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Globally Thinking and Personally SpeakingGlobally Thinking and Personally SpeakingCommercial Sea-Corporate CultrueThe Talk Show第一第一PPTPPT模板模板网网:Globally Thinking and Personally SpeakingGlobally Thinking and Personally Speaking Commercial SeaGlobally Thinking and Personally SpeakingGlobally Thinking and Personally Speaking Commercial SeaWhat makes them be who they are What makes them be who they are today?today?Maybe we can offer an answer in the Maybe we can offer an answer in the perspective of corporate culture.perspective of corporate culture.Commercial SeaCorporateCorporateCultureCultureby Deer and Kennedyby Deer and Kennedy Globally Thinking and Personally SpeakingGlobally Thinking and Personally SpeakingTough-guy macho CultureTough-guy macho CultureWork-hard,play-hard cultureWork-hard,play-hard cultureBet-the-company CultureBet-the-company CultureProcess CultureProcess Culture Commercial SeaGlobally Thinking and Personally SpeakingGlobally Thinking and Personally SpeakingTough-guy macho CultureTough-guy macho CultureThis kind of corporate culture encourages inner competition,innovation This kind of corporate culture encourages inner competition,innovation and adventure.Companies of this kind are fierce in competition and and adventure.Companies of this kind are fierce in competition and their products update fast.their products update fast.Think differentThink differentQuality no quantityQuality no quantityHigh High t tend no lowend no lowGlobally Thinking and Personally SpeakingGlobally Thinking and Personally SpeakingCorporation culture Creativity/product design“Small”team Teamwork and personal accomplishment Confidence Good secrecyGlobally Thinking and Personally SpeakingGlobally Thinking and Personally Speaking Commercial SeaGlobally Thinking and Personally SpeakingGlobally Thinking and Personally SpeakingWork-hard,play-hard cultureWork-hard,play-hard cultureThis kind of coporate culture encourages employees to be engaged This kind of coporate culture encourages employees to be engaged in less risky work.Competition in the companies is not fierce and in less risky work.Competition in the companies is not fierce and their products are rather stable.their products are rather stable.Nine Nine sharp sharp swords in Aliswords in AliCustomer firstTeamworkTeach&learnPassionQualitySimplicityOpennessInnovationFocus Globally Thinking and Personally SpeakingGlobally Thinking and Personally SpeakingJack Ma once said:I hope everyone in Ali has passion,dream,but also knows how to have a happy life.To set life against work is not a choice for Aliers!I hate those who have no passion and dream,like animals.But I also hate those who work hard but have no life tastes,like a machine.Globally Thinking and Personally SpeakingGlobally Thinking and Personally Speaking Commercial SeaGlobally Thinking and Personally SpeakingGlobally Thinking and Personally SpeakingBet-the-company CultureBet-the-company CultureThis kind of companies are prone to keeping all the eggs in one basket This kind of companies are prone to keeping all the eggs in one basket on the basis of precise analysis.Generally speaking,their investment is on the basis of precise analysis.Generally speaking,their investment is huge and the investment cycle is long.huge and the investment cycle is long.Mercedes-BenzGlobally Thinking and Personally SpeakingGlobally Thinking and Personally SpeakingFairness:Fairness:fairfair competition,faircompetition,fair managementmanagementResponsibility:Responsibility:forfor ourselves,forourselves,for customers,forcustomers,for societysocietyGlobally Thinking and Personally SpeakingGlobally Thinking and Personally SpeakingC Core ore C ConceptonceptGlobally Thinking and Personally SpeakingGlobally Thinking and Personally SpeakingManagement ConceptManagement ConceptManagement ConceptTraditional Concept:Traditional Concept:We follow traditional rules and pursue efficiency.Generation after We follow traditional rules and pursue efficiency.Generation after generation of MercedesBenz staff strive for excellence.We win the generation of MercedesBenz staff strive for excellence.We win the respect of customers and rivals.respect of customers and rivals.Happiness:Happiness:People demand more from vehicles now than ever.Mercedes-Benz refers People demand more from vehicles now than ever.Mercedes-Benz refers to happiness as one management concept in order to provide sense of joy to happiness as one management concept in order to provide sense of joy with our customers.with our customers.Common Responsibility:Common Responsibility:As a financial corporate,Mercedes-Benz bear the responsibility to reduce As a financial corporate,Mercedes-Benz bear the responsibility to reduce pollution.We are improving our technique and using recycling materials to pollution.We are improving our technique and using recycling materials to do our part in the protection of our part in the protection of environment.Globally Thinking and Personally SpeakingGlobally Thinking and Personally SpeakingValue ConceptQualityComfortReliabilitySafetyWe set the most rigid standard all over the world which can fulfill any standard in any country.We dedicate ourselves to providing the best and safest ride for customers.Globally Thinking and Personally SpeakingGlobally Thinking and Personally SpeakingValue ConceptValue ConceptValue ConceptPersonalityPersonalityThisThis is is anan eraera ofof individualism.individualism.WeWe alsoalso focusfocus onon uniquenessuniqueness withwith differentdifferent seriesseries ofof products.products.Globally Thinking and Personally SpeakingGlobally Thinking and Personally SpeakingValue ConceptSocial ValuesSocial ValuesMercedes-Benz invented the Mercedes-Benz invented the catalytic system as standard catalytic system as standard equipment in Europe,which equipment in Europe,which fueled the development of fueled the development of Green-car technology.We Green-car technology.We are still improving new are still improving new materials and techniques to materials and techniques to minimize pollution.minimize pollution.Globally Thinking and Personally SpeakingGlobally Thinking and Personally SpeakingStep by stepEXCELLENCEGlobally Thinking and Personally SpeakingGlobally Thinking and Personally Speaking Commercial SeaGlobally Thinking and Personally SpeakingGlobally Thinking and Personally SpeakingProcess CultureProcess CultureThis kind of corporate culture puts emphasis on how to do it and This kind of corporate culture puts emphasis on how to do it and rarely produces feedback so employees cant weigh what they have rarely produces feedback so employees cant weigh what they have done.Generally,companies of this kind are operated according to done.Generally,companies of this kind are operated according to the procedures.the procedures.Panasonic CorporationPanasonic Corporation(松下电器松下电器)Globally Thinking and Personally SpeakingGlobally Thinking and Personally Speaking CorporateCorporate culture of Panasonic Corporation culture of Panasonic CorporationIn general,the personnel management system of Panasonic In general,the personnel management system of Panasonic corporation reflects thecorporation reflects the process culture.process culture.Globally Thinking and Personally SpeakingGlobally Thinking and Personally SpeakingThe characteristics of personnel management of Panasonic corporation1.lifetime employment 1.lifetime employment When people leave university to join an enterprise,they can When people leave university to join an enterprise,they can expect remaining with that organization until they retire(usually at expect remaining with that organization until they retire(usually at the age of 55 or 60).In effect,the employee gets job security for the age of 55 or 60).In effect,the employee gets job security for life,and can only be fired for serious misconduct,life,and can only be fired for serious misconduct,e even in times ven in times of business recession,he or she is free from the fear of being of business recession,he or she is free from the fear of being laid off or made redundant.The corporation offers lone-term laid off or made redundant.The corporation offers lone-term employees good salary and welfare.employees good salary and welfare.Our employeesOur employees identifie closely with his company and feel intense identifie closely with his company and feel intense loyalloyaltyty to it.Globally Thinking and Personally SpeakingGlobally Thinking and Personally Speaking2.Strict routines2.Strict routinesPanasonic Corporation is the first corporationPanasonic Corporation is the first corporation in Japan in Japan,which has,which has ourour own song.It is a tradition that all the staff sing the song and read own song.It is a tradition that all the staff sing the song and read the principles of corporation aloud every morning.Every employee the principles of corporation aloud every morning.Every employee will be trained and they will be sent to the retail stores to learn the will be trained and they will be sent to the retail stores to learn the sales skills.sales skills.3.Supervision system3.Supervision systemThe corporation carries out striThe corporation carries out strickck financial oversight.The experts financial oversight.The experts make inspection in subsidiaries,Panasonic Corporation is famous for make inspection in subsidiaries,Panasonic Corporation is famous for its Long-term evaluation.department manager makes a detailed its Long-term evaluation.department manager makes a detailed plan,if the department doesnt achieve the target,the related people plan,if the department doesnt achieve the target,the related people will launch an investigation.If an employee doesnt perform very will launch an investigation.If an employee doesnt perform very well,he or she will be transferred from the existing postwell,he or she will be transferred from the existing post to another to another.4.Salary system4.Salary systemThe salaries of the young employees are The salaries of the young employees are not very highnot very high because of because of the lack of qualification in spite of their talent and diligence.the lack of qualification in spite of their talent and diligence.Globally Thinking and Personally SpeakingGlobally Thinking and Personally SpeakingGlobally Thinking and Personally SpeakingGlobally Thinking and Personally SpeakingWhich company would you like to go to most?lInformation collectorInformation collector:Zhong Weishu,Lin Li,Yang Wenbao,Yan Binglin,Song Yuanhua EditorEditor:Zhong Weishu Case analyserCase analyser:Lin Li(Apple)Yang Wenbao(Ali)Yan Binglin(Benz)Song Yuanhua(Panasonic)Globally Thinking and Personally SpeakingGlobally Thinking and Personally SpeakingTask AllocationTask AllocationThank you!Globally Thinking and Personally SpeakingGlobally Thinking and Personally Speaking


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