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中西风俗礼仪对比Week 7中西风俗礼仪对比v中西家庭伦理精神v中西婚姻v中西节日家庭伦理的基本精神v家庭本位家庭本位:中国传统的家族私有制及其基础上的宗法人伦秩序所要求的家庭伦理的基本精神是家庭本位,即一切以家庭利益为重,个人必须无条件地服从家庭利益。v 第一,家庭私有财产制,个人没有财产统理权。v 第二,婚姻是家庭的事情,个人没有婚姻自主权。v个人本位个人本位:西方传统个体私有制及其基础上的靠商品交换和契约关系所形成的西方家庭伦理精神是以个人为本位,一切以个人利益为中心,家庭利益服从个人利益。v 第一,个人有财产权。v 第二,个人有婚姻自主权。家庭本位和个人本位家庭本位和个人本位家庭本位家庭本位从根本上来说,这是由自给自足的自然经济所决定的。v首先,小农经济决定了家庭生产是社会生产的基本方式。v其次,家庭是人们主要的活动场所。v再次,家庭是人们的情感和精神支柱。个人本位个人本位商业贸易的发达v优越的交通条件,发达的商品经济和海上贸易,不利于形成古希腊社会中的血缘亲族组织。v上帝面前人人平等的思想是建立在承认个性、发展个性的基础上的。中西婚姻对比婚礼仪式的不同v 中国传统婚礼仪式v一拜天地一拜天地:尊崇天地v二拜高堂二拜高堂:上下尊卑的格局 v夫妻对拜夫妻对拜:双方的认同 v西方神证婚礼仪式(协议契约)v我愿意婚姻基础的不同婚礼仪式1.The Purpose of Christian Marriage2.Legal Declarations 3.Prayer4.Giving of the bride by her father or friend5.The Promises 6.The Vows(Legal requirement)7.The Giving of the Ring or Rings8.Declaration1.The Purpose of Christian Marriagev“We are gathered here in the presence of God to celebrate the wedding of A and B to rejoice with them,and to support them with our prayers.”OrvIn the presence of God,the Father,Son and Holy Spirit,we have come together to witness the marriage of A and B,to pray for Gods blessing on them,to share their joy and to celebrate their love.2.Legal DeclarationsvMinister says:“If any know of any reason why full name of the bridegroom and full name of the bride may not lawfully be married to each other,let them now declare it.”vBridegroom says,“I do solemnly declare that I know not of any lawful impediment why I,full name of the bridegroom,may not be joined in matrimony to full name of bride.”vThe Bride says,“I do solemnly declare that I know not of any lawful impediment why I,full name of the bride,may not be joined in matrimony to full name of bridegroom.”3.PrayervFaithful God,only and eternal,source of life and spring of love,we thank and praise you for bringing A and B to this day,and we pray for them.Lord of life and love:May their marriage be life-giving and life-long,enriched by your presence and strengthened by your grace;may they bring comfort and confidence to each other in faithfulness and trust.Lord of life and love:May the hospitality of their home bring refreshment and joy to all around them.4.Giving of the bride by her father or friendv“A I give my daughter B freely to you.I charge you to care for her,love her and protect her and make provision for her.Will you keep her always as the first love in your life?Do you so promise?vThe Bridegroom responds,“I will”.5.The PromisesvThe minister asks the Bridegroom:“A,will you take B to be your wife in Christian marriage?Will you love her,comfort her,honour and protect her,in times of prosperity and health,and in times of trouble and suffering,and be faithful to her as long as you both shall live?”vThe Bridegroom replies:“I will.”vThe minister says to the Bride:“B,will you take A to be your husband in Christian marriage?Will you love him,comfort him,honour and protect him,in times of prosperity and health,and in times of trouble and suffering,and be faithful to him as long as you both shall live?”vThe Bride replies:“I will.”6.The Vows(Legal requirement)vThe Bridegroom/Bride says:v“I call upon these persons here present to witness that I,Full name of the bridegroom/Bride,do take thee,Full name of bride/bridegroom to be my lawful wedded wife/husband in accordance with Gods holy will,to have and to hold from this day forward,for better,for worse,for richer,for poorer,in sickness and in health,to love and to cherish till death us do part.This is my faithful promise and in the presence of God I make this vow.”v新郎/新娘 我希望在座的各位见证,我_,娶你_,做我的合法妻子/丈夫。我愿对你承诺,从今天开始,无论是顺境或是逆境,富有或贫穷,健康或疾病,我将永远爱你、珍惜你直到地老天长。我当着上帝的面做此忠实的承诺。7.The Giving of the Ring or Ringsv“God our Father,from all eternity you love us;Lord Jesus Christ,in love you came among us;Holy Spirit,you gave us love as your greatest gift.Bless the giving and receiving of this ring/these rings,symbol(s)of unending love and faithfulness and reminder(s)of the promises made this day.We ask it in your Name which is above every Name,the Name of Jesus.Amen.”8.DeclarationvThe minister joins their right hands together and addresses the congregation.vA and B have declared before God and before you that they will live together in Christian marriage;they have made sacred promises to each other,and have symbolised their marriage today by joining hands and by the giving and receiving of a ring/rings.I therefore by the authority granted to me as a minister of Jesus Christ I pronounce them to be husband and wife,in the name of God,the Father,Son,and Holy Spirit.Whom God has joined together,let no one separate.Amen.中西方婚姻的基础v中国的婚姻以生育为基础,西方的婚姻以性爱为基础。v中国婚姻重家庭责任,西方婚姻重个人感情。v西方人结婚,是个人的权利,中国人结婚,却是家庭的一种义务。Pride ParadesvPride parades for the LGBT community are events celebrating lesbian,gay,bisexual,and transgender(LGBT)culture.The events also at times serve as demonstrations for legal rights such as same-sex marriage.中西节日比较v中国传统节日源远流长、绚丽多姿,如春节、元宵节、清明节、端午节、七夕节、中秋节、重阳节等。这些节日是社会发展到一定阶段,人类群体在社会生活中约定俗成的产物,与天文、历法、民族思维方式、民间信仰、文化心理等有着密不可分的关系。v西方的传统节日大多是建立在宗教尤其是基督教文化之上的。从英语辞源学上看,“节日”(holiday/holyday)一词本来就是“神的日子”,或者“献身宗教的日子”。中西节日的差别v一、节日娱乐中狂欢的内敛与狂放一、节日娱乐中狂欢的内敛与狂放v二、宗教信仰的世俗化与神圣化二、宗教信仰的世俗化与神圣化v三、集体意识与个性追求三、集体意识与个性追求v四、饮食文化与精神文化四、饮食文化与精神文化


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