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Research Paper Writing,ZOE,Requirements: paper related,Topic Selecting Background Reading Note Taking Focus Statement Outline First Draft Final Draft,Class 1,Picking an A+ Topic,Part 1,What Is a Research Paper?,What is a research paper?,It is a paper that: presents an original approach to some academic topic, organized around a central thesis, using insights based on research, and citing sources in a scholarly fashion.,The length of a research paper,Scholarly magazines or journals very short, 3-5 pages in length PhD thesis hundreds of pages Required paper 10-15 pages, 20 pound space, 4000-5000 words,Why Is Learning to Write a Research Paper Important?,The ability to do research and use it intelligently in writing is a basic tool of any educated person. In todays “knowledge economy”, more and more people are using research skills in their daily work. Understanding how to analyze, evaluate, criticize, combine, and draw conclusions from information sources is crucial to everyday decisions.,Part 2,From Subject to Topic,FOUR KEY ELEMENTS,subject topic question thesis,FOUR KEY ELEMENTS,SUBJECT a very broad categorya general area of interestusually assigned by your teacher TOPIC more specific focus within the general subjectdeveloped by the student the narrower, the better does your research paper describe a topic area that can be covered adequately and interestingly in just 10-15 pages? QUESTION the best topics are build around intriguing questions THESIS states what you want to say about the topicyour conclusion based on your research and thought a strong thesis can usually be stated in a single sentence the sentence that states your thesis may appear in your final paper,More examples,SUBJECT William Faulkner (1897-1962 ) TOPIC The repetition of certain nouns in the sound and the fury QUESTION What is the function of repetition in the novel? THESIS The analysis shows that the repetition of certain nouns in the novel is expressive in that it gives emphasis or emotive heightening to the repeated meaning and theme, thus striking the reader as having some deliberate and unique artistic values in the novel and reinforce the theme of the novel with an artistic touch.,More examples,SUBJECT Second language acquisition TOPIC Learner error analysis QUESTION How did spell and grammar checkers change the error patterns in college students English writing exercises? THESIS Statistical analysis from data collected shows that spell checkers significantly improve students spelling but grammar checkers do not function the same way.,I. 英语学术论文的性质,英语学术论文是指用英语撰写的自然科学和社会科学的著作,既可指用于发表的科技论文和报告,也可指非正式发表的实验报告和方案,各类科技情报和文字资料,科技使用手册;也包括大学本科生、研究生的学期论文和毕业论文。,II.课程论文,学年论文,学位论文,课程论文(course work essay):本科生在高年级阶段就各类专业课程或选修课程所提交的小论文。写法随意,简单明了,围绕所学课程,就任课老师布置的问题或自己所发现的问题发表一些见解和观点 学年论文(term paper):大学高年级阶段在有经验的教师指导下完成的为获取学分的论文。属于比较正规的论文写作。要求学生在已有知识的基础上稍稍深入研究一些专业性的问题,并力所能及地提出一些新见解,新观点,新认识等,在行文写法方面逐渐走向规范。 学位论文(毕业论文): 完成四年的学业时,按照一定的要求,就本学科的某一学术问题撰写论文,并就论文所研究的问题进行程序性的学术答辩。,学士论文的主要特点,专业性 科学性:选题合理,数据资料翔实,结论正确,表述逻辑严谨,方法科学 学术性 (理论性):运用理论正确,具备论文的论点,论据和论证。围绕论文主论题,分论题,中心论点筛选论据,论文要有必要的论述和论证,能合理地引经据典,文中能恰到好处地运用专业理论和最新理论。 规范性 (格式) 创新性(要求较低),评价学士论文的方法,1、 书面审阅。 2、公开答辩。是评审学术论文价值的常见方式。可以集思广义,修改充实,提高论文质量。是在书面审阅后的一种答辩评价。一般侧重于: 1) 论文中是否有阐述不清、重点不突出的; 2)论文中是否有重大遗漏、失误的; 3)对论文涉及的创造性问题有无更充分的材料; 4)论文涉及的学科范围内基础知识的深度、广度是否牢固。,学士论文的结构,Title Abstract Acknowledgements Contents List of tables and figures (if any) Introduction Main body Conclusion Bibliography Appendices ( if any),17,Language Features,1) 词汇特色 在词汇表达上,英语学术论文用词规范、严谨;多倾向于使用正式语体的词语,除非出于修辞效果上的考虑,一般不用俚、俗语,力求给人以持重感,避免流于谐谑、轻诮;较多使用专业化技术词汇。为摆脱句子冗长、结构盘结之弊,学术英语重简明、畅达,重条理性、纪实性和充分的论据,它强调论理的客观性,不主张作者表露个人的感情,倡导在论证中排除感情因素,尽其“解释”而非“感召”之功能,因而用词正式,多使用中性词、非人格化的词,1)使用词的完整形式,避免使用省略形式:使用do not 而非dont; will not 而非wont; it is / it has而非its;there is 而非theres; they have 而非 theyve,等。 2)使用正式或标准词,避免使用不正规或非标准的词或词组,诸如口语、俚语和忌讳性的词组: 用Cannot tolerate it 代替 cant hack it; 用I do not have any idea代替 I dont have a clue; 用please go away 代替 flake off. 3)使用具体的词和词组,避免使用模糊或不确切的术语:避免使用 bit, thing, stuff 等词。,4) 尽量选用单词的首要含义,避免利用单词不常见、不正式或文学含义的词:例如: a) 表示原因时,避免使用具有较强时间含义的 “since” 来代替 “because”。 劣:Since solvent reorganization is a potential contributor, the selection of data is very important. 优:because solvent reorganization is a potential contributor, the selection of data is very important. b) 用“and” 或 “or” 时含义要明确,避免用斜线符号(/)。 劣:hot / cold extremes will damage the samples. 优:hot and cold extremes will damage the samples.,21,5) 避免使用双重否定表达法。如: 劣:this reaction is not uncommon. 优:this reaction is common; 或: this reaction is rare; 或: this reaction occurs about 40% of the time. 6) 注意起修饰、限制作用单词的位置。 例如: only the largest group was injected with the test compound. (表示no other group). the largest group was injected with only the test compound. (表示no other compounds). the largest group was only injected with the test compound. (表示not give the compound in any other way). the largest group was injected with the only test compound. (表示no other test compounds),2019/4/4,22,7)常用词汇专业化 (Professionalized terms)学术写作的用词具有高度术语性,其专业术语多来源于拉丁语和希腊语。他们的意义比较稳定,利于精确地表达概念。,8) 使用中性词 避免使用 “man”,代之以 “people“, “humans”, “human beings”, “human species”, 等。例如: 劣:Mans search for beauty and truth has resulted in some of his greatest accomplishments. 优:The search for beauty and truth has resulted in some of our greatest accomplishments. 同样,根据表达需要用“workers”, “staff”, “work force”, “labor”, “crew” “employees”, “personnel” 等代替“manpower”; 用“synthetic”, “artificial”, 等代替“manmade”. 避免使用 “he”, “his”, “he or she”, “his or her”等,代之以 “they”, “theirs”, “we”, “us”, “ours”, 等; 尽量不使用第一人称代词“I” 和第二人称代词 “you”,若不能避免,用第三人称指示性的词如 “the writer”, “the present author” 等。如: 劣:The principal investigator should place an asterisk after his name 优:Principal investigator should place an asterisk after their names,2019/4/4,24,9) 使用非人格化的词 (depersonalization) 在学术写作中,作者一般都极力避免在表达一种意见或观点时带有个人色彩,而尽量使用非人格化的词汇。 例如: it can be seen that, 而不使用 you can see that it is commonly believed that, 而不使用 I believe 其它表达如:it is argued; it is found through research / research has found / studies have revealed; it is estimated; it is contended, 等等。,2)句法特色 学术论文句子结构较复杂,句型变化及扩展样式多。文章的逻辑性较强,具体体现在: 动词一般现在时和被动态的出现频率较高,多使用陈述句和复杂句,一般不使用祈使句、反意问句和感叹句;很少使用夸张、拟人、借代、比喻等修辞手段。多数使用完全句,很少使用省略句。较多地使用形式主语it引导的句式和用that 引导的主语从句;较多使用非谓语动词形式。另外,主从复合句、同位语、插入语地使用频率也较高,1. 复杂句和长句(complex sentences) 有时,论文写作中被描述的问题较复杂,需要使用复合句来清楚地表达,因此,各类复合句和长句在学术论文中出现的频率也较高。例如: Debt is distinguishable from the above two categories, which together comprise “equity”, in that the corporation must repay the debt holders contribution within a certain time and debt holders are entitled to regular payment of fixed interest rather than to such dividends as the directors may declare. 句中which引起的非限制性定语从句, in that引起的状语从句以及such as 引起的定语从句,2.大量使用被动语态 由于学术英语以叙述某一过程、强调事实为主,句子的重点往往不在于“谁做”而在于“做什么”和“怎样做”,因此动作的执行者常处于无关紧要的地位,而且,作者在占重要语法成分的主语中可放入大量的信息。例如: At welding temperature, the metal sheets apply the pressure, thus it squeezes out the oxide film, and any impurities which are trapped between the sheets, and makes the weld. At welding temperature, a strong pressure is applied to the metal sheets, thus the oxide film and any impurities which are trapped between the sheets, are squeezed out, and the weld is made. which is better?,3. it句型及结构 (it + be + adj./participle (分词) + that clause) 学术论文重客观事实,强调论理的客观性,不主张作者表述中带有个人主观色彩,在文献回顾、结果讨论等部分常常使用it句型及结构。例如: It was shown that nitrite(亚硝酸盐) could be substituted for nitrate (硝酸盐) in the cure solution with the production of a more uniform and completely satisfactory product in a shorter period of time. It is apparent that the behavior of a fluid flowing through a pipe is affected by the viscosity of the fluid and the speed at which it is pumped.,4. 非谓语动词的大量使用 非谓语动词在学术论文写作中的大量运用是为了减少时间从句或表示时间的句子的使用,从而达到行文更紧凑地效果。例如: Weapon is associated with violence in the mind of English spoken people, referring to the tools which could do harm to others from knives to missiles, while arms are just the fighting tools of soldiers. The students of experimental group and control group participating in this experiment were strictly confidential.,5 名词代替名词从句 有时,名词或名词短语可用来代替名词从句以达到确切、简洁的目的。例如: It is necessary to examine whether the new design is efficient. The examination of the efficiency of the new design is necessary.,6. 同位语及插入成分 在学术论文写作中,同位语可用来进一步说明前面某一名词的内容,使本位语的含意具体化;同样地,插入成分的运用也是为了进一步补充说明句子的含意,使表达更明确,清晰。 例如: The owners of the corporation, the shareholders, do not as a general ruler have any personal liability for corporate debts, so that their financial exposure is said to be “limited” to their investment in the corporation.,Literature reading,Sources of literature -encyclopedias -books -journals -Internet resources -unpublished papers,1. Titles,General functions,Generalize the Text Attracting the Reader Facilitating the Retrieval,Guidelines for titles,Be brief and concise Be Specific Avoid Question titles Be Standard,学术论文写作中英文标题特点 词汇结构 介词 on (towards /about) 研究,考察, On the translation theory and practice of Liu Zhongde 刘重德翻译理论和实践研究 On the scope meaning of other demonstrative pronoun 旁指代词的范围意义考察,学术论文写作中英文标题特点 词汇结构 名词 study 研究,比较,综述 A comparative study of abbreviations used in net news headlines in English and Chinese 英汉新闻标题中的缩略词对比研究,名词 approach, perspective 表示研究,试探,解释,包括了方式,方法,途径的含义,perspective表示角度,视角,从看 A syntactic causative approach to the English middle construction 英语中间结构句法致使生成研究 A functional linguistic perspective of translation quality assessment model 功能语言学视角的翻译质量评估模式,名词 analysis 分析,辨析, an analysis of Kou and Zui “口”、“嘴”辨析 调查(研究) needs analysis of EFL teacher development in Chinese universities 高校英语教师发展需求的调查与研究,的字结构的标题 Of /所有格 从属关系 In 特定的对象或范围 On 特定的领域或方向 For 某种特定的目的 And/冒号 解释说明,提出问题的步骤,阅读课题的相关文献, 与别人讨论,选定研究课题,缩小研究课题的范围,形成概括性问题 和具体问题,论文选题确定后,论文拟定要分析什么问题?解决什么问题? 论文提出了何种假设? 由于所有的论证都在一定的观点左右下进行,该论文的理论基础是什么? 为了论证论文的假设,需要提供哪方面的数据,证据或信息? 论文中的主要概念的定义是什么? 论文可能得出的结论是什么? 论文的结论有何隐含意义?,广告语言的间接性特点,1. 论文拟定要分析什么问题?解决什么问题? 要分析的是广告语言中的间接性特征.解决广告如何从语言的角度实现对受众的间接性暗示. 2. 论文提出了何种假设? 广告可以通过语言手段实现间接言语行为. 3. 由于所有的论证都在一定的观点左右下进行,该论文的理论基础是什么? 用运用言语行为理论中的间接言语行为理论为理论依据.,4. 为了论证论文的假设,需要提供哪方面的数据,证据或信息? 分别从词汇表达的间接性,句法的间接性以及修辞手法的间接性等方面收集证据. 5. 论文中的主要概念的定义是什么? 什么是言语行为,什么是间接言语行为 6. 论文可能得出的结论是什么? 广告可以运用多种语言手段实现间接言语行为. 7. 论文的结论有何隐含意义? 结论的意义是间接性表达可以促进广告被其受众接纳的程度.,欧盟绿色壁垒对我国纺织品出口的影响,1. 论文拟定要分析什么问题?解决什么问题? 要分析的是欧盟绿色壁垒对中国纺织品出口产生了什么影响?有利影响还是不利的影响?如何影响中国纺织品的出口? 2. 论文提出了何种假设? 欧盟绿色壁垒会对我国纺织品出口产生巨大影响,并且不利影响更多,中国要采取对策跨越绿色壁垒。 3. 由于所有的论证都在一定的观点左右下进行,该论文的理论基础是什么? 国际贸易中的壁垒相关理论及其他贸易理论,4. 为了论证论文的假设,需要提供哪方面的数据,证据或信息? 欧盟绿色壁垒欧盟绿色贸易壁垒的各种措施;欧盟绿色壁垒下,中国纺织品出口的各种变化相关的数据,实例(案例),体现受到的各方面影响 5. 论文中的主要概念的定义是什么? 什么是壁垒?什么是绿色贸易壁垒? 6. 论文可能得出的结论是什么? 欧盟绿色贸易壁垒对纺织品出口既有有利影响也有不利影响 7. 论文的结论有何隐含意义? 结论的意义是了解各种影响,然后可以针对各种影响,中国纺织品行业应该采取对策,电子商务给中国中小型外贸企业带来的机遇与挑战,电子商务给中国中小型外贸企业带来的机遇与挑战,1. 论文拟定要分析什么问题?(解决什么问题) 要分析的是电子商务会在哪些方面如何促进我国中小型外贸企业的发展? 电子商务环境发展外贸,企业面临什么样的问题(挑战),需要改进哪些方面? 2. 论文提出了何种假设? 电子商务会在许多方面促进中国中小型外贸企业的发展(机遇),但同时对企业提出更高的要求,企业也会面临各种问题与挑战。,3. 由于所有的论证都在一定的观点左右下进行,该论文的理论基础是什么? 电子商务理论,电子商务与国际贸易的关系相关理论 4. 为了论证论文的假设,需要提供哪方面的数据,证据或信息? 中国电子商务发展的信息,数据。电子商务环境下,中国对外贸易的发展数据与信息,中小型外贸企业对外贸易发展的数据与信息 (可作为比较的最近些年的数据),5. 论文中的主要概念的定义是什么? 什么是电子商务?电子商务环境下,国际贸易相关的概念? 6. 论文可能得出的结论是什么? 电子商务能从许多方面促进中小型企业对外贸易,但要从中获得发展,企业也会面临一些要解决的难题。 7. 论文的结论有何隐含意义? 结论的意义是了解了机遇挑战,企业能更好利用电子商务的环境发展对外贸易。,assignment: 根据自己的选题,形成自己的论文相关的问题。,1.论文拟定要分析什么问题?解决什么问题? 2.论文提出了何种假设? 3.由于所有的论证都在一定的观点左右下进行,该论文的理论基础是什么? 4.为了论证论文的假设,需要提供哪方面的数据,证据或信息? 5.论文中的主要概念的定义是什么? 6.论文可能得出的结论是什么? 7.论文的结论有何隐含意义?,Procedures for reviewing the literature,Constructing a working bibliography,A manual search A computer search,Determine the scope of,Long shots Medium shots Close-ups,Decide what is for detailed reading,When to read Why read,Summarize the information,Synopsis Comments,Long-shots,General theoretical framework of the issue to be studied,Medium shots,Empirical studies on the issue in general,Close ups,Empirical studies on the topic focus,确定文献阅读范围,远镜头 (又称 “背景式”综述)通常是给研究项目提供一般的研究框架(相关理论) 中镜头 主要与本课题相关的实证性研究(直接相关研究或论述) 特写镜头 (又称“前景式”综述) 注重研究项目的细节,是设计的基础(精确的研究与论述) 三种方式的区别:主要在于描述细节的程度不同,研究课题:了不起的盖茨比之原型阐释 远镜头: 有关文学的理论 中镜头:与该课题相关的理论研究或论述,比如原型阐述,对作者或作品的研究等 特写镜头:有关了不起的盖茨比的原型的研究,研究课题:欧盟绿色壁垒对我国纺织品出口的影响 远镜头:壁垒,绿色壁垒,国际贸易产品进出口相关理论阐述 中镜头:关于(欧盟)绿色壁垒的分析研究,关于中国纺织品出口的研究分析,关于欧盟与中国纺织品贸易的分析 特写镜头:关于欧盟绿色贸易壁垒对我国纺织品出口的影响一些具体分析研究,1鲁丹萍.国际贸易壁垒战略研究.北京:人民出版社,2006 2王金南,夏友富.绿色壁垒与国际贸易.北京:中国环境科学出版社,2002 3叶汝求.贸易与环境M.北京:中国环境科学出版社,2010 4 Brian R. Copeland, M. Scott Taylor. Trade and the Environment: theory and evidence,远镜头:壁垒,绿色壁垒,国际贸易产品进出口相关理论阐述,5.袁伟,贾建华.谈绿色贸易壁垒的新特征及对我国出口贸易的影响.商业时代,2011,(11):15 -18 6张英.欧盟绿色贸易壁垒新特点及对策研究.山东社会科学,2007,(8):70-72 7许佩玲.绿色贸易壁垒对我国纺织品服装出口的影响及策略研究D.硕士学位论文,北京服装学院,2008 8郭秀君 . 绿色壁垒对我国纺织品服装出口的影响与对策 J. 国际经贸探索. 2003 (5):71-74 9王平.绿色贸易壁垒对我国纺织品服装出口的影响及对策分析D.硕士学位论文,吉林大学,中镜头:与该课题相关的理论研究或论述,关于(欧盟)绿色壁垒的分析研究,关于中国纺织品出口的研究分析,关于欧盟与中国纺织品贸易的分析,10胡玉婷. 欧盟绿色壁垒对我国纺织品服装出口的影响及对策研究D.硕士学院论文,山东大学,2007 11刘蕴莹; 段平 . 欧盟绿色贸易壁垒对我国纺织品出口的影响和对策分析 J.经济师 ,. 2006年10期 12饶蕾.欧盟绿色壁垒对我国出口产品的影响分析 J, 环境保护 2005年03期,特写镜头:关于欧盟绿色贸易壁垒对我国纺织品出口的影响一些具体分析研究,研究课题:electronic commerce: opportunities and challenges for the small and middle-sized foreign trade enterprises电子商务给中国中小型外贸企业带来的机遇与挑战 远镜头: 有关电子商务与外贸的理论 中镜头:与该课题相关的理论研究或论述。比如中国电子商务发展的研究,电子商务与外贸发展的关系(影响)的分析研究,中小企业对外贸易的发展分析研究 特写镜头:与该课题精确相关的研究或论述。电子商务对中国中小型企业外贸的影响,问题或促进(机遇与挑战)的分析研究,【1】覃征等著.电子商务与国际贸易M. 人民邮电出版社, 2001 【2】严思忆主编.中小企业国际贸易实务M. 中国人民大学出版社, 1999 【3】汪尧田,章学拯主编.出口贸易与电子化实务M. 中国海关出版社, 2001 【4】章学拯编著.国际贸易电子化实务概论M. 中国海关出版社, 2003 【5】赵立平著.电子商务概论M. 复旦大学出版社, 2000,远镜头:有关电子商务与外贸的理论,6.贾芳琳,贺新宇. 电子商务的影响及我国外贸企业的战略抉择J. 商业研究. 2000(04) 7戴丹. 中国B2C电子商务企业营销策略研究D. 南京理工大学 2008 8健. 我国外贸企业电子商务发展现状及政策建议J. 国际商务(对外经济贸易大学学报). 1999(01) 9贾芳琳,贺新宇. 电子商务的影响及我国外贸企业的战略抉择J. 商业研究. 2000(04),中镜头:与该课题相关的理论研究或论述。比如中国电子商务发展的研究,电子商务与外贸发展的关系(影响)的分析研究,中小企业对外贸易的发展分析研究,10王宝东 电子商务在我国国际贸易中的应用和发展【D 天津师范大学, 2004 11路耀华. 我国电子商务当前存在的问题及发展策略J. 吉林大学社会科学学报. 2002(06) 12李爱勤. 制约我国电子商务快速发展的七大因素J. 情报杂志. 2002(09),中镜头:与该课题相关的理论研究或论述。比如中国电子商务发展的研究,电子商务与外贸发展的关系(影响)的分析研究,中小企业对外贸易的发展分析研究,13王为人. 电子商务与国际贸易及对中小外贸企业的影响D. 北京邮电大学 2006 14崔汝明; 电子商务对中小企业开展国际贸易的影响及实践探析D天津大学, 2007, 15 顾露露. 电子贸易中小企业出口贸易新方式J. 理论月刊. 2005(02),特写镜头:与该课题精确相关的研究或论述。电子商务对中国中小型企业外贸的影响,问题或促进(机遇与挑战)的分析研究,A. TAKING NOTES from some sources, you may need a few facts or statistics from other sources, you want some direct quotations or careful summary of whole paragraphs, sections or even chapters or you may simply jot down a sentence or two describing and briefly evaluating the content,Literature reading,SUGGESTIONS TO FACILITATE NOTE TAKING Read through the article or chapter rapidly to see what it contains for your purpose. then go over it again, this time taking notes. In taking notes, distinguish between the authors facts and his opinions. Also distinguish carefully between direct quotation and summary,Distinguish between what you take from a source and comments of your own. Selective note taking. if its your own book, underline or highlight the important parts. Global note takingidentifying main purposes and functions. read the title and the introduction of a text.,Identifying main and subsidiary information which can be in linear form or non-linear form. Using symbols and abbreviations, e.g. etc. no. Producing a diagrammatic skeleton,Adding to the skeleton, leaving space for addition of information Mind map Note cards. one point one card, one side only. Information includes heading, identification of source, page or line reference, and personal comments on the material.,Tips on note-taking,-documenting resources -being thorough and concise -putting one item on one card,The importance of beliefs about language learning: beliefs have been recognized as “one area of individual learner differences that may influence the processes and outcomes of second/foreign language learning /acquisition” (Kalaja & Barcelos, 2003, p.1 ) Kalaja, p. & Barcelos,A.M.F. (eds.) 2003. beliefs about SLA: new research approaches. Netherlands: Kluwer academic publishers.,Heading of the note,The body of the note with Ideas, information or quotations,Documentation,Types of note taking (1) Direct quotation notes e.g. “The conventionalization of tense uses in writing needs to be exemplified and discussed to illustrate that in writing, tenses are not always used to reflect the time of events objectively (and factually accurately)” (p.189) E. Hinkel & S. Fotos (eds.) new perspectives on grammar teaching in second language classrooms (pp. 181-198). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum associates.,(2) paraphrase notes According to long, the role of environment in language acquisition is not direct, but indirectly performed via l2 learners selective attention and their developing l2 language processing capacity. (p. 414) Long, M. H. (1996). the role of the linguistic environment in second language acquisition. in W. C.Ritchie & T. K. Bhatia (eds.), Handbook Of Second Language Acquisition (pp. 413468). New York: ACADEMIC PRESS.,(3) summary notes Swain and Lapkin (1998) took a sociocultural perspective on interaction and development processes. They examined data from eighth-grade students in a French immersion classroom who were engaged in a jigsaw task, and they presented an in-depth analysis of language-related “episodes,” which they define as instances in which the speakers focus is on the language being produced. One dyad from their database was singled out to demonstrate how the mental processes (e.g., hypothesis generation, hypothesis testing, and extension of knowledge) involved in dialogic communication mediate actual learning. Pretest-posttest comparisons were made to explore ways in which knowledge may be gained through interaction and may in some cases extend to new sl contexts. Swain, M., & Lapkin, s. (1998). Interaction and Second Language Learning: Two Adolescent French Immersion Students Working Together. the Modern Language Journal, 82(3), 320-337.,(4) combination notes In fact, few studies involve investigations into the stability of beliefs and effects of instructional interventions. Whites (1999) longitudinal study found that “the novice distance learners had developed particular expectations about self-instruction which they further revised and modified as they gained experience in the new context” (p.454). Peacock (2001) investigated changes in the beliefs about language learning held by 146 trainee ESL teachers over their 3-year program at the city university of Hong Kong but no significant changes were found. White, c. (1999). expectations and emergent beliefs of self-instructed language learners. system, 27:443-457. Peacock, M. (2001). pre-service ESL teachers beliefs about second language learning: a longitudinal study. system, 29, 177-195.,Avoiding plagiarism,Plagiarism is “the use of facts, opinions and language taken from another writer without acknowledgement” (Ding & Wu, 1983,p.151),Forms of plagiarism -paraphrases with no citation -misplaced citations,questionnaire survey,-Are used mostly to collect data on phenomena which are not easily observed, such as attitudes, motivation, and self-concepts -Also used to obtain background information about the research subjects, such as age, previous experience in language learning, number of languages spoken, and years of studying the lang. -Often used in combination with interviews,(1). Likert Scales,(2). Semantic Differential Scales,(3). Numerical rating scales 1=very difficult 2=relatively difficult 3=relatively easy 4=very easy Research methodology is _.,(4). Other types -True-false items -Multiple-choice items -Rank order items,interviews,Interview is like marriage: everybody knows what it is, an awful lot of people do it, and yet behind each closed door, there is a world of secrets. (Oakley, 1982,p.41, Richards, 2003, p.17),Interview types,(1) single /multiple sessions Single session: one-off event lasting about 30-60 minutes Multiple sessions: phenomenological inte


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