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Lesson 4 Job TrendsObjectives To practice matching sentences with sentence gaps in a text.To practice vocabulary related to work and jobs.To practice collocations(verb+noun,verb+adverb,verb+adjective).Pre-readingIn pairs,discuss these questions.The Key Words may help you.1.What job areas have become more important in the last twenty years?2.What jobs have become less important?3.What skills and qualities are useful to get a good job nowadays?Job areas:farming,coal mining,information technology,the media,services,ship building,steel production Key wordsagriculturecoal mininginformation technologythe mediashipbuilding steel productionSkills:communication skills,computer skills,driving,language skills,typingcommunication skillscomputer skillsdrivinglanguage skillstypingQualities:creative,flexible,hard-working,motivated,understanding,helpful,good judgementReadingRead the sentences below and the text.Then follow the steps in the Reading Strategies to find the correct sentences(a-f)for each gap(1-6)in the text.a.On the other hand,the service industry,the media and information technology are booming.b.Because of this,people who work with computers will be in much greater demand.23c.However,understanding other people,their minds,culture and history will be very important.d.First of all,dont panic.61e.They will also need people who can work together and get on well in a team.f.Because of this,workers will have to be more flexible.54Post-Reading Read the article again and answer these questions.1.What is“future shock”?The speed of change that affects peoples lives and work.2.What is one of the job areas of the future?The media,information technology.3.How will jobs change?People will have different contracts,not work for one company.4.How will companies change?They will be organized more democratically.5.What skills and personal qualities will people need?Communication skills,computer skills,working with people from different cultures.6.What personal benefits will the new situation bring?You can live where you want,continue your studies and have a lot more free time.Language Points1.It is sometimes difficult to work out the patterns of change.有时很难搞清变化的规律。有时很难搞清变化的规律。work out 算出算出,估计出估计出 He sat down at his desk to work out the exact figures.他在书桌旁坐下来他在书桌旁坐下来,准备算出准确的数准备算出准确的数字。字。He was meant to work out these math problems all alone.他应当独立完成这些数学习题。他应当独立完成这些数学习题。2.People will move sideways to do different jobs,rather than moving up the“company ladder”as before.人们不会像以前那样在同一个公司人们不会像以前那样在同一个公司寻求提升寻求提升,他们会多方去寻找不同他们会多方去寻找不同的工作。的工作。rather than 与其与其不如不如 It was what he meant rather than what he said.尽管他没有说出来尽管他没有说出来,但那是他的意思。但那是他的意思。He was an objective rather than a subjective writer.与其说他是个主观型作家与其说他是个主观型作家,不如说他是客不如说他是客观型作家。观型作家。3.Many more people will work for small,dynamic companies which can react quickly to changes in the market.许多人会供职于小而具有活力的公司许多人会供职于小而具有活力的公司,这样的公司能快速适应市场变化。这样的公司能快速适应市场变化。react to 对某事作出反应对某事作出反应,对某人有对某人有 疗效。疗效。How did he react to the news?他对消息的反应如何?他对消息的反应如何?How is your patient reacting to the course of treatment?你的病人对疗程的反应如何?你的病人对疗程的反应如何?4.Above all,a manager will need to feel comfortable working with people from other cultures and coping with cultural differences.最为重要的是最为重要的是,一个经理需要与不同一个经理需要与不同文化背景的人愉快合作文化背景的人愉快合作,需要适应各需要适应各种文化差异。种文化差异。cope with 应付应付,处理处理They lack the strength to cope with all these problems.他们无力处理这些问题。他们无力处理这些问题。This is more than I am able to cope with.这超出我的处理能力。这超出我的处理能力。Use the table below to classify these words from the text that often go together.decrease rapidly,become international,start ones own business,feel comfortable,find(something)difficult,have an advantage,have free time,pay attention,respond quickly,take a deep breath verb+noun verb+adverb verb+adjective have an advantagedecrease rapidly become international start ones own business;have free time;pay attention;take a deep breathrespond quickly feel comfortable;find(something)difficult Complete the sentences below with the correct form of expressions from Exercise 6.1.I never really _ speaking in a foreign language.2.If you look at unemployment,it _ in the past few months.feel comfortable decrease rapidly 3.We get so much homework that I dont _ to relax.4.Id like to _ one day and not work for a boss.5.Drivers have to _ to avoid accidents.6.I _ in maths.I even _arithmetic _.have free time start my own businessrespond quickly have an advantage finddifficult Complete the vocabulary networks with words from this list:bored,my own business,an accident,a job,an exam,an excuse,somebody a favor,a good time,home,your homework,married,a mistake,money,a bonus,a suggestion,your bestan examsomebody a favor your homework your best an excuse a mistake money a suggestion do5.6.7.8.make1.2.3.4.my own business an accident a joba good time bored home married a bonus and SpeakingIn pairs,take turns to say sentences about yourself.Use the verb collocations from Exercise 8.Example Id like to have my own insurance business one day.Then write a composition about your favorite job in the future.


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