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四年级湘少版英语上学期看图写单词校外培训专项题班级:_ 姓名:_1. 看图,选择相应的单词补全句子或对话。white classroom eraser schoolbag fan ruler1Turn on the_.2Look! This is my new_.3My friend Mary has_shoes.4Whats on the chair? A_and an_.5Put your_on the desk.2. 请写出自行车各部位的英文名称。3. 根据图片,拼写出对应单词。1 23 45 67 84. 按要求写句子。1these, sheep, those, hen(根据图片和提示词写句子)2dress, expensive(根据图片和提示词写句子)3sunny, hot(根据图片和提示词写句子)4What time is it?(看图回答问题)5Do you have a library?(看图回答问题)5. 根据图片写单词。1 23 46. 看图写单词。1 23 457. 看图,拼单词。1.k_ 2.Di_3.sk_ 4.sq_5.gr_8. 看图,根据题意填写单词,完成下列句子(首字母已给出)。1Liu Tao can s_very well.2I like this p_. Its fat and cute.3Do you have any b_?4-How many c_can you see?-Three.5-What are these?-They are_.9. 根据图意,用所给的字母组成单词。e,e,e,n,v,l e,i,a,n,h,m,c e,e,i,c,c,n,se,u,o,s,s,r,r,t e,i,r,n,n,w e,i,a,r,t,n,p10. 根据图片及句意填写单词。1. On rainy days, my father often goes to work by_.2. The_is yellow. Its big and safe.3. I am drawing a_on the paper.4. I want to_in the Fruit Garden this weekend.5. Bill likes playing_.6.Sue often goes_. She is good at it.11. 看图完成对话。1. A:_is ready! B:Thanks2. A:Its time to go_ B:OKLets go3. A:Its time to_ B:OK4. A:Is it time for_class? B:Yes.12. 根据图片,用现在进行时写句子,描述图片内容。13. 根据图片,告诉Sam 该怎么去学校。Excuseme,whereistheschool?14. 看一看,选择恰当的单词或词组补全句子。sunny and warm windy and cold rainy snowy and coldcloudy and foggy(有雾的)1Itsin New York.2Itsin Sydney.3Itsin Toronto.4Itsin Beijing.5Itsin London.15. 填空题。1. I have_today.2. I like_.3. Do you like_?4._is fun.5. We have_and_today.16. 根据图片提示,将下列单词补充完整。1_lasses 2_eef3_able 4_octor5_ofa17. 看图片,选单词。1( ) A.bird B.brown C.busy2 ( ) A.name B.need C.nurse3( ) A.draw B.drink C.dress4 ( ) A.potato B.people C.parent5( ) A.school B.swim C.street18. 仿照例子完成各题。例:lionAlionhasamane. / 11


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