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Floating HouseMovie Fan News presents: Spotlight on “Adventure”What you are now withnessing is footage never before seen by civilized humanity, a lost world in South America, lurking in the shadow of Majestic Paradise Falls its full of plants and animals undiscovered by science. Who would dare set foot on this inhospitable summit? Why, our subject today, Charles Muntz. The beloved explorer lands his dirigible, “The Spirit of Adventure”, into Hampshire, this week, completing a year long expedition to the lost world. This mighty aircraft was designed by Charles Muntz himself and is longer than 22 throw edition petty waggons placed end to end. And here comes the adventurer now. Never-apart from his faithful dogs, Muntz conceived the craft for the canine comfort. Its a veritable flouting palace in the sky complete with doggy baths and mechanical canine walker. And Jiminy Cricket! To the locals hes considered a business and hero! And how! Adventure is out there! But what has Muntz brought back this time? Gentlemaen, I give you the Monster of Paradise Falls! And gully, what a swell monster this is! But whats this ? Scientists cry “Foul!” The National Explorers Society accused Muntz of fabricating the skeleton. No! The organizatin strips Muntz of his membership. Humiliated, Muntz vows to Paradise Falls and promised to capture the beast alive. I promise to capture the beast alive! And I will not come back until I do! And so, the explorers off to clear his name. Bon voyage, Charles Muntz! And good luck capturing the Monster of Paradise Falls! Heres Charles Muntz, piloting his famous dirigible. He hurdles Pikes Peak. He hurdles the Grand Canyon. He hurdles Monunt Everest! He goes around Mount Everest! Is there nothing the cannot do? Yes, as Muntz himself said “Adventure” “is out there!” Look out! Mount Rushmore! Lets get “The Spirit of Adventure” over Mount Rushmore!Come on, make an effort! How are my dogs doing? Spirit Of Adventure All engines ahead, lets take her up to 26000 feet! Rudder 18 degrees towards South! Its a beautiful day. The wind blows from the east at 10 knots. Visiility unlimited. Enter the weather in the log bok! There is something down there. I will bring it back for science! Its a puppy! Muntz Aloft: Breaks 43976 Feet Altitude Record. What are you doing? Don you know this is an exclusive club? Only explorers get in here, not just any kid off the street with a helmet and a pair of goggles! You think you got what it takes? Do you? I All right, youre in! Welcome aboard! Whats wrong? Cant you talk? Hey, I dont bite. You and me, we are in a club now! I saw where your baloon went. Come on, Lets go get it! My name is Ellie. There it is! Well to ahead. Go on. Hey, kid! I thought you might need a little cheering up. I got something to show you! I am about to let you see something I have never shown to another human being. Ever in my life! You have to swear you will not tell anyone! Cross your heart! Do it! My Adventure Book! You know him. Charles Muntz, explorer. When I get big, I m going where hes going. South America. Its like America, but South. Wander where Im gonna live? Paradise Falls. A land lost in time. I ripped this right out of a library book! Im gonna move my club house there! And park it right next to the falls. Who knows what lives up there! And once I get there I m gonna save all these pages for all the adventures Im gonna have.Only I just dont know how Im gonna get to Paradise Falls. Thats it! You can take us there in a blimp! Swear youll take us there! Cross your heart! Cross it! Cross your heart! Good, you promised. No backing out! Will, see you tomorrow, kid. Bye! Adventure is out there! You know, you dont talk very much. I like you. Quite a sight, hey, Ellie? Mail is here. Shady Okas, Retirement Village, oh, brother! Hey, good morning, Mr. Fredricksen. Need any help there? No. Yes. Tell your boss over there that you boys are ruining our house. Well ,just to let you known, my boss will be happy to take this whole place off your hand. And would double his last offer. What do you say to that? Ill take that as a no, then. I believe I made my position to your boss quite clear. You poured prune juice in his gas tank. Yeah, that was good! Here let me talk to him. You, in the suit. Yes, you! Take a bath, hippie! I am not with him! This is serious! Hes out to get your house! Tell your boss he can have our house. Really? When Im dead! Ill take that as a “maybe”. Order now: you get the camera, you get the printer, 4X optical zoom. Schneider Lens. Photo printSD card. Good afternoon. My name is Russell and I am a wilderness explorer in tribe 54, squad lodge 12. Are you in need of any assistance today, sir? No. I could help you cross the street. No. I could help you cross your yard? No. I could help you cross your porch. No. Well, I gotta help you cross something. No, Im doing fine. Good afternoon. My name is Russal. And I am a wilderness explorer in tribe 54. Slow down Squad lodge 12. Kid! Thank you, but I dont need any help. Are you in need of any assistance ? Thank you, But I dont need any help! Aouch. Proceed. Good afternoon. Skip to the end! See these? These are my wilderness explorer badged. You may notice one is missing. Its my “Assisting the elderly badge”. If I get it, Ill become a senior wilderness explorer! The wilderness must be explored! Its gonna be great! There is a big ceremony and all the dads come and we pin on our badges So you wanna assist an old person. Yeah! Then Ill be a senior wilderness explorer! Have you ever heard of a “snipe”! “Snipe”! A Bird. Big eyes. Every night it sneaks into my yard and gobbles my poor azaleas. Im elderly and infirm. I cant catch it. If only someone could help me Me, me, Ill do it! I dont know, its awfully crafty. Youd have to clap your hands three times to lure it in. Ill find her, Mr. Fredricksen! I think its burrow is two blocks down Two bocks down. Got it! Snipe! Here, snipie, snipie Bring it back here when you find it! Snipe! And stop. Stop. Stop! Hey, hey! Hey, you! What do you think youre doing? I am so sorry, sir. Dont touch that! No, no, no, let me take care of that for you. Get away from our mailbox! Sir I dont want you to touch that! It ooks bad. (court summons) Sorry, Mr. Fredricksen. You dont seem like a pubic menace to me. Take this. The guys from “Shady Oaks” will be by to pick you up in the morning, Ok? What do I do now, Ellie? (My Adventure Book, Stuff Im going to do) Gook morning, gentlemen. Good morning, Mr. Fredricksen. Youre ready to go? Ready as Ill ever be. Woulk you do me the favour and take this? Ill meet you in the van in just a minute. I wanna say one last goodbye to old place. Sure. Take all the time you need, sir. Thats typical. Hes probably goning to the bathroom for the 80th time. Youd think hed take better care of his house. So long, boys! Ill send you a postcard from Paradise Fals! We are on our way, Ellie. Hi, Mr. Fredricksen. Its me, Russell. What are you doing out here, kid? I found th snipe and I followed it under your porch. But this snipe had a long tail and looked more like a large mouse. Please, let me in. No. Aw, all right. You can come in. Ive never been in a floating house before. Goggles Look at this stuff! Are you gong on a trip? “ Paradise Falls, a land lost in time”. Are you goning to South America, Mr. Fredricksen? Dont touch that! Youll soil it. You know, most people take a plane. But youre smart, because you have your TV, clocks and stuff. Oh, is this how you steer your house? Does it really work? This maked it turn right and that way is left. Hey, look! Buildings! That buildings so close, I can almost touch it! Wow, this is great! You should try this, Mr. Fredricksen. Look, theres a bus that could take me home two blocks away! Hey, I can see your house from here! Dont jerk around so much, kid! Well, thats not gonna work. I know that cloud, its a “cumulonimbus”. Did you know that a cumulonimbus Aaa, I stayed up all night blowing up ballonsfor what? Thats nice, kid. What are you doing over there? Look. See? Cumulonimbus. My bag! Got you! Uuu, I thought you were dead. What happened? I steered us. I did it! I steered the house. You steerd us? After you tied your stuff down, you took a nap. So I went ahead and steered us down here. Yeah, sure. I cant tell where we are. Oh, were in South America all right. It was a singe. I used my wildness explorer GPS. GPwhat? My dad give it to me. It shows exactly where we are on the planet. With this baby well never be lost. Oops. Well get you down, fing a bus stop, and youll just tell the man you want to get back to your mother. Sure, but I dont think they have bus in Paradise Falls. There, that ought to do it. There, Ill give you some shange for the bus fare. No, Ill just use my city bus pass. Its just gonna be like a billion passes to get back to my house. Mr. Fredricksen, how much longer? Well, were up pretty high. Itll take hours to get down. I think that was a building or something. What was that, Mr. Fedricksen? We cant be close to the ground yet. Wait, no, no! Wait, wait! Hang on! Pull back! Where where are we? This doesnt look like the city or the jungle, Mr. Fredrickese. Dont worry, Ellie. Ive got it. There it is! Ellie, its so beautiful! We made it! We made it! Russeall, we can float right over there. Climb up, climb up! Do you mean assist you? Yeah, whatever. Ok, Ill climb up! Watch it! Sorry. When you get up there, go ahead and hoist me up. Got it? Are you on the porch yet? What? Thats it? I came all this way here to get stuck on the wrong end of this rock pile? Ah great. Hey, if I could assist you over there would you sign up for my badge? What are you talking about? We coulk walk your house to the fall. Walk it? Yeah. After all we weigh it down, we could walk it right over there.like a parade ballon. Now, well walk to the falls quickly and quietly, with no rap music or flash dancing. We have three days at best till the helium leaks out of those ballons. And if we are not at the falls when that happens were not getting to the falls. There I found sand! Dont you worry, Ellie. Well get our house over there. It is fun already, isnt it? By the time we get there, youre gonna feel so assisted oh, Mr. Fredricksen, if we happen to get separated, use the wilderness explorer call. Wait, why are we going to Paradise Falls, again? Hey, lets play a game. Its called: “ See who can be quite the longest”. Cool! My mom loves that game! Damn thing come on, Russell, hurry it up. Ah, Im tired. My knee hurts. Which knee? My elbow hurts and I have to go to the bathroom. I asked you about that five minutes ago. I didnt have to go then! I dont wanna walk anymore please, stop Russell, if you dont hurry up, the tigers will eat you. There are no tigers in South America. Zoology. Ah, for the love of Pete Go on into the bushes and do your business. Ok. Here! Hold my stuff! Ive always wanted to try this. Mr. Fredricksen, am I suppose to dig the hole before or after? Thats none of my concern. Oh, its “before”! Tracks? Snipe. Here, snipe. Come on out, snipe. Snipe. Got you. Dont be afraid, little snipe. I am a wilderness explorer, so Im a friend to al of nature. Want some more? Hi, boy. Dont eat it all. Come on out. Come on. Come on dont be afraid, little snipe. Nice snipe. Good little snipe. Nice giant snipe! I found the snipe. Oh, did you? Are they tall? Oh, yes. Theyre very tall. Do they have a lot of colors? They do, indeed. Do they like chocolate? Oh, yeah Chocolate? What is that thing? Its a snipe. There no such thing as a snipe! But you said Go on, get out of here! Go! Careful, Russell. Look, Mr. Fredricksen, he likes me. Russell! No,stop! That tickles! Get out of there! Go on! Get! No,no,no. kevin, its ok. Mr. Fredricksen is nice. Kevin? Yes, thats the name I just gave him. Bit it, boo, scram! Hey, thats mine! Shoo, shoo! Get out of here! Go on, bit it! Can we keep him? Please? Ill get the food for him, Ill walk him, ill change his newspaper No. An explorer is a friend to all, be a plant, a fish or a tiny mole. That doesnt even rhyme. Yeah, it does. Hey, look, Keven. What? Hey, get down from there! Youre not allowed up there! You come down here right now! Can you believe this,Ellie? Ellie? Hey, Ellie, can I keep the bird? Aha. She said for you to let me. But I told him no. I told you no. N-O. I see you back there. Go on, get out of here! Shoo! Go annoy someone else for a while. Hey, are you ok over there? Hello? Oh, hello,sir. Thank Goodness. Its nice to know someone else is up here. I can smell you. What? You can smell us? I can smell you. Hey! You were talking to a rock. Hey, that one looks like a turtle. Look at that one! That one looks like a dog! Ah, it is a dog. What? Were ont allowed to have dogs in my appartment. Hey, I like dogs! We have your dog! I wonder who he belongs to. Dit, boy. Hey, look, hes trained!Shake.Aha. Speak. Hi, there. Did that dog just say “hi, there”? Oh, yes! My name is Dug. I just met you and I love you. My mastr make me this collar.He is a good and smart master and he make me this collar so that I may talk. Squirre! My master is good and smart. Its not possible. It is because my master is smart. Hey, cool! What do these do, boy? Would you cut Id use that collar I would be happy if you stopped. Russell, dont touch that. It could be radioactive or something. I am a great tracker. My master sent me on a special mission. All by myself. Have you seen a bird?i want to find one and Ive been on a scent.im a great tracker. Did I mention that? Hey, that is a bord. I have never seen one up close, but this is the bird. May I take your bird up to camp as my prisoner? Yes, yes, take it. And on the way, learn how to bark like a real dog. I can bark. and heres howling. Can we keep him, please? Please, please, please? No. But its a talking dog! Its just a weird trick or something. Lets get to the fall. Please, be my prisoner! Oh, please on, please, be my prisoner! Oh, here it is! I picked up the birds scent! Wait a minute, wait a minute. What is this? Chocolate. I smell chocolate. Im getting prunes and ginger cream. Who are they?oh, man, the master woll not be pleased. Wed better tell him someone took the bird, right, Alfa? No. Soon enough the bird will be ours again. Find the scent, my compadres, and you, too, shall have much rewarding from the master for the toil that you did. Hey, Alfa, I think theres something wrong with your collar. You must have broken it. Yeah. Your voice sounds funny. Beta, Delta! Perhaps you desire Squirrel! Perhaps you desire to challenge the right that I assigned by my srngth and cunning. No,no. No. but maybe Dug would. You might wanna ask him. I wonder if hes found the bird on his “very special mission”. Dont mention Dug to at this time. His fools errand will keep him most occupied Most occupied, indeed. Do you not agree with that which Im saying to you now? Sure. But the second the master finds out that you sent Dug out by hmself, none of us will get a treat. Youre unwise, my trusted lieutenaunt. This is Alfa. Calling Dug. Come in, Dug. Hi, Alfa. Your voice sounds funny. I know, I know! Have you seen the bird? Oh, yes. The bird in my prisoner now. yeah, right. Impossible. Where are you? I am here with the bird and I will bring it back and then you like me. Oh, gtta go. Dug, who are you talking to ? Wait, wait! What is Dug doing? Why is he with the small mailman? Where are they? There he is. Come on! Please, on, please, by my prisoner. Dug, stop bothering Kevin! That man over there says I can take the bird. And I love that man there like he is my master. I am not your master! I am warning you once again, bird! Hey, quit it! I am jumping on you now, bird! At this rate we will never get to the falls! Here, bird! I am nobodys master, got it? I dont want you here I dont want you here! Im stuck with you! If you two dont clear out of here by the time I count to three a ball! Oh, boy, oh, boy, a ball! Ball? You want a ball? Yes, I do ever so want the ball! Go get it! Oh, boy, I will get it and then bring it back! Quick, Russell, give me some chocolate. Why? Just give to me! Bird! Bird! Come on, Russell. Wait! Wait, Mr. Fredricksen! What are we doing? Hey, were pretty far now. Kevins gonna miss me. I think that did the treck. Hi, master. Afternoon. Well, thanks for keeping us dry, anyway, Ellie. Which one is the front? Well, boy is this step three or step five? Three. All done. Thats for you. Well, tents are hard. Wait, arent you super wilderness guy with the GPS and the badges? Yeah, but can I tell you a secret? No. All right. Here it goes. I never actually built a tent before. There! I said it. Youve been camping before, havent you? Well, never outside well, why didnt you ask your dad how to build a tent? I dont think he wants to talk about this stuff. Try him somethime, maybe hell surprise you. Hes away a lot, I dont see him much. Hes gontta be home sometime. I call, but Phyllis told me I bug him too much. Phyllis? You call your own mother by first name? Phyllis isnt my mom. Oh! But he promised hed come to my Explorers Ceremony to pin on my “Assisting the elderly badge”. So he can show me how about the tent then, right? Hey, why dont you get some sleep? We dont want to wake the travelling flea circus. Mr. Fredricksen, Dug ssys he wants to take Kevin prisoner. We have to protect him. Can kevin go with us? All right, he can come. Promise you wont leave him? Yeah. Cross your heart? Cross my heart. What have I got myself into, Ellie? Good morning, sweetheart. Wed better get moving. The birds gone. Maybe Russell wont notice. All right, everybody up! Wheres Kevin? Hes wandered off! Kevin! Dug, find Kevin! Kevin! Find the bird, find the bird! Point! Oh, look! There he is point! Hey, thats my food! Get off my roof! Yeah, get off of his WROOF. What is he doing? The bird is calling to her babies. Her babies! Kevin is a girl? Her house is over there, on those twisty rocks. Shes been gathering food for her babies and must get back to them. Wait, Kevin is just leaving. But you promised to protect her. Her babies need her. We gotta make sure theyre together. Sorry, Russell. Weve lost enough time already. Yeah it was her favorite chocolate. Because you sent her away, theres more for you. Kevin? Kevin? Wheres the bird? You said you had the bird! Oh, yes, on, yes. Since I had said that I can see how you would think that. Where is it? Oh, tomorrow. Come back bomorrow and then I will again have the bird. Yes. You lost it. Why do I not have a surprised feeling? Well, at keast you now have led us to the small mailman and


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