2015年中考英语:第8讲 八年级(上)Units7-8考点跟踪

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第8讲八年级(上)Units 78 九年级英语组词语拓展1pollute(v.)_pollution_(n.)污染2peace(n.)_peaceful_(adj.)和平的3danger(n.)_dangerous_(adj.)危险的4inside(adv.&prep.)_outside_(反义词)在外面5possible(adj.)_impossible_(反义词)不可能的6finally(adv.)_final_(adj.)最终7salt(n.)_salty_(adj.)咸的8dig(v.)_dug_(过去式)_dug_(过去分词)9traditional(adj.)_tradition_(n.)传统10serve(v.)_service_(n.)服务11traveler(n.)_travel_(v.)旅行短语锦集1be in great _danger_处于极大的危险中2on the _earth_在地球上3_play_ a part参与4_over_ and _over_ again多次;反复地5_hundreds_ of大量;许多6fall _down_跌倒;倒塌7_become_ _bored_变得厌烦8in the _future_在未来9pour._into_.把倒入10cut _up_切碎11fill._with_.用把装满12one _by_ one一个接一个13turn _on_接通;打开14_put_.in把放入15one _cup_ of一杯16_wash_ _clothes_洗衣服17a _piece_ of一片(块、张)18give _thanks_ for.感谢19cover._with_.用遮盖20_add_ sth.(to sth.)添加某物(到某物)21_at_ a very high temperature在非常高的温度下22cut._into_.把切成23at this _moment_在这个时候句型展示1Do you think _there_ _will_ _be_ robots in peoples homes?你认为人们家里将会有机器人吗?2People will live _to_ _be_ 200 years old.人们将会活到200岁。3What _will_ the future _be_ _like_?未来将会是什么样子?4Everyone should _play_ _a_ _part_ in _saving the earth.每个人都应该参与到拯救地球的行列中去。5_How_ _many_ _bananas_ do we need?我们需要多少香蕉?6_How_ _much_ yogurt do we need?我们需要多少酸奶?7Its time _to_ _enjoy_ the rice noodles.现在是享受米线美味的时刻了。常考词汇in 100 years100年后【典例在线】They will get here in three days.三天后他们将到这里。How soon will she come back?她多久能回来?In twenty minutes.20分钟后。【拓展精析】“in一段时间”用在一般将来时的句子中,表示“在之后;在时间内”。对“in一段时间”的提问常用how soon。【活学活用】1)_A_ can I get the iPad if I place an order today?In about three days,sir.(2014,福州)AHow soonBHow longCHow often 2)Why are you in a hurry,John?There _A_ an NBA basketball game in ten minutes.(2014,泰安)Awill be BwasCwould be Dhas beenfill【典例在线】Please fill the glass with water.请把杯子装满水。The glass is filled with water.The glass is full of water.玻璃杯里装满了水。【拓展精析】fill动词,意为“(使)充满;装满”,常用于“fill.with.”结构中,意为“用把装满”,强调动作的过程。fill的形容词形式为full,意为“装满的;充满的”。常用短语:be filled withbe full of装满;充满;填满。【活学活用】3)When I heard my baby girl say her first word,my heart was _A_ with joy.(2014,安庆模拟)Afilled BpreparedCshown Dfull常考句型There will be robots in peoples home.人们家里将会有机器人。【典例在线】People will have robots in their homes.将来人们家里会有机器人。I think there will be fewer trees.我认为树将会更少。【拓展精析】一般将来时:will动词原形,表示“将来要做什么”。表示有计划地进行的时候可用be going to代替will。否定句:will not (wont) do.一般疑问句:Will sb./sth.do.There will be.There is going to be.是there be句型的一般将来时,意为“(某地/某时)将会有”。【活学活用】1)Im busy now.I _C_ to you after school this afternoon.(2014,河北)Atalk BtalkedCwill talk Dhave talked2)There _A_ a great concert in the theater next Saturday evening.(2014,宣城模拟)Awill be Bwill haveChas Dis going to haveThere will be (more/fewer) people.将会有(更多/更少的)人。【典例在线】Mr.Smith wanted to get more money.史密斯先生想要得到更多的钱。There is less water in that glass.那个杯子里的水更少。I have fewer friends in that school.在那所学校里我的朋友更少。【拓展精析】more是many和much的比较级,其后既可接可数名词复数,又可接不可数名词,意为“更多的”。less是little的比较级,其后接不可数名词,意为“较少的;更少的”。fewer是few的比较级,其后只接可数名词复数形式,意为“较少的;更少的”。【活学活用】3)There will be _C_ jobs for people because some robots will do the same jobs as people.(2014,江西)Amay BmoreCfewer Dfewesthundred,hundreds of【典例在线】Hundreds of students entered the contest.数百名学生参加了这次比赛。Two hundred students went there.有两百名学生去了那里。【拓展精析】hundred(百),thousand(千),million(百万),billion(十亿)等数词,当前面有具体数字时,其后不加s,也不能和of连用。若表示一个不确定的数字即前面没有具体数字时其后要加s,而且要与of连用。【活学活用】1)The Great Wall is famous,so every year _C_ people come to visit it.(2014,池州模拟)Amillion Bmillion ofCmillions of Dmillions2)The volunteers sent _D_ books to a mountain village school on Childrens Day.(2012,连云港)Atwo hundreds of Btwo hundred ofCtwo hundreds Dtwo hundredturn down,turn off,turn up,turn on【典例在线】The radio is very loud.Can you turn it down a little,please?收音机声音太大,你能调小一点儿吗?Please turn off/on the radio.请把收音机关上/打开。She sat down and turned up the radio.她坐下来,把收音机的声音调大了。【拓展精析】turn down表示“关小;调低(音量)”;turn off表示“关掉”;turn up表示“开大;调高(音量)”;turn on表示“打开”。turn on与turn off;turn up与turn down均互为反义词组。注意:on,off,up,down这四个词都是副词,在使用过程中,当宾语为代词时,只能置于动词和副词之间;当宾语为名词时,既可置于动词和副词之间,也可置于副词之后。【活学活用】3)Do you know the latest information about Flight MH370?Ive no idea.Lets _A_ the TV to watch the news programme.(2014,扬州)Aturn on Bturn downCturn up Dturn off4)Would you mind _D_ the music a little?Dont you think its too loud?Sorry!Ill do it in a minute.(2013,六安模拟)Aturning on Bturning offCturning up Dturning downhow much,how many【典例在线】How much water is there in the bottle?瓶子里有多少水?How much is the computer?这台电脑多少钱?Its four thousand yuan.四千元。How many pairs of socks do you want?你想要多少双袜子?【拓展精析】how much常用来询问不可数名词的数量,意为“多少”,后接不可数名词。还可用来询问价格,意为“多少钱”。how many常用来询问可数名词的数量,后接可数名词复数形式。【活学活用】5)_D_ apples do we need to make fruit salad?Let me think.we need three apples.(2013,枣庄)AHow long BHow oftenCHow much DHow many6)Can you pass me some milk?Yes._A_ do you need?(2012,宿州模拟)AHow much BHow manyDHow often DHow longyet,already【典例在线】I have finished reading the book already.我已经读完这本书了。Have you found the book yet?你已经找到那本书了吗?Not yet.还没找到。She hasnt finished her homework yet.她还没有做完她的作业。【拓展精析】already常用于肯定句中,意为“已经”;yet常用于疑问句或否定句中,在疑问句中意为“已经”,在否定句中意为“还”,常放在句末。【活学活用】7)The 3D Titanic is a moving film.My parents have seen it twice _B_(2014,淮北模拟)AyetBalready Cnever DAlmost考点检测一、根据首字母及汉语提示完成单词。1After years of fighting,the people wanted _peace_ (和平) very much.(2014,合肥模拟)2The _temperature_ (温度) is so high.Dont go out until 5 oclock in the afternoon.(2014,合肥模拟)3Building a new factory there would be bad for the _environment_ (环境) there.(2014,铜陵模拟)4Zhangjiajie is famous for its different _shapes_ (形状) of mountains.(2014,滁州模拟)5_Autumn_ (秋天) is after summer.Its cool.6Look!There is a beautiful bird flying in the _sky_ (天空)(2014,宣城模拟)7The price of the house is too high now.I dont have enough money to buy a small _apartment_ (公寓套房)8How do you _celebrate_ (庆祝) New Years Day?Oh,we usually have a party.9People usually eat _traditional_ (传统的) food during the Spring Festival.10I think there is less air _pollution_ (污染) in Hangzhou than in other cities of China.11Dont ride your bike too fast in the street.Its very _dangerous_ (危险的)12Its _impossible_ (不可能的) for me to finish my homework in such a short time.二、单项选择。13Mr.Wang has left for Guangzhou.He _C_ a speech there in two days.(2014,安徽)Agives Bgave Cwill give Dhas given14We planted _A_ trees last year.(2013,雅安)Ahundreds of Bhundred ofCfive hundreds Dfive hundred of15There was thick haze (雾霾) in our city this spring.What do you think of it?I think _B_ cars we drive,_ pollution our city will have.(2013,六安模拟)Athe fewer;the fewer Bthe fewer;the lessCthe more;the fewer Dthe more;the less16_C_ will the dinner be ready?Just a minute.(2014,池州模拟)AHow much BHow longCHow soon DHow often17Please _B_ the lights when you leave the classroom.(2013,亳州模拟)Aturn on Bturn off Cturn up Dturn into写作点拨图表作文的写作一、图表作文就是将表格、数字或图像等所包含的信息,转换成连贯的文字。写这类作文要注意:1要认真解读图表,切勿疏漏重要信息,虽不必面面俱到,但重要数据必须提到。2结论性的表达要从图表信息分析或数据归纳而来,切忌主观判断,更不能主观臆造。二、写作典例。(2013,连云港)每个人都拥有梦想,而实现梦想需要行动。请你根据所给图片写一篇题为“Take Action to Realize Our Dreams”的英语短文。你的短文应包含以下内容:(1)描述图片内容,如情景、人物(Frank)、动作等;并简要表达你的观点;(2)谈谈你的梦想及如何实现。注意:(1)词数90左右,短文首段已给出,不计入总词数;(2)文中不得提及考生所在学校及自己的姓名。【范文欣赏】Take Action to Realize Our DreamsAll_of_us_have_dreams,but_how_can_we_realize_our_dreams?From the pictures,we know that Frank dreamed of becoming a doctor when he was 15 years old.However,45 years later he still dreams of being a doctor lying in the bed.It is clear that he lives in the dream without any action.This is the reason why he has failed to realize his dream.I also have a dream.I want to work as an engineer when I grow up.I will study hard every day and improve my abilities to get ready for my future job,so that I can make my dream come true.


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