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七年级下册英语复习MODULE1-2习MODULE1-2单词拼写We paint the doors and windows red. It means good _(运气)。My sister is 5 years old now, she can _(穿)herself.Daming likes _(穿)on the beach.Today is_(教师节),lets make some _(花)for our teachers.He is not a student,he is a _(司机).How many _(明信片)do you get every year.I want to buy a _ (小汽车)for my father.Who are you _(等)for?“dont _(睡觉)in class, the teacher says.10、My father says to me,” please _(告诉)me every week.”11、This _ (裙子)is very nice.12、They are _ (开始) their lessons.Id like a cup of Coke_(带有) ice in it._(散步) is good for our health.I have lots of _(工作) to do every day.We usually have 3 _ (一餐)a day.China is a country with lots of _(传统)._(不管怎样), I have to go now.Everyone in our class enjoys_(踢) football.How many _ (星期)are there in a month.What is _(发生)?We have lots of _(传统).First, we clean our _(房子)and _ (扫除)away bad luck, and then we _(粉刷) doors and _(窗户) red. It _(意思)good luck. We _(通常)decorate the doors_ (用)paper cuts, we _ (也)buy clothes and everyone has a _(剪发).单选题There _ a pair of shoes under the bed. the shoes_ mine.A. is, are B. is, is C are, is D are are2 Betty has _ apple. _ apple is red and round.A. the the B. an the C an 不填 D a theThank you _ me such a nice present.A. to send B. for send C for sending D to sending4 Happy New Year! _.A. All right B. Thank you C The same to you D YesIts 7 oclock in the morning. We are _. A.going home for dinner B going to bed C having breakfast D having afternoon teaIn Spring Festival, we usually have _ food to eat.A. many B. lot of C lots of D a lotIts 8 oclock now, we _ an English lesson.A. is having B. are having C has D haveDont read in the sun. Its bad for your _.A. ears B.eyes C arms D handsKim Baker and I are good _. She is very _ to me.A. friends friend B. friend friendly C friends friendly D friendly friendlyPlease send _ a card.A. I B. me C my D mineWhat _ Tom reading?A. am B. is C are D hdoes_ Mary _ in a hospital now?A. Is work B. Are working C Does works D Does workHe is eating _.A. ice cream B. an ice cream C cream D a ice creamWho is she sending it _?A. for B. to C with D fromLets _.A. go home B. to go home C goes home D going home词语填空rice luck dictionary call one child name speak we sweep1 My teachers want us _ English in class.2 Whose _ are these? They are those students.3 When you arrive in Shanghai, please_ me.4 We usually eat a kind of rice dumplings_ yuanxiao.5 Red can bring _ good luck.6 I am often the _ one to get to school.7 I am 10 years old and I can _ the floor now.词汇运用Spring Festival is _ (在) the first day of the first lunar month. In Spring Festival, Chinese people _ (喜欢) having meals with their _ (家人),and playing fireworks in the open air.8 In the fridge there are some _ puddings.9 June 1 is the _ Day.10It is a _ day for me. I get lots of presents.Its 11 oclock on Spring Festival Eve. My father and I are playing fireworks. They are very _ (美丽) . They are running into the _ (天空) and breaking into pieces. They _ (看起来) like flowers in the sky. We are very _ (高兴) and excited.My mother is _ (看) TV. The programme is _ (有趣). I think _ (千) of people in our city are watching it now.一、选择最佳答案(15%)。1. Sorry, Im busy now. I have _ homework to do.A. much too B. too much C. too many D. many too2. Mr. Jackson has only _ brother in this city.A. little B. a little C. a few D. few3. _ Browns _ having supper now.A. /; are B. A; is C. The; is D. The; are4. At Spring Festival we often _ “Happy New Year” to each other.A. speak B. say C. tell D. talk5. Please take it _. OK?A. to home B. here C. there D. school6. _ the night of October 31, Americans enjoy the time of Halloween.A. In B. At C. On D. For7. At the moment, everyone here _ dumplings.A. are eating B. eatting C. is eating D. eat 8. - Your skirt looks very nice. - _.A. Yes, it is B. Sorry, it isnt C. Here you are D. Thank you 9. This is not _ easy work.A. a B. / C. one D. an10. Young people enjoy _ pop music. A. listening to B. to listen to C. listen D. listen to11. I cant find Lucy in those girls because theyre all _ the same clothes. A. wearing B. dressing C. putting on D. put on12. Now were in Beijing. Were _ Beijing tomorrow.A. leave for B. leaveing for C. leaving D. leaving for 13. What are you talking _?A. to B. with C. for D. about14. I dont like the colour of the T-shirt. Would you show me _one?A. other B. the other C. another D. others15. There is _ with your eyes.A. wrong something B. something wrong C. wrong anything D. anything wrong二、 完形填空(10%)John likes chocolates very much, but his mother doesnt give him. Eating too many chocolates is 1 for his teeth, she thinks. But John has a very nice 2. The old man 3 his grandson very much and sometimes he 4 John some chocolates. Then his mother lets him eat them 5 she wants to make the old man 6.Its Johns fourteenth birthday this Sunday. He says to his mother, “ Please God(上帝), make them give me a big box of 7 for my birthday.” His mother says, “ God cant 8 you. Dont shout(喊叫).”“I 9 ,” says the clever boy with a smile. “But Grandfather is in the next room, and he 10 hear me.”( ) 1. A. bad B. good C. healthy D. wise( ) 2. A. grandfather B. grandmother C. father D. mother( ) 3. A. hate B. hates C. love D. loves( ) 4. A. buy B. buys C. is buying D. bought( ) 5. A. because B. so C. but D. or( ) 6. A. happy B. sad C. healthy D. nice( ) 7. A. chocolates B. coffee C. apples D. rice( ) 8. A. listen B. listen to C. hear D. watch( ) 9. A. can B. know C. want D. think( ) 10. A. could B. must C. would D. can三、阅读理解(22.5%)(A)An old tiger is in the forest. He doesnt want to look for food. He wants other animals to give him something to eat. He sees a monkey and says, “Im hungry, monkey. Go there and give me something to eat.” “Oh, tiger,” says the monkey, “I can not do that now. There is another tiger over there. He wants something to eat, too. He doesnt let me give any food to you. Im afraid of him.” “What? Where is he? I must see him.” “Come with me,” says the monkey. The monkey and the tiger go to a bridge. “Now, look down at the water. Do you see him?” “Yes, I do. I must eat him!” With these words, the tiger jumps into the water.1. How many tigers are there in the story?A.There is only one. B.There are two. C.There are some. D.There are many.2. Other animals in the forest _ the old tiger.A.are heavier than B.are much bigger than C.are afraid of D.are stronger than3. The monkey goes to the bridge _.A.to find some food B.to help the tiger C.with the tiger D.with other animals4. When the tiger sees another tiger, he is very _.A. happy B. hungry C. worried D. angry5. Which sentence is right?A. The tiger jumps into the river B. The monkey jumps into the river. C. The tiger eats another tiger D. The monkey likes the tiger.(B)Please match the festival with the passage.6.Easter (复活节)7.Dragon Boat Festival8.Halloween (万圣节)9.Mid-Autumn Festival10.Thanksgiving Day (感恩节) A. Its an important festival in China and usually comes in September or October. At night, families often look at the full moon in the open air. They sing and dance, talk and laugh, eat the mooncakes and fruit happily.B. Its on the night of 31st of October, when people once believed (相信) ghosts(鬼) could be seen. Now in Britain and America, it is a time when children have parties, dress up as witches(巫婆), make lanterns out of pumpkins(南瓜) and play “trick or treat”.C. Its the Thai New Year in April. People throw water for three or four days. They use buckets(桶) and water guns.D. On the fourth Thursday of November, American families get together and invite friends to have dinner. They eat turkey(火鸡) and give thanks for the blessings(恩赐). E. Its an imporant festival in China. Its on the fifth day of the 5th lunar month every year. People often eat zongzi and have boat races to make people remember a great patriotic poet named Qu Yuan. F. This Christian Festival is often in late March or early April. People wear new clothes and go to church on this day. People give children eggs, and they sometimes paint the shells(壳) of real eggs at home. Eggs mean new life and the start of spring.(复活节)(C) Two little children come to a new city. Their names are Peter and Tom. Certainly they live with their parents. Their family is very rich. They have a driver and a lot of servants(仆人). Peter and Tom are going to a new school. On the first day their parents say to them, “Peter and Tom, be modest at your new school. Dont say we are rich.” And they say, “Yes, Dad and Mum.” So they go to school. They see their new teacher. And they sit down with other children. The teacher says, “Hello, children! The first exercise today is a composition, My Family,” So all the children write a composition. This is Peters composition. “My name is Peter. My family is very poor. Both my father and my mother are very poor. Our driver is very poor and all the other servants are poor”11. Peter and Toms father is very _. A. poor B. rich C. tall D. old12. The subject of the composition is _. A. My Family B. My School C. My Brother D. My mother13. There are _ in their family. A. a lot of drivers and a lot of servants B. a servant and a driver C. two servants and two drivers D. a lot of servants and a driver14. Peter is _. A. a man B. a boy C. a teacher D. driver15. The word “modest” in the passage is _. A. 高兴的 B. 谦虚的 C. 努力的 D. 安静的四、填词(15%)A根据句意及首字母补全单词(5%)1. D_ cars and buses on icy roads is very dangerous.2. In English, “Hello” and “Hi” are g_.3. In China, we usually have three m_ every day.4. Spring Festival is a t_ festival in China. 5. -Whats the m_ of the word “pudding”?-I dont know. I have to look it up in the dictionary.B根据对话内容, 填上所给动词的正确形式。(10%)Tom: Are you busy, Jenny? Jenny: Yes, I 6. (write) a letter. I always 7. (write) a letter to Aunt Ann on Sundays. Tom: What are you doing, Mrs. Bell? Mrs. Bell: I 8. (cut) the tomatoes. Tom: 9. (be) Tony here? Mrs. Bell: No, he 10. (visit) a friend in London this weekend. Tom: Can Mr. Bell 11. (help) me? Mrs. Bell: No, he 12. (wash) the car. He 13. (wash) it every weekend. Tom: But it 14. (rain). Oh look, he 15. (watch) TV in the living-room.五、按要求转换句子(11.5%)。1. People are running for trains. (就划线部分提问)_ _ people running _?2. They are enjoying themselves in Hollywood .(同义句转换) They are _ _ _ _in Hollywood.3. Father Christmas is a _ man with a _ _ beard and wears a _ suit. (根据实际情况把句子补充完整)4. They are walking in the park. (用run near our school改为选择疑问句) _ _ walking in the park _ _ near our school?5. She is doing something in her room now. (改为否定句)She _ _ _ in her room now.6. The children are cleaning the room now. (就划线部分提问)_ _ the children _ now?7. Does he go online at home every day? (用at the moment代替 every day改句子)_六、完成句子(11%)。1. 现在是九点钟, 人们不是在起床、洗漱或穿衣。他们在工作。Its nine oclock now, people _, washing or _. Theyre at work.2. 他们正在用剪纸装饰房子。 They _ the house _.3. 人们相信吃元宵能给他们一年四季带来好运。People believe yuanxiao can _ good luck _.4. 学生们在哪? 他们去听歌剧或是去看芭蕾。Where are the students?Theyre _ or _.5. 他在等谁? Whos he _?6. 现在全国人民下在为2008年奥运会作准备。Now all Chinese people are _ the 2008th Olympic Games. 7. 秋风扫除街上的叶子。The wind in autumn _ in the street.七、综合能力运用题(15%)(A)根据短文内容,完成句子(5%)。Theres a hill near the river. On the hill there are many trees .You can see lots of oranges on them. All of the oranges are big and orange. They look very nice. Under the trees, we find many baskets. These baskets are full of oranges.It is Sunday today. Some students are helping the farmers. Some are carrying the baskets, some are lifting(抬) the baskets to the truck(卡车), and others are working on the truck. The farmers are going to carry the oranges to the shops.1. The trees on the hill are _ trees.2. The _ in the baskets are very nice.3. Theres a river _ the hill.4. Some students are helping the farmers _ and lift the baskets.5. From the passage, we know some students dont have any lessons on _.(B)请以上文的背景为前提,充分发挥你的想像力:假设学生们已帮农民们摘完桔子,此刻他们在进行什么活动呢?结合以下所提供的单词和开篇句子,续写一段话描述学生们的活动情况。要求:情节合理; 逻辑性强; 60单词以上。(10%) (你可能需要的单词:rest,talk,eat,climb,fish,sing,dance,swim,lie,take,enjoy)Its about 9:00 a.m. The work is over. The farmers thank the students for their help and give them some oranges. _Keys一、选择最佳答案(15%)。15 BBDBC 610 CCDBA 1115 ACDCB二、 完形填空(10%)15 AADBA 610 AACBD三、阅读理解(22.5%)15 ACCDA 610 FEBAD 1115 BADBB四、填词(15%)A根据句意及首字母补全单词(5%) 1. Driving 2. greetings 3. meals 4. traditional 5. meaningB根据对话内容, 填上所给动词的正确形式。(10%) 6. am writing 7. write 8. am cutting 9. Is 10. is visiting 11. help 12. is washing 13. washes 14. is raining 15. is watching五、按要求转换句子(11.5%)。 (每空0.5分, 第7小题1分) 1. What are; for 2. having a good time 3. fat; long white; red 4. Are they; or running 5. isnt doing anything 6. What are; doing 7. Is he going online at home at the moment?六、完成句子(11%)。 (每空1分) 1. arent getting up; getting dressed / dressing2. are decorating; with paper cuts 3. bring them; all the year round 4. going to the opera; watching a ballet 5. waiting for 6. getting ready for 7. sweeps away the leaves七、综合能力运用题(15%)(A)根据短文内容,完成句子(5%)。 1. orange 2. oranges 3. near 4. carry 5. Sunday单项选择1“_?” “It was sunny and hot. ” A. What was the date B. What was the weather C. How was it going D. How was the weather2Tiananmen Square is very _. Therere many people there everyday. A. large B. big C. small D. little3_ does Mr. Brown like China and _ does he like about China?A. What ; how B. How ; how C. What ; what D. How ; what 4_ you away from home yesterday morning? No, I _A. Are; m not B. Were; were C. Were; werent D. Were; wasnt5. His brother was born _ May, 1981.A. in B. at C. to D. on6. They enjoy _ bikes to school. A. by B. on C. ride D. riding7. The train will get to the station _ ten minutes. A. at B. about C. for D. in8. The cheapest _ to go to Beijing is by train. A. way B. road C. ways D. roads9. _ it was raining last night! A. How heavy B. How heavily C. What heavy D. What a heavily10. _ is it from our school to Ehuang Bridge? About half an hours bus trip. Shall we go and visit it? A. How long B. How often C. How far D. How much二、句型转换1. She studies more carefully than any other student in her class. (改为同义句)She studies _ _ in her class.2. There were lots of things to do in Quincy. (改为一般疑问句, 并作否定回答) _ _ lots of things to do in Quincy? No, _ _3. Mike doesnt like Chinese very much. He thinks it is _ (little) interesting than maths.(用正确形式填空)4. Wang Fang was born in Shangdong Province on October 27th,1973. _ and _ _ she born?(就划线部分提问)5. Betty and Tony were my first friends. (就划线部分提问) _ _ your first friends?6. Thursday is _ _ day of the week. (据实填空)7. It was a friendly town. There were lots of children._ (用with把两个句子连成一句子)三、完型填空Last Saturday, Tony went to see Benny. But he didnt know 1 Benny lived. 2 the way, he stopped in front of a yellow house, and asked an old woman the 3 to Bennys house.“His house is not far from my house,” said the woman.“Its behind the trees. But you cant get there 4 .You can go there by bus. Itll 5 you hours to get there 6 foot.” “Whats 7 with her?” Tony thought,“I can see Bennys house from here now. Its behind the 8 .”Then Tony walked to the other side of the trees. He found the old woman was 9 .There was a river in front of him, and he couldnt see a boat. The house was on the other side of the 10 .1.A.what B.where C.howD.why2.A.By B.On C.NearD.In 3.A.place B.house C.busD.way4.A.well B.now C.easilyD.hurry5.A.spend B.take C.bringD.carry6.A.in B.onC.by D.with7.A.matter B.troubleC.wrong D.right8.A.houses B.riversC.treesD.boats9.A.right B.goodC.wrong D.fine10.A.road B.streetC.treeD.river四、阅读理解(一) Mrs Black was a poor old woman and she lived in a small village. Her husband died ten years ago. But she had a 24yearold daughter. Her name was Alice. She worked in New York and lived there. It was far away from her mothers village, and she was not happy about this. One day Alice said to her mother, “Ive found a good job in Boston, and I can make a lot of money there, so I will go to work in Boston next week. But dont worry, Mum, Ill send you some money every week,A month later, Mrs Black was very angry. She decided(决定) to go to see her daughter in Boston on a train. When she saw her daughter , she said ,“Alice , why do you never call me ?”Alice laugh


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