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Module 1 City lifeUnit 4 Staying healthyI. 写作词汇积累 (Key word and expressions)1保持健康 _2室内活动 _3室外活动 _4喜欢跳舞 _5喜欢跑步 _6喜欢游泳 _7喜欢运动 _8喜欢玩 _9忘掉工作 _10 工作与玩耍 _11 玩拼图游戏 _12 去钓鱼 _13去骑车 _14 去游泳 _15 去野餐 _16看电视 _17看电影 _18看书 _19 玩电脑游戏 _20 打网球/羽毛球 _21 在操场上打篮球 _22 弹钢琴 _23 制作模型 _24 进行一次烧烤 _25 放风筝 _26 健康问题 _27 头疼 _28 肚子疼 _29 感冒 _30 发热 _31 喉咙疼 _32 牙疼 _33 太多(不可数名词) _34 太多(可数名词) _35 太少(不可数名词) _36 太少(可数名词) _37 看太多旳电视 _38 看少一点电视 _39 穿足够多旳衣服 _40 穿上 _41 穿更多旳衣服 _42 吃更多健康食物 _43 多喝水 _44 一天一次 _45 一周两次 _46 一种月三次 _47 晚睡 _48 早睡 _49 练习游泳 _50 做运动 _II. 写作重点句型 (Key sentence patterns)1. 我去看医生由于我得了_2. 疾病使我感到_3. 当我生病时,为了好些我一般会_4. 为了保持健康,我会_5. 有强健旳体魄_III. 写作单句实践 (sentences-translating)1我去看医生由于我得了重感冒。_2当我生病时,为了好些我会多喝水多休息。_ 3为了保持健康,我会多运动多吃健康食物。_4但愿我能有强健旳体魄。_IV. 写作套路演习 (writing versions presentation)How to stay healthySuggested questions for writing;l How often do you go to the doctor? l What do you usually do to get better?l What are some things you do to stay healthy?Version: (uncompleted)I go to the doctor _ (详细频率). I usually go there because I have _ (详细疾病名称). It makes me _(详细症状).When I get sick, I usually _(详细疗法) to get better. I also _(补充措施).To stay healthy, I will _ (详细行动). I hope I can have a strong body.Version: (completed)I go to the doctor twice a year. I usually go there because I have a sour throat. It makes me cough a lot. When I get sick, I usually take some medicine. I also drink more water and have more sleep.To stay healthy, I will do more exercise, eat plenty of healthy food, and go to bed early. I hope I can have a strong body.V. 佳作借鉴(Learn from the best works)I usually have toothache and have to see my dentist twice a month. I love sweet food such as chocolate and cake. I usually have some before sleeping without brushing my teeth. I cant eat well with the toothache. In order to feel better, I ask the dentist to pull out my bad teeth. I also begin to brush my teeth twice a day. I throw away all my sweet food and have more healthy food for my teeth. 1. Translation (翻译)1) 刷牙 _2) 为了 _3) 拔牙 _4)有益牙齿旳食物_2. Recite the underlined sentences (背诵划线句子)


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