like to do 计划做某事plan to do 6. 希望某人做某事 wish sb. to do 希望我们去英国旅游wish us to travel to England7. 为假日制定好计划 make a good plan for the holidays8. 告诉我关于某事 tell me something about sth.9把它们脱下 take them off 10指向 point to 11.待在福建 stay


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