希腊罗马神话:Lecture 6 Venus(维纳斯)Aphrodite

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2.THE BIRTH OF APHRODITE荷马(approx.750-700 BC)hi:sid(approx.700 BC)(赫 西奥德)Theogony i:gni 神谱ju:rnsout of surf onto landnAphrodite the name means“born from the sea foam”(从海里的泡沫诞生)nOne epithet(绰号)of Aphrodite is Aphrodite Urania,which means the daughter of Uranus or Aphrodite the heavenly(天上的阿芙洛狄忒)Ishtar(伊什塔尔),Goddess of love,procreation,fertility and war in ancient Babylonia (巴比伦)nCalled Ashtart(or Astarte,阿斯塔尔特)in Phoenicia(todays Lebanon 黎巴嫩)nLater spread to ancient Greece through 3.THE ORIGIN OF APHRODITEISHTAR(伊什塔尔),GODDESS OF LOVE,PROCREATION,FERTILITY,WAR IN ANCIENT BABYLONIA (巴比伦)CYTHERA1)Sacred plants&animalsnPlants:myrtle(桃金娘),apple-tree,rose,poppyn Animals:dove,swan(swan-drawn chariot),swallow,sparrow2)Symbolsnmagic cestus sests(腰带),an embroidered girdle(腰带)that,in both gods and men,aroused passion for the wearer 4.ATTRIBUTES OF APHRODITEMARS AND VENUS CAUGHT IN THE NET AND SHOWN BY VULCAN TO THE GODSnAnd now to Hermes spoke the son of Zeus,Apollo:”O Hermes,son of Zeus,guide,giver of good things,would you not like,though loaded down with heavy bonds,to lie in bed by golden Aphrodite?”nThen answered him the guide,the Speedy-comer:”though thrice as many bonds,bonds numberless,should hold me fast,and all you gods and goddesses should come and see,would I might lie by golden Aphrodite!”nBut Poseidon did not laugh;he earnestly entreated(请求)Hephaestus,the great craftsman,to loosen Ares.nThen said to him the famous strong-armed god:”Poseidon,girder(大梁)of the land,ask not for this.From triflers(吊儿郎当的人),even pledges in the hand are trifles.How could I hold you bound before the immortal gods,if Ares should evade(规避)both debt and bond and flee?”nThen said to him the earth-shaker,Poseidon:”Hephaestus,even if Ares does evade the debt and flee,still I myself will pay.”How to interpret this myth?nIt is quite ironic that the goddess of love cant arrange her own marriagenIt reflects peoples attitude toward adultery(通奸)in the societynIn ancient Greece,girls marriage were often arranged by parents or other guardian(保护人)when they were very young.The males family usually must give money gift to the females.nHelios revealed the affair to Hephaestus,which made Aphrodite very angry,so she avenged him by cursing his daughter Pasipha(帕西格)psifi,wife of Minos in Crete,who madly fell in love with a bull and gave birth to Minotaur,and her daughter Phaedra fi:dr.APHRODITE&ARESnAfter the divorce from Hephaestus,Aphrodite lived together with Ares.nA daughter named Harmonia(哈尔摩尼亚),wife of Cadmus,was born from Aphrodites adulterous affair with Ares.Hephaestus cursed the girl and her descendants(后代)by presenting her with a cursed necklace as a wedding gift.nHarmonias necklace-不祥之物,会给人带来厄运的东西nHarmonia nErosnDeimos(representing dread,惧怕之神得摩斯)nPhobos(representing horror,恐怖之神福波斯)CHILDREN OF APHRODITE&ARESVENUS,MARS,CUPIDAPHRODITE&HERMESnHermes was stirred by Aphrodites beauty and fell in love with her,and when she permitted no favours,became greatly downcast(情绪低落的),as if in disgrace.nZeus pitied him,and when Aphrodite was bathing in the river he sent an eagle to take her sandal(凉鞋)away and give it to Hermes.nAphrodite,in seeking for it,came to him who loved her,and so they fall in love.nShe bore him a son named Hermaphroditus h:mfrdaits(赫马佛洛狄忒斯)by Hermes,with both sexes;HERMAPHRODITUS H:MFRDAITS(赫马佛洛狄忒斯)APHRODITE&DIONYSUS Hymen haimn and Priapus praieips(男性生殖神)by Dionysus.While Hymen was worshipped as the god of marriage,the monstrously ugly Priapus represented human lust.hymen n.处女膜,婚姻之神 priapus,men with strong sexual desire;n priapic,adj.prapk overly concerned with masculinity and male sexuality;崇拜男性生殖器的n priapism n.prapzm 阴茎持续勃起症;淫荡行为nPriapitis prapats 阴茎炎阴茎炎NERITES SnA young Sea-God,son of Nereus(涅柔斯),who was the very first love of Aphrodite.When he refused to leave the sea to join her on Olympus,she transformed him into a shell-fish(贝壳)for his betrayal.nNerite,蜒螺POSEIDON&APHRODITEnPOSEIDON had an affair with Aphrodite who was grateful for his support following the revelation of her adulterous relationship with Ares.She bore him two daughters Rhodos and Herophilos.nAnchises(安喀塞斯),a handsome mortal Trojan n Aphrodite seduced Anchises by tricking him into believing that she was a mortal.nTheir son was Aeneas ini:s(埃涅阿斯),the great hero of the Romans,the founder of the nation of Italy.Aphrodite and Anchises kaisi:znAphrodite sheltered Adonis as a new-born baby and entrusted him to Persephone.The latter was also taken by Adonis beauty and refused to give him back to Aphrodite.The dispute(争议)between the two goddesses was settled by Zeus:Adonis was to spend one-third of every year with each goddess and the last third wherever he chose.He chose to spend two-thirds of the year with Aphrodite.THE BIRTH OF ADONISTHE DEATH OF ADONISANEMONE NEMNI(银莲花),FROM THE BLOOD OF ADONISTHE ORIGIN OF ADONISnAdonis(Phoenician“lord”),in Greek mythology,the god of beauty and desire,is a figure with Northwest Semitic(闪族语的)antecedents,where he is a central figure in various mystery religions.nFrom Tammuz(塔木兹)or Baal(巴力),deity of rebirth and vegetation in Phoenicia,whose consort was Ashtart(or Astarte,阿斯塔尔特)WORSHIP OF ADONISnWomen in Athens would plant“gardens of Adonis”quick-growing herbs that sprang up from seed and died.The Festival of Adonis was celebrated by women at midsummer by sowing fennel(茴香)and lettuce(莴苣),and grains of wheat and barley(大麦).The plants sprang up soon,and withered quickly,and women mourned for the death of the vegetation god(植物神).PYGMALION PIGMEILJN(皮格马利翁)n a king of Cyprus,a sculptor,who hated women and sexn carved an ivory(象牙)statue of astonishing beauty,so realistic that he fell in love with his creationnPrayed to Venus that his ivory maiden would become his wife.nThe goddess granted his wish and the son of Pygmalion and Galatea glti(it means“sleeping love”)was Paphos,after whom Venus favorite city in Cyprus was named.(Pygmalion by George Bernard Shaw)MY FAIR LADY(窈窕淑女)PYGMALION AND GALATEA I:THE HEART DESIRES PYGMALION AND GALATEA II:THE SOUL ATTAINSnPygmalion Effect“皮格马利翁效应”或“毕马龙效应”nthe phenomenon in which the greater the expectation placed upon people,often children or students and employees,the better they perform na form of self-fulfilling prophecy,and,in this respect,people will internalize their negative label,and those with positive labels succeed accordingly.nEcho,a nymph,who was fond of talking;She only could speak the last word,but had no power to speak first n Narcissus,a handsome youth,who disliked nymphs nA maiden uttered a prayer to the goddess“let him feel what it was to love and meet no return of affection”nHe saw his own image in the water and fell in love with himselfnHe pined away(憔悴)and diedEcho and Narcissus na:siss(那喀索斯)NARCISSUSECHO AND NARCISSUSNARCISSUS,GREW FROM HIS DEAD BODYNarcissist,自我陶醉者Narcissistic,自我陶醉的Narcissitic disorder 自恋情结CONCLUSIONnAphrodite earned her reputation for frivolity(轻薄)and promiscuity(乱交)through her affairs with Gods and mortal man,very powerful in her own field.nShe is considered as goddess of fertility,goddess of sexual love.nAphrodite,爱欲和情欲的代名词nAphrodisia n.frdz 性欲旺盛性欲旺盛nAphrodisiac n.frdzik 春药春药n adj.引起性欲的引起性欲的nvenereal vnril adj.性爱的,性病的nVenery venr n.性欲,性交性欲,性交nCyprian siprin adj.塞浦路斯的,淫塞浦路斯的,淫荡的荡的nCythera 美女芳踪常往之地nVictims of Aphrodite:Helen of the Sparta nAphrodite helped many heroes in finishing their tasks,for example,Ariadne helped Thesus to kill Minotaur,Medea helped Jason to gain the Golden fleece till 5 cen B.C.)wingedequipped with a bow and a quiver(箭袋)full of love arrows nCupids arrow/dart 丘比特之箭,爱情nCupids bow,the double curve of the upper lip when considered to resemble Cupids bow 美丽的弓形嘴唇nCupid shoots so trim 丘比特射箭很准,月老牵绳nTo play cupid 做媒nCupidity,extreme greed for material wealth 贪婪,贪欲APHRODITE&EROS1st c.BC marble from Pompeii n Cupid and Psychen Psyche was so beautiful that Venus was jealous.n Cupid fell in love with her.n Cupid visited her every night at a magnificent palace but never showed her his face.n Four impossible tasks n got married and gave birth to a child called “Pleasure”n Psyche means“soul”,an allegory of the union of the human soul with the divine.CUPID AND PSYCHEnBut who was thou,O happy,happy dove?n His Psyche true!n -John Keats Ode to Psychenpure as Psyche 形容女子很美,美若西施nPsychic adj.精神的,通灵的nPsychics n.心理学,心灵学,通灵的人nPsychological adj.心理学的nPsychiatry n.精神病学nPsychoneurosis saknjrssn精神神经病


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