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Unit 2 The Olympic Games-An Interview教学案例一、学生分析:学习本节课前,学生基本上在平常的生活中已认识“奥运会”,但对具体有关“奥运会”的起源、历史等知识不是很了解,特别是对“古代奥运会”。二、教材分析:这是Unit2 The Olympic Games的第一课时,是一节阅读课。教材要求学生具备一定听说读写能力,通过阅读课文,让学生通过了解奥运会的起源、宗旨以及比赛项目,知道现代奥运会和古代奥运会的知识和异同点,学习奥运会精神。Teaching aims:1. To learn some new words.2. To make the students understand the text and know more about the Olympic Games.Teaching important points:Help the students find the similarities and differences between the two Olympic Games quickly and correctly and answer the questions.Teaching difficult points:How to find the similarities and differences.Teaching procedures and ways:.Free talk. 放一段北京奥运比赛录像,再以提问的方式问学生刚刚展示的是什么内容?接着向学生提问:Do you like sports? And do you like watching the Olympic Games? Which event do you like best? Who is your favorite athlete?How many things do you know about the Olympic Games? .Warming up:设计思路:根据本班的学生水平,同时也为了增强教材的趣味性,教师在此环节做了改动,把warming up原问答形式改为选择题,题目也适当地进行删减,增加一些学生感兴趣的题目,同时还给每道题加上分数,让学生进行抢答或比赛,最后还有一个自我评价表。通过比赛,增强学生的集体合作精神和集体荣誉感,加强学生对奥运会的认识,让课堂气氛继续上升,这是对Pre-reading和Reading 做准备。1) when and where did the ancient Olympic Games start? (4 points) A. in 1896 in Greece B. 776BC,in Greece2) How often are the Olympic Games held(2 points) A.every four years B. every two years3) When and where did the modern Olympic Games start? (4 points) A. In 1896, in Athens, Greece B. In 1896, in Sydney, Australia 4) Who was chinas first gold medal winner and for what event?A.Xu Haifeng, swimming B. Xu Haifeng, shooting 5) What event did Liu Xiang win in the 28th Olympic Games? (2 points) A. hurdle C. Shooting6) Who won the first gold medal for China in the Beijing Olympics? (2 points) A. Du Li B.Chen Xiexia7) How many gold medals did China get in the Beijing Olympic Games? A.51 B. 32 8) What do the five Olympic rings stand for? (2 points) A. Five continents B. Five well-known athletes 9) Do you know the mascots for the 2008 Olympic Games? A. three Friendlies B. Five Friendlies10) .Do you know the spirit of the Olympic Games? (4 points) A. Swifter, Stronger, Further B. Swifter, Higher, Stronger Your score_ 2230: Congratulations! You really know the Olympic Games well! 12-22 : Good. You know a lot about the Olympic Games. 1-12 : You do not seem to be interested in sports or the Olympic Games. Pre- reading:设计思路:1.通过出示2008年奥运会的图片,把学生完全引进一个奥运会的世界。很多学生对奥运的感兴趣,而且对29th奥运会记忆犹新,从而为Reading 做下铺垫。2. 以往学生觉得学单词比较枯燥无味,为了改变这种现象,教师首先出示图片,通过让学生描述图片,学习一些新的单词。在选择图片时,教师注意选择与新单词能相结合的图片,达到图文并茂,轻松学单词,印象深刻的效果1.Show the Ss the pictures of the opening ceremony of the 29th Olympic Games held in Beijing on August 8th,2008. 2. Teach some new words with the help of some pictures.(In this part, teach the Ss some important new words from the pictures: compete / take part in / competitor / athletes / medal / host / stadium / silver). Reading:设计思路:一快速阅读:在进入此环节前,教师给学生提了一个问题:Can you see a woman in the Ancient Olympic Games? If you want to know the answer and more about the Olympic Games, please read the text. 首先让学生快速通读全文,了解文章的大概框架,回答下列问题:1) Who was Pausanias?2) What events are there in the Winter Olympic Games? 3) What upsets Pausanias about the modern Olympic Games?二仔细阅读。教师对Comprehending的练习一作出以下改动,让学生带着目的更容易地找出答案,通 过以下表格,让学生更清楚地了解古、现代奥运会的异同点,达到本节课的教学目的。在这一环节培养学生自主探究的能力,让学生理解细节,熟悉课文,增强阅读理解能力。为consolidation 打下基础。.Consolidation: Summary of the text, ask the Ss to read the text again and discuss the answers with their partners.设计思路:前面已花较多时间在理解课文,为此作下准备。练与读相结合,加强对课文的理解和巩固,锻炼完型填空的能力The Olympic Games are the biggest sports meeting in the world . There are two kinds of Olympic Games-one is the _ Olympic Games and the other is the _ one . Both of them are held every _ years. All countries can _ if their athletes reach the standard to be _ to the games.Women are not only _ to join in but play a very _ role. A special _ is built for the competitors to live in, a _ for competitions, a _ as well as seats for those who watch the games. Its just as _ a competition to host the Olympics _ to win an Olympic medal. The olive wreath has been _ by medals. But its still about being able to_.Discussion设计思路:开展四人小组讨论,课堂气氛达到高潮。讨论:Why do so many countries want to host the Olympic Games?(教师准备北京奥运会的主题歌,讨论完后,若有时间,教师放歌曲让学生欣赏,体会奥运精神,整堂课达到升华,在激昂的音乐中结束本节课。).Homework:Finish the exercise 1 and 2 on page49 in workbook 课后反思:一教学特色和教学最成功的方面本课教学思路清晰,过程流畅。学生兴趣浓厚,积极性高,课堂气氛好。较好地完成了预期目标和新课程标准的要求,基本体现了新课程标准的理念。在设计活动和练习时,能充分考虑到学生的水平和情感态度,使每个学生在快乐的学习气氛中得到能力的培养,教师轻松完成教学任务。例如,在warming up 中,教师把书本的问答题改为选择题,让学生进行抢答,激发学生的学习兴趣和参与活动的热情,上课开始就使课堂充满轻松和愉快的气氛,增强了教学效果。在lead-in中,通过图片授教新单词,图文并茂,学生易于接受。在Discussion中,开发了学生的思维,学生对问题非常感兴趣,讨论积极。二存在的问题:这是一节阅读课,教师注重课文的整体教学,教学过程更多地帮助学生对课文的整体理解,因此,语言点的渗透偏少。学生互动活动较少。还有不足之处,期待在今后的实践中不断改进。


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