五年级下册英语课件Module 6 Unit 2 She visited the Tianchi Lake(谷风校园)

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五年级下册英语课件Module 6 Unit 2 She visited the Tianchi Lake(谷风校园)_第1页
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五年级下册英语课件Module 6 Unit 2 She visited the Tianchi Lake(谷风校园)_第2页
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五年级下册英语课件Module 6 Unit 2 She visited the Tianchi Lake(谷风校园)_第3页
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1 1沐风课教She visited the She visited the Tianchi Lake.Tianchi Lake.2 2沐风课教3 3沐风课教4 4沐风课教XinjiangXinjiangShanghaiShanghaiBeijingBeijingHainanHainan5 5沐风课教XinjiangXinjiangYinchuanYinchuanBeijingBeijingShanghaiShanghaiHainanHainanWestWestSouthSouthEastEastNorthNorth6 6沐风课教Lets chantNorth,north,northBeijing is in the north.South,south,southHainan is in the south.West,west,westXinjiang is in the west.East,east,eastShanghai is in the east.7 7沐风课教()()()8 8沐风课教Listen and follow the tape.Listen and follow the tape.1.When did Lingling go to Xinjiang?Last July.2.Where is Xinjiang?Its in the west of China.9 9沐风课教:3.Which mountain did Lingling climb?The Tianshan Mountians.4.Which lake did Lingling visit?The Tianchi Lake.5.Did she have a good time?Yes,she did.1010沐风课教ride a horse(rode)horse1111沐风课教 climb the Tianshan Mountain攀登,爬(climbed)1212沐风课教 visit the Tianchi Lake (visited)1313沐风课教Rode,rode,rode a horse!Climbed,climbed,Climbed a mountain!Visited,visited,visited a lake!I had a lovely time!Lets chant!1414沐风课教 Retell the text.1.When did Lingling go to Xinjiang?Last July.2.Where is Xinjiang?In the west of China.3.Which mountain did Lingling climb?The Tianshan Mountains.4.Which lake did Lingling visit?The Tianchi Lake.5.Did she have a good time?Yes,she did.1515沐风课教Linglings travelLinglings travel Last July Lingling went to _ with her parents.Xinjiang is in the _ of China.She rode a _.She climbed the_.She visited the _.It was very _.She had a lovely time there.XinjiangwesthorseTianshan MountainsTianchi Lakebeautiful1616沐风课教When did you go to for your holidays?Where is?”Its in the north/south/east/west of China.Activity 31717沐风课教 In_,I went to _with my_.Its in the _of China.I went there by _.It was _.I had a lovely time there.My TravelPracticePractice:1818沐风课教Name Where did you go?When did you go?What did you do?AmyQingdaoin Julyvisited her friende.g.Amy went to Qingdao in July.She visited her friend.1919沐风课教Pronunciationor,oor,our/:/morning door,yourou,ow /a/about howOur ur /colour Saturday2020沐风课教 2121沐风课教BeautifulBeautiful2222沐风课教BeautifulBeautiful2323沐风课教2424沐风课教BeautifulBeautiful2525沐风课教2626沐风课教课后延伸Homework:1.You must(必做):Remember what we have learned today.能听懂、会说、会用单词rode,parents,climbed,holiday;能听、说词组rode a horse,climbed the Tianshan Mountain,visited the Tianchi Lake;能听、说句子“When did you go to for your holidays?Where is?”Its in the north/south/east/west of China.(All the students should do this homework.)2727沐风课教2.IF YOU CAN(选做):Talk about travel with your friends.:Where is your favorite place?When did you go there?What did you do there?Who did you go with?2828沐风课教2929沐风课教


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