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七年级下册七年级下册Units 13 重点词汇与短语重点词汇与短语enjoy观察思考观察思考 Turn left on Five Avenue and enjoy the citys quiet streets and small parks.在第五街左转并享受安静的城市街道和小公园。在第五街左转并享受安静的城市街道和小公园。I enjoy listening to light music.我喜欢听轻音乐。我喜欢听轻音乐。归纳拓展归纳拓展 enjoy 动词,意为动词,意为“喜欢;享受喜欢;享受”。enjoy后接名词或代词,动词的后接名词或代词,动词的ing形式,相当于形式,相当于like(喜欢喜欢),但但enjoy后不能加后不能加to do;enjoy oneself,意为,意为“过得愉快、玩得过得愉快、玩得高兴高兴”,相当于,相当于have a good time。注:注:enjoy后只能接表示褒义的词组。后只能接表示褒义的词组。即学即用即学即用1:(1)They are lying on the beach and the sunshine.他们正躺在沙滩上享受着阳光。他们正躺在沙滩上享受着阳光。(2)Many students enjoy in English.许多学生喜欢用英语交谈。许多学生喜欢用英语交谈。(3)I very much at the party.我在聚会时玩得很开心。我在聚会时玩得很开心。enjoyingtalkingenjoyed myself重点句型重点句型1.There is a post office in the neighborhood.典例体验典例体验 There is a bottle of coke and some apples on the table.桌上有一瓶可乐和一些苹果。桌上有一瓶可乐和一些苹果。There are some apples and a bottle of coke on the table.桌上有一些苹果和一瓶可乐。桌上有一些苹果和一瓶可乐。I have many stamps from different countries.我有很多来自不同国家的邮票。我有很多来自不同国家的邮票。归纳拓展归纳拓展 there be“有有”,表示,表示“某处某处/某时有某人某时有某人/某物某物”。结构:。结构:There be 某人或某物某人或某物 表示地点或时间的状语。表示地点或时间的状语。there be 结构中的结构中的be 动词的形式要遵循就近一致原则,动词的形式要遵循就近一致原则,be动词后面的动词后面的名词是单数或不可数名词时用名词是单数或不可数名词时用is;复数时用;复数时用are。have也意为也意为“有有”,但其表示,但其表示“拥有,占有,具有拥有,占有,具有”,即:,即:某人有某物某人有某物(sb.have/has sth.)。主语一般是名词或代词,与宾。主语一般是名词或代词,与宾语是所属关系。语是所属关系。即学即用即学即用2:()(1)Look!_ two horses,a sheep and five goats on the hill.A.There is B.There are C.There was D.There were()(2)_ a football match between our class and Class 3 tomorrow.A.There is going to have B.There will have C.There is going to D.There is going to beBD()(3)Their school _a big library.A.there is B.there are C.has D.have C2.Bridge Street is a good place to have fun.典例体验典例体验 Im hungry.Please give me something to eat.我饿了,请给我一些吃的东西。我饿了,请给我一些吃的东西。He asked for a room to live in.他要一个房间住。他要一个房间住。The teacher asked him to come on time.老师要他按时来。老师要他按时来。She came back to get her English book.她回来拿她的英语书。她回来拿她的英语书。To go abroad is his dream.It is his dream to go abroad.出国是他的梦想。出国是他的梦想。Her job is to look after the patients.他的工作是照顾病人。他的工作是照顾病人。He can tell you where to get the book.他可以告诉你哪儿能买到这本书。他可以告诉你哪儿能买到这本书。I want to know when to meet.我想知道什么时候集合。我想知道什么时候集合。I dont know how to use commas.我不知道怎么用逗号。我不知道怎么用逗号。归纳拓展归纳拓展动词不定式的结构:动词不定式的结构:to动词原形。动词原形。动词不定式可用作宾语、定语动词不定式可用作宾语、定语(不定式与被修饰词有动宾关系,不定式与被修饰词有动宾关系,若是不及物动词,介词不能省略若是不及物动词,介词不能省略)、宾语补足语、宾语补足语(作宾语补足语不作宾语补足语不带带to 的动词有的动词有let,make,have,see,watch,hear等等)、状语、主语、状语、主语(这时可将其用形式主语这时可将其用形式主语it来替换来替换)、表语。、表语。疑问词疑问词who,what,which,where,when,how加加to do可构成不定式可构成不定式短语,在句中可用作短语,在句中可用作know、ask、find out、tell、wonder、learn等动词的宾语,但有时也作主语。等动词的宾语,但有时也作主语。试比较下列三句子:试比较下列三句子:I dont know what to do.我不知道该做什么。我不知道该做什么。I dont know how to do it.我不知道该怎么做。我不知道该怎么做。I dont know what to do about it.关于这件事,我不知道该做些什么。关于这件事,我不知道该做些什么。即学即用即学即用3:()(1)Do you know why he left so early?_ for the English test,I guess.A.To study B.Study C.Studied D.Studying()(2)We dont know _ next.Lets go and ask Mr.Li.A.what to do B.to do what C.whether to do D.to do whetherAA()(3)Would you like something _?No,thanks.Im not thirsty.A.to eat B.to drink C.eating D.drinking()(4)The bag is too heavy for me _.A.to carry it B.not to carry it C.to carry D.not to carryBC()(5)There isnt any difference between the two skirts.I really dont know _.A.where to choose B.to choose which C.what to choose D.which to choose(6)Its really to learn on with others.学会如何与别人相处是很重要的。学会如何与别人相处是很重要的。Dimportanthow to get易混辨异易混辨异1.during,in观察思考观察思考 He sleeps during the day.他白天睡觉。他白天睡觉。He will go to Hawaii for vacation in summer.夏天他将到夏威夷度假。夏天他将到夏威夷度假。归纳拓展归纳拓展 两者均可表示一段时间,有时可互换;相比较而言,两者均可表示一段时间,有时可互换;相比较而言,during 更强调时间的延续,更强调时间的延续,in 只是指一般性的某一时间。因此若表只是指一般性的某一时间。因此若表示状态或习惯性动作,多用示状态或习惯性动作,多用 during。在。在 stay,visit,meal 等表等表示行为要持续一定时间的名词之前,只能用示行为要持续一定时间的名词之前,只能用 during。与季节名词连用,与季节名词连用,in 表泛指,表泛指,during 表特指。表特指。即学即用即学即用4:()(1)_ the winter I store my summer clothes in bags under my bed.A.In B.During C.At D.With()(2)All of the students come back to school happily _ September.A.in B.during C.at D.withBA2.in front of,in the front of观察思考观察思考 I feel nervous when I talk in front of many people.在很多人面前讲话时,我感到紧张。在很多人面前讲话时,我感到紧张。The teacher is standing in the front of the classroom.老师站在教室的前面。老师站在教室的前面。归纳拓展归纳拓展 in front of表示表示“在在的前面的前面”,指的是在某物体外面的前面,指的是在某物体外面的前面,即两者是分开的,其反义词是即两者是分开的,其反义词是behind。in the front of表示表示“在在的前部的前部”,指的是在某物体内部的,指的是在某物体内部的前面,即两者是包容的,其反义词是前面,即两者是包容的,其反义词是at the back of。即学即用即学即用5:(1)Jim has poor eyesight.He has to sit the classroom.(2)our house,there is a river.We often swim in it in summer.in the front ofIn front of3.house,home,family观察思考观察思考 He lives in the yellow house.他住在这座黄色的房子里。他住在这座黄色的房子里。He is not at home.他不在家。他不在家。My family all get up early.我们全家都起得很早。我们全家都起得很早。归纳拓展归纳拓展 house意为意为“房子房子”,指居住的建筑物;,指居住的建筑物;home意为意为“家家”,指一个人同家人共同经常居住的地方;指一个人同家人共同经常居住的地方;family意为意为“家庭,家庭,家庭成员家庭成员”。即学即用即学即用6:(1)He has a big with a beautiful garden.(2)Here are some photos of Bettys ,in the photos Betty was only five.(3)He often gets late on weekdays.housefamilyhome4.through,past,cross,across,over观察思考观察思考 He got into the room through the back door.他通过后门进入了房间。他通过后门进入了房间。She walked past a bank.她路过了一个银行。她路过了一个银行。Be careful when you cross the street.当你过马路的时候要小心。当你过马路的时候要小心。The Great Wall is across the north of China.长城穿过中国的北部。长城穿过中国的北部。There will be a new bridge over the river.河上将会有一座新桥。河上将会有一座新桥。归纳拓展归纳拓展through介词,意为介词,意为“从从通过,穿过通过,穿过”,主要指从物体,主要指从物体内部穿过。内部穿过。past介词或副词,意为介词或副词,意为“经过,路过经过,路过”,指从物体的旁边经,指从物体的旁边经过。过。across介词,意为介词,意为“穿过穿过”,指从物体的表面上穿过。,指从物体的表面上穿过。go/walk/run acrosscross,across from 在在的对面。的对面。over 介词,意为介词,意为“越过越过”,指越过一段距离。,指越过一段距离。即学即用即学即用7:(1)The two men run the forest.(2)Walk the bridge,and you will see a big building.(3)When I walked him,I found something strange on his face.(4)The horse jumped a fence and ran away.throughacrosspastover5.sleeping,asleep,sleepy观察思考观察思考 Mr.Li is sleeping,please call him later.李先生正在睡觉,请稍后再打电话给他。李先生正在睡觉,请稍后再打电话给他。The children are asleep now.现在孩子们睡着了。现在孩子们睡着了。On Friday afternoons,many students are sleepy after a long week of classes.经过长长一周的课程后,很多学生在星期五下午都是困倦的。经过长长一周的课程后,很多学生在星期五下午都是困倦的。归纳拓展归纳拓展be sleeping 表示动作,意为表示动作,意为“正在睡觉正在睡觉”,表动作,不确定表动作,不确定是否睡着。是否睡着。be asleep 表示状态,意为表示状态,意为“睡着了睡着了”。fall asleep 入睡。入睡。sleepy 形容词,意为形容词,意为“困倦的困倦的”。即学即用即学即用8:(1)Dont make noises,the baby .(2)He was so tired that he fell at once.(3)Because he stayed up to watch the football match,he felt during the next day.is sleepingasleep sleepy对点训练对点训练.用所给词的形式填空用所给词的形式填空1.What do you want to do the Spring Festival?2.On his way he bought some school things.3.The movie was boring.I fell half way through it.4.We will have learning English with Miss Lins help this term.5.Most of the young people watching football matches.enjoyduringhomeasleepfunduringhomeasleepfunenjoy.单项选择单项选择()1.Can a plane fly _ the Atlantic Ocean?Yes,but it needs to go _ the clouds for hours.A.across;through B.through;across C.across;across D.through;through 解析:考查介词。飞过大西洋用解析:考查介词。飞过大西洋用across,穿过云朵用,穿过云朵用through。A()2.As young adults,it is our _ to try our best to deal with each challenge in our education with the help of our teacher.A.work B.job C.duty D.task 解析:考查名词辨析。句意解析:考查名词辨析。句意“作为年青人,在老师的帮助下作为年青人,在老师的帮助下 尽力处理教育中每一个挑战是我们的职责。尽力处理教育中每一个挑战是我们的职责。duty职责。职责。C()3.Would you mind staying in such a noisy room?No,but my son needs a _ place to study in.A.cleaner B.quieter C.safer D.smaller 解析:考查形容词辨析。与问句中解析:考查形容词辨析。与问句中noisy相对应的词为相对应的词为quiet。B()4.If prices rise too high,the government has to do something _ it.A.stop B.stopped C.stopping D.to stop 解析:考查非谓语动词。动词不定式做宾补。解析:考查非谓语动词。动词不定式做宾补。do sth.to stop it 做某事来阻止它。做某事来阻止它。D()5.Why did you buy a radio?_ English.A.Learn B.Learning C.To learn D.Be learning 解析:考查非谓语动词。还原答句应为:解析:考查非谓语动词。还原答句应为:I bought a radio to learn English.动词不定式表目的。动词不定式表目的。C()6._ an Art Festival in your school each term?No,but there is an English party.A.Are there B.Is there C.Do we have D.Does he have 解析:考查解析:考查there be。根据答句可知。根据答句可知。B()7.Why are you standing there,Maggie?I cant see the blackboard clearly.Two tall boys are sitting _ me.A.behind B.in front of C.beside D.next to 解析:考查介词。根据前文解析:考查介词。根据前文“我看不清黑板我看不清黑板”可知可知“两个高两个高个个 的男孩正坐在我前面的男孩正坐在我前面”。in front of在在的前面。的前面。B()8.Simon,Im going to Beijing with my parents tomorrow._!A.Have fun B.Best wishes C.Never mind D.Cheer up 解析:考查交际用语。对别人的出行用解析:考查交际用语。对别人的出行用Have fun!表祝愿。!表祝愿。A()9.We often eat ice cream in a dessert _.A.home B.shopping C.house D.family 解析:考查词义辨析。解析:考查词义辨析。a dessert house 甜品屋。甜品屋。C()10.Last week our teacher told us _ more information about how to protect the environment.A.get B.got C.to get D.getting 解析:考查固定用法。解析:考查固定用法。tell sb.to do sth.告诉某人做某事。告诉某人做某事。C()11.Do you know Neil Armstrong?Yes.He is the first man _ on the moon.A.walk B.walks C.to walk D.walked 解析:考查非谓语动词。动词不定式做宾补。在月球上解析:考查非谓语动词。动词不定式做宾补。在月球上 行走的第一个人。行走的第一个人。C()12.In the past few years there _ great changes in my hometown.A.have been B.were C.had been D.are 解析:考查动词时态。解析:考查动词时态。in the past few years在过去的几年里,在过去的几年里,是现在完成时的标志。是现在完成时的标志。A写作训练写作训练 感悟提高感悟提高 假设你叫李天然,你校新来的外教假设你叫李天然,你校新来的外教Judy Smith明天将到你明天将到你班上课。明天是她的生日,请你给她写一张生日贺卡。班上课。明天是她的生日,请你给她写一张生日贺卡。思路点拨思路点拨 写贺卡时,要注意称呼的写法,写贺卡时,要注意称呼的写法,To Judy Smith或或To Mrs.Smith写在左上方,顶格;本文是写一张生日贺卡,可用固定写在左上方,顶格;本文是写一张生日贺卡,可用固定的祝贺用语,也可根据实际情况写一点简单的表示感谢和良好的祝贺用语,也可根据实际情况写一点简单的表示感谢和良好祝愿的话语;签名写在右下方,在姓名前可加祝愿的话语;签名写在右下方,在姓名前可加from,注意汉,注意汉语姓名语姓名Li Tianran的写法。的写法。参考句式:参考句式:1.Happy birthday!祝生日快乐!祝生日快乐!2.Welcome to.欢迎来到欢迎来到 3.We wish you happy with us in the year.祝您在这与我祝您在这与我们在一起的一年里快乐、幸福。们在一起的一年里快乐、幸福。参考答案参考答案 To Judy Smith,Welcome you to our class.Happy birthday to you!We wish you happy with us in the year!From Li Tianran


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