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精品文档,仅供学习与交流,如有侵权请联系网站删除英语语法总结大全(最终版)名词和主谓一致一、 名词的分类 英语中名词主要可以分为可数名词和不可数名词。1可数名词 可数名词一般都有单复数。单数时,名词前可加不定冠词a/an;复数时,前面可加数词,名词本身要改成复数形式。 可数名词的复数有规则和不规则两种变化。规则的名词,只要在单数名词之后加“s”,“es”或去“y”加“ies”就行,如:an umbrella, twelve umbrellas;a factory, three factories。不规则的名词变化则要靠积累记忆,如:a mouse, ten mice;a policeman, six policemen。 有少数可数名词,如sheep,works(工厂),Chinese等,它们的单复数同形:a sheep, four sheep;a chemical works, five chemical works。 此外,还有一些可数名词只有复数形式,如clothes,trousers,cattle,police,people(人,人民)等。 英语名词中还有一些合成词,它们的复数形式有三种可能:1)后面的部分变成复数形式:grown-ups,boy students,grandchildren。2)前面的部分变成复数形式:passers-by,lookers-on,sons-in-law。3)前、后都变成复数形式:men doctors,women drivers。2不可数名词 不可数名词没有单复数的变化,前面也不能加a/an,或数词。但是我们可以用量词来表示不可数名词的数量,单复数表现在量词上,如:a piece of paper;two pieces of paper。 在有些情况下,不可数名词也可用a/an,表“一种”、“某种”的意思,如have a wonderful time,receive a good education,be made into a fine paper。 有时为了表示量大,不可数名词的后面也可加“s”,如sands,ashes,waters等。 但是我们在学习不可数名词的时候,特别要记住英语中有一些名词,它们无论在什么情况下,前面都不能用a/an,后面也不可加“s”,如weather,information,等。3有的名词既可是可数名词,也可是不可数名词 英语中有相当一部分的名词,既可以是可数,也可以是不可数,它们的意义有时略有不同,有时则完全不同。如:difficulty, success, time, work,paper,glass,等。4用于表示可数与不可数名词的数量“多”“少”的常用词和词组 跟可数名词连用的如:few, a few, many。 跟不可数名词连用的如:little, a little, much。 可数与不可数都能用的是:a lot of , plenty of。二、主谓一致1通常被看作单数的主语部分1)不定式、动名词和主语从句。 eg. To see is to believe. Seeing is believing. What he said was different from what he did.2)表示“时间”“距离”“金钱数量”的名词。 eg. Twenty years is quite a long time. 10 kilometers doesnt seem to be a long distance to Mira. 300 dollars is too much for this old coin.3)数学式子。 eg. Two plus five is seven.4)书报杂志、国家、单位的名字。 eg. The Times is published daily. The United States is a big country.5)前面用a kind of, a sort of或this kind of, this sort of等词组的名词。 eg. This kind of tree(s) often grows well in warm weather.6)代词either, neither作主语。 eg. Either of the plans is good. Neither of them was carrying a weapon.7)many a/ more than one 加单数名词,或one out of加复数名词作主语。 eg. Many a young man has tried and failed. More than one employee has been dismissed. One out of ten thousand computers was infected with the virus. 2通常被看作复数的主语部分1)一些只有复数的名词如clothes, trousers, police等。 eg. These trousers are dirty.但要注意比较:A new pair of trousers is what you need。2)代词both作主语。 eg. Both of them have received high education.3需要进行分析才能确定的主语部分1)代词all, some,作主语。 所代的名词是可数名词,就看作复数;是不可数名词,就看作单数。 eg. All is ready. (= Everything is ready.) All are present. (= All the people/students. are present.)2)a lot of, lots of, plenty of, some, any, 20% of, half of.等词组作主语。 所修饰的名词是可数名词,就看作复数;是不可数名词,就看作单数。 eg. 70% of the surface of the earth is covered with water. 90% of the graduates from the high school go to university.3)关系代词who, which, that作主语。 由先行词决定单、复数。 eg. The student who is talking with the principal is Tom. The students who have chosen physics will have a test tomorrow. 但要注意one of .与only one of.所修饰的先行词。 eg. He is one of the students in our class who have been to Beijing. He is the only one of the students who has been to London.4)一些表示集体意义的名词如family, team, class等。 当这些名词强调的是一个整体时,看作单数;当它们强调的是这个集体中的成员时,看作复数。 eg. Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way. My family are all early risers.4出现在句首,用连词或介词连接的两个名词或词组1)用both.and.连接的两个名词看作复数。 Both Kate and Jean are football players.2)用or, either.or., neither.nor., not only.but also.连接的两个名词,由靠近动词的名词决定单复数。 Either you or I am to go. Not only the students but also the teacher has to observe the rules.3)用as well as, (together) with, like, besides, but, except等连接的两个名词,由第一个名词决定单复数。 eg. His eyebrows as well as his hair are now white. No one but these two peasants has been there.实际上这些都是介词短语提前,不是并列的主语。4)用and连接的两个名词有几种情况: a)看作复数。 eg. Tom and Mary are primary pupils. b) 在有every . and every ., each . and each . 的时候;或用and连接的两个名词表示的是一件东西或一个人时,看作单数。 eg. Every boy and every girl in our country has the right to go to school. Bread and butter is what he eats for breakfast every day.高考真题试析:01年23题As a result of destroying the forests, a large _ of desert _ covered the land. A. number; hasB. quantity; hasC. number; haveD. quantity; have选B。因为第一格后的名词desert是不可数名词,所以A、C两项排除;又desert做主语,谓语要用单数形式。02年(春)26题He is the only one of the students who _ a winner of scholarship for three years. A. isB. areC. have beenD. has been选D。因为定语从句的先行词是由only one of修饰,所以应看成单数;另外后面有时间状语for three years,所以用现在完成时态。03年28题 The young dancers looked so charming in their beautiful clothes that we took _ pictures of them. A. many ofB. masses ofC. the number ofD. a large amount of选B。 空格后面的名词是复数,所以不可以选D,而many后不跟of用,所以A项排除;the number of的确是放在可数名词复数的前面,但意思是“.的数量”,不符合题意。03年(春)28题 Where and when to go for the on-salary holiday _ yet. A. are not decidedB. have not been decided C. is not being decidedD. has not been decided选D。此句是不定式做主语,看成单数。而C项的时态不对,所以只有D。04年(春)30.题No one in the department but Tom and I _ that the director is going to resign. A. knowsB. knowC. have knownD. am to know选A。谓语动词应该跟no one一致,所以选A。05年(春)28题We have only a sofa, a table and a bed in our new apartment. We need to buy _ more furniture. A. anyB. manyC. littleD. some选D。后面的名词是furniture,不可数。而且整句的意思是“要买些家具”,是肯定意义,所以选D。05年(春)42题Telephone messages for the manager _ on her desk but she didnt notice them. A. were leftB. was leftC. was leavingD. were leaving选A。句子的主语是messages,是复数,另外它与动词“留(在桌上)”的关系是被动。05年31题Professor Smith, along with his assistants, _ on the project day and night to meet the deadline. A. workB. workingC. is workingD. are working选C。谓语的单复数跟Professor Smith一致,应该是单数。动词的时态与语态一、动词的时态 英语的动词可以有十六种变化,但现在常用的是十二种,其中有九种是高中学生必须掌握的,还有三种只要理解。现以动词do为例,十二种时态的形式列表如下:一般进行完成完成进行现在do/doesis/am/are doinghave/has donehave/has been doing过去didwas/were doinghad done*had been doing将来shall/will do*shall/will be doing*shall/will have done过去将来would do(打星号的为理解项目)1一般现在时态 A)意义:现阶段经常反复发生的动作或现在的状态。 eg. He gets up at six every morning. There is a big tree in the back yard. B)常用的时间状语:always, often, usually, sometimes, seldom, never, every day, once a week,等。 C)表示一种真理、自然规律等,在间接引语中也仍然用一般现在时态。 eg. The scientist explained that the earth goes round the sun, but no one believed him then. D)在时间、条件等状语从句中,代替将来时。 eg. If he is not busy, he will come to the party tomorrow. E)注意第三人称单数时,动词后面要加“s”。2 一般过去时态 A)意义:过去的动作或状态。注意,即使是刚刚发生的事情,时间非常短,也要用过去时态。如:Why! Its youMary! I didnt know you were here! B)常用的时间状语:yesterday, last week, 3 years ago, just now, 等。 C)动词过去式的规则变化(加ed)和不规则变化。3一般将来时态A)意义:将来要发生的动作或状态。B)常用的时间状语:tomorrow, next moth, in two weeks, 等。C)除了用shall/will之外的将来表达法: a) is/am/are going to do,意为“打算、准备、马上就要”。 eg. Its going to rain. b) is/am/are to do,意为“(计划好/安排好)要.” eg. The new underground railway is to be opened to traffic next year. c)is/am/are about to do,意为“马上就要”。 eg. Hurry up! The plane is about to take off. d) 某些动词(主要是一些表示位置移动的动词)可用一般现在时态或现在进行时态表示将来的动作。 eg. The train leaves for Beijing at 8:30 this evening. He is going to London next week.4现在进行时态A)意义:表示在说话的同时或最近一个阶段正在发生的动作。 B)常用的时间状语:now, these days, at present, at the moment, 等。 C)有时可以和always, constantly, forever等时间状语连用,表示说话人的某中特殊的感情。 eg. He is always thinking of others. Mrs Smith is constantly quarrelling with her neighbours. D)有些瞬间动词可以用进行时态表示“马上就要.” eg. The old man is dying. E)英语中有些表示状态、感觉、心理活动的动词没有进行时态,如know, understand, believe, like, love, see, hear, seem, 等等。5过去进行时态 A)意义:表示过去某个时刻正在做的动作。 B)常用的时间状语:this time yesterday, at 9:00 last night, 等。 C)有些动词(主要是一些表示位置移动等的动词和瞬间动词)的过去进行时态可以表示过去将来的意义。 eg. I was told that she was leaving for Australia the next morning.*6将来进行时态A)意义:表示将来某个时刻正在发生的动作。 B)常用的时间状语:this time tomorrow, at 9:00 next Sunday morning, 等。 eg. What will you be doing at 9:00 on June 7next year?7现在完成时态A)意义:a. 表示过去某个时刻开始,一直持续到现在的动作或状态。(只有部分延续性动词,如live, work, study, 等可以表示这一意义) eg. I have lived in Shanghai since I was born. He has been married for half a year. b. 表示过去做过的某一个动作对现在的影响。 eg. I have seen this film. Its fantastic! Jack is playing video games, because he has done his homework. B)常用的时间状语:a. since 1990, for 9 years,等。 b. already, yet, just, now, this week, never, ever, so far, up till now, lately, in the past/last few years, 等。 C)b组所表示的现在完成时态与过去时态的区别:虽然现在完成时态b组表示的动作也是发生在过去,但它强调的是与现在的关系,而过去时态只表示过去发生的动作,叙述一个事实。试比较: eg. 1) He went to Beijing two days ago. He has gone to Beijing. 2) Henry lost his mobile phone yesterday, but found it later. Henry has lost his mobile phone again.D)瞬间动词要表示“一直到现在”,不能直接用“完成时态加for”的方式,必须用其他句型。 eg. 他离开上海已经三天了。 He has left Shanghai. He left three days ago. He has been away from Shanghai for three days. It is three days since he left Shanghai.8过去完成时态A)意义:表示过去某个时刻之前所做的动作,即“过去的过去”。所以一般要用过去完成时态的话,句子中或上下文一定有一个过去时态的动作或时间状语做比较,才能用。 eg. He had learned English before he went to Canada. B)常用的时间状语:by the end of last year 等。 C)在用间接引语时,主句的动词是过去时态,用来替换直接引语中的过去时态或现在完成时态。 eg. He asked the girl, “Where have you been?” He asked the girl where she had been. He said, “I cleaned the classroom yesterday.” He said that he had cleaned the room the day before. D)有些动词(如hope, wish, expect, think, intend, mean, suppose等)的过去完成时态可表示过去事实上没有实现的希望、计划等。 eg. I had hoped to attend the party, but I was too busy.*9将来完成时态 A)意义:表示在将来某个时刻之前将会完成的动作。 B)常用的时间状语:by the end of next year等。 eg. You will have studied English for 10 years by the time you finish high school.10现在完成进行时态 A)意义:表示一个动作从过去开始,一直持续到现在。(同现在完成时态的第一种意义) B)常用时间状语:since ., for ., so far, up till now 等。 C)现在完成进行时态与现在完成时态的比较: 只有现在完成时态的第一种意义的那些动词,它们的现在完成与现在完成进行两种时态表示的意义相同,可以互换使用。 eg. I have studied here for 3 years. = I have been studying here for 3 years. 而其他的一些动词,使用两种时态,意义就各不相同了。 试比较: The little boy has read the text.(小男孩已经读过课文了。) The little boy has been reading the text.(小男孩一直在读课文。) 试翻译:1)从上午九点开始我就一直在做功课。 I have been doing my homework since 9 in the morning. 2)今天的功课我已经做好了。 I have done todays homework.*11过去完成进行时态意义:表示从过去某一时间开始的动作一直持续了一段时间再结束。(结束的时间点也在过去) eg. He had been searching for the watch for a half hour when we came back.12过去将来时态 意义:表示从过去某一时间看将要发生的动作或状态,一般多用在间接引语中。 eg. He told me that he would read the book a second time.二、动词的语态 英语中的动词可分为及物动词和不及物动词,以及系动词。及物动词有主动语态和被动语态;不及物动词或动词词组(如happen, belong to, take place等)和系动词(如become, seem, sound, look, taste,等)没有被动语态。1以动词do为例,被动语态的各种时态的表达方式如下表:一般进行完成现在is/am/are doneis/am/are being donehave/has been done过去was/were donewas/were being donehad been done将来shall/will be doneshall/will be done过去将来would be done 各种时态在助动词be上表示,动作由过去分词体现。2注意在动词词组变被动的时候,原来词组中的介词或副词不要漏掉。 eg. The villagers took good care of the wounded soldier. The soldier was taken good care of by the villagers.3有些动词既是及物动词,又是不及物动词,这些动词比较少用被动语态。 eg. We begin our class at 8:00 every morning. ? Our class is begun . ? Our class begins at 8:00 every morning.4有少数动词或动词词组可用主动形式,表示(从中文里我们所感觉的)被动意义。 eg. The book sells poorly. His translation reads better than yours. Who is to blame for the accident?高考真题试析:02年23题 He will have learned English for eight years by the time he _ from the university next year. A. will graduateB. will have graduated C. graduatesB. is to graduate选C。虽然句子的时间状语是next year,但是“他从大学毕业”是以by the time引出的状语从句,在状语从句中,用现在时态代替将来时态。02年24题 I feel it is your husband who _ for the spoiled child. A. is to blameB. is going to blameC. is to be blamedD. should blame选A。因为词组be to blame for这一词组用主动形式来表示中文中“该为某事受到责备”的被动意义。02年29题 “Will you go skiing with me this winter vacation?” “It _.” A. all dependB. all dependsC. is all dependedD. is all depending选B。It all depends.是习惯说法,意思为“要看情况而定了”,不用将来时态,也不用被动语态。03年32.题I thought Jim would say something about his school report, but he _ it. A. doesnt mentionB. hadnt mentionedC. didnt mentionD. hasnt mentioned选C。从前面一句I though可以看出是过去时态,用but连接的两个并列句中的动作是发生在同一时间,所以后面的动词也应该是过去时态。04年29题 The first use of atomic weapons was in 1945, and their power _ increased enormously ever since. A. isB. wasC. has beenD. had been选C。因为句子的时间状语是ever since,意即“自从那时起”(“那时”指前面讲到的1945年),所以是现在完成时态。04年30题 The number of deaths from heart disease will be reduced greatly if people _ to eat more fruit and vegetables. A. persuadeB. will persuadeC. be persuadedD. are persuaded选D。因为“人们”和“说服”是动宾关系,所以用被动语态。05年30题 More than a dozen students in that school _ abroad to study medicine last year. A. sentB. were sentC had sentD. had been sent选B。因为学生是被送到国外学医的,所以要用被动语态,而句末 时间状语表明要用过去时态。06年27题 Send my regards to your lovely wife when you _ home. A. wroteB. will writeC. have writtenD. write选D。这是祈使句中的状语从句的动词,所以用一般现在时态代替将来时态。06年32题 When he turned professional at the age of 11, Mike _ to become a world champion by his coach and parents. A. expectedB. was expectingC. was expectedD. would be expected选C。根据整个句子的意思,可以判断,是他的教练和父母期盼马克成为世界冠军,所以用被动语态,时间在他7岁的时候,显然是过去时态。07年28.题“Did you tidy your room?”“No, I was going to tidy my room but I _ visitors.” A. hadB. haveC. have hadD. will have选A。根据前面的疑问句,可判断谈论的是过去的事情,而且回答的前半句也说明了时态:“我正要打扫屋子,但我有客人来访了”是过去时态。07年30题 With the help of high technology, more and more new substances _ in the past years. A. discoveredB. have discoveredC. had been discoveredD. have been discovered选D。全句的时间状语是in the past years,是典型的现在完成时态的时间状语,而且“发现”与“新的物质材料”是动宾关系。情态动词一、can, may, must 根据意思与习惯用法,我们可以把can, may, must分成以下两组用法,方便学习与掌握。1第一组用法见下表(主要在初中的时候我们所掌握的):词义肯定否定疑问过去式can能、会cancantCan.?couldmay可以maymustnt/may notMay.?mightmust必须mustneedntMust.?must/had toA) can a) can的肯定、否定、疑问及过去式的例句:eg. Computers can do a lot of things for us. Money cannot buy everything.Can you speak French?I could run very fast when I was young. b) can与be able tocan与be able to的意思相近,经常可以互换使用,但是be able to除了有一般现在与过去时态之外,还有将来、完成等时态,所以要表示将来能够或已经能够做什么事,就要用be able to。 eg. You will be able to communicate with foreigners fluently if you finish the course. The baby has been able to one or two simple sentences. 在用过去式的时候,could与was able to的意思不同,could表示的是“当时能够做某事”的意思,而was/were able to表示的是“当时能够,并且成功地做到了”的意思。 试比较: Einstein was able to flee Germany when Hitler came into power. I could pass the examination, but I was too careless. c) could在疑问句时用意表示请求,意义同can,是一种比较客气的表达方式。 eg. Could you give me a hand?B) maya) may的肯定、否定、疑问及过去式的例句: eg. You may choose anyone here you like. May I leave now? Yes, of course/Sure. Go ahead. No, you mustnt. (注:口语中也能用cannot。)I was told that the boss might come to the office before 9 b)mustnt与may not. mustnt一般是说话人表示“不可以”或“禁止”,而may not一般是指按规定“不允许”的意思。试比较: You mustnt leave the bike here. The sign on the wall reads, “Visitors may not feed the animals in the zoo.” c) may可放在句首,表示“祝愿”。 eg. May our friendship last forever.d) might有时用在疑问句中,只是一种比may更客气一点,而非过去式。 eg. Might I have a few words with you, sir?C) must a) must的肯定、否定、疑问及过去式的例句: eg. Everyone must obey the rules. Must I finish the work today? Yes, you must. No, you neednt/dont have to. He told me he must/had to see a doctor tomorrow morning. b) must与have to 用must更强调主观上“必须”,而have to 更强调客观上的“不得不”。 在间接引语中,主句动词是过去式时,用had to多,但must也可以用。 have to有现在、过去和将来三种时态。 c) must有时可以表示“偏偏”“非.不可”的意思。 eg. Why must you make such a mess when the visitors are coming?2第二组用法见下表:词义肯定否定疑问过去式进行式can可能/一定/cannotCan.?cant have donecant be doingmay可能maymay not/may have dongmay be doingmust一定must/must have donemust be doinga) can, may, must的第二种用法,是用来表示说话人的一种推测。其中may与must的区别其实是说话人对可能性大小所做判断的区别,觉得可能性大,就用must,可能性小,就用may。而can与may, must是肯定、否定、疑问分工的不同。 现在时举例:Can Tom be in the classroom? Yes, he must be there. 或Yes, he may be there, but Im not quite sure. 或No, he cant be there, because he hasnt come to school today. 过去时举例: I must have been asleep. I didnt hear your footsteps. David became angry at the meeting. He may have misunderstood what I meant. James cant have forgotten the examination yesterday. There must have been something wrong with him, I believe. b)表示可能性的否定句中有时也可用may,但意思与cannot有所不同。may not一般解释为“可能不”,而cannot解释为“不可能” c)表示可能性,也可以用might和could,但并非may和can的过去式,而是表示说话人觉得可能性实在是比较小了,有虚拟的意味。跟may与can一样,might用在肯定句,could用在否定句和疑问句。might do的过去式是might have done,could的过去式是could have done。 eg. Could it be Susan at the door? Yes, it might be her.(现在口语中也可用could be回答) *d) could have done也可以用在肯定句里,表示过去有这种可能,但事实上没有发生(虚拟语气的用法)。 eg. It was dangerous to do so. You could have killed yourself!二、shall, will, would1用在一般疑问句中,表示征求对方的意见。第一、第三人称用shall,第二人称用will或would。 eg. Shall turn on the TV? Shall my brother go with us? Will/Would you do me a favour?2shall与第二、第三人称连用,用在肯定、否定句中,表示“命令、允诺、警告、威胁,及说话人的意愿和决心”。 eg. You shall do it at once! He shall have the money when he finish his work on time. You shall fail if you dont work hard. If Shylock breaks the law, everything he has shall be taken away from him.3will在陈述句中可用于任何人称,表示“意愿、意志、决心”等。有时也可用在条件句中。 eg. I will help you at any time if necessary. The captain will land you safe in Liverpool, if you will be man.4will和would可以表示习惯性反复发生的动作,或在某一条件下,一定回发生的动作。这时,will一般指“现在”,would一般指“过去”。 eg. Oil will float on water, because it is lighter. He would take a walk after supper when he lived here. 上面例句中的would可以用used to来替换。used to也表示“过去常常”,但used to还隐含了“现在不再这样了”的意思。而would则没有这种意思。 eg. He used to smoke, but he has given it up now.三、should/ought to1可以表示一种必要性、义务,解为“应当、应该”。可以与任何人称连用,并用在肯定、否定、疑问句中。但疑问句时用should更多一些。 eg. You should/ought to pay more attention to your spelling.2可以表示一种推测,解为“应该是”。用于任何人称的肯定、否定、疑问句。它还有进行和完成两种形式:should/ought to be doing(对现在正在进行的动作的推测)和should/ought to have done(表示与过去的事实相反,“本来应该”的意思)。 eg. They should be here by now. The students should be doing the experiment in the lab. You should have come here ten minutes earlier.3should有时可以表示说话人惊讶的感觉,解为“竟然”。 eg. I have never imagined that he should say so at the meeting.四、need和dare need和dare两词,都既可作为情态动词,又可作为实意动词,所以复习的重点是分清在句子中它们分别是哪种动词。1need解为“需要、必须”。 A) 作为情态动词时,多用于疑问句和否定句。 eg. Need I do it again? No, you neednt. 注意:与Must I do it again?的意思相近,但用need问,问的人一般希望得到的是否定的回答;而用must问,问话的人一般希望得到的是肯定回答。 B) 作为实意动词,可用于各种句型,是及物动词,可以跟名词做宾语。 eg. We need another five workers to do the work. C) neednt have done与didnt need to do的区别 neednt have done和didnt need to do分别是情态动词用法与实意动词用法的过去形式,但是所表示的意义不同。neednt have done意思是“本来不必”,言下之意是“做了不必要做的事了”;而didnt need to do意思是“当时不必要”,言下之意是“当时不必要,因此可能就没有做”。 试比较:She was too nervous to reply, but fortunately she didnt need to say anything. 她紧张得无法答复,但幸运的是,她那时什么也不必说。 You neednt have mentioned it to him, because he had been told everything before. 你本来不必跟他提这件事的,之前已经有人把一切都讲给他听了。2dare解为“敢”。 A) 作为情态动词时,多用于疑问句和否定句。 eg. Dare you say that to your boss? The little boy dare not face his teacher. 但是dare的固定词组“I dare say.”,用在肯定句中。 eg. Hell come again, I dare say. 注意:dare作为情态动词时,它的过去式是dared。 eg. They dared not laugh


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