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2020学年各地高二上学期期中考试完形填空汇编1北京市京源学校2020学年高二上学期期中考试 教学资源网 A girl complained to her father about her hard life. She didnt know what she could do and wanted to _31_. She was tired of fighting and fighting. One problem had been settled, but _32_ appeared. Her father, a cook, took her into the _33_. He poured water into three pots and boiled(煮沸) it. After the water came to a boil, he put some _34_ in the first pot, eggs in the second and coffee in the last. He waited for them for a few minutes _35_ any words. The girl closed her mouth and waited, impatient and _36_ by what her father was doing. After about 20 minutes, her father _37_ the stove, took out the carrots and put them in a bowl. He took the eggs and put them in another bowl. After that he _38_ the coffee into a cup. Turning back to his _39_ , he asked, “Sweetheart, what do you see?” “Carrots, eggs and coffee,” she replied. 教学资源网 Her father asked her to _40_ the carrots. She did and felt that the carrots were _41_. _42_ he asked her to take the eggs and break them. After peeling them, she felt the eggs were hard. Last, her father asked her to smell the coffee. She asked, “What does this _43_, Father?” He _44_ that each of the things had felt the same unfortunate fate(命运). They were all boiled in _45_, but with a _46_ result. The strong and hard carrots became soft and weak after being boiled. The fragile eggs became _47_ after cooking. Coffee grounds were very unique. They could change the water. “_48_ one are you?” asked her father. “When calamity(不幸的事) _49_ on your door, what will your _50_ be? Are you carrots, eggs of coffee?”教学资源网 31A. give inB. give upC. go onD. carry on32A. the otherB. the restC. anotherD. the second33A. kitchenB. storeroomC. backyardD. bedroom34A. potatoesB. carrotsC. tomatoesD. apples35A. withB. overC. beyondD. without36A. confusedB. excitedC. surprisedD. relaxed37A. turned onB. turned downC. turned offD. turned out38A. putB. pouredC. flewD. picked39A. sonB. pot C. kitchenD. daughter40A. touchB. eatC. smellD. taste41A. strongB. heavyC. lightD. soft42A. Now thatB. Since thenC. After thatD. Once again43A. meanB. sayC. referD. think44A. questionedB. explainedC. requiredD. suggested45A. waterB. potC. stoveD. fire46A. similarB. sameC. differentD. wonderful47A. hardB. calmC. deliciousD. broken48A. WhatB. WhicheverC. WhoseD. Which49A. looksB. touchesC. knocksD. waits50A. reactionB. responsibilityC. answerD. impression答案:31-35 BCABD 36-40 ACBDA 41-45 DCABA 46-50 CADCA2北京市重点高中2020学年高二上学期期中考试Some people cannot learn in ordinary schools. Physical or _21_ illness prevents a child from learning. Today new _22_ are being used in special schools to help the disabled _23_ . A school is being _24_ in New Jersey, USA. It is called Bancroft. Here the disabled will be trained to _25_ themselves and to get along in the outside world. Bancroft is not surrounded by _26_of any kind. Its director insists that it be _27_ so that students may gradually develop _28_ relations with the rest of the world. Bancroft students will_29_ in apartments, cooking their own meals, and learning to perform other _30_. As they become _31_, they will buy their own furniture, paying for it out of their own _32_. They will pay for their food, too. They will learn to expect _33_bills for the calls they make every month. As a step toward the goal of becoming _34_, each disabled person will decide what kind of work he wants to be _35_ to do. While some of the training will be _36_ on within Bancroft itself, most of the students will receive _37_ training in nearby towns. They will be trained by town people. After the training has been _38_ completed, the student will work _39_ an assistant and will begin to earn money. After that he will leave Bancroft, _40_ the school will continue to give him help if he _41_ it. How long will it take a student to _42_ his training under this new system? The director says, “For some a year will be _43_. For others it might take ten years.” For all, however, this method offers new_44_. Many will learn to be _45_and independent, supporting themselves in the world.21. A. spirit B. mental . C. thought D. body22. A. plans B. decisions C. tools D. methods23. A. learn B. live C. earn D. play24. A. turned up B. set up C. searched for D. longed for25. A. enjoy B. teach C. help D. support26. A. trainers B. students C. trees D. walls27. A. free B. open C. quiet D. different28. A. special B. familiar C. normal D. close29. A. live B. study C. hide D. cook30. A. operations B. tasks C. plays D. acts31. A. strong B. healthy C. able D. happy32. A. hands B. wealth C. earnings D. abilities33. A. telephone B. education C. housing D. food34. A. brave B. clever C. learned D. independent35. A. asked B. sent C. trained D. made36. A. taken B. called C. tried D. carried37. A. life B. job C. body D. mind38. A. successfully B. gradually C. quickly D. hardly39. A. with B. for C. like D. as40. A. and B. but C. so D. or41. A. needs B. asks C. gets D. offers42. A. receive B. get C. complete D. stop43. A. short B. enough C. good D. long44. A. ideas B. abilities C. time D. work45. A. helpful B. careful C. useful D. cheerful答案:21-25 BDABD 26-30 DBCAB 31-35 CCADC 36-40 DBADB 41-45 ACBAC3福建省福州高级中学2020学年高二上学期期中考试 Are you lonely? Do you feel guilty about having no gift for making friends? Have you ever had trouble in your life in dealing with problems and dont know how to be happy? If 36 , you will find “Being a Happy Teenager” by Australian writer Andrew Matthews 37 . In the book, Matthews tells us how to live a happy life and answers the questions of teenagers. The book 38 we should forgive and stop being angry. It also tells us of useful skills such as how to put 39 you have learned into pictures of your mind to make your memory better. Many teenagers think that happiness comes from a good exam result 40 praise from other people. But you can 41 be happy when there are no such “good” things. Happiness comes from a(n) 42 attitude. Some students have problems such as being too tall or too short. But Matthews tells us that 43 comes from thinking about things in a positive way. If you are 44 , people notice you and you can get a better view at the movie; if you are short, your clothes and shoes 45 less room in your bedroom! This is Matthews most important lesson: you yourself choose to be happy!36. A it B. not. C so D. do37. A. useful B. smart C. wise D. simple38.A. writesB. saysC. readsD. thinks39.A.whatB.whichC. thatD. whether40. A.andB.butC.soD. or41.A.yetB.alreadyC.still D. forever42.A.badB.good C. independentD. normal43.A.successB. happinessC. failureD. height44.A. shortB. small C. tallD. fat45.A. takeB. spend C.coverD.cost答案:36-40 CABAD 41-45 CBBCA 4福建省福州市罗源一中2020学年高二上学期期中考试At the time my son was born in 1956, I shared a hospital room with a young woman who bore a boy on the same day. Partly because my parents 36 a shop selling flowers, the room was soon 37 with the lovely scent of roses. As the seventh floral arrangement was 38 , I was beginning to feel 39, for no flowers had arrived for my roommate, Ann. She sat on the edge of her bed and leaned forward to admire the 40flowers. She was a pretty young woman, yet there was something about her large, brown eyes that made me think she had known too much 41, too much sadness for one so young. I had the feeling she had always had to admire someone 42 flowers. “Im enjoying every 43 of this”, she said as though she had read my 44 and was trying to reassure me. “Wasnt I the lucky one to get you for a 45 ?” I still felt uncomfortable, however. 46 there were some magic button I could push to 47 the sadness in her eyes. Well, I thought, at least I can see that she has some flowers. When my mother and father came to see me that day, I asked them to send 48 some.The flowers arrived just 49 Ann and I were finishing supper.“More flowers for you,” she said, 50 .“No, not this time,” I said, looking at the card “These are 51 you.”Ann stared at the blossoms a long time, not saying anything. She 52 her fingers across the pale blue flowers and 53 touched each of the sweet roses as though trying to engrave(刻画) them on her 54 “How can I ever thank you” she said softly.I was 55 embarrassed. It was such a little kindness on my part.36. A. attended B. owed C. owned D. absorbed37. A. filled B. full C. crowd D. involved38. A. brought out B. brought up C. brought down D. brought in39. A. convenient B. uncomfortable C. attractive D. enjoyable40. A. newest B. last C. latest D. largest41. A. struggling B. admiring C. delighting D. thrilling42. A; elses B. other C. only D. another43. A. minute B. day C. week D. month44. A. ideas B. opinions C. thoughts D. dreams45. A. friend B. sister C. roommate D. colleague46. A. Before long B. Long before C. If only D. Only if47. A. take apart B. take away C. take out D. take in48. A. her B. him C. them D. us49. A. when B. while C. as D. before50. A. wondering B. assisting C. laughing D. explaining51. A. of B. at C. with D. for52. A. ran B. aided C. swelled D. treated53. A. delightedly B. instantly C. curiously D. lightly54. A. friendship B. memory C. feeling D. description55. A. almost B. hardly C. never D. always答案:3640CADBC 4145AAACC 4650CBACC 5155DADBA5福建省龙海港尾中学2020学年高二上学期期中考试More and more students want to study in “hot” major(专业). As a 36 , many students want to 37 their interests and study in these 38 such as foreign languages, international business and law, etc. Fewer and fewer students choose scientific majors, 39 maths, physics and biology, and art 40 , like history, Chinese and philosophy(哲学). 41 students can study in these “hot” majors, because the 42 of these “hot” majors is limited. If 43 has no interest in his work or study, 44 can he do well? I 45 this from one of my classmates. He is 46 the countryside. His parents are farmers. Though he 47 biology, he chose “international business.” He 48 to live a life which is different from 49 of his parents. In the end, he found he wasnt 50 in doing business. He found all the subjects to be 51 . 52 this wouldnt have happened if he had chosen his major according to his own interests. Choosing a major in university 53 decide ones whole life. Majors 54 are not “hot” today may become the “hot” major of tomorrow. Choosing your major according to your own 55 is the best way to succeed.36. A. person B. way C. teacher D. result37. A. give up B. pick up C. take up D. make up38. A. places B. subjects C. areas D. schools39. A. for examples B. such as C. as to D. as well as40. A. works B. majors C. features D. museums41. A. Only a few B. Quite a few C. Perhaps few D. The few42. A. number B. power C. level D. degree43. A. that B. those C. one D. ones44. A. why B. where C. how D. when45. A. suggested B. guessed C. searched D. learned46. A. above B. off C. in D. from47. A. studies B. likes C. learns D. fails48. A. wants B. starts C. refuses D. stops49. A. what B. that C. which D. one50. A. rich B. clever C. interested D. easy51. A. lovely B. valuable C. simple D. tiresome52. A. So B. Then C. Just then D. Maybe53. A. does B. does not C. will D. can often54. A. what B. in which C. which D. when55. A. interests B. experiences C. mind D. skill答案:36-40 DACBB 41-45 AACCD 46-50 DBABC 51-55 DDBCA6福建省厦门六中2020学年高二上学期期中考试ON receiving my learner driver license a couple of months ago, I started driving lessons straight away. In New Zealand, the _33_ driving age is 15. However it wasnt _34_ two days ago that Dad finally allowed me to drive on the motorway. Our _35_ was Orewa, a seaside town about 60 kilometers away from my home in Auckland. That morning I _36_ sure I had enough to drink and went to the toilet (厕所) about three times _37_ we left. I thought I was totally _38_ for the journey, but nothing could have prepared me for my familys _39_. Relax! Dont hold the steering wheel (方向盘) so _40_. The car is going zigzag (弯弯曲曲的), called a nervous voice from the _41_. Speed up. 70km/h isnt fast enough. You are holding up the traffic, another voice ordered from the seat next to mine. How _42_ ! My parents were really starting to get on my nerves. To satisfy them I sped up and within a second, an angry voice began to yell again. Stop! _43_! Are you crazy? ” Everything did not go fine until I pulled off the motorway and drove into the city, _44_ the speed limit was only 50km/h. My family seemed relieved (放心的) and _45_ telling me what to do. They all looked out of the windows and enjoyed the scenery . _46_, that silence didnt last very long. My mum suddenly cried out, Look at those birds above us. _47_ they lovely? How did she expect me to look up in the _49_? As the driver I had to _48_ . Who knows what would have happened if I had taken my eyes off the _50_? Four hours later we drove home. This time the journey was much _51_ than before as everyone else _52_ fast asleep. So, I just took my time and enjoyed the drive.33. A. oldestB. youngestC. bestD. worst34. A. untilB. unlessC. afterD. when35. A. destinationB. homeC. cityD. aim36. A. thoughtB. decidedC. keptD. made37. A. whenB. sinceC. beforeD. as38. A. disappointedB. preparedC. excitedD. upset39.A. praisesB. encouragementsC. complaintsD. cries40. A. tightlyB. lightlyC. loosely D. happily41. A. front searB. back seatC. top seatD. empty seat42. A. interestingB. movingC. puzzlingD. annoying43. A. Get outB. Move onC. Slow downD. Speed up44. A. whereB. whileC. whichD. why45. A. began B. stoppedC. continuedD. forgot46. A. LuckilyB. ProbablyC, WarmlyD. Sadly47. A. CantB. DontC. ArentD. Wont48. A. airB. waterC. groundD. woods49. A. seeB. concentrateC. checkD. care50. A. birdB. dogC. roadD. car51. A. easierB. flatterC. harderD. lower52. A. feltB. beganC. fellD. kept答案:33-37, BAADC 3842, BCABD 43-47, CABDC 48-52, ABCAC7福建省养正中学、安溪一中2020学年高二上学期期中联考Love cures peopleboth the ones who give it and the ones who receive it.Dr. Karl MenningerI was being interviewed by a senior manager for a major insurance company. I told him 36 that the main reason why I was 37 with them was my 38 to keep my family in Boston. My wife of 26 years old had recently died of a heart attack. A(n) 39 in Boston would also help me reduce some of the pain of the loss. Bruce, the interviewer, was politely sympathetic, and didnt probe(调查)any 40 . He acknowledged my loss and, with great respect, moved on to another 41 .After the next 42 of interview, Bruce took me to lunch with another manager. Then he asked me to take a 43 with him. He told me that he, 44 , had lost his wife. And he had also been married 20 years and had three children. In his sharing, I realized that he had 45 the same pain as I had, a pain that was almost 46 to explain to someone who had not lost a loved 47 . He offered his business card and home phone number and 48 that, if I needed help or just wanted someone to 49 , I should feel 50 to give him a call, no matter 51 I got the job or not. He wanted me to know that he was there if I 52 needed any help.From that one act of kindness, when he had no 53 whether we would ever see each other again, he helped me 54 one of lifes greatest losses. He turned the normal 55 business interview process into an act of caring and support for another person in a time of need.36AfriendlyBpatientlyCcarefullyDhonestly37AinterviewingBspeakingCmeetingDtogether38ArightBneedCworryDagreement39AwifeBperiodCjobDexperience40AfartherBotherCfurtherDahead41ApuzzleBthingCsubjectDobject42AspeakingBroundCmomentDterm43ArestBbreakCwalkDchance44AeitherBtooCstillDonce45AreceivedBgaveCwantedDexperienced46ApossibleBimpossibleCunimaginableDunthinkable47AoneBgirlCwifeDlady48AsuggestedBofferedCspokeDsaid49Alisten toBrefer toCtalk toDexplain to50AsureBgladCconvenientDfree51AwhenBhowCwhyDwhether52AeverBonceCneverDstill53AideaBnewsCpromiseDanswer54Awork outBdeal withCfigure outDput out55AlongBshortCwarmDcold答案:36-40 DABCC 41-45 CBCBD 46-50 BAACD 51-55 DAABD8广东省澄海中学2020学年高二上学期期中考试Even though it was only October, my students were already whispering about Christmas plans. With each passing day, everyone became more 26 , waiting for the final school bell. Upon its 27 , everyone would run for their coats and go home, everyone except David.David was a small boy in ragged clothes. I had often wondered what kind of home life David had, and what kind of mother could send her son to school dressed so inappropriately for the cold winter months, without a coat, boots, or gloves. But something made David 28 . I can still remember he was always 29 a smile and willing to help. He always 30 after school to straighten chairs and mop the floor. We never talked much. He 31 just simply smile and ask what else he could do, then thank me for letting him stay and slowly head for home. Weeks passed and the 32 over the coming Christmas grew into restlessness until the last day of 33 before the holiday break. I smiled in relief (欣慰) as the last of them hurried out the door. Turning


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